House passes bill overturning Obamacare

I feel like I'll be labeled one of the Freeloaders because, now that I'm unemployed and can't afford COBRA, I may have to use medicaid if something doesn't come along soon enough.

I'm sorry to hear the Obama economy got you.

I hope you find work soon.

I just took a stupid pill and got fired.

But we'll see how this wonderful economy does in getting me hired
oh well, they shouldn't do what THE PEOPLE are demanding they do

instead we the people should just "bend" over for this takeover of our health care by this administration and what it is GOING TO COST US

as far as I'm concerned, the money to fight this monster is well WORTH IT

What about "THE PEOPLE" who voted for and elected President Obama and the Democratic majorities in congress so they would put healthcare reform in place?

When you refer to "THE PEOPLE", who are you referring to? Those with a "-R" after their name? The 1%'ers? Those who somehow think that no healthcare is better than minimal healthcare? I'm a person, I vote, and I think that healthcare is a basic human right. JMHO
of course you will, by people in your own party...

here's what political chic says you should do before grabbing fed gvt help when u r down and out...

Utter nonsense. Every person in this thread has voiced support for a safety net, No one has demanded people be starved or old people be ground into dog food. That hooey is just demagoguery by your party.
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all 20 million are freeloaders?......then you wonder why people with your mindset are just so respected today....ANYBODY today can have something happen and lose their job and Ins and become one of those 20 million....if it was you.....would you consider yourself a freeloader?.....

I feel like I'll be labeled one of the Freeloaders because, now that I'm unemployed and can't afford COBRA, I may have to use medicaid if something doesn't come along soon enough.
of course you will, by people in your own party...

here's what political chic says you should do before grabbing fed gvt help when u r down and out...

Did you?
Did you put on a sweatshirt and show up at a 'shape-up' where you might be selected or a night's employment?

Collect soda cans for the nickel deposits?
Walk dogs, cut other folks' lawns, deliver newspapers?
None of 'em?
PC is right. Those ARE viable options if you are humbled enough to do so. I'd include asking your church or family for help first.

This is the essence of economics. Find a need that someone will pay you for, do it, make it profitable and grow.
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oh well, they shouldn't do what THE PEOPLE are demanding they do

instead we the people should just "bend" over for this takeover of our health care by this administration and what it is GOING TO COST US

as far as I'm concerned, the money to fight this monster is well WORTH IT

What about "THE PEOPLE" who voted for and elected President Obama and the Democratic majorities in congress so they would put healthcare reform in place?

When you refer to "THE PEOPLE", who are you referring to? Those with a "-R" after their name? The 1%'ers? Those who somehow think that no healthcare is better than minimal healthcare? I'm a person, I vote, and I think that healthcare is a basic human right. JMHO

If that's the case then the next Republican President should only listen to THE PEOPLE who voted for them, is that what your saying?
Poll after poll has shown all along people (those who didn't vote for Obama included) were AGAINST this bill..sorry
you might like dictators the majority of the people don't
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oh well, they shouldn't do what THE PEOPLE are demanding they do

instead we the people should just "bend" over for this takeover of our health care by this administration and what it is GOING TO COST US

as far as I'm concerned, the money to fight this monster is well WORTH IT

What about "THE PEOPLE" who voted for and elected President Obama and the Democratic majorities in congress so they would put healthcare reform in place?

When you refer to "THE PEOPLE", who are you referring to? Those with a "-R" after their name? The 1%'ers? Those who somehow think that no healthcare is better than minimal healthcare? I'm a person, I vote, and I think that healthcare is a basic human right. JMHO

If that's the case then the next Republican President should only listen to THE PEOPLE who voted for them, is that what your saying?
Poll after poll has shown all along people (those who didn't vote for Obama included) were AGAINST this bill..sorry
you might like dictators the majority of the people don't

Republicans only listen to the rich anyway. If all these polls show that people didn't want health care reform, then why did they vote for the people who ran on putting it in place?

33 votes x 30 million dollars = 999 million dollars.

How come Conservatives don't call this wasteful spending? Do they really believe that any of these votes has a chance to make it to the President's desk and that he'd sign it. I'd understand if they'd won the Senate and the White House, but seriously, which Conservative here on this board is going to actually condemn the House Republicans for spending just about a BILLION dollars on Political Theater?

"We're too broke to pay for ANYTHING!*"

*Except political optics. For that we'll pay a billion.
What about "THE PEOPLE" who voted for and elected President Obama and the Democratic majorities in congress so they would put healthcare reform in place?

When you refer to "THE PEOPLE", who are you referring to? Those with a "-R" after their name? The 1%'ers? Those who somehow think that no healthcare is better than minimal healthcare? I'm a person, I vote, and I think that healthcare is a basic human right. JMHO

If that's the case then the next Republican President should only listen to THE PEOPLE who voted for them, is that what your saying?
Poll after poll has shown all along people (those who didn't vote for Obama included) were AGAINST this bill..sorry
you might like dictators the majority of the people don't

Republicans only listen to the rich anyway. If all these polls show that people didn't want health care reform, then why did they vote for the people who ran on putting it in place?

They couldn't of foreseen the bill was going to be 2700 pages, grow Government to be a even bigger MONSTER than what it already is and FINE their asses if they don't BUY into it...that would be my guess...
they voted for HOPE AND CHANGE BABY
What about "THE PEOPLE" who voted for and elected President Obama and the Democratic majorities in congress so they would put healthcare reform in place?

When you refer to "THE PEOPLE", who are you referring to? Those with a "-R" after their name? The 1%'ers? Those who somehow think that no healthcare is better than minimal healthcare? I'm a person, I vote, and I think that healthcare is a basic human right. JMHO

If that's the case then the next Republican President should only listen to THE PEOPLE who voted for them, is that what your saying?
Poll after poll has shown all along people (those who didn't vote for Obama included) were AGAINST this bill..sorry
you might like dictators the majority of the people don't

Republicans only listen to the rich anyway. If all these polls show that people didn't want health care reform, then why did they vote for the people who ran on putting it in place?
Hmmm. Well, it could be that they were duped. The election two years later showed most knew they were duped.

And, now we have another election, two years after that. The SCOTUS ruling was almost optimally timed.
So they should have 33 more days off every year?

Or, how about they spend that billion dollars passing bipartisan JOBS bills? Oh wait, because that would help Obama's economy and their number one goal is tanking the economy, er I mean, keeping Obama to a one term presidency.

Do you have the same level of faux-rage towards the Senate?
If that's the case then the next Republican President should only listen to THE PEOPLE who voted for them, is that what your saying?
Poll after poll has shown all along people (those who didn't vote for Obama included) were AGAINST this bill..sorry
you might like dictators the majority of the people don't

Republicans only listen to the rich anyway. If all these polls show that people didn't want health care reform, then why did they vote for the people who ran on putting it in place?
Hmmm. Well, it could be that they were duped. The election two years later showed most knew they were duped.

And, now we have another election, two years after that. The SCOTUS ruling was almost optimally timed.

I don't think anybody was duped. Some, like me were disappointed that a public option was not part of the deal. But, I believe that there are lots of people out there with pre-existing conditions that are very happy that they can't be turned down for coverage now. I believe there are lots of people with kids over 21 in college that are happy they can keep them on their medical coverage plans.

The Republicans and Tea baggers did a good job in getting out the vote in a non-presidential year in 2010. Democrats can do a good job in getting out the votes in a Presidential election year, with fears that the Repug/Tea-baggers are out to get rid of our hard fought healthcare reform wins. I guess we will see in November if "THE PEOPLE" want healthcare or not.
So they should have 33 more days off every year?

Or, how about they spend that billion dollars passing bipartisan JOBS bills? Oh wait, because that would help Obama's economy and their number one goal is tanking the economy, er I mean, keeping Obama to a one term presidency.

Do you have the same level of faux-rage towards the Senate?

I don't have any faux-rage towards House Republicans. I just think they're a bunch of Obstructionist assholes. And I do think Reid should play fair and put the bills up to a vote. However, it's EXTREMELY misleading to call the bills he's sitting on Jobs Bills. They're not. They're dereg bills.
Republicans only listen to the rich anyway. If all these polls show that people didn't want health care reform, then why did they vote for the people who ran on putting it in place?
Hmmm. Well, it could be that they were duped. The election two years later showed most knew they were duped.

And, now we have another election, two years after that. The SCOTUS ruling was almost optimally timed.

I don't think anybody was duped. Some, like me were disappointed that a public option was not part of the deal. But, I believe that there are lots of people out there with pre-existing conditions that are very happy that they can't be turned down for coverage now. I believe there are lots of people with kids over 21 in college that are happy they can keep them on their medical coverage plans.

The Republicans and Tea baggers did a good job in getting out the vote in a non-presidential year in 2010. Democrats can do a good job in getting out the votes in a Presidential election year, with fears that the Repug/Tea-baggers are out to get rid of our hard fought healthcare reform wins. I guess we will see in November if "THE PEOPLE" want healthcare or not.
I'm sure many are pleased with the pre-existing condition, but I am sure they are also stunned at what an abomination this law is. And, after four years, the SCOTUS said they did it wrong. Square one.

Incompetence. And, Congress is supposed to be 'the Show' of lawmaking? SCOTUS clearly told them they fucked up, even the 'constitutional scholar' in office supported unconstitutional aspects of it (no surprise). "Constitutional scholar' my ass.


I don't believe for a minute he even went to university, let alone law school. Where are his transcripts?
oh well, they shouldn't do what THE PEOPLE are demanding they do

instead we the people should just "bend" over for this takeover of our health care by this administration and what it is GOING TO COST US

as far as I'm concerned, the money to fight this monster is well WORTH IT

What about "THE PEOPLE" who voted for and elected President Obama and the Democratic majorities in congress so they would put healthcare reform in place?

When you refer to "THE PEOPLE", who are you referring to? Those with a "-R" after their name? The 1%'ers? Those who somehow think that no healthcare is better than minimal healthcare? I'm a person, I vote, and I think that healthcare is a basic human right. JMHO

If that's the case then the next Republican President should only listen to THE PEOPLE who voted for them, is that what your saying?
Poll after poll has shown all along people (those who didn't vote for Obama included) were AGAINST this bill..sorry
you might like dictators the majority of the people don't
many of the ones polling against the final bill was because they did not feel the bill went far enough and were disappointed that it did not include a 'public option'... but you can close your eyes and pretend the stats support your claim...that's your prerogative, i guess....

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