House passes bill overturning Obamacare


Imagine that - they do a job and in return for the work they do, they earn their healthcare. What a concept, uh?
Not what the bill said. Before the SCOTUS told the constitutional scholar in office that he could not infringe so egregiously on the sovereignty of states - a constitutional thing - the feds were going to cut ALL Medicaid funding if states refused to EXPAND it and foot half the bill. Now, states have that option without the Feds cutting off already existing funding of Medicaid.

None of the fiscal projections had anyone losing any funding because no state would've withdrawn from Medicaid to avoid the expansion. The projections were about additional federal spending resulting from the Medicaid expansions.

If the expansions don't take place, that new Medicaid spending doesn't materialize. Which is why the CBO is working furiously right now to revise its projections.
:lol: It's part of the bill. You can read it, if you care to spend hours going through 900+ pages of it. I have only read parts of it, just like Pelosi.

You can also read the SCOTUS descision on it so you can be sure what the SCOTUS said about Obama's unconstitutional power grab.
Bullshit! Obama was paying off his big money backers and bundlers, or haven't you seen the list of the PRINCIPALS of those companies?


Did Obama not specifically tell everyone that he was going to fund solar power initiatives?

Of course people who believe in the same thing are likely to be friends, so, of course the major investors in the companies that Obama is going to fund are going to be his friends.

And certainly, nepotism is no new thing in business, or politics.

What is your point?

Nothing you have to say concerning this would prove that his motives were anything but what he said they were.

And it can certainly be pointed out that he was just following through on exactly what he told the voters he was going to do.

And certainly the money put in to Solyndra was not even a tiny fraction of what went in to the stupidity that was the invasion of Iraq.

It is rather amusing to read the rants of someone who adored a murderous tyrant. You can't bring Saddam back, so just give it up.
[QUOTE=Dick Tuck;5602592The Republican message to uninsured Americans in the wake of the Supreme Court’s recent ruling couldn’t be clearer: You’re on your own.

Yeah, welcome to America asshole! The nation founded on freedom, personal responsibility, and "you're on your own". If you're too scared to take care of yourself like a big boy, Cuba and Russia are waiting for you. They would be more than happy to make sure you are not on your own... :lol:
Hell, the money that went into Solyndra in total was less then they spent in an average week in Iraq.

For 20 points, Alex, which one of the two was voted on and approved by Congress?



I was making a point about relative stupidity, not how many people approved of it.

Iraq was legal, and so was the loan to Solyndra.

The difference is that one was about 10,000 times more expensive than the other, and one got a shitload of people killed, while the other one didn't.

Iraq wasn't illegal, it was fucking moronic.

It does make one wonder why all of those prominent Democrats voted for it. Who wuuda thunk Kerry, Clinton and dozens more were morons?
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And how many expect and want to pay for it out of their own pocket?

10%? 5%? 0%?

That's kinda the point. Americans want everything for free.
And is Obamacare free?


President Obama's landmark healthcare overhaul is projected to cost $1.76 trillion over a decade, reports the Congressional Budget Office, a hefty sum more than the $940 billion estimated when the healthcare legislation was signed into law. To put it mildly, ObamaCare's projected net worth is far off from its original estimate -- in fact, about $820 billion off.

Backtracking to his September 2009 remarks to a joint session of Congress on healthcare, Obama asserted the following: "Now, add it all up, and the plan I'm proposing will cost around $900 billion over 10 years -- less than we have spent on the Iraq and Afghanistan wars, and less than the tax cuts for the wealthiest few Americans that Congress passed at the beginning of the previous administration."

When the final CBO report was released before the law's passage, critics surmised that the actual 10-year cost would far exceed the advertised projections. In other words, the numbers were seemingly obscured through a political ploy devised to jam the legislation through Congress.

CBO: ObamaCare Price Tag Shifts from $940 Billion to $1.76 Trillion - Yahoo! News
I see the obstructionists in the Senate are going to, yet again, prevent the people from being heard on this issue.

You do realize that the House that is voting to repeal the bill is the very same House that passed it in the first place?

Sounds like the People can't make up their fucking minds.

The 112th Congress bears very little resemblance to the 111th Congress that passed ACA.

The people did make up their minds and sent a record number of Republicans to the House BECAUSE of the passage of the ACA.

Try and keep up, k?
For 20 points, Alex, which one of the two was voted on and approved by Congress?



I was making a point about relative stupidity, not how many people approved of it.

Iraq was legal, and so was the loan to Solyndra.

The difference is that one was about 10,000 times more expensive than the other, and one got a shitload of people killed, while the other one didn't.

Iraq wasn't illegal, it was fucking moronic.

It does make one wonder why all of those prominent Democrats voted for it. Who wuuda thunk Kerry, Clinton and dozens more were morons?
did they vote for war? Or did they vote to give President bush their power of congress to choose or not to choose to take action if certain things were not met?
House votes to repeal Obama healthcare law, again | Reuters

Good news for the public at large for this nation.

It does three things.

1. Puts everyone on record in an election year.
2. Makes this a massive wedge issue.
3. Puts pressure on Obama on making a decision to keep it against the popular will or get rid of it which will end a weapon that can be used against him and his supporters in congress.

It does NOTHING, except waste everyone's damn time.

Aren't these fucking morons supposed to be doing something useful? Like trying to fix the economy?

Instead, they're wasting the taxpayer's valuable time and money by holding futile vote #33 on this issue.

Imagine all they could have done with the time they spent preparing for 33 fucking votes that they knew would have no effect at all on anything.

Oh, wait, I forgot, this Congress wouldn't have been able to get anything done anyway.

Good work you fucking jackasses. Well done.

Then why won't Harry Reid put the dozen or more bills that the HoR passed up for a vote?...Why is he obstructing?...Why doesn't he give a shit about jobs?

How many times have democratics attempted to jam thier socialist worker's Utopia up our asses and failed, only to return time and time and time again with the same old crap, until they get what they want?

For my money, it's about time the gutless republicans persisted at something, for a change.

Honestly, who could deal with these Republicans? John Boehner and Eric Cantor have something they say will create jobs? That is highly doubtful. They just want to look busy.
It does NOTHING, except waste everyone's damn time.

Aren't these fucking morons supposed to be doing something useful? Like trying to fix the economy?

Instead, they're wasting the taxpayer's valuable time and money by holding futile vote #33 on this issue.

Imagine all they could have done with the time they spent preparing for 33 fucking votes that they knew would have no effect at all on anything.

Oh, wait, I forgot, this Congress wouldn't have been able to get anything done anyway.

Good work you fucking jackasses. Well done.

Then why won't Harry Reid put the dozen or more bills that the HoR passed up for a vote?...Why is he obstructing?...Why doesn't he give a shit about jobs?

How many times have democratics attempted to jam thier socialist worker's Utopia up our asses and failed, only to return time and time and time again with the same old crap, until they get what they want?

For my money, it's about time the gutless republicans persisted at something, for a change.

Honestly, who could deal with these Republicans? John Boehner and Eric Cantor have something they say will create jobs? That is highly doubtful. They just want to look busy.
And, the Senate Dems don't even try to look busy, except when they need to run a feather duster over the House Bills they refuse to even vote on.

I wonder why the 111th Congress, the Dem majority House, didn't even do their job and get a budget passed when they could have.

And, why can't the Senate do their job?

Such blatant hypocrisy from you. That's OK, the facts demonstrate otherwise. ;)
Looks like a lot of democratics in districts that aren't blood-shooting-out-the-eyes liberoidal are in save-my-ass mode.

The vote Wednesday was 244-185. By the Republican count, it was the 33rd time in 18 months that the tea party-infused GOP majority has tried to scrap, defund or scale back the law since grabbing the majority.

The Associated Press: GOP-controlled House votes to repeal health law

from your link.
Polls show public reaction to the law has been consistently negative. Republicans say voters in November will have the final say.

democrats just ignore that one little fact.

No, it did not say that at all. It said 47% wanted it to stay and 47% wanted it repealed. Of the negative 47%, only 33% wanted it all repealed. To call that consistently negatively is absurd.

This is a political move because of the upcoming election. Nothing more.
That's kinda the point. Americans want everything for free.
And is Obamacare free?


President Obama's landmark healthcare overhaul is projected to cost $1.76 trillion over a decade, reports the Congressional Budget Office, a hefty sum more than the $940 billion estimated when the healthcare legislation was signed into law. To put it mildly, ObamaCare's projected net worth is far off from its original estimate -- in fact, about $820 billion off.

Backtracking to his September 2009 remarks to a joint session of Congress on healthcare, Obama asserted the following: "Now, add it all up, and the plan I'm proposing will cost around $900 billion over 10 years -- less than we have spent on the Iraq and Afghanistan wars, and less than the tax cuts for the wealthiest few Americans that Congress passed at the beginning of the previous administration."

When the final CBO report was released before the law's passage, critics surmised that the actual 10-year cost would far exceed the advertised projections. In other words, the numbers were seemingly obscured through a political ploy devised to jam the legislation through Congress.

CBO: ObamaCare Price Tag Shifts from $940 Billion to $1.76 Trillion - Yahoo! News

As predicted the cost is way over what was projected.

Of course the original numbes the CBO got were bogus. They can only crunch the numbers they are given.

This clusterfuck of a bill is gonna cost anyone w/HC and every taxpayer up the ass. Anyone who doesn't realize this is deluding themselves.

Here's hoping the Reps grab the whole enchilada come Nov and this peice of shit gets kicked to the curb.

Then perhaps they can work on a HC bill that addresses the real problem with HC. The cost.
Then why won't Harry Reid put the dozen or more bills that the HoR passed up for a vote?...Why is he obstructing?...Why doesn't he give a shit about jobs?

How many times have democratics attempted to jam thier socialist worker's Utopia up our asses and failed, only to return time and time and time again with the same old crap, until they get what they want?

For my money, it's about time the gutless republicans persisted at something, for a change.

Honestly, who could deal with these Republicans? John Boehner and Eric Cantor have something they say will create jobs? That is highly doubtful. They just want to look busy.
And, the Senate Dems don't even try to look busy, except when they need to run a feather duster over the House Bills they refuse to even vote on.

I wonder why the 111th Congress, the Dem majority House, didn't even do their job and get a budget passed when they could have.

And, why can't the Senate do their job?

Such blatant hypocrisy from you. That's OK, the facts demonstrate otherwise. ;)

Where is their replacement for Obamacare? The silly votes to repeal and they have nothing. The Republican leadership are slugs, they get elected put the kibosh on everything but bills they know the senate won't pass.

I don't know how the voters can continue supporting this entire bunch and their rhetorical bullshit each and everyday. I really don't.
Honestly, who could deal with these Republicans? John Boehner and Eric Cantor have something they say will create jobs? That is highly doubtful. They just want to look busy.
And, the Senate Dems don't even try to look busy, except when they need to run a feather duster over the House Bills they refuse to even vote on.

I wonder why the 111th Congress, the Dem majority House, didn't even do their job and get a budget passed when they could have.

And, why can't the Senate do their job?

Such blatant hypocrisy from you. That's OK, the facts demonstrate otherwise. ;)

Where is their replacement for Obamacare? The silly votes to repeal and they have nothing. The Republican leadership are slugs, they get elected put the kibosh on everything but bills they know the senate won't pass.

I don't know how the voters can continue supporting this entire bunch and their rhetorical bullshit each and everyday. I really don't.
Ummm, the Senate doesn't even VOTE on them. They sit on Reid's desk and gather dust.

And, to your comment on a repacement: Why he hell would they vote on making a law when one already exists? They have to repeal, first.

But, in the meantime, the SCOTUS has ordered that they at least try to polish that turd. Hopefully, we will flush it an make something that is real reform.
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I was making a point about relative stupidity, not how many people approved of it.

Iraq was legal, and so was the loan to Solyndra.

The difference is that one was about 10,000 times more expensive than the other, and one got a shitload of people killed, while the other one didn't.

Iraq wasn't illegal, it was fucking moronic.

It does make one wonder why all of those prominent Democrats voted for it. Who wuuda thunk Kerry, Clinton and dozens more were morons?
did they vote for war? Or did they vote to give President bush their power of congress to choose or not to choose to take action if certain things were not met?

They most certainly did leave the decision up to the CIC and those certain conditions were not met. We have not elected a Congress that would declare war since WWII and then only because of Pearl Harbor.
The majority of people who want this repealed, who says they WANT a replacement?

maybe after Obama is gone we can talk about it
Did Congress vote for war in Libya, or was that the UN? Did Congress vote to murder 24 Pakistani soldiers asleep in their bunks? Did Congress vote on whether a single person on obama's kill list should be executed? As obama sends ships to Iran, is Congress getting at least a briefing? Does obama find Congress a minor inconvenience?
Ahead of a Republican-led House vote Wednesday to try to repeal ‘Obamacare’ for the 33rd time, House Democrats expressed a growing sense of optimism that their achievement is here to stay.

More: Why Democrats Are Confident ‘Obamacare’ Will Survive And Thrive | TPMDC

It'll survive. If it makes the dumb, fat average Ameircan happy it'll stay. Just look at the Bush tax cuts

By 2003, Mr. Bush cut the dividend and capital gains rates to 15 percent each, and the economy responded. In two years, stocks rose 20 percent. In three years, $15 trillion of new wealth was created. The U.S. economy added 8 million new jobs from mid-2003 to early 2007, and the median household increased its wealth by $20,000 in real terms.

But the real jolt for tax-cutting opponents was that the 03 Bush tax cuts also generated a massive increase in federal tax receipts. From 2004 to 2007, federal tax revenues increased by $785 billion, the largest four-year increase in American history. According to the Treasury Department, individual and corporate income tax receipts were up 40 percent in the three years following the Bush tax cuts. And (bonus) the rich paid an even higher percentage of the total tax burden than they had at any time in at least the previous 40 years.
Wasteful Republicans charge taxpayers $50 million on meaningless ACA vote.

Health Care Law Repeal Efforts By House GOP Cost Nearly $50 Million: CBS Report


While Republicans lambast the cost of implementing health care reform, a new report shows that their efforts to repeal the law have come at a major cost to taxpayers -- to the tune of nearly $50 million.

The House of Representatives again voted to repeal President Obama's signature health care law on Wednesday, marking the 33rd time Republicans have attempted to take down the legislation. The 32 previous repeal efforts faltered at the hands of the Democrat-controlled Senate; the latest attempt is unlikely to break that pattern.

According to a report by CBS News, these efforts, widely viewed as symbolic political maneuvers, come with a high price tag.

CBS' Nancy Cordes reported Wednesday that Republicans' many fruitless attempts at repealing the Affordable Care Act have taken up at least 80 hours of time on the House floor since 2010, amounting to two full work weeks. As the House, according to the Congressional Research Service, costs taxpayers $24 million a week to operate, those two weeks amounted to a total cost of approximately $48 million.

The AP relays background on the GOP's repeal efforts:
There was never any doubt that Republicans had the votes to pass the repeal in the House on Wednesday – or that it would die in the Senate, where Democrats possessed more than enough strength to block it. That's what happened in January 2011, when the newly installed Republican majority first voted to repeal the law a few days after taking office.

In the months since, the GOP has taken repeated further swipes at the law, including votes to deny salaries to any government officials who enforce it, to abolish a board of officials charged with holding down Medicare costs in the future and to repeal a tax on medical devices.

With the exception of a few relatively modest changes accepted by the White House, all the rest have died in the Senate.
Although Republicans have remained vocal on repeal since the Supreme Court upheld the law, party leaders have yet to agree upon and propose a concrete alternative to the Affordable Care Act.


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