House passes legislation to reopen the gov't and raise federal debt limit: 285 to 144

That means about 1/3d of the House seats agree with ending ACA anyway they can.

The TeaPs are plotting already
Obama, for one, didn't seem in the mood Wednesday night for more of the same -- saying politicians in Washington have to "get out of the habit of governing by crisis."

"Hopefully, next time, it will not be in the 11th hour," Obama told reporters, calling for both parties to work together on a budget, immigration reform and other issues.

When asked as he left the podium whether he believed America would be going through all this political turmoil again in a few months, the President didn't waste words.


Let’s hope the president’s correct and republicans have seen reason at last.
Obama had to stop this extortion bs that hurts the country, and maybe he has... now they are extorting taxpayer money or does this government have a magic money tree growing in MaBells garden?...

So Obama SAVES the day again and we lose our freedoms and our great grandchildren has more dept on their backs...wonderful isn't it?
Obama, for one, didn't seem in the mood Wednesday night for more of the same -- saying politicians in Washington have to "get out of the habit of governing by crisis."

"Hopefully, next time, it will not be in the 11th hour," Obama told reporters, calling for both parties to work together on a budget, immigration reform and other issues.

When asked as he left the podium whether he believed America would be going through all this political turmoil again in a few months, the President didn't waste words.


Let’s hope the president’s correct and republicans have seen reason at last.

I'm sure the Reps are going to put us through the ringer again. One good thing about it, it will be closer to election time, and the people won't forget, being that close.
one thread isn't enough

need a couple hundred on this now

Don't worry...they'll be at least 200 or 300 hundred before all is said and done. Those folks just can't stop touching themselves over and over and over.

that's a good way to put it...

that's why I ask if it is orgasm time with a lot of their

a lot of shallow people here
Obama had to stop this extortion bs that hurts the country, and maybe he has... now they are extorting taxpayer money or does this government have a magic money tree growing in MaBells garden?...

So Obama SAVES the day again and we lose our freedoms and our great grandchildren has more dept on their backs...wonderful isn't it?

STOP wrecking the economy to get your brainwashed, misinformed way, hater dupe. Losing your freedom to freeload on the most ridiculously expensive and cruel HEALTH SCAM IN THE WORLD, AND RUIN OUR COMPETITIVENESS IN THE GLOBAL ECONOMY, TO GET SCREWED BY SCAM INSURERS- THAT'S A SHAME, PERFECT CHUMP OF THE GREEDY IDIOT :eusa_liar::cuckoo::lol:
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I already learned how addiction to Botox can cause brain damage.

But I never knew what a pussy with a spray tan looked like until now.

So the last bit of political theater ended as anticlimactically as the past bits.

Politicians voted to get further into debt, to benefit themselves and now they continue to look for ways to take more money from the people.

Business as usual.
Interesting take on how everybody was affected.

No winners, but plenty of impact on Washington players - NBC Politics

Cracked me up! As much shit as cons give Uncle Joe.

Vice President Joe Biden didn't fare much better. Though he's a member of the Obama administration, Biden was largely sidelined over the past month by Democrats, who feared the vice president might reprise his role of last-minute deal-maker in past crises and give away too many concessions to Republicans.

Wonderful now in two or three months we get to do the whole thing over again please forgive me if I'm not impressed by the so called leaders on either side.

Wonderful now in two or three months we get to do the whole thing over again

actually not it is a done deal for a year
The Senate plan includes a proposal offered by McConnell in the 2011 debt ceiling crisis that allows Congress to disapprove of the debt ceiling increase, which means lawmakers will formally vote on whether to reject a debt ceiling increase until Feb. 7. Obama can veto that legislation if it passes. If Congress fails as expected to gather a two-thirds majority to override the veto, the debt ceiling would be raised.

Boehner taps Dems to push budget deal across finish line - Burgess Everett and Jake Sherman and Manu Raju -
The losers are the American taxpayer.

The Clowns can now spend even more money and the ACA is gonna break the bank.

Yup. I'd say our grandchildren are gonna look back on this and wonder what kind of idiots we were to elect these clowns to run the country.
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The losers are the American taxpayer.

The Clowns can now spend even more money and the ACA is gonna break the bank.

Yup. I'd say our grandchildren are gonna look back on this and wonder what kind of idiots we were to elect these clowns to run the country.

Here, lemme use my ObamaPhone to call you a waaaaaaambulance. You can pay for it with ObamaCare.

Cracks me up how the loony righties call Obama incompetent -- yet here he is schooling the GOP.

No. Here he is fucking the taxpayers of America.

Wait till 2015 when what you spend on HC is considered income and your taxed on it and your premiums go up.

Lets see if your still laughing when those 21 taxes in the ACA come on line.

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