House Republicans still want to rip out the 14th amendment....

Hard to believe that in the year 2015, some regressives are still knuckle-dragging enough to think that the Civil War was not related to slavery and that somehow, babies born in the USA are bad for us.

Weird, very, very weird.

Hard to believe that government supremacists such as yourself forget that when the 14th was "adopted" the southern states were under martial fucking law.

The Texas Legislature by Resolution on October 15, 1866, protested as follows:

"The amendment to the Constitution proposed by this joint resolution as article XIV is presented to the Legislature of Texas for its action thereon, under Article V of that Constitution. This article V, providing the mode of making amendments to that instrument, contemplates the participation by all the States through their representatives in Congress, in proposing amendments. As representatives from nearly one-third of the States were excluded from the Congress proposing the amendments, the constitutional requirement was not complied with; it was violated in letter and in spirit; and the proposing of these amendments to States which were excluded from all participation in their initiation in Congress, is a nullity." [Cite 3]

As if I am going to give a fuck what the Texas legislature had to say in 1866. The South had just lost a war it should never have started. Did I give a fuck what the remaining nazis had to say after 1945? Nope. The same applies to the fucked-up, hard-core racists of the South after it got it's ass handed to itself. Texas should be thankful it was not demoted to a territory, after all the shit the South pulled.

But I can understand your nullification attitude. You are a nullification type.

Good luck with that!!

Again, the South was under martial law because it lost a war it should never have started.

Wrong again dingle berry

the nazis are the government supremacists

While I fully agree that slavery was an abomination it could have been eliminated without the creation of a massive tyrannical federal government which itself re instituted slavery by making all American subject to it dictates.

Have you actually read the 14th Amendment? It does not grant automatic US Citizenship to anyone born on US soil.

Section 1. All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.

Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Foreign nationals are not subject to the jurisdiction of the US, they are governed by treaties and international law.

The Supreme Court has never explicitly ruled on whether children born in the United States to illegal immigrant parents are entitled to birthright citizenship via the 14th Amendment

United States nationality law - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

No. I will forgive your stupidity, but only for now.

The moment a new human being is born on US Soil, that person is automatically subject to the jurisdiction of the USA. That person's parents may not be subject to the jurisdiction of the USA, but that newborn IS. That was the VERY purpose for the 14th amendment.

Then explain why the writers of the 14th inserted that caveat?

It's not a caveat. It was legalese of the day and still is today.

You realize that this bullshit has already been argued and shot down many times, right?

The Georgia Legislature, by Resolution on November 9, 1866, protested as follows:

"Since the reorganization of the State government, Georgia has elected Senators and Representatives. So has every other State. They have been arbitrarily refused admission to their seats, not on the ground that the qualifications of the members elected did not conform to the fourth paragraph, second section, first article of the Constitution, but because their right of representation was denied by a portion of the States having equal but not greater rights than themselves. They have in fact been forcibly excluded; and, inasmuch as all legislative power granted by the States to the Congress is defined, and this power of exclusion is not among the powers expressly or by implication, the assemblage, at the capitol, of representatives from a portion of the States, to the exclusion of the representatives of another portion, cannot be a constitutional Congress, when the representation of each State forms an integral part of the whole.

This amendment is tendered to Georgia for ratification, under that power in the Constitution which authorizes two-thirds of the Congress to propose amendments. We have endeavored to establish that Georgia had a right, in the first place, as a part of the Congress, to act upon the question, 'Shall these amendments be proposed?' Every other excluded State had the same right.

The first constitutional privilege has been arbitrarily denied.

Had these amendments been submitted to a constitutional Congress, they never would have been proposed to the States. Two-thirds of the whole Congress never would have proposed to eleven States voluntarily to reduce their political power in the Union, and at the same time, disfranchise the larger portion of the intellect, integrity and patriotism of eleven co-equal States." [Cite 5]
Giant print does not make you any less wrong in your interpretation. The spoils of war include the winner deciding what happens to the loser. It could have been much, much worse.

Yeah, and the Nazis could have won. That doesn't make their subsequent treatment of conquered territories justified.
Hard to believe that in the year 2015, some regressives are still knuckle-dragging enough to think that the Civil War was not related to slavery and that somehow, babies born in the USA are bad for us.

Weird, very, very weird.

Hard to believe that government supremacists such as yourself forget that when the 14th was "adopted" the southern states were under martial fucking law.

The Texas Legislature by Resolution on October 15, 1866, protested as follows:

"The amendment to the Constitution proposed by this joint resolution as article XIV is presented to the Legislature of Texas for its action thereon, under Article V of that Constitution. This article V, providing the mode of making amendments to that instrument, contemplates the participation by all the States through their representatives in Congress, in proposing amendments. As representatives from nearly one-third of the States were excluded from the Congress proposing the amendments, the constitutional requirement was not complied with; it was violated in letter and in spirit; and the proposing of these amendments to States which were excluded from all participation in their initiation in Congress, is a nullity." [Cite 3]
Secessions, like elections, have consequences.

Hard to believe that in the year 2015, some regressives are still knuckle-dragging enough to think that the Civil War was not related to slavery and that somehow, babies born in the USA are bad for us.

Weird, very, very weird.

Hard to believe that government supremacists such as yourself forget that when the 14th was "adopted" the southern states were under martial fucking law.

The Texas Legislature by Resolution on October 15, 1866, protested as follows:

"The amendment to the Constitution proposed by this joint resolution as article XIV is presented to the Legislature of Texas for its action thereon, under Article V of that Constitution. This article V, providing the mode of making amendments to that instrument, contemplates the participation by all the States through their representatives in Congress, in proposing amendments. As representatives from nearly one-third of the States were excluded from the Congress proposing the amendments, the constitutional requirement was not complied with; it was violated in letter and in spirit; and the proposing of these amendments to States which were excluded from all participation in their initiation in Congress, is a nullity." [Cite 3]
Secessions, like elections, have consequences.

Murder also has consequences. Apparently you think the victim deserves it.

That made no sense at all.
Hard to believe that in the year 2015, some regressives are still knuckle-dragging enough to think that the Civil War was not related to slavery and that somehow, babies born in the USA are bad for us.

Weird, very, very weird.

Hard to believe that government supremacists such as yourself forget that when the 14th was "adopted" the southern states were under martial fucking law.

The Texas Legislature by Resolution on October 15, 1866, protested as follows:

"The amendment to the Constitution proposed by this joint resolution as article XIV is presented to the Legislature of Texas for its action thereon, under Article V of that Constitution. This article V, providing the mode of making amendments to that instrument, contemplates the participation by all the States through their representatives in Congress, in proposing amendments. As representatives from nearly one-third of the States were excluded from the Congress proposing the amendments, the constitutional requirement was not complied with; it was violated in letter and in spirit; and the proposing of these amendments to States which were excluded from all participation in their initiation in Congress, is a nullity." [Cite 3]

As if I am going to give a fuck what the Texas legislature had to say in 1866. The South had just lost a war it should never have started. Did I give a fuck what the remaining nazis had to say after 1945? Nope. The same applies to the fucked-up, hard-core racists of the South after it got it's ass handed to itself. Texas should be thankful it was not demoted to a territory, after all the shit the South pulled.

But I can understand your nullification attitude. You are a nullification type.

Good luck with that!!

Again, the South was under martial law because it lost a war it should never have started.

Wrong again dingle berry

the nazis are the government supremacists

While I fully agree that slavery was an abomination it could have been eliminated without the creation of a massive tyrannical federal government which itself re instituted slavery by making all American subject to it dictates.


Oh, Lord, you need to get back on your meds!!!
Damn, they just never learn.

Going on RIGHT NOW, in the HOR Judiciary Committee:

Hearing Birthright Citizenship Is it the Right Policy for America - Hearings - Judiciary Committee


Among the list of those invited is a person from the Claremont Institute, an extreme-Right-Wing think-tank.

And Rep. King just did this about 3 hours ago, at the hearing.

View attachment 40561

This HOR may just go down in history as most stupid HOR we have ever had.

Many, many important issues, and they are focused on wanting to kill the 14th amendment because of what they call "anchor babies".

Go figure.
Actually it's rather easy to figure.

This is yet another example of the unwarranted fear of change, diversity, dissent common to most on the reactionary right; authoritarian conservatives who seek to compel conformity through force of law.

Blinded by their ridiculous fear and hate, most conservatives fail to understand the significance and importance of citizenship at birth, where we do not want politicians and government bureaucrats deciding who is or is not an American citizen, and who will or will not be afforded his civil rights.

Citizenship at birth is consistent with our most fundamental principles concerning our inalienable rights, that our rights manifest as a consequence of our humanity, rights that can be neither taken nor bestowed by any government, constitution, or man – rights as American citizens we realize at birth, rights acknowledge and safeguarded by 14th Amendment jurisprudence.
Have you actually read the 14th Amendment? It does not grant automatic US Citizenship to anyone born on US soil.

Section 1. All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.

Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Foreign nationals are not subject to the jurisdiction of the US, they are governed by treaties and international law.

The Supreme Court has never explicitly ruled on whether children born in the United States to illegal immigrant parents are entitled to birthright citizenship via the 14th Amendment

United States nationality law - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

No. I will forgive your stupidity, but only for now.

The moment a new human being is born on US Soil, that person is automatically subject to the jurisdiction of the USA. That person's parents may not be subject to the jurisdiction of the USA, but that newborn IS. That was the VERY purpose for the 14th amendment.

Then explain why the writers of the 14th inserted that caveat?

It's not a caveat. It was legalese of the day and still is today.

You realize that this bullshit has already been argued and shot down many times, right?

The Georgia Legislature, by Resolution on November 9, 1866, protested as follows:

"Since the reorganization of the State government, Georgia has elected Senators and Representatives. So has every other State. They have been arbitrarily refused admission to their seats, not on the ground that the qualifications of the members elected did not conform to the fourth paragraph, second section, first article of the Constitution, but because their right of representation was denied by a portion of the States having equal but not greater rights than themselves. They have in fact been forcibly excluded; and, inasmuch as all legislative power granted by the States to the Congress is defined, and this power of exclusion is not among the powers expressly or by implication, the assemblage, at the capitol, of representatives from a portion of the States, to the exclusion of the representatives of another portion, cannot be a constitutional Congress, when the representation of each State forms an integral part of the whole.

This amendment is tendered to Georgia for ratification, under that power in the Constitution which authorizes two-thirds of the Congress to propose amendments. We have endeavored to establish that Georgia had a right, in the first place, as a part of the Congress, to act upon the question, 'Shall these amendments be proposed?' Every other excluded State had the same right.

The first constitutional privilege has been arbitrarily denied.

Had these amendments been submitted to a constitutional Congress, they never would have been proposed to the States. Two-thirds of the whole Congress never would have proposed to eleven States voluntarily to reduce their political power in the Union, and at the same time, disfranchise the larger portion of the intellect, integrity and patriotism of eleven co-equal States." [Cite 5]
Giant print does not make you any less wrong in your interpretation. The spoils of war include the winner deciding what happens to the loser. It could have been much, much worse.


Hard to believe that in the year 2015, some regressives are still knuckle-dragging enough to think that the Civil War was not related to slavery and that somehow, babies born in the USA are bad for us.

Weird, very, very weird.

Hard to believe that government supremacists such as yourself forget that when the 14th was "adopted" the southern states were under martial fucking law.

The Texas Legislature by Resolution on October 15, 1866, protested as follows:

"The amendment to the Constitution proposed by this joint resolution as article XIV is presented to the Legislature of Texas for its action thereon, under Article V of that Constitution. This article V, providing the mode of making amendments to that instrument, contemplates the participation by all the States through their representatives in Congress, in proposing amendments. As representatives from nearly one-third of the States were excluded from the Congress proposing the amendments, the constitutional requirement was not complied with; it was violated in letter and in spirit; and the proposing of these amendments to States which were excluded from all participation in their initiation in Congress, is a nullity." [Cite 3]
Secessions, like elections, have consequences.


Are you referring to the state of Texas?

That's a lie, you know.

In the annexation treaty of Texas, there is no clause that allows the state to secede from the Union.

There is a clause that allows the former Republic of Texas, now a state, to divide itself into a total of five new US states, where one of those five must still carry the name of "Texas". So, it wouldn't be a secession, but rather, more like a cell-division.

Are you always this badly informed?
Hard to believe that in the year 2015, some regressives are still knuckle-dragging enough to think that the Civil War was not related to slavery and that somehow, babies born in the USA are bad for us.

Weird, very, very weird.

Hard to believe that government supremacists such as yourself forget that when the 14th was "adopted" the southern states were under martial fucking law.

The Texas Legislature by Resolution on October 15, 1866, protested as follows:

"The amendment to the Constitution proposed by this joint resolution as article XIV is presented to the Legislature of Texas for its action thereon, under Article V of that Constitution. This article V, providing the mode of making amendments to that instrument, contemplates the participation by all the States through their representatives in Congress, in proposing amendments. As representatives from nearly one-third of the States were excluded from the Congress proposing the amendments, the constitutional requirement was not complied with; it was violated in letter and in spirit; and the proposing of these amendments to States which were excluded from all participation in their initiation in Congress, is a nullity." [Cite 3]

As if I am going to give a fuck what the Texas legislature had to say in 1866. The South had just lost a war it should never have started. Did I give a fuck what the remaining nazis had to say after 1945? Nope. The same applies to the fucked-up, hard-core racists of the South after it got it's ass handed to itself. Texas should be thankful it was not demoted to a territory, after all the shit the South pulled.

But I can understand your nullification attitude. You are a nullification type.

Good luck with that!!

Again, the South was under martial law because it lost a war it should never have started.

Wrong again dingle berry

the nazis are the government supremacists

While I fully agree that slavery was an abomination it could have been eliminated without the creation of a massive tyrannical federal government which itself re instituted slavery by making all American subject to it dictates.

If the South had fulfilled it's ambitions, had been left alone to conquer Mexico and southward, slavery might even still be an institution and they would have certainly sided with Hitler, or someone like him, against the United states. It's all just speculation but the idea of a twentieth century Union and Confederacy has long fascinated scholars and the consensus is that North America would probably still be in flames .
Hard to believe that in the year 2015, some regressives are still knuckle-dragging enough to think that the Civil War was not related to slavery and that somehow, babies born in the USA are bad for us.

Weird, very, very weird.

Hard to believe that government supremacists such as yourself forget that when the 14th was "adopted" the southern states were under martial fucking law.

The Texas Legislature by Resolution on October 15, 1866, protested as follows:

"The amendment to the Constitution proposed by this joint resolution as article XIV is presented to the Legislature of Texas for its action thereon, under Article V of that Constitution. This article V, providing the mode of making amendments to that instrument, contemplates the participation by all the States through their representatives in Congress, in proposing amendments. As representatives from nearly one-third of the States were excluded from the Congress proposing the amendments, the constitutional requirement was not complied with; it was violated in letter and in spirit; and the proposing of these amendments to States which were excluded from all participation in their initiation in Congress, is a nullity." [Cite 3]

As if I am going to give a fuck what the Texas legislature had to say in 1866. The South had just lost a war it should never have started. Did I give a fuck what the remaining nazis had to say after 1945? Nope. The same applies to the fucked-up, hard-core racists of the South after it got it's ass handed to itself. Texas should be thankful it was not demoted to a territory, after all the shit the South pulled.

But I can understand your nullification attitude. You are a nullification type.

Good luck with that!!

Again, the South was under martial law because it lost a war it should never have started.

Wrong again dingle berry

the nazis are the government supremacists

While I fully agree that slavery was an abomination it could have been eliminated without the creation of a massive tyrannical federal government which itself re instituted slavery by making all American subject to it dictates.


Oh, Lord, you need to get back on your meds!!!

Maybe you should write to the folks at Homeland Insecurity and suggest that during the KGB operation known as "Jade Helm" those of us who are on "meds" ought to be rounded up and place in concentration camps.

Hard to believe that in the year 2015, some regressives are still knuckle-dragging enough to think that the Civil War was not related to slavery and that somehow, babies born in the USA are bad for us.

Weird, very, very weird.

Hard to believe that government supremacists such as yourself forget that when the 14th was "adopted" the southern states were under martial fucking law.

The Texas Legislature by Resolution on October 15, 1866, protested as follows:

"The amendment to the Constitution proposed by this joint resolution as article XIV is presented to the Legislature of Texas for its action thereon, under Article V of that Constitution. This article V, providing the mode of making amendments to that instrument, contemplates the participation by all the States through their representatives in Congress, in proposing amendments. As representatives from nearly one-third of the States were excluded from the Congress proposing the amendments, the constitutional requirement was not complied with; it was violated in letter and in spirit; and the proposing of these amendments to States which were excluded from all participation in their initiation in Congress, is a nullity." [Cite 3]

As if I am going to give a fuck what the Texas legislature had to say in 1866. The South had just lost a war it should never have started. Did I give a fuck what the remaining nazis had to say after 1945? Nope. The same applies to the fucked-up, hard-core racists of the South after it got it's ass handed to itself. Texas should be thankful it was not demoted to a territory, after all the shit the South pulled.

But I can understand your nullification attitude. You are a nullification type.

Good luck with that!!

Again, the South was under martial law because it lost a war it should never have started.

Wrong again dingle berry

the nazis are the government supremacists

While I fully agree that slavery was an abomination it could have been eliminated without the creation of a massive tyrannical federal government which itself re instituted slavery by making all American subject to it dictates.


Oh, Lord, you need to get back on your meds!!!

Maybe you should write to the folks at Homeland Insecurity and suggest that during the KGB operation known as "Jade Helm" those of us who are on "meds" ought to be rounded up and place in concentration camps.



Do you know which FEMA concentration camp you want to be "re-educamated" in ?!?!?!

Dear Lord, RWNJs are so fun to watch!!
Perhaps. Poles have in the past assimilated nicely. And do not share a border. And do not have a historical grievance. And would likely not be the pocket of the dems so much.

Ahhhhh, there you go......See, it wasn't so hard to openly admit your prejudices......Keeping your biases hidden takes a toll on your psyche.


Did you even read my post?

I said nothing derogatory about any ethnic group, nationality, religion, culture, or anything or anyone.
No. I will forgive your stupidity, but only for now.

The moment a new human being is born on US Soil, that person is automatically subject to the jurisdiction of the USA. That person's parents may not be subject to the jurisdiction of the USA, but that newborn IS. That was the VERY purpose for the 14th amendment.

Then explain why the writers of the 14th inserted that caveat?

It's not a caveat. It was legalese of the day and still is today.

You realize that this bullshit has already been argued and shot down many times, right?

The Georgia Legislature, by Resolution on November 9, 1866, protested as follows:

"Since the reorganization of the State government, Georgia has elected Senators and Representatives. So has every other State. They have been arbitrarily refused admission to their seats, not on the ground that the qualifications of the members elected did not conform to the fourth paragraph, second section, first article of the Constitution, but because their right of representation was denied by a portion of the States having equal but not greater rights than themselves. They have in fact been forcibly excluded; and, inasmuch as all legislative power granted by the States to the Congress is defined, and this power of exclusion is not among the powers expressly or by implication, the assemblage, at the capitol, of representatives from a portion of the States, to the exclusion of the representatives of another portion, cannot be a constitutional Congress, when the representation of each State forms an integral part of the whole.

This amendment is tendered to Georgia for ratification, under that power in the Constitution which authorizes two-thirds of the Congress to propose amendments. We have endeavored to establish that Georgia had a right, in the first place, as a part of the Congress, to act upon the question, 'Shall these amendments be proposed?' Every other excluded State had the same right.

The first constitutional privilege has been arbitrarily denied.

Had these amendments been submitted to a constitutional Congress, they never would have been proposed to the States. Two-thirds of the whole Congress never would have proposed to eleven States voluntarily to reduce their political power in the Union, and at the same time, disfranchise the larger portion of the intellect, integrity and patriotism of eleven co-equal States." [Cite 5]
Giant print does not make you any less wrong in your interpretation. The spoils of war include the winner deciding what happens to the loser. It could have been much, much worse.


Are you ok?

According to post times, it took you 2 whole minutes to reach for Race Card.

Is your sugar low? Is there anyone there with you? DO you have FIrst Alert? if so hit the button NOW!!!

I'm perfectly fine, thank you for your concern.....

I'm just tired of these thinly veiled pretenses about who or who should not be a citizen of this nation.....If there were a huge influx of Poles or Swedes as immigrants, your "outrage" would be considerably tempered.

Perhaps. Poles have in the past assimilated nicely. And do not share a border. And do not have a historical grievance. And would likely not be the pocket of the dems so much.

Thank you for saving us the work of outing you. You did it yourself.

A racist can only cloak himself for so long, you know.

If I said the sky was blue you would find it proof that I was racist.

Are you ok?

According to post times, it took you 2 whole minutes to reach for Race Card.

Is your sugar low? Is there anyone there with you? DO you have FIrst Alert? if so hit the button NOW!!!

I'm perfectly fine, thank you for your concern.....

I'm just tired of these thinly veiled pretenses about who or who should not be a citizen of this nation.....If there were a huge influx of Poles or Swedes as immigrants, your "outrage" would be considerably tempered.

Perhaps. Poles have in the past assimilated nicely. And do not share a border. And do not have a historical grievance. And would likely not be the pocket of the dems so much.

Thank you for saving us the work of outing you. You did it yourself.

A racist can only cloak himself for so long, you know.

If I said the sky was blue you would find it proof that I was racist.


The color of the sky has nothing to do with your racism. The content(s) of your postings, however, do.
Last edited:
Perhaps we simply need a new Amendment to close the existing loophole in the 14th that Illegal Aliens use to pop-out Anchor Babies by the bushel-basketful?
Are you ok?

According to post times, it took you 2 whole minutes to reach for Race Card.

Is your sugar low? Is there anyone there with you? DO you have FIrst Alert? if so hit the button NOW!!!

I'm perfectly fine, thank you for your concern.....

I'm just tired of these thinly veiled pretenses about who or who should not be a citizen of this nation.....If there were a huge influx of Poles or Swedes as immigrants, your "outrage" would be considerably tempered.

Perhaps. Poles have in the past assimilated nicely. And do not share a border. And do not have a historical grievance. And would likely not be the pocket of the dems so much.

Thank you for saving us the work of outing you. You did it yourself.

A racist can only cloak himself for so long, you know.

If I said the sky was blue you would find it proof that I was racist.

The sky can be nearly any color depending on weather and time of day. What about the other colors? Are you purposely overlooking them?
Perhaps. Poles have in the past assimilated nicely. And do not share a border. And do not have a historical grievance. And would likely not be the pocket of the dems so much.

Ahhhhh, there you go......See, it wasn't so hard to openly admit your prejudices......Keeping your biases hidden takes a toll on your psyche.


Did you even read my post?

I said nothing derogatory about any ethnic group, nationality, religion, culture, or anything or anyone.

Sure you did. You are just trying to be coy. Tsk, tsk.

You wrote:

Perhaps. Poles have in the past assimilated nicely. And do not share a border. And do not have a historical grievance. And would likely not be the pocket of the dems so much.

So, you indicated that Poles, in your opinion, have assimilated.
And you mention that they (meaning, Poland) don't share a border, like Mexico does.
And since most of the illegal immigrants (and a healthy amount of legal immigrants) are Latinos and come via Mexico, it is easy to put 2 and 2 together, here.

You see, being coy will get you nowhere.
Are you ok?

According to post times, it took you 2 whole minutes to reach for Race Card.

Is your sugar low? Is there anyone there with you? DO you have FIrst Alert? if so hit the button NOW!!!

I'm perfectly fine, thank you for your concern.....

I'm just tired of these thinly veiled pretenses about who or who should not be a citizen of this nation.....If there were a huge influx of Poles or Swedes as immigrants, your "outrage" would be considerably tempered.

Perhaps. Poles have in the past assimilated nicely. And do not share a border. And do not have a historical grievance. And would likely not be the pocket of the dems so much.

Thank you for saving us the work of outing you. You did it yourself.

A racist can only cloak himself for so long, you know.

If I said the sky was blue you would find it proof that I was racist.


The color of the sky has nothing to do with your racism. The content of your postings, however, do.

The content of my posting has nothing to do with racism, except in the way that you feel the need to use false accusations of racism since you cannot counter my arguments in any other way.
Hard to believe that in the year 2015, some regressives are still knuckle-dragging enough to think that the Civil War was not related to slavery and that somehow, babies born in the USA are bad for us.

Weird, very, very weird.

Hard to believe that government supremacists such as yourself forget that when the 14th was "adopted" the southern states were under martial fucking law.

The Texas Legislature by Resolution on October 15, 1866, protested as follows:

"The amendment to the Constitution proposed by this joint resolution as article XIV is presented to the Legislature of Texas for its action thereon, under Article V of that Constitution. This article V, providing the mode of making amendments to that instrument, contemplates the participation by all the States through their representatives in Congress, in proposing amendments. As representatives from nearly one-third of the States were excluded from the Congress proposing the amendments, the constitutional requirement was not complied with; it was violated in letter and in spirit; and the proposing of these amendments to States which were excluded from all participation in their initiation in Congress, is a nullity." [Cite 3]
Secessions, like elections, have consequences.


Are you referring to the state of Texas?

No , the Province known as Texas.

In the annexation treaty of Texas, there is no clause that allows the state to secede from the Union.

Bullshit Vern.

the Supreme Court asserted that the Constitution mandated admission of new states on the basis of equality with the original states. Lessee of Pollard v. Hagan (1845).

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