House Republicans still want to rip out the 14th amendment....

Hard to believe that in the year 2015, some regressives are still knuckle-dragging enough to think that the Civil War was not related to slavery and that somehow, babies born in the USA are bad for us.

Weird, very, very weird.

Hard to believe that government supremacists such as yourself forget that when the 14th was "adopted" the southern states were under martial fucking law.

The Texas Legislature by Resolution on October 15, 1866, protested as follows:

"The amendment to the Constitution proposed by this joint resolution as article XIV is presented to the Legislature of Texas for its action thereon, under Article V of that Constitution. This article V, providing the mode of making amendments to that instrument, contemplates the participation by all the States through their representatives in Congress, in proposing amendments. As representatives from nearly one-third of the States were excluded from the Congress proposing the amendments, the constitutional requirement was not complied with; it was violated in letter and in spirit; and the proposing of these amendments to States which were excluded from all participation in their initiation in Congress, is a nullity." [Cite 3]
Secessions, like elections, have consequences.


Are you referring to the state of Texas?

No , the Province known as Texas.

In the annexation treaty of Texas, there is no clause that allows the state to secede from the Union.

Bullshit Vern.

the Supreme Court asserted that the Constitution mandated admission of new states on the basis of equality with the original states. Lessee of Pollard v. Hagan (1845).

Wrong. Very, very wrong. At the time of the Civil War, Texas had already been a state for 15 years. And here is the annexation treaty:

Resolution Annexing Texas to the US

Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States in Congress assembled, That Congress doth consent the territory properly included within, and rightfully belonging to the Republic of Texas, may be erected into a new State, to be called the State of Texas, with a republican form of government, to be adopted by the people of said republic, by deputies in convention assembled, with the consent of the existing government, in order that the same may be admitted as one of the States of this Union.

2. And be it further resolved, That the foregoing consent of Congress is given upon the following conditions, and with the following guarantees, to wit:

First, Said State to be formed, subject to the adjustment by this government of all questions of boundary that may arise with other governments; and the constitution therof, with the proper evidence of its adoption by the people of said Republic of Texas, shall be transmitted to the President of the United States, to be laid before Congress for its final action, on or before the first day of January, one thousand eight hundred and forty-six.

Second, Said State, when admitted into the Union, after ceding to the United States, all public edifices, fortifications, barracks, ports and harbors, navy and navy-yards, docks, magazines, arms, armaments, and all other property and means pertaining to the public defence belonging to the said Republic of Texas, shall retain all the public funds, debts, taxes, and dues of every kind, which may belong to or be due and owning to said Republic of Texas; and shall also retain all the vacant and unappropriated lands lying within its limits, to be applied to the payment of the debts and liabilities of said Republic of Texas, and the residue of said lands, after discharging said debts and liabilities, to be disposed of as State may direct; but in no event are said debts and liabilities to become a charge upon the Government of the United States.

Third, New States, of convenient size, not exceeding four in number, in addition to said State of Texas, and having sufficient population, may hereafter, by the consent of the said State, be formed out of the territory thereof, which shall be entitled to admission under the provisions of the federal constitution. And as such States as may be formed out of that portion of said territory lying south of thirty-six degrees thirty minutes north latitude, commonly known as the Missouri compromise line, shall be admitted to the Union with or without slavery, as the people of each State asking permission may desire. And in such State or States as shall be formed north of said Missouri compromise line, slavery, or involuntary servitude, (except for crime) shall be prohibited.

3. And be it further resolved, That if the President of the United States shall in his judgement and discretion deem it most advisable, instead of proceeding to submit the foregoing resolution of the Republic of Texas, as an overture on the part of the United States for admission, to negotiate with the Republic; then,

Be it Resolved, That a State, to be formed out of the present Republic of Texas, with suitable extant and boundaries, and with two representatives in Congress, until the next appointment of representation, shall be admitted into the Union, by virtue of this act, on an equal footing with the existing States as soon as the terms and conditions of such admission, and the cession of the remaining Texian territory to the United States be agreed upon by the Governments of Texas and the United States: And that the sum of one hundred thousand dollars be, and the same is hereby, appropriated to defray the expenses of missions and negotiations, to agree upon the terms of said admission and cession, either by treaty to be submitted to the Senate, or by articles to be submitted to the two houses of Congress, as the President may direct.

Approved, March 1, 1845.

Texas was not called a "Province" during the time of martial law following the Civil War.

Back to a Civics course for you...
Perhaps. Poles have in the past assimilated nicely. And do not share a border. And do not have a historical grievance. And would likely not be the pocket of the dems so much.

Ahhhhh, there you go......See, it wasn't so hard to openly admit your prejudices......Keeping your biases hidden takes a toll on your psyche.


Did you even read my post?

I said nothing derogatory about any ethnic group, nationality, religion, culture, or anything or anyone.

Sure you did. You are just trying to be coy. Tsk, tsk.

You wrote:

Perhaps. Poles have in the past assimilated nicely. And do not share a border. And do not have a historical grievance. And would likely not be the pocket of the dems so much.

So, you indicated that Poles, in your opinion, have assimilated.
And you mention that they (meaning, Poland) don't share a border, like Mexico does.
And since most of the illegal immigrants (and a healthy amount of legal immigrants) are Latinos and come via Mexico, it is easy to put 2 and 2 together, here.

You see, being coy will get you nowhere.

And get what?

I note that you don't actually address anything I actually said.

The only thing you want to discuss is your assumption of the secret meaning you detect hidden in my posts.

Great debating technique.

If you have the intellectual honestly of a crack whore.
What do you call anchor babies?

Legal US citizens, according to the law of this land.

You do understand that very simple principle, right?

Have you actually read the 14th Amendment? It does not grant automatic US Citizenship to anyone born on US soil.

Section 1. All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.

Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Foreign nationals are not subject to the jurisdiction of the US, they are governed by treaties and international law.

The Supreme Court has never explicitly ruled on whether children born in the United States to illegal immigrant parents are entitled to birthright citizenship via the 14th Amendment

United States nationality law - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

No. I will forgive your stupidity, but only for now.

The moment a new human being is born on US Soil, that person is automatically subject to the jurisdiction of the USA. That person's parents may not be subject to the jurisdiction of the USA, but that newborn IS. That was the VERY purpose for the 14th amendment.

Then explain why the writers of the 14th inserted that caveat?

It's not a caveat. It was legalese of the day and still is today.

You realize that this bullshit has already been argued and shot down many times, right?

Well you're failing to consider two points.

1. Article 1 Section 8 give congress the power to establish uniform rules of naturalization.
2. The supremes haven't ruled if the 14th applies to the children of criminal aliens.
Legal US citizens, according to the law of this land.

You do understand that very simple principle, right?

Have you actually read the 14th Amendment? It does not grant automatic US Citizenship to anyone born on US soil.

Section 1. All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.

Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Foreign nationals are not subject to the jurisdiction of the US, they are governed by treaties and international law.

The Supreme Court has never explicitly ruled on whether children born in the United States to illegal immigrant parents are entitled to birthright citizenship via the 14th Amendment

United States nationality law - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

No. I will forgive your stupidity, but only for now.

The moment a new human being is born on US Soil, that person is automatically subject to the jurisdiction of the USA. That person's parents may not be subject to the jurisdiction of the USA, but that newborn IS. That was the VERY purpose for the 14th amendment.

Then explain why the writers of the 14th inserted that caveat?

It's not a caveat. It was legalese of the day and still is today.

You realize that this bullshit has already been argued and shot down many times, right?

Well you're failing to consider two points.

1. Article 1 Section 8 give congress the power to establish uniform rules of naturalization.
2. The supremes haven't ruled if the 14th applies to the children of criminal aliens.

"criminal aliens".

My, how strange.

The 14th specifically does not address the status of the parents. It specifically addresses those who are born here, irrespective of their parents.

Surely you have enough of a brain to understand that.
Hard to believe that in the year 2015, some regressives are still knuckle-dragging enough to think that the Civil War was not related to slavery and that somehow, babies born in the USA are bad for us.

Weird, very, very weird.

Hard to believe that government supremacists such as yourself forget that when the 14th was "adopted" the southern states were under martial fucking law.

The Texas Legislature by Resolution on October 15, 1866, protested as follows:

"The amendment to the Constitution proposed by this joint resolution as article XIV is presented to the Legislature of Texas for its action thereon, under Article V of that Constitution. This article V, providing the mode of making amendments to that instrument, contemplates the participation by all the States through their representatives in Congress, in proposing amendments. As representatives from nearly one-third of the States were excluded from the Congress proposing the amendments, the constitutional requirement was not complied with; it was violated in letter and in spirit; and the proposing of these amendments to States which were excluded from all participation in their initiation in Congress, is a nullity." [Cite 3]

As if I am going to give a fuck what the Texas legislature had to say in 1866. The South had just lost a war it should never have started. Did I give a fuck what the remaining nazis had to say after 1945? Nope. The same applies to the fucked-up, hard-core racists of the South after it got it's ass handed to itself. Texas should be thankful it was not demoted to a territory, after all the shit the South pulled.

But I can understand your nullification attitude. You are a nullification type.

Good luck with that!!

Again, the South was under martial law because it lost a war it should never have started.

Wrong again dingle berry

the nazis are the government supremacists

While I fully agree that slavery was an abomination it could have been eliminated without the creation of a massive tyrannical federal government which itself re instituted slavery by making all American subject to it dictates.

If the South had fulfilled it's ambitions, had been left alone to conquer Mexico and southward, slavery might even still be an institution and they would have certainly sided with Hitler, or someone like him, against the United states. It's all just speculation but the idea of a twentieth century Union and Confederacy has long fascinated scholars and the consensus is that North America would probably still be in flames .


Slavery as an institution was on its way out without needing a bloody civil war.

East Germany and the former USSR succumbed to freedom.

Hard to believe that in the year 2015, some regressives are still knuckle-dragging enough to think that the Civil War was not related to slavery and that somehow, babies born in the USA are bad for us.

Weird, very, very weird.

Hard to believe that government supremacists such as yourself forget that when the 14th was "adopted" the southern states were under martial fucking law.

The Texas Legislature by Resolution on October 15, 1866, protested as follows:

"The amendment to the Constitution proposed by this joint resolution as article XIV is presented to the Legislature of Texas for its action thereon, under Article V of that Constitution. This article V, providing the mode of making amendments to that instrument, contemplates the participation by all the States through their representatives in Congress, in proposing amendments. As representatives from nearly one-third of the States were excluded from the Congress proposing the amendments, the constitutional requirement was not complied with; it was violated in letter and in spirit; and the proposing of these amendments to States which were excluded from all participation in their initiation in Congress, is a nullity." [Cite 3]

As if I am going to give a fuck what the Texas legislature had to say in 1866. The South had just lost a war it should never have started. Did I give a fuck what the remaining nazis had to say after 1945? Nope. The same applies to the fucked-up, hard-core racists of the South after it got it's ass handed to itself. Texas should be thankful it was not demoted to a territory, after all the shit the South pulled.

But I can understand your nullification attitude. You are a nullification type.

Good luck with that!!

Again, the South was under martial law because it lost a war it should never have started.

Wrong again dingle berry

the nazis are the government supremacists

While I fully agree that slavery was an abomination it could have been eliminated without the creation of a massive tyrannical federal government which itself re instituted slavery by making all American subject to it dictates.

If the South had fulfilled it's ambitions, had been left alone to conquer Mexico and southward, slavery might even still be an institution and they would have certainly sided with Hitler, or someone like him, against the United states. It's all just speculation but the idea of a twentieth century Union and Confederacy has long fascinated scholars and the consensus is that North America would probably still be in flames .


Slavery as an institution was on its way out without needing a bloody civil war.

East Germany and the former USSR succumbed to freedom.


Agreed. Personally I think when the Boll Weevil hit, it would have been the end of slavery, and the CSA would have as good of relations with the USA as Canada does.
Hard to believe that in the year 2015, some regressives are still knuckle-dragging enough to think that the Civil War was not related to slavery and that somehow, babies born in the USA are bad for us.

Weird, very, very weird.

Hard to believe that government supremacists such as yourself forget that when the 14th was "adopted" the southern states were under martial fucking law.

The Texas Legislature by Resolution on October 15, 1866, protested as follows:

"The amendment to the Constitution proposed by this joint resolution as article XIV is presented to the Legislature of Texas for its action thereon, under Article V of that Constitution. This article V, providing the mode of making amendments to that instrument, contemplates the participation by all the States through their representatives in Congress, in proposing amendments. As representatives from nearly one-third of the States were excluded from the Congress proposing the amendments, the constitutional requirement was not complied with; it was violated in letter and in spirit; and the proposing of these amendments to States which were excluded from all participation in their initiation in Congress, is a nullity." [Cite 3]

As if I am going to give a fuck what the Texas legislature had to say in 1866. The South had just lost a war it should never have started. Did I give a fuck what the remaining nazis had to say after 1945? Nope. The same applies to the fucked-up, hard-core racists of the South after it got it's ass handed to itself. Texas should be thankful it was not demoted to a territory, after all the shit the South pulled.

But I can understand your nullification attitude. You are a nullification type.

Good luck with that!!

Again, the South was under martial law because it lost a war it should never have started.

Wrong again dingle berry

the nazis are the government supremacists

While I fully agree that slavery was an abomination it could have been eliminated without the creation of a massive tyrannical federal government which itself re instituted slavery by making all American subject to it dictates.

If the South had fulfilled it's ambitions, had been left alone to conquer Mexico and southward, slavery might even still be an institution and they would have certainly sided with Hitler, or someone like him, against the United states. It's all just speculation but the idea of a twentieth century Union and Confederacy has long fascinated scholars and the consensus is that North America would probably still be in flames .


Slavery as an institution was on its way out without needing a bloody civil war.

East Germany and the former USSR succumbed to freedom.


Yeah, yeah, keep saying that to yourself, maybe one day you will believe it.

Meanwhile, here is the Constitution of the Confederate States:

TEN clauses referring to slavery.

Hard to believe that government supremacists such as yourself forget that when the 14th was "adopted" the southern states were under martial fucking law.

The Texas Legislature by Resolution on October 15, 1866, protested as follows:

"The amendment to the Constitution proposed by this joint resolution as article XIV is presented to the Legislature of Texas for its action thereon, under Article V of that Constitution. This article V, providing the mode of making amendments to that instrument, contemplates the participation by all the States through their representatives in Congress, in proposing amendments. As representatives from nearly one-third of the States were excluded from the Congress proposing the amendments, the constitutional requirement was not complied with; it was violated in letter and in spirit; and the proposing of these amendments to States which were excluded from all participation in their initiation in Congress, is a nullity." [Cite 3]

As if I am going to give a fuck what the Texas legislature had to say in 1866. The South had just lost a war it should never have started. Did I give a fuck what the remaining nazis had to say after 1945? Nope. The same applies to the fucked-up, hard-core racists of the South after it got it's ass handed to itself. Texas should be thankful it was not demoted to a territory, after all the shit the South pulled.

But I can understand your nullification attitude. You are a nullification type.

Good luck with that!!

Again, the South was under martial law because it lost a war it should never have started.

Wrong again dingle berry

the nazis are the government supremacists

While I fully agree that slavery was an abomination it could have been eliminated without the creation of a massive tyrannical federal government which itself re instituted slavery by making all American subject to it dictates.

If the South had fulfilled it's ambitions, had been left alone to conquer Mexico and southward, slavery might even still be an institution and they would have certainly sided with Hitler, or someone like him, against the United states. It's all just speculation but the idea of a twentieth century Union and Confederacy has long fascinated scholars and the consensus is that North America would probably still be in flames .


Slavery as an institution was on its way out without needing a bloody civil war.

East Germany and the former USSR succumbed to freedom.


Agreed. Personally I think when the Boll Weevil hit, it would have been the end of slavery, and the CSA would have as good of relations with the USA as Canada does.

Enjoying your alternate Universe?
Have you actually read the 14th Amendment? It does not grant automatic US Citizenship to anyone born on US soil.

Section 1. All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.

Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Foreign nationals are not subject to the jurisdiction of the US, they are governed by treaties and international law.

The Supreme Court has never explicitly ruled on whether children born in the United States to illegal immigrant parents are entitled to birthright citizenship via the 14th Amendment

United States nationality law - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

No. I will forgive your stupidity, but only for now.

The moment a new human being is born on US Soil, that person is automatically subject to the jurisdiction of the USA. That person's parents may not be subject to the jurisdiction of the USA, but that newborn IS. That was the VERY purpose for the 14th amendment.

Then explain why the writers of the 14th inserted that caveat?

It's not a caveat. It was legalese of the day and still is today.

You realize that this bullshit has already been argued and shot down many times, right?

Well you're failing to consider two points.

1. Article 1 Section 8 give congress the power to establish uniform rules of naturalization.
2. The supremes haven't ruled if the 14th applies to the children of criminal aliens.

"criminal aliens".

My, how strange.

The 14th specifically does not address the status of the parents. It specifically addresses those who are born here, irrespective of their parents.

Surely you have enough of a brain to understand that.

You might want to read the links I provided, the supremes said the status of the parents is a consideration. Like the children of parents here on a diplomatic status are not US citizens.
Hard to believe that in the year 2015, some regressives are still knuckle-dragging enough to think that the Civil War was not related to slavery and that somehow, babies born in the USA are bad for us.

Weird, very, very weird.

Hard to believe that government supremacists such as yourself forget that when the 14th was "adopted" the southern states were under martial fucking law.

The Texas Legislature by Resolution on October 15, 1866, protested as follows:

"The amendment to the Constitution proposed by this joint resolution as article XIV is presented to the Legislature of Texas for its action thereon, under Article V of that Constitution. This article V, providing the mode of making amendments to that instrument, contemplates the participation by all the States through their representatives in Congress, in proposing amendments. As representatives from nearly one-third of the States were excluded from the Congress proposing the amendments, the constitutional requirement was not complied with; it was violated in letter and in spirit; and the proposing of these amendments to States which were excluded from all participation in their initiation in Congress, is a nullity." [Cite 3]

As if I am going to give a fuck what the Texas legislature had to say in 1866. The South had just lost a war it should never have started. Did I give a fuck what the remaining nazis had to say after 1945? Nope. The same applies to the fucked-up, hard-core racists of the South after it got it's ass handed to itself. Texas should be thankful it was not demoted to a territory, after all the shit the South pulled.

But I can understand your nullification attitude. You are a nullification type.

Good luck with that!!

Again, the South was under martial law because it lost a war it should never have started.

Wrong again dingle berry

the nazis are the government supremacists

While I fully agree that slavery was an abomination it could have been eliminated without the creation of a massive tyrannical federal government which itself re instituted slavery by making all American subject to it dictates.

If the South had fulfilled it's ambitions, had been left alone to conquer Mexico and southward, slavery might even still be an institution and they would have certainly sided with Hitler, or someone like him, against the United states. It's all just speculation but the idea of a twentieth century Union and Confederacy has long fascinated scholars and the consensus is that North America would probably still be in flames .


Slavery as an institution was on its way out without needing a bloody civil war.

East Germany and the former USSR succumbed to freedom.

People say it was on it's way out but the South had a scheme to make it last by using them to tame the South American continent. To this day people who are very much like slaves work the various plantations of the region, you cannot say that it would have died had they established a foothold down there. The proof of that statement is in the thousands of confederates who abandoned America and went down there after the war to attempt it on their own.
As if I am going to give a fuck what the Texas legislature had to say in 1866. The South had just lost a war it should never have started. Did I give a fuck what the remaining nazis had to say after 1945? Nope. The same applies to the fucked-up, hard-core racists of the South after it got it's ass handed to itself. Texas should be thankful it was not demoted to a territory, after all the shit the South pulled.

But I can understand your nullification attitude. You are a nullification type.

Good luck with that!!

Again, the South was under martial law because it lost a war it should never have started.

Wrong again dingle berry

the nazis are the government supremacists

While I fully agree that slavery was an abomination it could have been eliminated without the creation of a massive tyrannical federal government which itself re instituted slavery by making all American subject to it dictates.

If the South had fulfilled it's ambitions, had been left alone to conquer Mexico and southward, slavery might even still be an institution and they would have certainly sided with Hitler, or someone like him, against the United states. It's all just speculation but the idea of a twentieth century Union and Confederacy has long fascinated scholars and the consensus is that North America would probably still be in flames .


Slavery as an institution was on its way out without needing a bloody civil war.

East Germany and the former USSR succumbed to freedom.


Agreed. Personally I think when the Boll Weevil hit, it would have been the end of slavery, and the CSA would have as good of relations with the USA as Canada does.

Enjoying your alternate Universe?

At least I know when I am playing with a fantasy, which puts me miles ahead of you and your ilk.

Or have you discovered more secret codes hidden in my posts?
Wrong again dingle berry

the nazis are the government supremacists

While I fully agree that slavery was an abomination it could have been eliminated without the creation of a massive tyrannical federal government which itself re instituted slavery by making all American subject to it dictates.

If the South had fulfilled it's ambitions, had been left alone to conquer Mexico and southward, slavery might even still be an institution and they would have certainly sided with Hitler, or someone like him, against the United states. It's all just speculation but the idea of a twentieth century Union and Confederacy has long fascinated scholars and the consensus is that North America would probably still be in flames .


Slavery as an institution was on its way out without needing a bloody civil war.

East Germany and the former USSR succumbed to freedom.


Agreed. Personally I think when the Boll Weevil hit, it would have been the end of slavery, and the CSA would have as good of relations with the USA as Canada does.

Enjoying your alternate Universe?

At least I know when I am playing with a fantasy, which puts me miles ahead of you and your ilk.

Or have you discovered more secret codes hidden in my posts?

Ahhh, the good old "ilk" method.

Pretty boring. C-

Have you nothing better to offer?

I don't need to look for any secret codes in your content - it is really quite obvious.
Hard to believe that government supremacists such as yourself forget that when the 14th was "adopted" the southern states were under martial fucking law.

The Texas Legislature by Resolution on October 15, 1866, protested as follows:

"The amendment to the Constitution proposed by this joint resolution as article XIV is presented to the Legislature of Texas for its action thereon, under Article V of that Constitution. This article V, providing the mode of making amendments to that instrument, contemplates the participation by all the States through their representatives in Congress, in proposing amendments. As representatives from nearly one-third of the States were excluded from the Congress proposing the amendments, the constitutional requirement was not complied with; it was violated in letter and in spirit; and the proposing of these amendments to States which were excluded from all participation in their initiation in Congress, is a nullity." [Cite 3]

As if I am going to give a fuck what the Texas legislature had to say in 1866. The South had just lost a war it should never have started. Did I give a fuck what the remaining nazis had to say after 1945? Nope. The same applies to the fucked-up, hard-core racists of the South after it got it's ass handed to itself. Texas should be thankful it was not demoted to a territory, after all the shit the South pulled.

But I can understand your nullification attitude. You are a nullification type.

Good luck with that!!

Again, the South was under martial law because it lost a war it should never have started.

Wrong again dingle berry

the nazis are the government supremacists

While I fully agree that slavery was an abomination it could have been eliminated without the creation of a massive tyrannical federal government which itself re instituted slavery by making all American subject to it dictates.

If the South had fulfilled it's ambitions, had been left alone to conquer Mexico and southward, slavery might even still be an institution and they would have certainly sided with Hitler, or someone like him, against the United states. It's all just speculation but the idea of a twentieth century Union and Confederacy has long fascinated scholars and the consensus is that North America would probably still be in flames .


Slavery as an institution was on its way out without needing a bloody civil war.

East Germany and the former USSR succumbed to freedom.


Yeah, yeah, keep saying that to yourself, maybe one day you will believe it.

Meanwhile, here is the Constitution of the Confederate States:

TEN clauses referring to slavery.




If the South had fulfilled it's ambitions, had been left alone to conquer Mexico and southward, slavery might even still be an institution and they would have certainly sided with Hitler, or someone like him, against the United states. It's all just speculation but the idea of a twentieth century Union and Confederacy has long fascinated scholars and the consensus is that North America would probably still be in flames .


Slavery as an institution was on its way out without needing a bloody civil war.

East Germany and the former USSR succumbed to freedom.


Agreed. Personally I think when the Boll Weevil hit, it would have been the end of slavery, and the CSA would have as good of relations with the USA as Canada does.

Enjoying your alternate Universe?

At least I know when I am playing with a fantasy, which puts me miles ahead of you and your ilk.

Or have you discovered more secret codes hidden in my posts?

Ahhh, the good old "ilk" method.

Pretty boring. C-

Have you nothing better to offer?

I don't need to look for any secret codes in your content - it is really quite obvious.


Well, I would be happy to discuss the topic, buy you keep changing the subject to me, and your deep need to discuss how racist you think I am.

Some nice alternative history would be more interesting IMO.

You do realize how boringly predictable everything you say is?
If the South had fulfilled it's ambitions, had been left alone to conquer Mexico and southward, slavery might even still be an institution and they would have certainly sided with Hitler, or someone like him, against the United states. It's all just speculation but the idea of a twentieth century Union and Confederacy has long fascinated scholars and the consensus is that North America would probably still be in flames .


Slavery as an institution was on its way out without needing a bloody civil war.

East Germany and the former USSR succumbed to freedom.


Agreed. Personally I think when the Boll Weevil hit, it would have been the end of slavery, and the CSA would have as good of relations with the USA as Canada does.

Enjoying your alternate Universe?

At least I know when I am playing with a fantasy, which puts me miles ahead of you and your ilk.

Or have you discovered more secret codes hidden in my posts?

Ahhh, the good old "ilk" method.

Pretty boring. C-

Have you nothing better to offer?

I don't need to look for any secret codes in your content - it is really quite obvious.
Don't you just love that word? Sounds like a curse word, dismissively dripping with condescension and rage by a much more superior person. It's a shame it mostly gets used by dumb-asses.
Hard to believe that government supremacists such as yourself forget that when the 14th was "adopted" the southern states were under martial fucking law.

The Texas Legislature by Resolution on October 15, 1866, protested as follows:

"The amendment to the Constitution proposed by this joint resolution as article XIV is presented to the Legislature of Texas for its action thereon, under Article V of that Constitution. This article V, providing the mode of making amendments to that instrument, contemplates the participation by all the States through their representatives in Congress, in proposing amendments. As representatives from nearly one-third of the States were excluded from the Congress proposing the amendments, the constitutional requirement was not complied with; it was violated in letter and in spirit; and the proposing of these amendments to States which were excluded from all participation in their initiation in Congress, is a nullity." [Cite 3]
Secessions, like elections, have consequences.


Are you referring to the state of Texas?

No , the Province known as Texas.

In the annexation treaty of Texas, there is no clause that allows the state to secede from the Union.

Bullshit Vern.

the Supreme Court asserted that the Constitution mandated admission of new states on the basis of equality with the original states. Lessee of Pollard v. Hagan (1845).

Wrong. Very, very wrong. At the time of the Civil War, Texas had already been a state for 15 years. And here is the annexation treaty:

Resolution Annexing Texas to the US

Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States in Congress assembled, That Congress doth consent the territory properly included within, and rightfully belonging to the Republic of Texas, may be erected into a new State, to be called the State of Texas, with a republican form of government, to be adopted by the people of said republic, by deputies in convention assembled, with the consent of the existing government, in order that the same may be admitted as one of the States of this Union.

2. And be it further resolved, That the foregoing consent of Congress is given upon the following conditions, and with the following guarantees, to wit:

First, Said State to be formed, subject to the adjustment by this government of all questions of boundary that may arise with other governments; and the constitution therof, with the proper evidence of its adoption by the people of said Republic of Texas, shall be transmitted to the President of the United States, to be laid before Congress for its final action, on or before the first day of January, one thousand eight hundred and forty-six.

Second, Said State, when admitted into the Union, after ceding to the United States, all public edifices, fortifications, barracks, ports and harbors, navy and navy-yards, docks, magazines, arms, armaments, and all other property and means pertaining to the public defence belonging to the said Republic of Texas, shall retain all the public funds, debts, taxes, and dues of every kind, which may belong to or be due and owning to said Republic of Texas; and shall also retain all the vacant and unappropriated lands lying within its limits, to be applied to the payment of the debts and liabilities of said Republic of Texas, and the residue of said lands, after discharging said debts and liabilities, to be disposed of as State may direct; but in no event are said debts and liabilities to become a charge upon the Government of the United States.

Third, New States, of convenient size, not exceeding four in number, in addition to said State of Texas, and having sufficient population, may hereafter, by the consent of the said State, be formed out of the territory thereof, which shall be entitled to admission under the provisions of the federal constitution. And as such States as may be formed out of that portion of said territory lying south of thirty-six degrees thirty minutes north latitude, commonly known as the Missouri compromise line, shall be admitted to the Union with or without slavery, as the people of each State asking permission may desire. And in such State or States as shall be formed north of said Missouri compromise line, slavery, or involuntary servitude, (except for crime) shall be prohibited.

3. And be it further resolved, That if the President of the United States shall in his judgement and discretion deem it most advisable, instead of proceeding to submit the foregoing resolution of the Republic of Texas, as an overture on the part of the United States for admission, to negotiate with the Republic; then,

Be it Resolved, That a State, to be formed out of the present Republic of Texas, with suitable extant and boundaries, and with two representatives in Congress, until the next appointment of representation, shall be admitted into the Union, by virtue of this act, on an equal footing with the existing States as soon as the terms and conditions of such admission, and the cession of the remaining Texian territory to the United States be agreed upon by the Governments of Texas and the United States: And that the sum of one hundred thousand dollars be, and the same is hereby, appropriated to defray the expenses of missions and negotiations, to agree upon the terms of said admission and cession, either by treaty to be submitted to the Senate, or by articles to be submitted to the two houses of Congress, as the President may direct.

Approved, March 1, 1845.

Texas was not called a "Province" during the time of martial law following the Civil War.

Back to a Civics course for you...

I was being facetious when I called Texas a province. A recognition that I know you fuckers believe that the states have no rights.

Agsin , the SCOTUS ruled that the new states have the SAME rights as the original 13.


Slavery as an institution was on its way out without needing a bloody civil war.

East Germany and the former USSR succumbed to freedom.


Agreed. Personally I think when the Boll Weevil hit, it would have been the end of slavery, and the CSA would have as good of relations with the USA as Canada does.

Enjoying your alternate Universe?

At least I know when I am playing with a fantasy, which puts me miles ahead of you and your ilk.

Or have you discovered more secret codes hidden in my posts?

Ahhh, the good old "ilk" method.

Pretty boring. C-

Have you nothing better to offer?

I don't need to look for any secret codes in your content - it is really quite obvious.
Don't you just love that word? Sounds like a curse word, dismissively dripping with condescension and rage by a much more superior person. It's a shame it mostly gets used by dumb-asses.

Not rage.

BUt yes, condescension. Someone who wants to ignore the topic to discuss how he has discovered hidden messages in my posts?

Messages that just happen to reveal that his ideological opponent can be safely dismissed as a racist.

Yes. It is pretty easy for me to feel superior to that.
Agreed. Personally I think when the Boll Weevil hit, it would have been the end of slavery, and the CSA would have as good of relations with the USA as Canada does.

Enjoying your alternate Universe?

At least I know when I am playing with a fantasy, which puts me miles ahead of you and your ilk.

Or have you discovered more secret codes hidden in my posts?

Ahhh, the good old "ilk" method.

Pretty boring. C-

Have you nothing better to offer?

I don't need to look for any secret codes in your content - it is really quite obvious.
Don't you just love that word? Sounds like a curse word, dismissively dripping with condescension and rage by a much more superior person. It's a shame it mostly gets used by dumb-asses.

Not rage.

BUt yes, condescension. Someone who wants to ignore the topic to discuss how he has discovered hidden messages in my posts?

Messages that just happen to reveal that his ideological opponent can be safely dismissed as a racist.

Yes. It is pretty easy for me to feel superior to that.
I bet it is, playing the injured party is full of self-righteousness. People get called racists all day long here. Look at all those pixels you wasted just to say you weren't a racist, grow a pair, quit complaining, and return to defending the slavers and the traitors of the confederacy.
Damn, they just never learn.

Going on RIGHT NOW, in the HOR Judiciary Committee:

Hearing Birthright Citizenship Is it the Right Policy for America - Hearings - Judiciary Committee


Among the list of those invited is a person from the Claremont Institute, an extreme-Right-Wing think-tank.

And Rep. King just did this about 3 hours ago, at the hearing.

View attachment 40561

This HOR may just go down in history as most stupid HOR we have ever had.

Many, many important issues, and they are focused on wanting to kill the 14th amendment because of what they call "anchor babies".

Go figure.

Another thread/post showing the far left has no clue about the Constitution..
Damn, they just never learn.

Going on RIGHT NOW, in the HOR Judiciary Committee:

Hearing Birthright Citizenship Is it the Right Policy for America - Hearings - Judiciary Committee


Among the list of those invited is a person from the Claremont Institute, an extreme-Right-Wing think-tank.

And Rep. King just did this about 3 hours ago, at the hearing.

View attachment 40561

This HOR may just go down in history as most stupid HOR we have ever had.

Many, many important issues, and they are focused on wanting to kill the 14th amendment because of what they call "anchor babies".

Go figure.

Another thread/post showing the far left has no clue about the Constitution..
This topic is above your paygrade.

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