House Republicans To Gut Ethics Watchdog

]Give a couple examples of who should have been prosecuted?

And/or going forward, what types of things warrant a prosecution?

So, after 8 years, this "board" produced utterly nothing, not a hint or a scrap of wrong doing - but we should still fund it, because uh, um OBAMA ACKBAR.

These fucking sacred cows need to be slaughtered, just as this one was. They never did a damned thing, ever, just a bunch of party hacks sucking off the taxpayer tit.
The office investigates lawmakers but cannot punish them and does not officially determine guilt.

I don't know; I think you ought to look at the linked article. Sounds like they do their job and then the Ethics Committee gets folks off the hook. Sounds like the OCE looks into exactly the kind of shenanigans Trump and his cabinet will be trying to get away with on a regular basis. They're businessmen, doncha know, so they don't know any better.
The office investigates lawmakers but cannot punish them and does not officially determine guilt.

I don't know; I think you ought to look at the linked article. Sounds like they do their job and then the Ethics Committee gets folks off the hook. Sounds like the OCE looks into exactly the kind of shenanigans Trump and his cabinet will be trying to get away with on a regular basis. They're businessmen, doncha know, so they don't know any better.

So, these hacks do nothing, can do nothing, but we should fund them because. um.. welll...
]Give a couple examples of who should have been prosecuted?

And/or going forward, what types of things warrant a prosecution?

So, after 8 years, this "board" produced utterly nothing, not a hint or a scrap of wrong doing - but we should still fund it, because uh, um OBAMA ACKBAR.

These fucking sacred cows need to be slaughtered, just as this one was. They never did a damned thing, ever, just a bunch of party hacks sucking off the taxpayer tit.


Investigations – Office of Congressional Ethics

Rep. Charlie Rangel - member his admonishment?
Rep. Maxine Waters...
Rep. Nathan Deal (R-Ga.)...
The office investigates lawmakers but cannot punish them and does not officially determine guilt.

I don't know; I think you ought to look at the linked article. Sounds like they do their job and then the Ethics Committee gets folks off the hook. Sounds like the OCE looks into exactly the kind of shenanigans Trump and his cabinet will be trying to get away with on a regular basis. They're businessmen, doncha know, so they don't know any better.

So, these hacks do nothing, can do nothing, but we should fund them because. um.. welll...
You could be right, and I think the reason Ryan and some of the others objected to it is that LOOKS bad. However, the commission DID do some substantive investigations that no doubt were reported on to the public even if nothing was done to the people being investigated. You could be right, though, that it's just another way to make $100,000 in OT. Never demolish an Ethics body at the beginning of a questionable administration though.
And I believe part of the good stuff about OCE is that THEY choose who to investigate, not Congress.
]Give a couple examples of who should have been prosecuted?

And/or going forward, what types of things warrant a prosecution?

So, after 8 years, this "board" produced utterly nothing, not a hint or a scrap of wrong doing - but we should still fund it, because uh, um OBAMA ACKBAR.

These fucking sacred cows need to be slaughtered, just as this one was. They never did a damned thing, ever, just a bunch of party hacks sucking off the taxpayer tit.


Investigations – Office of Congressional Ethics

Rep. Charlie Rangel - member his admonishment?
Rep. Maxine Waters...
Rep. Nathan Deal (R-Ga.)...


Did they point at him and say 'naughty, naughty, naughty'?

Sit him in the corner wearing a conical hat?

Give him a time out?

slap his hand?
I repeat from the OP:

Specifically, the amendment would place the OCE under the “oversight” of the lenient Ethics Committee and rename it the Office of Congressional Complaint Review. The new group would no longer be able to release information to the public, employ anyone “for a position involving communications with the public,” or directly contact law enforcement without approval. It would also be prohibited from investigating anonymous complaints.
Name one accomplishment they have to justify their existence.
Game over.
The ethics committee is a complete joke. It's been non-existant during the 0bama administration which was the most corrupt in history. They should just do away with it.

Right wing delusions and conspiracies are not the same as facts .

Your statement would be true IF we had delusions and conspiracies. We don't, just facts. Like the fact that the ethics committee did nothing throughout the 0bama administration despite its rampant corruption and lies.

If they were so rampant you should be able to name some .

I can name quite a few. The FBI investigation of Tea Party and conservative supporters, the Benghazi event and subsequent lies, fast and furious, Obamacare lies about saving money, keeping your doctor, refusing to allow GM to go bankrupt, screwing investors but paying out millions to his UAW supporting buddies....and the list goes on and on.
I repeat from the OP:

Specifically, the amendment would place the OCE under the “oversight” of the lenient Ethics Committee and rename it the Office of Congressional Complaint Review. The new group would no longer be able to release information to the public, employ anyone “for a position involving communications with the public,” or directly contact law enforcement without approval. It would also be prohibited from investigating anonymous complaints.
Name one accomplishment they have to justify their existence.
Game over.

Even you can't really be that dumb.

Investigations – Office of Congressional Ethics

Investigations – Office of Congressional Ethics

Rep. Charlie Rangel - member his admonishment?

Charges filed? Indictments? Censures?

Rep. Maxine Waters...
Rep. Nathan Deal (R-Ga.)...

Charges filed? Indictments? Censures?

This board never did a damned thing but burn through tax payer money.

Rangel was censured by COngress, but I don't know how involved this committee was in the proceedings.
Yes, he was censured.

Rep. Charlie Rangel found guilty of 11 ethics violations › Politics
Nov 16, 2010 - A House ethics panel has found Democratic Rep. Charles ... The full committee will begin considering Rangel's punishment Thursday.

They investigate, then do a referral.

OCE Referral Regarding Rep. Rangel

On June 8, 2009, the OCE transmitted a referral to the Committee on Standards of Official Conduct of the United States House of Representatives regarding Representative Charles B. Rangel.

Nature of Review

There is substantial reason to believe that Congressman Charles Rangel’s participation in the 13th Annual Caribbean Multi-National Business Conference in St. Maarten, N.A. from November 7-9, 2008, his acceptance of reimbursement of expenses to attend that conference and the Member Post Travel Disclosure Form he filed violated various provisions of House Rule XXV Section 5(b).

OCE Recommendation

The Board of the OCE recommended that the Committee on Standards of Official Conduct further review the above allegations.

Committee Conclusion

On June 24, 2009, the Committee established an Investigative Subcommittee to conduct an inquiry regarding this matter.

On February 26, 2010, the Committee released a report from the Subcommittee finding Representative Rangel violated the House gift rule by accepting payment or reimbursement for travel to the 2007 and 2008 conferences. The report’s publication served as a public admonishment by the Standards Committee of Representative Rangel. The Committee also required Representative Rangel to repay the costs of the trips to the respective entitites that paid for his travel or to the U.S. Treasury.

OCE Referral Regarding Rep. Rangel – Office of Congressional Ethics

Investigations – Office of Congressional Ethics

Rep. Charlie Rangel - member his admonishment?

Charges filed? Indictments? Censures?

Rep. Maxine Waters...
Rep. Nathan Deal (R-Ga.)...

Charges filed? Indictments? Censures?

This board never did a damned thing but burn through tax payer money.

Rangel was censured by COngress, but I don't know how involved this committee was in the proceedings.
Yes, he was censured.

Rep. Charlie Rangel found guilty of 11 ethics violations › Politics
Nov 16, 2010 - A House ethics panel has found Democratic Rep. Charles ... The full committee will begin considering Rangel's punishment Thursday.

They investigate, then do a referral.

OCE Referral Regarding Rep. Rangel

On June 8, 2009, the OCE transmitted a referral to the Committee on Standards of Official Conduct of the United States House of Representatives regarding Representative Charles B. Rangel.

Nature of Review

There is substantial reason to believe that Congressman Charles Rangel’s participation in the 13th Annual Caribbean Multi-National Business Conference in St. Maarten, N.A. from November 7-9, 2008, his acceptance of reimbursement of expenses to attend that conference and the Member Post Travel Disclosure Form he filed violated various provisions of House Rule XXV Section 5(b).

OCE Recommendation

The Board of the OCE recommended that the Committee on Standards of Official Conduct further review the above allegations.

Committee Conclusion

On June 24, 2009, the Committee established an Investigative Subcommittee to conduct an inquiry regarding this matter.

On February 26, 2010, the Committee released a report from the Subcommittee finding Representative Rangel violated the House gift rule by accepting payment or reimbursement for travel to the 2007 and 2008 conferences. The report’s publication served as a public admonishment by the Standards Committee of Representative Rangel. The Committee also required Representative Rangel to repay the costs of the trips to the respective entitites that paid for his travel or to the U.S. Treasury.

OCE Referral Regarding Rep. Rangel – Office of Congressional Ethics

YOU DO GRASP that the OCE is not the board in question, and the the move earlier today was to dissolve Pelosi's witch hunt INTO the OCE, right sparky?

Rangel was censured by COngress, but I don't know how involved this committee was in the proceedings.

That is the point, they were not at all involved. Rangel was censured by the Congressional Ethics Committee - the legitimate enforcement body. This board is a farce.

Bullshit. They do the investigation, then make a referral.

Your stupid ass doesn't even seem to know that -- even more embarrasing for you after you said

"So, after 8 years, this "board" produced utterly nothing, not a hint or a scrap of wrong doing...They never did a damned thing, ever..."

]Give a couple examples of who should have been prosecuted?

And/or going forward, what types of things warrant a prosecution?

So, after 8 years, this "board" produced utterly nothing, not a hint or a scrap of wrong doing - but we should still fund it, because uh, um OBAMA ACKBAR.

These fucking sacred cows need to be slaughtered, just as this one was. They never did a damned thing, ever, just a bunch of party hacks sucking off the taxpayer tit.


Investigations – Office of Congressional Ethics

Rep. Charlie Rangel - member his admonishment?
Rep. Maxine Waters...
Rep. Nathan Deal (R-Ga.)...


Did they point at him and say 'naughty, naughty, naughty'?

Sit him in the corner wearing a conical hat?

Give him a time out?

slap his hand?
Yes, they did.

Admonishment is just one step away from expulsion. Of which there have only been three, outside of a handful expulsions wrt Confederates.

There have only been 23 members censured in all our history.

It's pretty serious.

Investigations – Office of Congressional Ethics

Rep. Charlie Rangel - member his admonishment?

Charges filed? Indictments? Censures?

Rep. Maxine Waters...
Rep. Nathan Deal (R-Ga.)...

Charges filed? Indictments? Censures?

This board never did a damned thing but burn through tax payer money.

Rangel was censured by COngress, but I don't know how involved this committee was in the proceedings.
Yes, he was censured.

Rep. Charlie Rangel found guilty of 11 ethics violations › Politics
Nov 16, 2010 - A House ethics panel has found Democratic Rep. Charles ... The full committee will begin considering Rangel's punishment Thursday.

They investigate, then do a referral.

OCE Referral Regarding Rep. Rangel

On June 8, 2009, the OCE transmitted a referral to the Committee on Standards of Official Conduct of the United States House of Representatives regarding Representative Charles B. Rangel.

Nature of Review

There is substantial reason to believe that Congressman Charles Rangel’s participation in the 13th Annual Caribbean Multi-National Business Conference in St. Maarten, N.A. from November 7-9, 2008, his acceptance of reimbursement of expenses to attend that conference and the Member Post Travel Disclosure Form he filed violated various provisions of House Rule XXV Section 5(b).

OCE Recommendation

The Board of the OCE recommended that the Committee on Standards of Official Conduct further review the above allegations.

Committee Conclusion

On June 24, 2009, the Committee established an Investigative Subcommittee to conduct an inquiry regarding this matter.

On February 26, 2010, the Committee released a report from the Subcommittee finding Representative Rangel violated the House gift rule by accepting payment or reimbursement for travel to the 2007 and 2008 conferences. The report’s publication served as a public admonishment by the Standards Committee of Representative Rangel. The Committee also required Representative Rangel to repay the costs of the trips to the respective entitites that paid for his travel or to the U.S. Treasury.

OCE Referral Regarding Rep. Rangel – Office of Congressional Ethics

YOU DO GRASP that the OCE is not the board in question, and the the move earlier today was to dissolve Pelosi's witch hunt INTO the OCE, right sparky?

You're not even making sense now. Too much Trump-addled brain.
The feeling is, the Democrats have too much influence on it. Republicans feel it isn't 'independent.' They feel Democrats will use it to concoct endless 'scandals' against Trump. It'll be used to sabotage his Presidency. I mean, Democrats are gonna do that anyway. But now they'll have one less weapon.
The feeling is, the Democrats have too much influence on it. Republicans feel it isn't 'independent.' They feel Democrats will use it to concoct endless 'scandals' against Trump. It'll be used to sabotage his Presidency. I mean, Democrats are gonna do that anyway. But now they'll have one less weapon.

God forbid we have an independent watchdog made up of non-politicians / non MoC to hold members accountable.

God forbid!

About – Office of Congressional Ethics
The Office of Congressional Ethics (OCE) is an independent, non-partisan entity charged with reviewing allegations of misconduct against Members, officers, and staff of the United States House of Representatives and, when appropriate, referring matters to the House Committee on Ethics.

In all but one set of circumstances, the report and findings of the OCE Board must be publicly released. The OCE has a professional staff (hyperlink to staff bios) consisting primarily of attorneys and other professionals with expertise in ethics law and investigations. The mission of the OCE and its Board is to assist the House in upholding high standards of ethical conduct for its Members, officers, and staff and, in so doing, to serve the American people. Governed by an eight-person Board of Directors, Members of the OCE Board are private citizens and cannot serve as members of Congress or work for the federal government.
History of the OCE

Established March 11, 2008, by House Resolution 895, the Office of Congressional Ethics (OCE) is the first ever independent body overseeing the ethics of the House of Representatives. The OCE was formed after members of a congressional task force proposed an independent entity in the U.S. House to increase accountability and transparency. The OCE’s mission is to assist the U.S. House in upholding high ethical standards with an eye toward increasing transparency and providing information to the public. The OCE reviews allegations of misconduct against House Members, officers, and staff and, when appropriate, refers investigations to the House Ethics Committee for further review. While our two-stage investigative process is confidential, in almost all circumstances, OCE cases sent to the Ethics Committee must become public. Since the OCE was created, its authorizing resolution has been renewed in the 111th, 112th, 113th and 114th Congresses. The OCE has reviewed a wide variety of allegations relating to earmarks, travel, financial disclosure, and legal expense funds among other topics. The OCE publishes a statistical summary of the Board’s actions on a quarterly basis. The reports and findings of the Board are made public according to the OCE’s authorizing resolution. These referrals are available at the reports page. The OCE’s investigations are done in two phases. A chart outlines this process and our Citizen’s Guide shows how the OCE fits into the structure of government ethics enforcement. Visit our FAQs for more details on how the OCE operates."

More Jack Abramoffs!
More Duke Cunninghams!
More Bob Ney!
More Mark Foley!
More William J. Jeffersons!

Speaking of Jack Abramoff -- Guess who is in favor of not gutting the OCE?

"Jack Abramoff, the former lobbyist whose sprawling corruption case helped prompt the creation of the Office of Congressional Ethics, on Tuesday bashed House Republicans' short-lived attempt to weaken the office.

"While there seems to be little question that some of the procedures of the Office of Congressional Ethics can and probably have created collateral political problems for innocent Members of Congress, moving to diminish oversight is exactly the opposite of what Congress should be doing," Abramoff told Politico before House Republicans pulled the measure.

Even Jack Abramoff Says GOP Attempt To Gut Ethics Office Was A Bad Idea
The feeling is, the Democrats have too much influence on it. Republicans feel it isn't 'independent.' They feel Democrats will use it to concoct endless 'scandals' against Trump. It'll be used to sabotage his Presidency. I mean, Democrats are gonna do that anyway. But now they'll have one less weapon.

God forbid we have an independent watchdog made up of non-politicians / non MoC to hold members accountable.

God forbid!

About – Office of Congressional Ethics
The Office of Congressional Ethics (OCE) is an independent, non-partisan entity charged with reviewing allegations of misconduct against Members, officers, and staff of the United States House of Representatives and, when appropriate, referring matters to the House Committee on Ethics.

In all but one set of circumstances, the report and findings of the OCE Board must be publicly released. The OCE has a professional staff (hyperlink to staff bios) consisting primarily of attorneys and other professionals with expertise in ethics law and investigations. The mission of the OCE and its Board is to assist the House in upholding high standards of ethical conduct for its Members, officers, and staff and, in so doing, to serve the American people. Governed by an eight-person Board of Directors, Members of the OCE Board are private citizens and cannot serve as members of Congress or work for the federal government.
History of the OCE

Established March 11, 2008, by House Resolution 895, the Office of Congressional Ethics (OCE) is the first ever independent body overseeing the ethics of the House of Representatives. The OCE was formed after members of a congressional task force proposed an independent entity in the U.S. House to increase accountability and transparency. The OCE’s mission is to assist the U.S. House in upholding high ethical standards with an eye toward increasing transparency and providing information to the public. The OCE reviews allegations of misconduct against House Members, officers, and staff and, when appropriate, refers investigations to the House Ethics Committee for further review. While our two-stage investigative process is confidential, in almost all circumstances, OCE cases sent to the Ethics Committee must become public. Since the OCE was created, its authorizing resolution has been renewed in the 111th, 112th, 113th and 114th Congresses. The OCE has reviewed a wide variety of allegations relating to earmarks, travel, financial disclosure, and legal expense funds among other topics. The OCE publishes a statistical summary of the Board’s actions on a quarterly basis. The reports and findings of the Board are made public according to the OCE’s authorizing resolution. These referrals are available at the reports page. The OCE’s investigations are done in two phases. A chart outlines this process and our Citizen’s Guide shows how the OCE fits into the structure of government ethics enforcement. Visit our FAQs for more details on how the OCE operates."

More Jack Abramoffs!
More Duke Cunninghams!
More Bob Ney!
More Mark Foley!
More William J. Jeffersons!

Speaking of Jack Abramoff -- Guess who is in favor of not gutting the OCE?

"Jack Abramoff, the former lobbyist whose sprawling corruption case helped prompt the creation of the Office of Congressional Ethics, on Tuesday bashed House Republicans' short-lived attempt to weaken the office.

"While there seems to be little question that some of the procedures of the Office of Congressional Ethics can and probably have created collateral political problems for innocent Members of Congress, moving to diminish oversight is exactly the opposite of what Congress should be doing," Abramoff told Politico before House Republicans pulled the measure.

Even Jack Abramoff Says GOP Attempt To Gut Ethics Office Was A Bad Idea

I'm just telling you the feeling. Republicans don't feel it acted in a good faith independent manner. It too often refused to investigate any possible wrongdoing in the Obama Administration. So now Republicans see it as being used as a weapon to sabotage Trump. They feel it will concoct numerous 'scandals' against him. It just didn't show a willingness to investigate anything in the Obama Administration. It lost credibility.

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