House Republicans To Gut Ethics Watchdog

Elections have consequences.

The winners get to fill the swamp? That's your proud position?

Here is my proud position. If it's true for Obama, it's true for Trump.

“Elections have consequences, and at the end of the day, I won.” – President Obama to House Republican Whip Eric Cantor, January 23, 2009.

:rolleyes: pathetic.

My proud position is that I oppose swampy moves by both parties - yours AND MINE.
NYT headline...

With No Warning, House Republicans Vote to Gut Independent Ethics Office

So, the house Republicans voted to remove the internal organs from the Ethics committee prior to cooking?

NYT is a piece of shit editorial rag.

"GUT" is editorializing.

Here is a proper fucking headline:

House Republicans voted to significantly curtail the power of Independent Ethics Office.

Trump says NYT is say what?

I am saying it's an editorialized headline.

Can you please post Trump's EXACT quote regarding the headline? Thanks. Then we can discuss the editorialized HEADLINE that I referred to.

Straw grasping.

If GOP didn't trully try to gut it then what is Trump's and Ryan's objection to their own party?

You replied to a post about the headline. You said Trump commented on the headline. What was his comment. Read the fucking post you replied to, idiot.

I said Trump agrees with THE POINT of the article.

You are just quibbling beside the point.

No, I was pointing out how the NYT editorializes headlines.
Elections have consequences.

The winners get to fill the swamp? That's your proud position?

Here is my proud position. If it's true for Obama, it's true for Trump.

“Elections have consequences, and at the end of the day, I won.” – President Obama to House Republican Whip Eric Cantor, January 23, 2009.

:rolleyes: pathetic.

My proud position is that I oppose swampy moves by both parties - yours AND MINE.

I am merely following the example that Obama set for the nation.
You're right, we don't need no stinking ethics.
Agreed, and that is all we have had - 'stinking ethics'.

That's what usually happens when you put immoral, unethical people in charge of governing 'ethics', what happens when you put the criminals in charge of 'policing' themselves.

The 'Ethics Commission' should be an outside, independent, non-partisan, objective, public agency, one that has prosecutorial powers that can subpoena, indict, and file charges against or punish federal politicians who violate the law! It would then be up to the DOJ to follow-through and fully criminally prosecute them. 'CENSURING' federal politicians and anything short of that criminal prosecution should be in their power.

If a significant, honest, and proven case of political bias is shown / proven against any member on this council it should be able to strip them from their position on the Commission.

As it is, the foxes have been protecting themselves and the hen house, culminating in the most criminal administration in US history.
Does this logic apply to Cabinet picks as well? You know, putting an oil mogul in charge of things where conflict-of-interest is as intrinsic as the fact of having to breath air to live?

Millionaire and billionaire kleptocrats know best, stay in your place.
The 'Ethics Committee' has been a JOKE for a very long time, almost as much as our non-existent / extremely Broken 'Checks and Balances'.

Asking the fox to govern and regulate it's own activities is ludicrous. The 'Ethics Committee' should be comprised of independent, outside, objective, non-partisan group. Congress / Washington Politicians should have no role / seat on that commission / panel.

As it is, the Obama administration has been the most lawless in US history.

Actually , Obamas whitehouse has been one of the most scandal free ever .
Elections have consequences.

The winners get to fill the swamp? That's your proud position?

Here is my proud position. If it's true for Obama, it's true for Trump.

“Elections have consequences, and at the end of the day, I won.” – President Obama to House Republican Whip Eric Cantor, January 23, 2009.

:rolleyes: pathetic.

My proud position is that I oppose swampy moves by both parties - yours AND MINE.

I am merely following the example that Obama set for the nation.

No, you aren't, you are just being your very own pathetic politico self.
The ethics committee is a complete joke. It's been non-existant during the 0bama administration which was the most corrupt in history. They should just do away with it.

Right wing delusions and conspiracies are not the same as facts .
Obama has run the most lawless administration in US history, yet snowflakes continue to push their fear-mongering. :p

It can't get any worse than what we have had the last 8 years.
The most corrupt administration in history is the Reagan administration. That administration holds the record of indictments, convictions and pardons in history. Those crimes included crimes of profit, bribery, and crimes considered 'white collar" crimes.

When Obama change his name to Reagan?

Silly far left drone!
How many Obama administration members were indicted, convicted or pardoned for crimes? How many from the Reagan administration? Answer those two simple questions.
Reality counts for more than your partisan babbling.

That has nothing to with corruption, it is how many people that should have been held accountable under Obama and got promotions for their corruption. The far left never holds their own accountable. Just like the way you post, you never hold your own accountable.

So based on your questions you have proven that the Obama administration is far more corrupt than anything that happened under Reagan.

Silly far left drone!
The ethics committee is a complete joke. It's been non-existant during the 0bama administration which was the most corrupt in history. They should just do away with it.

Right wing delusions and conspiracies are not the same as facts .

Your statement would be true IF we had delusions and conspiracies. We don't, just facts. Like the fact that the ethics committee did nothing throughout the 0bama administration despite its rampant corruption and lies.
I would like to see the reason...odds are it turned into a bash the GOP machine, going after the GOP while ignoring the democrats and their continuous corruption.....we'll see......

The reason is that the story is fake news.

What the GOP did was to take the independent ethics audit board, a witch hunt created by Pelosi and co. in 2008 and roll them into the long established congressional ethics committee

{After eight years of operation, many members believe the Office of Congressional Ethics is in need of reform to protect due process and ensure it is operating according to its stated mission. I want to make clear that this House will hold its members to the highest ethical standards and the Office will continue to operate independently to provide public accountability to Congress," Ryan released in a statement Tuesday. "The Office will continue to be governed by a bipartisan independent outside board with ultimate decision-making authority. The Office is still expected to take in complaints of wrongdoing from the public. It will still investigate them thoroughly and independently. And the outside board will still decide whether or not evidence exists to warrant a full investigation by the House Ethics Committee."}

After Ethics Vote, Speaker Ryan Tries To Reassure Americans Politicians Will Still Be Held Accountable

This was a redundant agency and a waste of taxpayer money. They have NEVER done anything, since the day Pelosi created them in hopes of spearing Republicans back in 2008.

lol, oops, the GOP Congress caves.
He is NOT going to an oil mogul anymore. He will not be the CEO. How does he benefit from a position he no longer has?
Rightwing Republican logic in action folks. You can't make this crap up.

LOL she states an obvious perception and you call her a Republican and rightwing?
Kinda bottom of the barrel lol
The 'Ethics Committee' has been a JOKE for a very long time, almost as much as our non-existent / extremely Broken 'Checks and Balances'.

Asking the fox to govern and regulate it's own activities is ludicrous. The 'Ethics Committee' should be comprised of independent, outside, objective, non-partisan group. Congress / Washington Politicians should have no role / seat on that commission / panel.

As it is, the Obama administration has been the most lawless in US history.

Actually , Obamas whitehouse has been one of the most scandal free ever .

Lay out some specific stats for us.
He is NOT going to an oil mogul anymore. He will not be the CEO. How does he benefit from a position he no longer has?
Rightwing Republican logic in action folks. You can't make this crap up.

LOL. I'm saving this one. Me a Republican? You're gonna make a lot of people sick with this one.
Right wing hacks call me a liberal or dem all the time. Couple of weeks ago I actually liked Clinton. LOL
Partisan hackery is for the birds
The ethics committee is a complete joke. It's been non-existant during the 0bama administration which was the most corrupt in history. They should just do away with it.

Right wing delusions and conspiracies are not the same as facts .

Your statement would be true IF we had delusions and conspiracies. We don't, just facts. Like the fact that the ethics committee did nothing throughout the 0bama administration despite its rampant corruption and lies.

If they were so rampant you should be able to name some .


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