How About a Family Pride Day?

I dunno, ‘pride’ is one of the seven deadly sins. Let the lefties have it, it suits them.
It's sad watching the putrid filth Dems drag the USA down.
Ignore is what I do. Works great. Now give me a gop candidate I can support and it isn't a former POTUS. And I'm a white Christian male. It's time for new. New new new new. Former is HAS BEEN.
If you think the traditional American family is encouraged these days, you need a crash course in a lot of different subjects.

But crude, lewd, suggestive entertainment for children, inappropriate curriculum and 'grooming' should be repressed by all decent people everywhere.

Why's that?

"13 Legal Benefits of Marriage"

"Marital Tax Deduction"

"Filing Taxes Jointly"

"Social Security Benefits"

And on and on.
Thanksgiving and Christmas are holidays. No LGBTQ+ holidays.
The central focus of both holidays is supposed to be the family. Family gatherings. Family dinners...
So how is it "not the same thing at all?"
I think you really missed the point I was making. There are many holidays commemorating various things and ALL ideologies, creed, demographics, whatever can benefit from each and every one of them. There is no holiday designated for family, only those marking various historical events with no edicts of who may or may not participate in them.
Family values my ass it's all just a bunch of busy bodies with glandular based propulsion to fuck, the kids are the after thought and the basis of human slavery.
Family? Family Pride Day?

Heaven forbid!!!! :omg:.......the word family itself is a profanity for the Left!

Didn't you know that already OP?
In Rome Italy this week there was a huge massively attended "Family Pride Day" to celebrate traditional moms, dads and kids.

I'll admit this warmed by heart. We need this here.

I just wonder what the reaction would be from the left here in the USA if Americans staged such an event? Would the talking heads on television even mention it? Or would they condemn it? Would the Squad protest such an event as anti-LGBTX? Or pretend it didn't happen? Would the media even cover it? (Pro choice/women's rights/women's march demonstrations get much news coverage for example, but a huge pro life demonstration got almost none. See Here's why the media ignore the March for Life but fawn over the Women's March )

Would DC even issue a permit to have it?

Go for it. I'd be on board.
In Rome Italy this week there was a huge massively attended "Family Pride Day" to celebrate traditional moms, dads and kids.
There is already a Father's day, Mom's day and Children's day - maybe cancel all three and make one day out of it?

The other two day's could be used to work or fully work and thus increase the national GDP - in contra to the USA there are around 15 public holidays more in the EU already, plus the average additional employee holiday in the EU is around 25 days.
There is already a Father's day, Mom's day and Children's day - maybe cancel all three and make one day out of it?

The other two day's could be used to work or fully work and thus increase the national GDP - in contra to the USA there are around 15 public holidays more in the EU already, plus the average additional employee holiday in the EU is around 25 days.
I know you probably mean well but that doesn't address the point of the OP. The other days are intended for family members to acknowledge individual in the family, not a celebration of the traditional family as an institution and bedrock of a stable, lawful, prosperous nation that it once was.
I know you probably mean well but that doesn't address the point of the OP. The other days are intended for family members to acknowledge individual in the family, not a celebration of the traditional family as an institution and bedrock of a stable, lawful, prosperous nation that it once was.
That is why I suggested - cancellation of those three days - and make one family day out of it.

Personally I always grin about those fellows who party Papa day, - since they are in majority those who are in the least involved in taking care for their kids.
That is why I suggested - cancellation of those three days - and make one family day out of it.

Personally I always grin about those fellows who party Papa day, - since they are in majority those who are in the least involved in taking care for their kids.
If the Papa is not in the home that is true.

But in the most common traditional family Papa is the primary breadwinner and Mama is the primary homemaker, caregiver but they raise the kids together. That is the arrangement my husband and I had. He was in a professional in which he got transferred to new locations every time. And while he progressed in his career I had to start over in each new place. I was the one who stayed home with the babies, stayed home with them when they were sick, was home room mother, went to the parent/teacher conferences, etc.

But I also worked though sometimes it would take me two or three jobs in a place to find one that was what I wanted. As a result I had maybe one of the world's most eclectic career histories but it has been an amazing, interesting, challenging, rewarding ride. And ultimately, in my last job working for the other fellow, when we were empty nesters and I was free to do what the guys could do, I out earned my husband for a few years.

But there was never a time both of us were not a factor in their lives.

But again Fathers Day, Mothers Day, Childrens Day are all to honor specific people within a family. They are lovely traditions and are good to have. But there is no acknowledgement, appreciation, emphasis on the traditional family as the best situation for children to grow up in and how the traditional family has produced stable communities with low crime, better schools, more situations of people helping people, and more prosperity for all.

And again why just a day? LGBTX who altogether make up a small percentage of the population get a whole month. Why shouldn't we be celebrating and promoting the traditional family that was once the norm? And now fewer than half of children in America are privileged to grow up in a traditional family with a mom and dad in the home. And our culture has suffered tremendously for it.

And that is because of a culture that has consistently downplayed the importance of the traditional family in favor of alternate family units, government policies that encouraged decimation of the traditional family, urban renewal initiatives that tore communities and ultimately families apart. The country has not been better for it.
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Then do it. Nobody is stopping you.

Thing is, "pride" is usually the sort of thing you do when you're repressed. Traditional families aren't repressed, often they're encouraged.... so... kind of pointless.
Pride is sin. Queers and sexual freaks should be repressed. It's better for a healthy society.
Heterosexual pride day.

But there's no such thing. Straight people aren't proud that they're straight. When they think about it, they might be happy about it, relieved that they are, know that they are. But what straight person gets up in the morning thinking "I'm straight and I'm going make sure every damn person in the world knows it and respects me for it?"

Again anybody who is LGBT or X and gets up in the morning as just another person living his/her life as just another person is almost never going to get any grief from anybody. But anybody getting in my face or somebody else's face demanding that their situations/choices be recognized and appreciated and it could end unpleasantly.

And anybody presuming to use school curriculum or entertainment or anything else to groom kids will get significant pushback from sensible, rational, caring, normal people every single time.

Traditional nuclear families are still valued.
Are they? Government policies have encouraged fathers to abandon their families. Encouraging and admiring the single parent has discouraged people from getting married at all before having kids greatly exacerbating child poverty. Social attitudes that translate to criminals having more rights and protection than do law abiding citizens results in children being at much higher risk than they were a generation ago.

When is the last time you saw a magazine article or television program or anything else pointing out the value of the traditional family with a responsible mom and dad in the home raising their kids?

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