How about some examples of this “socialism” stuff y’all are afraid of?


Admitting you lied is a good start to redemption.
Is government-funded education socialism or not, dipshit?

Your question has nothing to do with the argument at hand. Nice touch with the "dipshit" remark.
Sorry, your red herrings aren't working.

Is government-funded school socialism or not?

I will answer your question G, YES IT IS!

And what ranking in the world does it have, after being either the number 1 or 2 funded per student in the world?

It is FAIL, and just like ALL Socialist programs, they try and FORCE you to stay in it, even as it fails.

Yes G, you are 100% correct, it is FAILED SOCIALISM, and thank you for making the point, it is greatly appreciated.
It's not the system or the money why it's a failure it's the students..and no amount of private school will change that as long as corporations prefer foriegn workers over US workers..
It's funny to watch conservative republicans not know how socialistic Total War was. Businesses got told by the government what they were manufacture for the war effort. No choices there.
the manufacturer was a private company paid by the government. that isn't socialist at all. My company makes product for the government and we get paid for it. hmmmm not clear your point asswipe.

The problem is that any program set up, run and funded by the government to benefit society, is "socialism", not the definition being used by American conservatives. Those programs give their citizens a tremendous amount of freedom to plan and organize our lives.

I have lived my life with the full knowledge and understanding that my basic medical care is a given. Whether I am working full time, unemployed or retired, I never in my life have had to worry about having enough money to take care of my medical needs. I don't have to save up for treatments or worry about co-pays, these things are a given. That, in and of itself, is freedom you don't have. I don't have to worry about what happens to my health care coverage if I change jobs, or if I'm unemployed for any length of time. Health care is my right.

Imagine if you had that freedom.

The freedom of waiting for a year to get a knew replacement. The freedom of waiting 6 months to get chemotherapy if you have cancer. The freedom of never receiving some kinds of treatments because the ministry of health decided that they were too expensive. The freedom of waiting 6 months to get an MRI to determine if you have a tumor in your brain.

Yeah, that's real freedom!
Takes just as long with private healthcare if you get it at all..
I have had both and it takes just as long as the VA as it does for private insurance.
Admitting you lied is a good start to redemption.
Is government-funded education socialism or not, dipshit?

Your question has nothing to do with the argument at hand. Nice touch with the "dipshit" remark.
Sorry, your red herrings aren't working.

Is government-funded school socialism or not?

I will answer your question G, YES IT IS!

And what ranking in the world does it have, after being either the number 1 or 2 funded per student in the world?

It is FAIL, and just like ALL Socialist programs, they try and FORCE you to stay in it, even as it fails.

Yes G, you are 100% correct, it is FAILED SOCIALISM, and thank you for making the point, it is greatly appreciated.
It's not the system or the money why it's a failure it's the students..and no amount of private school will change that as long as corporations prefer foriegn workers over US workers..

So then, you are for a wall! And we thank you for your support.
The Right has turned the word into mush. Now no one is afraid of it.

That's what happens.
The Right has turned the word into mush. Now no one is afraid of it.

That's what happens.
This what our Founding Fathers commanded us to do with our form of socialism, and even gave us a Constitution so we won't forget it:

We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.
Sure, which is why you folks are constantly screaming about Venezuela and Cuba.

Talk radio has robbed you of your capacity for nuance, assuming you ever had it to begin with.
Over Thirty million Russians died over collectivism in the 1930's in the Soviet Union. With all of our flaws, government has no soul when agendas become a tsunami. People believed in our nation during the depression that Sovit successes were making the rich. They did not know of the exterminations of people. This led to McCarthy. Now we embryonic Lenin Mensheviks in the Progressive Socialist Party that will lead to Bolsheviks.
In the 1930s we enacted socialist policies to keep people from starving
The socialist policies are what caused people to go hungry. Nobody starved, however.
FDR saved them
FDR extended the suffering.

As FDR put it.........People don’t eat in the long term, they have to eat every day
Sure, which is why you folks are constantly screaming about Venezuela and Cuba.

Talk radio has robbed you of your capacity for nuance, assuming you ever had it to begin with.
Over Thirty million Russians died over collectivism in the 1930's in the Soviet Union. With all of our flaws, government has no soul when agendas become a tsunami. People believed in our nation during the depression that Sovit successes were making the rich. They did not know of the exterminations of people. This led to McCarthy. Now we embryonic Lenin Mensheviks in the Progressive Socialist Party that will lead to Bolsheviks.
In the 1930s we enacted socialist policies to keep people from starving
The socialist policies are what caused people to go hungry. Nobody starved, however.
FDR saved them
FDR is the reason they went hungry. Most soup kitchens were run by churches, anyway, moron.
Ask the families in the Dust Bowl
Cons seem to love tagging everything they don’t like as “socialism “ . The word has lost all meaning .

How about some real life examples of American socialism? And how it’s hurt us .

I’ll give you an example : US socialism going waaaay back to the 1800s . When the gov purchased and then opened up the west and gave away land to Americans.

I've got one that goes back to the constitution.

Our constitution requires the United States to have socialism.

What conservatives don't know is socialism is an economic system. Not political or social.

Our military is 100% socialism. It's required by the constitution and we've had one since nearly the inception of our nation.

Every single government program, NASA, FEMA, NOA, EMT and so many more are pure socialism.

Our road system, electrical systems, water systems and even the internet were built with socialism.

People have been brainwashed to believe anything they don't like or don't agree with is socialism.

Conservatives also don't know the difference between socialism and communism either. They think they are the same thing.
The constitution says not a word about any system. Capitalism, Socialism, Marxism, etc. It tells you about freedom and what real money is. There are questions on the legality of the Federal Income Tax. Saying that, what we have today must be balanced. Somehow we keep moving to the left on this.
Over Thirty million Russians died over collectivism in the 1930's in the Soviet Union. With all of our flaws, government has no soul when agendas become a tsunami. People believed in our nation during the depression that Sovit successes were making the rich. They did not know of the exterminations of people. This led to McCarthy. Now we embryonic Lenin Mensheviks in the Progressive Socialist Party that will lead to Bolsheviks.
In the 1930s we enacted socialist policies to keep people from starving
The socialist policies are what caused people to go hungry. Nobody starved, however.
FDR saved them
FDR is the reason they went hungry. Most soup kitchens were run by churches, anyway, moron.
Ask the families in the Dust Bowl
Ask the Federal Reserve why they tightened the fiat money supply in a draconian way and caused the Great Depression.
Cons seem to love tagging everything they don’t like as “socialism “ . The word has lost all meaning .

How about some real life examples of American socialism? And how it’s hurt us .

I’ll give you an example : US socialism going waaaay back to the 1800s . When the gov purchased and then opened up the west and gave away land to Americans.

I've got one that goes back to the constitution.

Our constitution requires the United States to have socialism.

What conservatives don't know is socialism is an economic system. Not political or social.

Our military is 100% socialism. It's required by the constitution and we've had one since nearly the inception of our nation.

Every single government program, NASA, FEMA, NOA, EMT and so many more are pure socialism.

Our road system, electrical systems, water systems and even the internet were built with socialism.

People have been brainwashed to believe anything they don't like or don't agree with is socialism.

Conservatives also don't know the difference between socialism and communism either. They think they are the same thing.
The constitution says not a word about any system. Capitalism, Socialism, Marxism, etc. It tells you about freedom and what real money is. There are questions on the legality of the Federal Income Tax. Saying that, what we have today must be balanced. Somehow we keep moving to the left on this.
the ring wing has nothing but repeal, not any form of better solutions at lower cost.
In the 1930s we enacted socialist policies to keep people from starving
The socialist policies are what caused people to go hungry. Nobody starved, however.
FDR saved them
FDR is the reason they went hungry. Most soup kitchens were run by churches, anyway, moron.
Ask the families in the Dust Bowl
Ask the Federal Reserve why they tightened the fiat money supply in a draconian way and caused the Great Depression.
Nice spin

Incorrect.....but nice try
In the 1930s we enacted socialist policies to keep people from starving
The socialist policies are what caused people to go hungry. Nobody starved, however.
FDR saved them
FDR is the reason they went hungry. Most soup kitchens were run by churches, anyway, moron.
Ask the families in the Dust Bowl
Ask the Federal Reserve why they tightened the fiat money supply in a draconian way and caused the Great Depression.
Even the South complained about corporate welfare for the North but not the South.
Our next election will be a choice between socialism and fascism. Likely, we'll get both.
Cons seem to love tagging everything they don’t like as “socialism “ . The word has lost all meaning .

How about some real life examples of American socialism? And how it’s hurt us .

I’ll give you an example : US socialism going waaaay back to the 1800s . When the gov purchased and then opened up the west and gave away land to Americans.
Cons seem to love tagging everything they don’t like as “socialism “ . The word has lost all meaning .

How about some real life examples of American socialism? And how it’s hurt us .

I’ll give you an example : US socialism going waaaay back to the 1800s . When the gov purchased and then opened up the west and gave away land to Americans.
Rooting for America by conspiring with Russia to steal an election?
Sure, which is why you folks are constantly screaming about Venezuela and Cuba.

Talk radio has robbed you of your capacity for nuance, assuming you ever had it to begin with.
Over Thirty million Russians died over collectivism in the 1930's in the Soviet Union. With all of our flaws, government has no soul when agendas become a tsunami. People believed in our nation during the depression that Sovit successes were making the rich. They did not know of the exterminations of people. This led to McCarthy. Now we embryonic Lenin Mensheviks in the Progressive Socialist Party that will lead to Bolsheviks.
In the 1930s we enacted socialist policies to keep people from starving
The socialist policies are what caused people to go hungry. Nobody starved, however.
FDR saved them
FDR is the reason they went hungry. Most soup kitchens were run by churches, anyway, moron.

I guess all those old timers that were hungry were too stupid to know that it was the churches that turned America around and not FDR.

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