How about voting for who would be the best President?

Golfing Gator
If there's no one you can actually support on the ballot, and don't care to write someone in, that's certainly a valid option. It's far better than falling in line and voting D or R even though their candidates suck.

But in general, I think it's worth going on record with a real vote.
It is like the one hand clapping problem. Even by what you write on this forum, your system still is not working nor do even you believe it will work.
Here is an option for you.

There's No Government Like NO Government: the nonvoter's manifesto Paperback – July 6, 2006​

by Jackney Sneeb (Author)
IMHO, policy beats personality. It seems less important to me to focus so much on the person rather than on that person's goals and objectives. If elected, what is that person going to try to accomplish? What is he going to try to do that is detrimental to the country? As far as I can see, nobdy on either side is actually worthy to be the next president, so it makes sense at least to me to look at the opposing policies and decide which is best (or worse).
I know that most Democrats only care about winning elections, but should the rest of us buy into that myopic view of our country? Subscribing to that view leads to mediocrity at best and, more likely, a steady march towards oblivion. Is that how you will vote?

On an objective basis (peace, prosperity, etc.), Donald Trump was one of our most successful Presidents. If you understand this, why would you let "electability" propaganda from his opponents alter that fact? Isn't that exactly what they are trying to do?

If you believe in democracy, then you must allow the voters to decide for themselves. But shouldn't that decision be based on their own personal evaluations rather than on how they think others may vote? If you genuinely believe that some other candidate would be a better President than Trump was, go ahead and vote for him/her/it. But don't let yourself be manipulated into voting for second best.
You are under the delusion that voters choose elections.
Who cares what the dems think?

I voted for Reagan and Bush I once, and even Clinton once...all won.
I don't quite get the fixation on voting for "winner". It's not a bet, or a horse race. It's the most important way we express our values regarding government leadership. Voting for someone you don't believe in, just so you can "win", is, well, idiotic.
The only time I ever vote for a "winner" for President, was 1984 - I voted for Reagan. And I consider it the worst vote I ever cast. I voted for all the wrong reasons. I voted because I thought of it as my civic duty, even though I knew very little about politics at the time.
The only time I ever vote for a "winner" for President, was 1984 - I voted for Reagan. And I consider it the worst vote I ever cast. I voted for all the wrong reasons. I voted because I thought of it as my civic duty, even though I knew very little about politics at the time.
You lucked out since Reagan is by far and away this nations top rated president.
I don't quite get the fixation on voting for "winner". It's not a bet, or a horse race. It's the most important way we express our values regarding government leadership. Voting for someone you don't believe in, just so you can "win", is, well, idiotic.
Who did I vote for that I did not believe in?
Who did I vote for that I did not believe in?
You tell me. I wasn't accusing you of doing that. But I talk to people all the time who say things like "yeah, Trump isn't a good leader, but the Democrats are worse, so I'll hold my nose and vote for him". These people are traitors and cowards.
You lucked out since Reagan is by far and away this nations top rated president.
Not in my view. He was elected with a libertarian spiel, but it was a bill of goods. I should have known better, but I was 20, and frankly didn't give it much thought. That was a mistake.
I think we should all vote for the person we believe will be the best for the job. Following a political party instead of voting for the best person got us where we are today.

Want a simple way to improve our system? Remove political parties from the equation.
This is why I voted for the Lebowski/Sobchak ticket in 2020.
You tell me. I wasn't accusing you of doing that. But I talk to people all the time who say things like "yeah, Trump isn't a good leader, but the Democrats are worse, so I'll hold my nose and vote for him". These people are traitors and cowards.
There was a series of words posted by you that seemed pretty much glittering generalities.
Trump was a good leader as president. Democrats truly are worse but still powerful.
I won't list all the ways Democrats are worse, but due to them this country is mired in racist talks.
I would like Democrats to to it like the Japanese and Chinese did. Stop making this a daily topic. It is like snotting in Americas face for them to constantly badger our citizens with claims of racism.
I voted for my first 42 years of life as a loyal Democrat. I do not believe all Democrats are evil. I do believe that Democrats politicians are way too many times evil men or women.
Not in my view. He was elected with a libertarian spiel, but it was a bill of goods. I should have known better, but I was 20, and frankly didn't give it much thought. That was a mistake.
Frankly since you were correct to vote for Reagan, to help you understand him, I recommend this non partisan book on his life and presidency. You will be shocked at how much of your problem is really crap spewed by our own media.

Here is your chance to restore you former faith in Reagan by learning the truth about him. This has his friends and his enemy forces able to discuss Reagan.

Let me explain one lie told about Reagan.

The one about PATCO that represented Air Traffic Controllers.
First since I am a pilot of long standing, I want to discuss them.
They worked as employees of the Government. Same as the FBI does, our military does, and our agencies all do. They went on strike. This was unlawful. Reagan warned them to return to work or he would fire them. While the untold story is that many ATC workers did go back to work, the union made it only about the union to blacken Reagan's name.
Imagine the Department of Treasury going on strike. Imagine the Border Patrol going on strike. Imagine your military on strike.

Pilots depend on ATC to keep clear of danger the sky of America and to protect passengers from perhaps death by staying on the job and doing what they are paid to do. Were they underpaid? Not by the standards of that time. They were highly paid in fact. Since I worked with a number of the ATC at that time, the main problem I saw for them was scheduling. But still this issue should have been handled different than simply walking out.

There was a series of words posted by you that seemed pretty much glittering generalities.
Glitter is nice.
Trump was a good leader as president.
I don't agree. A good leader brings the nation together. He did the opposite.
I would like Democrats to to it like the Japanese and Chinese did.
How so?
Stop making this a daily topic. It is like snotting in Americas face for them to constantly badger our citizens with claims of racism.
I've made no claims about racism. I just agree with the OP, that we should vote for the best candidate. If you believed Trump was the best candidate, and voted for him for that reason, then, for the purpose of this thread, we are in agreement. You did what all voters should do.

But I know for a fact that lots of people didn't believe Trump was the best candidate, and they voted for him anyway. There's no excuse for that.
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Frankly since you were correct to vote for Reagan, to help you understand him, I recommend this non partisan book on his life and presidency. You will be shocked at how much of your problem is really crap spewed by our own media.

Here is your chance to restore you former faith in Reagan by learning the truth about him. This has his friends and his enemy forces able to discuss Reagan.

Let me explain one lie told about Reagan.

The one about PATCO that represented Air Traffic Controllers.
First since I am a pilot of long standing, I want to discuss them.
They worked as employees of the Government. Same as the FBI does, our military does, and our agencies all do. They went on strike. This was unlawful. Reagan warned them to return to work or he would fire them. While the untold story is that many ATC workers did go back to work, the union made it only about the union to blacken Reagan's name.
Imagine the Department of Treasury going on strike. Imagine the Border Patrol going on strike. Imagine your military on strike.

Pilots depend on ATC to keep clear of danger the sky of America and to protect passengers from perhaps death by staying on the job and doing what they are paid to do. Were they underpaid? Not by the standards of that time. They were highly paid in fact. Since I worked with a number of the ATC at that time, the main problem I saw for them was scheduling. But still this issue should have been handled different than simply walking out.

Firing the air traffic controllers was one of the good things he did. In any case, I have no need to be "re-educated" about Reagan. I never hated him or anything. Unlike Trump, he actually was a good leader, and brought people together and inspired hope, no matter what his policies were. I merely consider my vote bad because, when it was cast, I was uninformed and I was only doing it for the bullshit reason that it was a "civic duty". In my view, people who don't have a firm grasp on the politics of the day shouldn't vote.
Glitter is nice.

I don't agree. A good leader brings the nation together. He did the opposite.

How so?

I've made no claims about racism. I just agree with the OP, that we should vote for the best candidate. If you believed Trump was the best candidate, and voted for him for that reason, then, for the purpose of this thread, we are in agreement. You did what all voters should do.

But I know for a fact that lots of people didn't believe Trump was the best candidate, and they voted for him anyway. There's no excuse for that.
Reagan's job was not to bring us all together. As you see here on this forum and also the other forums, there is no such thing as bringing us all together by the chief executive officer of the country. Even Jesus was never able to bring us all together.
Reagan was extremely popular and if you think we all were idiots to support him, explain why he was so widely popular in America as president?
It is not you that we must be concerned with. And inf act it is not even me. It is the media of this country who operate as openly as any foreign agent ever could. Even though they lost the respect of the Public, still they are who openly causes a person to be elected.

Based on accomplishments, this is why I would call Trump a good leader. But he has a way of talking that pisses many persons off. This is not a good way to preside over America. Reagan never talked to this country like Trump does.
Reagan's job was not to bring us all together. As you see here on this forum and also the other forums, there is no such thing as bringing us all together by the chief executive officer of the country. Even Jesus was never able to bring us all together.
Reagan was extremely popular and if you think we all were idiots to support him, explain why he was so widely popular in America as president?
It is not you that we must be concerned with. And inf act it is not even me. It is the media of this country who operate as openly as any foreign agent ever could. Even though they lost the respect of the Public, still they are who openly causes a person to be elected.

Based on accomplishments, this is why I would call Trump a good leader. But he has a way of talking that pisses many persons off. This is not a good way to preside over America. Reagan never talked to this country like Trump does.
Reagan followed an idiot, its why he was elected. Same as Trump.

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