How About We Elect Our Presidents By Popular Vote?

I am sure you were awful worried about all those jobs created, lower taxes, low gas prices, the ending of the wars, and future where a tyranical democrat dictatorship did not exist.
You do remember Trump had the worst economic record since Hoover, right?

Probably not. Your cult withheld that information from you, and that's your only source of info.
Not talking about eliminating the Electoral College here necessarily. Just bypassing it for the Presidential races. This is an initiative that's proven popular and non-partisan. Why do we still tolerate them only having to campaign in a few "swing" states?

Listen to a great discussion by clicking the play button at the bottom here:
But the EC is for the presidential contest and that's it. Just abolish it - Tis the last vestige of slavery.

And yep, they would have to campaign in every state instead of 8 or 9. That's just BS. It's a crime that a vote in Wyoming or Alaska is worth almost four times what a vote in California is worth.

You are literally advocating for the very thing you say would happen. You are saying the minority should win by ignoring the will of the majority. Literally nowhere in the world is this done.
You are apparently unaware of the parliamentary system practiced by most democracies, in addition to mathematics.
Not talking about eliminating the Electoral College here necessarily. Just bypassing it for the Presidential races. This is an initiative that's proven popular and non-partisan. Why do we still tolerate them only having to campaign in a few "swing" states?

Listen to a great discussion by clicking the play button at the bottom here:
It would cause 99% of the states to lose representation.
Dumb idea.
Has already been debated adnausium.
figures youre to stupid to understand,,
the majority rule always ends in tyranny and minority rule in our case leaves the constitution to rule equally to everyone,,
Sure. As evidenced by every other developed democratic nation. :cuckoo:
Every other election you participate in is done strictly by popular vote.
That’s simply not true. Only a few presidents have won without having won the popular vote.
As it stands now, all the states award their electors to the winner in their state. How does that protect smaller states in any way?
The smaller states are part of the electoral process, it's not that hard to understand

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