How About We Elect Our Presidents By Popular Vote?

Not talking about eliminating the Electoral College here necessarily. Just bypassing it for the Presidential races. This is an initiative that's proven popular and non-partisan. Why do we still tolerate them only having to campaign in a few "swing" states?

Listen to a great discussion by clicking the play button at the bottom here:
How about moving to China?
What's important in rural America is not what is important in urban America.
The majority of the votes are in urban America and that is where the campaigns will cater to.
Urban America can just say, "fuck you", rural America.
Hence, the disenfranchisement.
That’s simply not true. Only a few presidents have won without having won the popular vote.
As it stands now, all the states award their electors to the winner in their state. How does that protect smaller states in any way?
Better to have popular vote wins or we end up with the tail wagging the dog. Compound that with having a criminal from the minority party like trump running things just adds insult to injury.
The Progs got away with changing the demographics of the nation. And to the people moving here when they did from that, they are going to get where they left from at some point.
No, they both won the popular vote as well as the electoral college. Contrast with Trump and W.
WRONG! Nobody won "the popular vote" you stupid shit because there wasn't a popular vote election hence no popular vote campaign strategy, no popular vote campaign ads, candidates didn't concentrate on populous states to win the popular vote and so on. Nobody knows who would have won a popular vote election had one been held. God you people on the left are f'ing retarded.
The electoral college has produced two of the worst presidents this nation has ever seen: W. and Trump.

Time to either get rid of if or reform it.
Cause Trump was the opposite of the American Marxist Obama, in the eyes of the easily propagandized, I am sure you were awful worried about all those jobs created, lower taxes, low gas prices, the ending of the wars, and future where a tyranical democrat dictatorship did not exist.
You're forgetting that the states joined the union under certain conditions. No state would agree to be ruled by urban shitholes except the urban shithole states.
WTF are you talking about? No state “rules” another.
Does it surprise anyone that the left want's to RIG presidential elections then have the populous liberal shithole states dictate with an iron fist to the rest of the country? These liberal filth holes need to break off and form their own country. Then we'll build a wall to keep them out.
That’s simply not true. Only a few presidents have won without having won the popular vote.
As it stands now, all the states award their electors to the winner in their state. How does that protect smaller states in any way?
Seriously. You don't understand?

Wyoming: pop -500k 3 EC votes
California: pop -33 million 54 EC votes, not 66
That’s simply not true. Only a few presidents have won without having won the popular vote.
As it stands now, all the states award their electors to the winner in their state. How does that protect smaller states in any way?
Now that we know the popular vote can be inflated by massive fraud it is just not a good idea. There is NO WAY Taliban braindead Joe got 81 million votes.
It's an illegal Interstate Compact. It will never be implemented.
I hope you are correct. I used to share your opinion, but now I am not so sure, as the Constitution lets states determine the way in which they award their electoral votes. Most states do all or nothing, some require delegates to vote in accordance with the state and others do not (but most always do), some states split their electoral votes among candidates.

It would not be literally unconstitutional, but it sure would be a way to subvert the intent of the Constitution. One would hope that the Supreme Court would recognize this and rule against it.

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