How About We Elect Our Presidents By Popular Vote?

It is not made up. Our founding fathers warned against it. You are really stupid. Thanks for showcasing it with that post.
No, it's made up nonsense. As far as I know it was only mentioned by the founding fathers once, not as a warning but as a justification for three separate branches of government.
Not talking about eliminating the Electoral College here necessarily. Just bypassing it for the Presidential races. This is an initiative that's proven popular and non-partisan. Why do we still tolerate them only having to campaign in a few "swing" states?
there is disenfranchisement in a pure democracy.
All the flyover states would have no say because they don't have the population.
So? That’s always the case. Nowhere is it written that all states must be equal.They also have more power in the Senate.
For those who are not aware of it, this dumb power grab to steal elections idea is already well under way, and it would not require a Constitutional Amendment to implement it.

Dumb idea because it would totally disenfranchise millions of voters. Even if their state voted for a candidate who did not win the popular vote, the state would still award its votes to the candidate who did not win the state.

Plus, there would be not much reason for people in states with a small population to vote.

The Dems are working on implementing it. Each state is allowed to award its Electoral College votes in the manner it chooses.

States with a total of 195 electoral votes have already approved it. Additionally, states with another 68 EVs are working on it (already passed one state house, for example.)

And the Dems claim Republicans are a thread to the Democracy and the Constitution. Hrmmmpf!

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It's an illegal Interstate Compact. It will never be implemented.
There’s no voter suppression or disenfranchisement if everyone still votes, dope.
What's important in rural America is not what is important in urban America.
The majority of the votes are in urban America and that is where the campaigns will cater to.
Urban America can just say, "fuck you", rural America.
Hence, the disenfranchisement.

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