How am I am threat to Democracy?

Let’s say all that is true. Doesn’t make me a threat to Democracy. I consider you a mindless moron but you’re no more a threat than a newborn kitten.
I can't remember whether you believe in election fraud or not, that is the actual question. I of course believe in The United States of America and democracy and the constitution to save us from trump. there is also another truth, when there are problems in democracy the solution is always more democracy. Not the kind of crap Republicans are up to or Putin or the guy in Hungary or anybody who says there was election fraud despite all evidence to the contrary.. and other swine liars.

Come to think of it, at this point anyone who votes republican is a threat to democracy because Republicans are a threat to democracy under trump the lying con man swine fascist.... Our side is not spending enough time complaining about Murdoch and his total divisive garbage and even worse crap from conspiracy nuts on the Internet. They are behind this more than anyone I think. Trump just watched it and went with it... The incredibly spoiled brat.
Not according to reality. They took it to court and Gore accepted defeat in the Supreme Court, and conceded.
And AFTER that, Democrats came up with the "selcrted not elected" nonsense.
Hillary, the election denier:
Why not Biden, brainwashed functional moron?
Whataboutism doesn't work every time.
Not all opinions and not all information and/or beliefs are equally credible and valid.

Some things are true...and accurate.
Some things are absolutely bat-shit crazy, damaging garbage.

The problem with the MAGAt crowd....and Republicans in general these days is they've forgotten that.

Just believing something or saying something does not make it true and valid.

It can still be bullshit.

You may still get a participation trophy for "believing" something but other people don't have to treat it as credible.
Most Americans don’t trust the election process so are most Americans a threat to Democracy? You’re talking in circles. If I voice my opinion but never break the law how am I a threat to anything?
That's even funnier. Didn't you just ask if he was on the Ballots? Yes or No? :1peleas:
Yes, I voted for DJT. What else? I have a job and pay taxes. I have a lawful license to carry. I have a wife and two kids and no criminal record. I support low taxes, a strong police force, secure border, energy independence and a powerful military to act as a deterrent to our enemies. I support women’s sports as I have two daughters. I believe that gender dysphoria is a disease and not something we should accept as the norm. Meaning biological boys should not be allowed to compete in physical sports against biological girls no matter what gender they identify as.

I believe in fair elections where one should have to present ID to vote and REQUEST a mail in ballot if one cannot vote in person due to being out of state or medically unable to only.

How the HELL does that make me the enemy of America and Democracy? Joe Biden needs to explain this.
Real Easy Breezie.Just pull an Orwellian - Animal Farm -.
Change the meaning of both " Threat " and " Democracy ".
Ubeknownst that the word " democracy " never appears in our
Constitution or Declaration of Independence.
Where the word " Republic " does.
And AFTER that, Democrats came up with the "selcrted not elected" nonsense.
Hillary, the election denier:
Okay. So what? The tradition of the concession speech to quell the masses anger, ops I mean, assure all the sore losers tha..., ops again, to try and heal the wounds the election season inflicted on everyone, was upheld. Then everybody started arguing about embryonic stem cell research before the unthinkable happened.
Real Easy Breezie.Just pull an Orwellian - Animal Farm -.
Change the meaning of both " Threat " and " Democracy ".
Ubeknownst that the word " democracy " never appears in our
Constitution or Declaration of Independence.
Where the word " Republic " does.
You know our Constitutional Republic is a Democracy right? All the officials who should represent us, from the local level to the federal level, excluding judges in most cases, aren't they all elected in democratic elections?

Denying the reliability of our constitutional and democratic election process is a threat to the Union even if you call it a Republic.
I can't remember whether you believe in election fraud or not, that is the actual question. I of course believe in The United States of America and democracy and the constitution to save us from trump. there is also another truth, when there are problems in democracy the solution is always more democracy. Not the kind of crap Republicans are up to or Putin or the guy in Hungary or anybody who says there was election fraud despite all evidence to the contrary.. and other swine liars.

Come to think of it, at this point anyone who votes republican is a threat to democracy because Republicans are a threat to democracy under trump the lying con man swine fascist.... Our side is not spending enough time complaining about Murdoch and his total divisive garbage and even worse crap from conspiracy nuts on the Internet. They are behind this more than anyone I think. Trump just watched it and went with it... The incredibly spoiled brat.
Thank you for admitting you’re a moron
Isn't it obvuious?
Your disaffection for election deniers is based solely on your partisanship..
Do you think candidate should be able to contest elections that are within a certain margin of victory? BEt you weren't complaining when Franken's seat was contested until the Summer! Frankly, after Gore lost in the Supreme Court and Conceded the victory it was over and the country moved on, but sadly 9 months later we all came together behind GWB. I don't think the New Republicans would rally behind President Biden under similar circumstances.
I'm not worried about him, or any other Cult leader.

It's the crazy followers that I worry will act out on the voices in their heads.
So you’re not worried about border security, daily deaths in Democrat led cities due to crime, childrens mental health, economic malaise? Your number one worry is some nut job? Typical Lib
Ah. Trying to rationalize your partisan-based disaffection.
So you are opposed to the whole thinking thing then?

You just want to conflate Gore's legal challenge in a single state vote that had a margin of victory less than a thousand votes to the Trumpyberra's denialism, ignoring the fact that Gore gracefully conceded when he lost in court.


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