How am I am threat to Democracy?

He was calling half the country anything. You’re distorting the message. Big surprise. He specifically said that he wasn’t talking about most republicans.

So what was the point of his speech then? What was the goal?
Even WAPO said they were unsure.
Biden meant every Trump voter and then walked it back.

Even if you didn’t get it the first time, his explanation that you like to call a “walk back” still clarifies his meaning. That’s all been said, it’s out there, yet you’re here ignoring that explanation and pretending that he is pushing a different narrative. You’re not being honest or accurate
:lol: :lol: :lol:
You proved my claim for me.
I'm sorry you don't like the fact you were caught basing your complaints about denying election results on someone's party affiliation, but there's nothing I can do about it.
SOS. You falsely equated some thing Hillary said about 2000 years after that election with Benedict Donnies 2020 plot, when that election was conceded by Al Gore.
Even if you didn’t get it the first time, his explanation that you like to call a “walk back” still clarifies his meaning. That’s all been said, it’s out there, yet you’re here ignoring that explanation and pretending that he is pushing a different narrative. You’re not being honest or accurate
Why didn’t he say extremists on both side are a threat? He specifically said MAGA and Doocy had to ask him to clarify the statement the NEXT DAY. So you lied it wasn’t in the same speech. Again 59% don’t trust the election process. How do you explain that?
Nope. You and I both know Biden attacked all Trump supporters and then walked it back.
I’ll say it again… even if that were true which it isn’t because I’ve posted quotes from his original speech that contradict your claim… but assuming it was true and he walked it back then it’s walked back. Yet you’re here lying l, saying that he is pushing something different
You falsely equated some thing Hillary said...
You know this claim is false, and yet you choose to make it.
I provided an example of Hillary denying election results.
You responded: "OK. So what?"
Thus: You proved my claim for me.
I'm sorry you don't like the fact you were caught basing your complaints about denying election results on someone's party affiliation, but there's nothing I can do about it.
Of course i can. I told you id answer right after you answer my original question that you ignored.

Okay... :itsok:

You really haven't made any point in here at all, you can't say what you do or don't stand for, other than people shouldn't spread what you believe to be 'lies'. Big deal.

You can't explain what Biden's speech was trying to accomplish, what was the point of mentioning 'right wing extremism' and tying it to Trump?

You can't even explain why Biden insists on saying that Trump and his supporters are a 'threat to democracy'.

All of this was in Biden's speech, and you're in here defending what he said, yet you want me to point to where you 'said' any of these things? :cuckoo:

If you don't believe any of those things, why are you defending Biden in this thread to begin with?

Have you ever heard of a little thing called 'inference'?
Why didn’t he say extremists on both side are a threat? He specifically said MAGA and Doocy had to ask him to clarify the statement the NEXT DAY. So you lied it wasn’t in the same speech. Again 59% don’t trust the election process. How do you explain that?
Because he was talking about the ultra maga trump people that attacked our capital and continue to push lies and anti democratic narratives that further erode confidence in elections and our instititions. It’s dangerous stuff.
Why didn’t he say extremists on both side are a threat? He specifically said MAGA and Doocy had to ask him to clarify the statement the NEXT DAY. So you lied it wasn’t in the same speech. Again 59% don’t trust the election process. How do you explain that?
I posted quotes from the same speech and quotes from his talk with doctor afterwards. They show who he was talking about. You’re ignoring that
Because he was talking about the ultra maga trump people that attacked our capital and continue to push lies and anti democratic narratives that further erode confidence in elections and our instititions. It’s dangerous stuff.

But you doubted our institutions by implying there was any 'threat' to begin with (by agreeing with Biden's speech). You don't think our institutions can withstand much do you?

What are 'anti democratic' narratives?

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