How am I am threat to Democracy?

She’s still whining about it.

Is she a “threat to democracy”?

I love the logic: “It’s wrong to question the integrity of elections, but it’s right to do when we lose because the ‘conspiracy theory’ WE subscribe to is true!”

Like, 5th grade level logic there
Sure, let’s dig in…. What is Clinton saying about the election? How is she eroding faith in our institutions and stirring up rebellion?. State some lies that she is telling: Quote her.
Yes. Name em. Are you retarded? You are defending the indefensible. He literally said if I vote red I am a threat to Democracy. LOL
Why in the word would he name individuals. That’s the dumbest thing I’ve heard. He is talking about large groups of people. He said most republicans aren’t the threats he’s talking about you want him to name those people? What’s wrong with you? He’s talking about ideology not individuals
He explained what he meant by extreme ideology. People who support and engage in violence. People pushing lies of a stolen election

So we can say that 'not every democrat embraces their extreme ideology' as well, and wouldn't it be obvious? Why does it need said on a national platform? Every major R running for office should stand up at their next speech and say the same quote about the democrats, :dunno:

And it's your opinion that comments about a corrupt election are 'lies', not mine or many others as well. You have no right to shove your opinion down my throat or to keep me from expressing my beliefs as I see fit. When you try to do that and try to shut people up who disagree with you, and using the force of government to do it, that's fascism, that's what you represent and what you support. You're a threat to democracy.
So if I say I do not trust our elections on this forum, I am a threat to Democracy? LoL
Do you have any credible evidence of election malfeasance you can present to justify/explain why you do not "trust" or election?

Because what the EVIDENCE DOES show is that our elections are some of the most secure in the world.

Because otherwise you are just spewing nonsense with the goal of weakening American's faith in their democratic institutions.

Which (not coincidentally) happens to also be the goal of America's Vlad Putin.
The guy who helped Trump get elected.

It really isn't that hard to connect the dots here.
Why in the word would he name individuals. That’s the dumbest thing I’ve heard. He is talking about large groups of people. He said most republicans aren’t the threats he’s talking about you want him to name those people? What’s wrong with you? He’s talking about ideology not individuals
I posted his exact quote. He walked it back later. He literally said “MAGA Republicans” aka those who support Trump. Your dance is humorous. Ha ha ha. Dance little man.
Sure, let’s dig in…. What is Clinton saying about the election? How is she eroding faith in our institutions and stirring up rebellion?. State some lies that she is telling: Quote her.

So if Trump is in office it's okay for you to not have 'faith' in our institutions? To stir up rebellion? It would be okay then, right?
And it's your opinion that comments about a corrupt election are 'lies',
Expressing opinions is fine. Asking questions is fine. Spreading lies and claiming the election was stolen without proof of the steal… that’s a lie and that’s the stuff being pushed. That’s what I’m talking about
Do you have any credible evidence of election malfeasance you can present to justify/explain why you do not "trust" or election?

Because what the EVIDENCE DOES show is that our elections are some of the most secure in the world.

Because otherwise you are just spewing nonsense with the goal of weakening American's faith in their democratic institutions.

Which (not coincidentally) happens to also be the goal of America's Vlad Putin.
The guy who helped Trump get elected.

It really isn't that hard to connect the dots here.
It’s an opinion forum and you didn’t answer my question! Most Americans don’t trust our election process. How do you explain that?

I posted his exact quote. He walked it back later. He literally said “MAGA Republicans” aka those who support Trump. Your dance is humorous. Ha ha ha. Dance little man.
Yes you posted one line of a speech. Cherry picking. I posted other lines showing who he was talking about. You’re ignoring those because you’re not an honest person.
Expressing opinions is fine. Asking questions is fine. Spreading lies and claiming the election was stolen without proof of the steal… that’s a lie and that’s the stuff being pushed. That’s what I’m talking about
So if my opinion is that Biden thinks anyone who voted for Trump is the enemy to America as he basically said that I am not allowed to state that? Dumbass
Expressing opinions is fine. Asking questions is fine. Spreading lies and claiming the election was stolen without proof of the steal… that’s a lie and that’s the stuff being pushed. That’s what I’m talking about

Stating one's opinion is not 'spreading lies'. There has been proof, it's been ignored.

So your stance is that no one has the right to say that the 2020 election was corrupt? What should happen to people who do?
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When you try to do that and try to shut people up who disagree with you, and using the force of government to do it, that's fascism, that's what you represent and what you support. You're a threat to democracy.
When have I ever tried to shut you or anybody else up. I’m here engaging. What are you talking about?!?!
No it would not be ok. I never claimed it would be

Then why are you so afraid of him? What makes you think he would be able to establish a 'dictatorship'? Which is ridiculous in and of itself, talk about spreading lies.
When have I ever tried to shut you or anybody else up. I’m here engaging. What are you talking about?!?!

Then what's your point? You don't have one apparently. Anyone can say whatever they want about the 2020 election, that's their right. Glad we can agree.
Stating one's opinion is not 'spreading lies'.
I never said stating opinions is spreading lies. I explained examples of what lies are. Saying the election was stolen without proof of this is a lie. Plain and simple.

You’ve been fed breadcrumbs as part of a conspiracy theory but I promise you can prove the election was stolen. If you think you can I challenge you to try

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