How am I am threat to Democracy?

Both facts, as I said
Trump had the right to free speech but not the right to slander Dominion.

And you don't have the right to call someone and say murder someone for me please or find me 100,500 votes. Saying those things is illegal.
Trump had the right to free speech but not the right to slander Dominion.

And you don't have the right to call someone and say murder someone for me please or find me 100,500 votes. Saying those things is illegal.
Says who. Waiting for facts
If Trump weren't on trial for this stuff I'd say we may never know for sure who's right. I don't have to prove anything to you. It will be proven in a court of law. In DC with a liberal judge.
I never said you did. No it won’t. Never see a trial
Now answer my question in the OP since you claim you’re not trolling.
It’s been answered several times. I’ll post the quote from when I answered it the first time. You can go back and read the ensuing discussion if you want. Per this discussion, you brought up the 50 people remark I was asking about so it’s a little rich for you to call me a troll for engaging with your comment.

I addressed it, you haven’t responded to my comments. Just having voted for Trump is not a threat. If you’re pushing the lies of a stolen election then yes it is a threat. Simple enough
It’s been answered several times. I’ll post the quote from when I answered it the first time. You can go back and read the ensuing discussion if you want. Per this discussion, you brought up the 50 people remark I was asking about so it’s a little rich for you to call me a troll for engaging with your comment.
How is pushing the narrative that the election was rigged a threat? Explain. I believe it was rigged as do millions of others.

How is pushing the narrative that the election was rigged a threat? Explain. I believe it was rigged as do millions of others.

Because it undermines confidence in our democratic institutions not based on facts but based on lies. And the narrative is over bloated because Trump needs an excuse for losing
Because it undermines confidence in our democratic institutions not based on facts but based on lies. And the narrative is over bloated because Trump needs an excuse for losing
I disagree. So because I do, I am a threat to democracy? LOL

Same old deranged Slade
You’re not a threat for disagreeing. You’re a threat for spreading lies that undermine our democracy
Spreading lies to whom? I am not anyone famous and your “lies” are my truths. So by your own definition you’re a threat to Democracy. Interesting
Spreading lies to whom? I am not anyone famous and your “lies” are my truths. So by your own definition you’re a threat to Democracy. Interesting
You can make that argument if you want, just hope you have back it up…. what lies do you think I’m telling that undermine and threaten our democracy?
You can make that argument if you want, just hope you have back it up…. what lies do you think I’m telling that undermine and threaten our democracy?
That the election wasn’t rigged
That COVID vaccines stopped transmission
That masks worked
That Jan 6th was an insurrection
That men may identify as women and hence be women
That the election wasn’t rigged
That COVID vaccines stopped transmission
That masks worked
That Jan 6th was an insurrection
That men may identify as women and hence be women
Those are medical and political issues. How do they undermine and threaten our democracy?
Those are medical and political issues. How do they undermine and threaten our democracy?
They don’t. They are your opinions. In your world disparate opinions from yours undermine Democracy. To me it just shows you’re an insane and gullible buffoon but hardly a threat to Democracy.
Because it undermines confidence in our democratic institutions not based on facts but based on lies. And the narrative is over bloated because Trump needs an excuse for losing
Well, Biden's Jim Crow 2.0 was a huge lie and was intentionally, admittedly designed to undermine confidence in the voting system.

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