How am I am threat to Democracy?

How many times do I need to repeat myself? The threat is not about a simple difference of opinion. It’s about the dishonest and unverified narrative that our election was rigged/stolen. It degrades public trust in our institutions and our democracy. Real that slowly and comprehend. I’m not going to repeat it again
So is Hakeem Jeffries a threat to Democracy?

Oh come on now be honest.

It is well known that advantage goes to Republicans with less voter turn out. This is why the so called “small government conservatives” switch to the side of more regulations and bigger government involvement when it comes to voting laws.
From UGA poll after the election:
That’s right: 0 percent of black voters in Georgia said they had a poor experience voting. Zero.
On the positive side, 72.6 percent of black voters said their voting experience was excellent, almost identical to the 72.7 percent of white voters who said so.
Only 0.8 percent of black Georgia voters rated the job performance of election officials in their county as poor. That compares to 1.4 percent of white voters.
When asked if they faced a problem voting, any problem at all, 99.5 percent of black voters said they had not. That’s slightly more than the 98.7 percent of white voters who said the same.

Don’t be naïve
Don' t be a divisive lowlife like your leader, screaming knowingly false claims of racism. The worst form of poltics
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Look at my post above yours. Slade has painted himself into a corner.
WE could run the half hour loop of his party leaders decrying rigged/stolen/illegitimate elections, and he still wouldn't admit it. His leaders have given him the talking point and he's sticking with it.
It is verified that it was rigged. The laptop story was suppressed even through the FBI knew it was true. Hence my thread. Rigged isn’t the same as stolen because we don’t know if enough voters would have changed their minds or stayed home if the truth was out in the open.
That’s not rigging an election spin doctor… you’re talking about a stolen lap top of the candidates son, from which Trumps own DOJ found no criminal charges. To date all they have is tax evasion and lying on a gun form.

You thinking that this was election rigging is absurd
That’s not rigging an election spin doctor… you’re talking about a stolen lap top of the candidates son, from which Trumps own DOJ found no criminal charges. To date all they have is tax evasion and lying on a gun form.

You thinking that this was election rigging is absurd
None of your post is true. It wasn’t stolen. He left it at the repair shop. The FBI knew it was legit and called it Russian disinformation
WE could run the half hour loop of his party leaders decrying rigged/stolen/illegitimate elections, and he still wouldn't admit it. His leaders have given him the talking point and he's sticking with it.
I don’t belong to a party smart guy
None of your post is true. It wasn’t stolen. He left it at the repair shop. The FBI knew it was legit and called it Russian disinformation
Then why didn’t Trumps DOJ arrest Hunter for child rape right after the laptop was verified?
So the Minority Leader is a threat to Democracy. I have you on record. Did you just equate his reach and political influence to mine? LOL
When he talks dishonestly talks about an invalid election without evidence to prove it he absolutely is. Just like the Trump movement
When he talks dishonestly talks about an invalid election without evidence to prove it he absolutely is. Just like the Trump movement

Thank you for proving what we all know. You sir, are mentally ill.

Move to Russia or China.

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