How am I am threat to Democracy?

They don’t. They are your opinions. In your world disparate opinions from yours undermine Democracy. To me it just shows you’re an insane and gullible buffoon but hardly a threat to Democracy.
No, in the real world the spreading of false information which you are calling “opinions” that claim our presidential election was rigged or stolen, undermines our democracy and our trusted institutions. That promotes the breakdown of public trust and the destruction of our democracy. That’s the threat
Well, Biden's Jim Crow 2.0 was a huge lie and was intentionally, admittedly designed to undermine confidence in the voting system.
Jim Crow 2.0?! What in the world are you talking about. Remember not everybody tunes in to the kooky propaganda you listen to so we aren’t all familiar with those terms. Care to try again?
No, in the real world the spreading of false information which you are calling “opinions” that claim our presidential election was rigged or stolen, undermines our democracy and our trusted institutions. That promotes the breakdown of public trust and the destruction of our democracy. That’s the threat
What false information am I spreading and how am I spreading it?
Jim Crow 2.0?! What in the world are you talking about. Remember not everybody tunes in to the kooky propaganda you listen to so we aren’t all familiar with those terms. Care to try again?
Where do you get your news from? Is the WSJ “kooky propaganda”?
What false information am I spreading and how am I spreading it?
Beats me. I don't know you. That’s why I said the “threat” depends on what you’re saying and who you’re saying it to. If you just have an opinion and you’re not pushing the lies of a rigged/stolen election to influence others then you’re not a threat.
No, in the real world the spreading of false information which you are calling “opinions” that claim our presidential election was rigged or stolen, undermines our democracy and our trusted institutions. That promotes the breakdown of public trust and the destruction of our democracy. That’s the threat
Do you think the allegations of Russian collusion were much different? OK, sure, there were differences, and you'd likely argue there was a difference in degree - but do you acknowledge that it was harmful in the same ways? Or is it just "different when we do it"?

To be clear, I'm not saying "Democrat's do it too!" in an attempt to excuse any damage that Trump, or the MAGA movement has caused. I'm citing it because this seems to be a systemic problem. Something about the way we do elections is fundamentally flawed and drives us into radically opposed camps. Camps that simply can't accept the notion of the other side winning.
Do you think the allegations of Russian collusion were much different? OK, sure, there were differences, and you'd likely argue there was a difference in degree - but do you acknowledge that it was harmful in the same ways? Or is it just "different when we do it"?
Russia collusion was initiated by Trumps administration and a special prosecutor was assigned by Trumps chosen acting AG. That all happened because Trump and his team were lying about communicating with Russian in a time that Russians were caught and sanctioned for committing election interference crimes.

It all could had been avoided had Trump just been honest. But when people in power lie around a criminal conspiracy and get caught, they get investigated. Or at least they should be
To be clear, I'm not saying "Democrat's do it too!" in an attempt to excuse any damage that Trump, or the MAGA movement has caused. I'm citing it because seems to be a systemic problem. Something about the way we do elections is fundamentally flawed and drives us into radically opposed camps. Camps that simply can't accept the notion of the other side winning
Well what’s being done now to stir hate and doubt is all centered around fund raising. Politicians have learned that playing off fear and hate is the best way to get paid so they hone in on that kind of messaging. Trump just makes up whatever shit he thinks will get people riled up and runs with it. Very entertaining but horrifying that he is being taken seriously as a political leader.
Oh gotchya, when Biden called the voting laws Jim Crow 2.0. Gotchya. What was the lie?
THe law did not suppress voting. In fact black voting in Georgia continued to grow and expand.

It was a pernicious disgusting lie intended to divide. He's a horrible divisive President. Wosrt in my lifetime, hands down, no contest.
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THe law did not suppress voting. In fact black voting in Georgia continued to grow and expand.

It was a pernicious disgusting lie intended to divide. He's a horrible divisive President. Wosrt in my lifetime, hands down, no contest.
Regulations by nature suppress. An argument can be made that the laws were made to protect the integrity and accuracy of the election. But don’t say they don’t suppress. Of course they do.
Regulations by nature suppress. An argument can be made that the laws were made to protect the integrity and accuracy of the election. But don’t say they don’t suppress. Of course they do.
Bullshit there was no suppression. None of the provisions of the law were intended to, or suppressed any votes.

Biden and other Dems elected reps started chanting Republicans are racist solely to divide people and generate hate.

Horrible divisive person.
None of the provisions of the law were intended to, or suppressed any votes.
Oh come on now be honest. It is well known that advantage goes to Republicans with less voter turn out. This is why the so called “small government conservatives” switch to the side of more regulations and bigger government involvement when it comes to voting laws. Don’t be naïve
Beats me. I don't know you. That’s why I said the “threat” depends on what you’re saying and who you’re saying it to. If you just have an opinion and you’re not pushing the lies of a rigged/stolen election to influence others then you’re not a threat.
They aren’t lies. If you don’t believe what I believe then you’re a threat to Democracy is basically what you’re saying. That makes you insane.
They aren’t lies. If you don’t believe what I believe then you’re a threat to Democracy is basically what you’re saying. That makes you insane.
How many times do I need to repeat myself? The threat is not about a simple difference of opinion. It’s about the dishonest and unverified narrative that our election was rigged/stolen. It degrades public trust in our institutions and our democracy. Real that slowly and comprehend. I’m not going to repeat it again
Who is “they”? WSJ is several writers providing facts and opinions. Did they call MAGA a threat to Democracy?
“They” is the WSJ and anybody they publish.

I don’t know what they called Maga. Don’t see what that has to do with my question
How many times do I need to repeat myself? The threat is not about a simple difference of opinion. It’s about the dishonest and unverified narrative that our election was rigged/stolen. It degrades public trust in our institutions and our democracy. Real that slowly and comprehend. I’m not going to repeat it again
It is verified that it was rigged. The laptop story was suppressed even through the FBI knew it was true. Hence my thread. Rigged isn’t the same as stolen because we don’t know if enough voters would have changed their minds or stayed home if the truth was out in the open.

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