How American gun deaths and gun laws compare to Canada's

Nope. It's called the law of averages. There are very few cops in this country. There are quite a few criminals, they outnumber cops by at least 7 to one. There are however WAY more regular citizens. Regular citizen going about his business is accosted by bad guy. Cops are nowhere to be seen, so good guy defends himself. Just the way it should work.

again- a gun in the home is 43 times more likely to kill someone in the household than a bad guy.

This article shows what a crap researcher Kellerman is...

Public Health Pot Shots

this article goes at kellerman extensively and his crap research.....and here is some work on who actually kills people...

But that's not the story told by Dr. Arthur Kellermann, director of Emory University's Center for Injury Control and the CDC's favorite gun researcher. In a 1988 New England Journal of Medicine article, Kellermann and his co-authors cite Wright and Rossi's book Under the Gun to support the notion that "restricting access to handguns could substantially reduce our annual rate of homicide." What they actually said was: "There is no persuasive evidence that supports this view." In a 1992 New England Journal of Medicine article, Kellermann cites an American Journal of Psychiatry study to back up the claim "that limiting access to firearms could prevent many suicides." But the study actually found just the opposite--i.e., that people who don't have guns find other ways to kill themselves.

At the same time that he misuses other people's work, Kellermann refuses to provide the full data for any of his studies so that scholars can evaluate his findings. His critics therefore can judge his results only from the partial data he chooses to publish. Consider a 1993 New England Journal of Medicine study that, according to press reports, "showed that keeping a gun in the home nearly triples the likelihood that someone in the household will be slain there." This claim cannot be verified because Kellerman will not release the data. Relying on independent sources to fill gaps in the published data, SUNY-Buffalo's Lawrence Southwick has speculated that Kellermann's full data set would actually vindicate defensive gun ownership. Such issues cannot be resolved without Kellermann's cooperation, but the CDC has refused to require its researchers to part with their data as a condition for taxpayer funding.

Even without access to secret data, it's clear that many of Kellermann's inferences are not justified. In a 1995 JAMAstudy that was funded by the CDC, he and his colleagues examined 198 incidents in which burglars entered occupied homes in Atlanta. They found that "only three individuals (1.5%) employed a firearm in self-defense"--from which they concluded that guns are rarely used for self-defense. On closer examination, however, Kellermann et al.'s data do not support that conclusion. In 42 percent of the incidents, there was no confrontation between victim and offender because "the offender(s) either left silently or fled when detected." When the burglar left silently, the victim was not even aware of the crime, so he did not have the opportunity to use a gun in self-defense (or to call the police, for that matter). The intruders who "fled when detected" show how defensive gun ownership can protect all victims, armed and unarmed alike, since the possibility of confronting an armed resident encourages burglars to flee.

These 83 no-confrontation incidents should be dropped from Kellermann et al.'s original list of 198 burglaries. Similarly, about 50 percent of U.S. homes do not contain guns, and in 70 percent of the homes that do, the guns are kept unloaded. After eliminating the burglaries where armed self-defense was simply not feasible, Kellermann's 198 incidents shrink to 17, and his 1.5 percent figure for defensive use rises to 17 percent. More important, this study covers only burglaries reported to the police. Since police catch only about 10 percent of home burglars, the only good reason to report a burglary is that police documentation is required to file an insurance claim. But if no property was lost because the burglar fled when the householder brandished a gun, why report the incident? And, aside from the inconvenience, there are strong reasons not to report: The gun may not be registered, or the householder may not be certain that guns can legally be used to repel unarmed burglars. Thus, for all Kellermann knows, successful gun use far exceeds the three incidents reported to police in his Atlanta study.

Similar sins of omission invalidate the conclusion of a 1986 New England Journal of Medicine study that Kellermann co-authored with University of Washington pathologist Donald T. Reay, another gun researcher who has enjoyed the CDC's support. (This particular study was funded by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation.) Examining gunshot deaths in King County, Washington, from 1978 to 1983, Kellermann and Reay found that, of 398 people killed in a home where a gun was kept, only two were intruders shot while trying to get in. "We noted 43 suicides, criminal homicides, or accidental gunshot deaths involving a gun kept in the home for every case of homicide for self-protection," they wrote, concluding that "the advisability of keeping firearms in the home for protection must be questioned."

Nope. It's called the law of averages. There are very few cops in this country. There are quite a few criminals, they outnumber cops by at least 7 to one. There are however WAY more regular citizens. Regular citizen going about his business is accosted by bad guy. Cops are nowhere to be seen, so good guy defends himself. Just the way it should work.

again- a gun in the home is 43 times more likely to kill someone in the household than a bad guy. keep using that lie...even the guy who said it admitted he was wrong.

There are over 30,000 gun deaths each year and only about 230 of them are a bad guy...
Nope. It's called the law of averages. There are very few cops in this country. There are quite a few criminals, they outnumber cops by at least 7 to one. There are however WAY more regular citizens. Regular citizen going about his business is accosted by bad guy. Cops are nowhere to be seen, so good guy defends himself. Just the way it should work.

again- a gun in the home is 43 times more likely to kill someone in the household than a bad guy. keep using that lie...even the guy who said it admitted he was wrong.

There are over 30,000 gun deaths each year and only about 230 of them are a bad guy...

Civilians shoot bad guys two times more often than cops do. So maybe you should ban cops from having guns too.
Nope. It's called the law of averages. There are very few cops in this country. There are quite a few criminals, they outnumber cops by at least 7 to one. There are however WAY more regular citizens. Regular citizen going about his business is accosted by bad guy. Cops are nowhere to be seen, so good guy defends himself. Just the way it should work.

again- a gun in the home is 43 times more likely to kill someone in the household than a bad guy. keep using that lie...even the guy who said it admitted he was wrong.

There are over 30,000 gun deaths each year and only about 230 of them are a bad guy...

Civilians shoot bad guys two times more often than cops do. So maybe you should ban cops from having guns too.

I've not heard that before, link?

I haven't suggested banning guns at all.
I'm still waiting for the clintons and obamas to disarm their secret service bodyguards since they think that guns are so yucky and and unnecessary.

quiet, troll.

criminals and crazies shouldn't have guns. end of story.

Humm...criminals? although set up perfectly, ill pass this time....and it's already illegal for criminals to have guns

and then some gun lover can sell a gun to a criminal in a private sale.
Nope. It's called the law of averages. There are very few cops in this country. There are quite a few criminals, they outnumber cops by at least 7 to one. There are however WAY more regular citizens. Regular citizen going about his business is accosted by bad guy. Cops are nowhere to be seen, so good guy defends himself. Just the way it should work.

again- a gun in the home is 43 times more likely to kill someone in the household than a bad guy. keep using that lie...even the guy who said it admitted he was wrong.

There are over 30,000 gun deaths each year and only about 230 of them are a bad guy...

Civilians shoot bad guys two times more often than cops do. So maybe you should ban cops from having guns too.

WW, where are you getting that statistic?
Nope. It's called the law of averages. There are very few cops in this country. There are quite a few criminals, they outnumber cops by at least 7 to one. There are however WAY more regular citizens. Regular citizen going about his business is accosted by bad guy. Cops are nowhere to be seen, so good guy defends himself. Just the way it should work.

again- a gun in the home is 43 times more likely to kill someone in the household than a bad guy. keep using that lie...even the guy who said it admitted he was wrong.

There are over 30,000 gun deaths each year and only about 230 of them are a bad guy...

No....there are over 21,000 gun suicides (19,900 non gun suicides) ......8,124 gun murders, the majority of which are by criminals murdering other criminals.....and 505 accidental gun deaths in 2013........

And according to bill clinton, 1.5 million defensive gun uses

And most self defense with guns, as you just showed does not require killing the attacker since they don't want to die anymore than the good guy really wants to shoot them.

A win win all the way around.
I'm still waiting for the clintons and obamas to disarm their secret service bodyguards since they think that guns are so yucky and and unnecessary.

quiet, troll.

criminals and crazies shouldn't have guns. end of story.

Humm...criminals? although set up perfectly, ill pass this time....and it's already illegal for criminals to have guns

and then some gun lover can sell a gun to a criminal in a private sale.

Or the muslim assassin can get the illegal gun stolen from the police..........or the terrorists can buy fully automatic rifles in a country that has completely banned them.....get them easily......
Appeals to emotion are logical fallacies; rational, thinking people will not be swayed by fallacious arguments.
So, when you think you can introduce actual reason in your arguments, let us know.
We're not vulcans ya know. Humans are emotional beings and a lot of decisions are made via emotion AND logic. Whoever said appeals to emotion are fallacies didn't know what they were talking about. I think walking around minding your own business and not wanting to get shot is good enough of a reason to ban certain guns and increase background he
Fallacious arguments are unsound.
Rational, thinking people are not swayed by fallacious arguments.
Your arguments from emotion are fallacious.
So, when you think you can introduce actual reason in your arguments, let us know.

I'm not saying that will be the outcome (to a degree), but if you think that is a reason why people want bans or restrictions then you don't have a clue.
On the contrary. You (individually, and anti-gun loons as a group) seek as much state power as you can get; the state having a monopoly on force is the greatest power of all.
I have introduced reason and I think my arguments are reasonable.
As noted elsewhere: Your positions are based on emotion, ignorance and or dishonesty; each of these are logical fallacies.
Positions based on fallacies are unsound
Why do you choose to take unsound positions?
I'm still waiting for the clintons and obamas to disarm their secret service bodyguards since they think that guns are so yucky and and unnecessary.
quiet, troll.
criminals and crazies shouldn't have guns. end of story.
Humm...criminals? although set up perfectly, ill pass this time....and it's already illegal for criminals to have guns
and then some gun lover can sell a gun to a criminal in a private sale.
Wait.... you think it is possible to pass a law that will prevent this?
I'm still waiting for the clintons and obamas to disarm their secret service bodyguards since they think that guns are so yucky and and unnecessary.
quiet, troll.
criminals and crazies shouldn't have guns. end of story.
You say that as if they aren't already banned from purchasing, owning or possessing them.

unless their friend sells it to them in a private sale, where there are no background checks and no one to stop him.
I'm still waiting for the clintons and obamas to disarm their secret service bodyguards since they think that guns are so yucky and and unnecessary.
quiet, troll.
criminals and crazies shouldn't have guns. end of story.
Humm...criminals? although set up perfectly, ill pass this time....and it's already illegal for criminals to have guns
and then some gun lover can sell a gun to a criminal in a private sale.
Wait.... you think it is possible to pass a law that will prevent this?

so we shouldn't pass laws about anything because people break them?

how abut re make the seller liable for any injuries caused by the firearm he sold to his friend when he knew or should have known his friend was a felon, domestic abuser, or has mental issues? we do that with bar owners who sell liquor to drunks.

i figure they'd be in less of a rush to sell then.
I'm still waiting for the clintons and obamas to disarm their secret service bodyguards since they think that guns are so yucky and and unnecessary.
quiet, troll.
criminals and crazies shouldn't have guns. end of story.
You say that as if they aren't already banned from purchasing, owning or possessing them.

unless their friend sells it to them in a private sale, where there are no background checks and no one to stop him.

Look.....criminals do not go through background checks ever......they get people with clean records to buy the they can send the person with a clean record over to your house to buy your gun even if you insist on doing a background check....

or they steal the gun....

So...what part of this situation do you just not understand......

Also...criminals do not buy guns from private sellers...why? Because they are afraid of under cover police officers...they send in their family and friends with clean records.......and buy the guns from them.....

the individual sale problem is a myth....please..try to do some actual research and you will find that private sales are not where criminals get their illegal guns....
"guns in this country aren't intended to be used against the government. that's why their are laws against treason and why the second was intended to apply to a "well-regulated militia".

You mean like the laws our forefathers violated when their well-regulated militia kicked out the British?
I'm still waiting for the clintons and obamas to disarm their secret service bodyguards since they think that guns are so yucky and and unnecessary.
quiet, troll.
criminals and crazies shouldn't have guns. end of story.
Humm...criminals? although set up perfectly, ill pass this time....and it's already illegal for criminals to have guns
and then some gun lover can sell a gun to a criminal in a private sale.
Wait.... you think it is possible to pass a law that will prevent this?

so we shouldn't pass laws about anything because people break them?

how abut re make the seller liable for any injuries caused by the firearm he sold to his friend when he knew or should have known his friend was a felon, domestic abuser, or has mental issues? we do that with bar owners who sell liquor to drunks.

i figure they'd be in less of a rush to sell then.

so we shouldn't pass laws about anything because people break them?

Why do you guys always say if we have ever tried to make or defend that idea? have laws that say you can't use a gun to commit a when someone breaks the law, you arrest them and put them in jail....

What part of that dynamic do you not understand?

If you are a felon and are caught simply carrying a can be arrested and sent to jail....under current laws.....

What part of that do you not understand...

The muslim assassin who shot the police officer.....was arrested before carrying a gun without a license...and the prosecutors and judges let him go with a 9-13 month sentence.....and he was already a convicted felon.....

The problem isn't private sales...the problem is that prosecutors and judges are not putting gun criminals in jail for a long time..they do not take gun crime or gun criminals seriously.......and you should wonder why.....
I'm still waiting for the clintons and obamas to disarm their secret service bodyguards since they think that guns are so yucky and and unnecessary.
quiet, troll.
criminals and crazies shouldn't have guns. end of story.
Humm...criminals? although set up perfectly, ill pass this time....and it's already illegal for criminals to have guns
and then some gun lover can sell a gun to a criminal in a private sale.
Wait.... you think it is possible to pass a law that will prevent this?

so we shouldn't pass laws about anything because people break them?

how abut re make the seller liable for any injuries caused by the firearm he sold to his friend when he knew or should have known his friend was a felon, domestic abuser, or has mental issues? we do that with bar owners who sell liquor to drunks.

i figure they'd be in less of a rush to sell then.

See.......we already have the Freaking laws on the books to lock up these violent sociopaths....we don't need anymore...the muslim assassin who shot the police officer should have been in jail on multiple, prior gun crimes...but he was out walking the streets shooting at police...with an illegal, stolen gun he did not get from a private sale...and he did not get a background was stolen from the police...

Philly cop ambushed “in the name of Islam” with … stolen police gun; Update: Got slap on the wrist in 2013?

Philly cop ambushed “in the name of Islam” with … stolen police gun; Update: Got slap on the wrist in 2013?

Update: Jammie Wearing Fool notes the erstwhile assassin’s history:

The man who is suspected of opening fire on a Philadelphia Police officer in West Philly late Thursday night pleaded guilty in 2013 to an armed assault that had taken place a few blocks away the year prior — however a plea deal kept him out of prison. …

Archer was tracked down by police in 2013 and faced bevy of charges that included aggravated assault, conspiracy, terroristic threats, simple assault and others that involved firearms.

He pleaded guilty last year to carrying a gun without a license, a third-degree felony, and simple assault, a second-degree misdemeanor.

According to court documents, Archer was sentenced to nine to 13 months in prison, was allowed to count time served and was paroled. Records show he was arrested April 14, 2013 and was released April 30, 2013 after posting partial bail.


He should have been in jail for 20 years on those gun crimes alone...why didn't the prosecutors and judges lock him up?.......that is the question......

Why are gun crime prosecutions down 33% under obama's Department of Justice?
Nope. It's called the law of averages. There are very few cops in this country. There are quite a few criminals, they outnumber cops by at least 7 to one. There are however WAY more regular citizens. Regular citizen going about his business is accosted by bad guy. Cops are nowhere to be seen, so good guy defends himself. Just the way it should work.

again- a gun in the home is 43 times more likely to kill someone in the household than a bad guy.

And again for the umpteenth time that "factoid" has been proven to be utter bullshit.
But it fits the libtard talking points SSSOOOOO well!


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