How are IQ tests considered racially biased?

As an avid environmentalist, I wouldn't call oil a blessing at all. And; if skyscrapers, paved roads, cars and malls require "white supervision",I would rather let it all fade back into the undergrowth. Civilization is not all it's cracked up to be. But,alas, Black Africans don't have me to guide them and they have already been seduced by the material West. Sub-Saharan geniuses are being reported with increasing regularity in response to the dazzling lights of technology. Or; is it just that an innate intelligence that was there all along is finally coming to the surface?
Black Immigrant Model Minorities Far Outliers



Dr. Chris Imafidon and Ann Imafidon came from Edo State, Nigeria, to London over 30 years ago and made no excuses in educating their five children, who have broken national records in education. All of the children have made a list of achievements that continue to grow.


The average African child speaks 3-5 languages fluently. Says here that shows enhanced cognitive ability.

Multilingualism - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

"Bilinguals who are highly proficient in two or more languages are reported to have enhanced executive function[7][8] and are better at some aspects of language learning compared to monolinguals.[9] Research indicates that a multilingual brain is nimbler, quicker, better able to deal with ambiguities, resolve conflicts, and resist Alzheimer’s disease and other forms of dementia"
You act like it bothers me that there are a few smart black people. I WANT there to be more smart black people. I want there to be more smart people in general but you simply can't ignore the facts that Africans are behind the rest of the world.


11-Year-Old Ramarni Wilfred Joins Mensa; Has Higher IQ Than Einstein

After being invited to a graduation ceremony at Oxford University after writing an essay awarded a 2:1, he was then invited to take an IQ test at Birbeck University.
But it was to his surprise, he was given an IQ of 162, placing him in the top 1 percent in the U.K. Ramarni said: “I was surprised and very happy when I read the results of my IQ test as I didn’t feel very confident after completing the test.
“I was the youngest person there and some people looked in their 40s.”
Mensa’s chief executive, John Stevenage, said: “Ramarni’s score shows he has great potential and we are pleased to welcome him to Mensa.

11-Year-Old Ramarni Wilfred Joins Mensa Has Higher IQ Than Einstein - Atlanta Blackstar

Exceptions do not disprove the rule.

Your "rule" is based on biased sampling; the methodology of which is never mentioned or revealed. From that perspective the only acceptable axiom is the reality of what we see unfolding in plain view: the rise of cognitive exceptionalism in African immigrants and the resurgence of genius in blacks here and abroad.

Im not trying to belittle black performance but you seem to have an unrealistic expectation of the actual abilities of blacks, and claiming that the differences are just an artifact of biased sampling practices is ridiculous.

let's look at AP classes. the best and brightest high school students test themselves against college level courses. blacks are only half as likely to take the test by percentage of the school population, when they do participate they take more language and art classes rather than math and sciences, and their resulting grades are much lower overall.


the white scores form a normal (Bell) curve. the black scores are heavily shifted to the left.

here are the participation numbers -


surely you can see that even when the top range (<6%) of black students are taken, and 'easier' courses are attempted, the black results are still disappointing.

And in other news people "given" a free education who have not "earned" it through their academic record do not do as well as the people who "earned" an education through their academic record.
lack of education knows no racial boundaries..............poverty is typically the common denominator when IQ is measured, and i just do not buy the fact that it relates directly to race at all.

i've met both men and women of all "races" who are tremendously more educated, intelligent and gifted than i will ever be (while I consider myself very fortunate indeed), and i'm convinced that education is the key for all to realize our individual hopes and dreams.

i've never met a child who is not brimming with aptitude - it's up to all of us who have grown to a ripe age (adults) to give of ourselves to reach out and help today's children to realize their worth and pursue their dreams (IQ of an idle mind can be deceiving).

"big brother and big sister" are excellent programs available to do just that!
lack of education knows no racial boundaries..............poverty is typically the common denominator when IQ is measured, and i just do not buy the fact that it relates directly to race at all.

i've met both men and women of all "races" who are tremendously more educated, intelligent and gifted than i will ever be (while I consider myself very fortunate indeed), and i'm convinced that education is the key for all to realize our individual hopes and dreams.

i've never met a child who is not brimming with aptitude - it's up to all of us who have grown to a ripe age (adults) to give of ourselves to reach out and help today's children to realize their worth and pursue their dreams (IQ of an idle mind can be deceiving).

"big brother and big sister" are excellent programs available to do just that!
Wrong. The correlation between income and IQ is not nearly as strong as it is between races. Correlations Of IQ With Income And Wealth Sociological Images
lack of education knows no racial boundaries..............poverty is typically the common denominator when IQ is measured, and i just do not buy the fact that it relates directly to race at all.

i've met both men and women of all "races" who are tremendously more educated, intelligent and gifted than i will ever be (while I consider myself very fortunate indeed), and i'm convinced that education is the key for all to realize our individual hopes and dreams.

i've never met a child who is not brimming with aptitude - it's up to all of us who have grown to a ripe age (adults) to give of ourselves to reach out and help today's children to realize their worth and pursue their dreams (IQ of an idle mind can be deceiving).

"big brother and big sister" are excellent programs available to do just that!
Wrong. The correlation between income and IQ is not nearly as strong as it is between races. Correlations Of IQ With Income And Wealth Sociological Images
ROFL yeah cause there are less poor blacks by % of black population than white.. oh wait...
i don't subscribe to statistics that are inherently biased (i.e. there is no such thing as pure black, white, yellow or red anymore).

but some will always latch onto any statistic that fits their own preconcieved ideas - so be it.

for me, that's living in and adding to the problem instead of looking for ways to actively participate in the solution.
Your "rule" is based on biased sampling; the methodology of which is never mentioned or revealed. From that perspective the only acceptable axiom is the reality of what we see unfolding in plain view: the rise of cognitive exceptionalism in African immigrants and the resurgence of genius in blacks here and abroad.
Resurgence of black genius. :)

Come on, seriously. Next you'll join Asc telling us about jungle bunny civilizations!

We certainly can't rely on "pink albino mutant history" now can we? You mutants have tried to usurp, revise or erase evidence showing Black origins of all civilizations including those beginning in Mesopotamia as well as in Africa.
The burgeoning superior mental cognizance we now see coming out of Africa and the African diaspora underscores the logic that Black African genius was responsible for civilization as suggested by historians such as Herodotus and Jehosephus.
Funny. More please!

I really like this line, "The burgeoning superior mental cognizance we now see coming out of Africa...".

Really convincing stuff~! :)
Did you like this line as well? "We certainly can't rely on "pink albino mutant history" now can we?"

I really thought that one was funny!:lol:i It is also true!
Well, if black Africans had developed a system of writing as civilizations do, they could have recorded their own history. But you know, pigs can't fly, albinos can't tan and so on.
You are assuming for 1 that this never happened and for 2 that white people are the ones that determine what constitutes civilization. Your pink monkey declarations carry no weight or validity. You were taught writing by African civilizations. Greeks thought writing was weird. Here is Socrates admitting where writing came from.

Plato s Phaedrus

Writing, Phaedrus, has this strange quality, and is very like painting; for the creatures of painting stand like living beings, but if one asks them a question, they preserve a solemn silence. And so it is with written words; you might think they spoke as if they had intelligence, but if you question them, wishing to know about their sayings, they always say only one and the same thing. And every word, when [275e] once it is written, is bandied about, alike among those who understand and those who have no interest in it, and it knows not to whom to speak or not to speak; when ill-treated or unjustly reviled it always needs its father to help it; for it has no power to protect or help itself.

You are quite right about that, too.

[276a] Socrates
Now tell me; is there not another kind of speech, or word, which shows itself to be the legitimate brother of this bastard one, both in the manner of its begetting and in its better and more powerful nature?

What is this word and how is it begotten, as you say?

The word which is written with intelligence in the mind of the learner, which is able to defend itself and knows to whom it should speak, and before whom to be silent."

The first critique of writing

Plato's Phaedrus (from Plato in Twelve Volumes, Vol. 9, translated by Harold N. Fowler. Cambridge, MA, Harvard University Press; London, William Heinemann Ltd. 1925. Perseus Digital Library
We certainly can't rely on "pink albino mutant history" now can we? You mutants have tried to usurp, revise or erase evidence showing Black origins of all civilizations including those beginning in Mesopotamia as well as in Africa.
The burgeoning superior mental cognizance we now see coming out of Africa and the African diaspora underscores the logic that Black African genius was responsible for civilization as suggested by historians such as Herodotus and Jehosephus.
Funny. More please!

I really like this line, "The burgeoning superior mental cognizance we now see coming out of Africa...".

Really convincing stuff~! :)
Did you like this line as well? "We certainly can't rely on "pink albino mutant history" now can we?"

I really thought that one was funny!:lol:i It is also true!
Well, if black Africans had developed a system of writing as civilizations do, they could have recorded their own history. But you know, pigs can't fly, albinos can't tan and so on.

There you go, relying on that biased Pink Mutant rendering of history again.
Blacks don't even know there own history then just refuse to believe anything recorded.
Why would believe people that lie constantly about history due to a insecurity complex? That doesnt make any sense.
i don't subscribe to statistics that are inherently biased (i.e. there is no such thing as pure black, white, yellow or red anymore).

but some will always latch onto any statistic that fits their own preconcieved ideas - so be it.

for me, that's living in and adding to the problem instead of looking for ways to actively participate in the solution.
There is no solution. It's just a fact.
Funny. More please!

I really like this line, "The burgeoning superior mental cognizance we now see coming out of Africa...".

Really convincing stuff~! :)
Did you like this line as well? "We certainly can't rely on "pink albino mutant history" now can we?"

I really thought that one was funny!:lol:i It is also true!
Well, if black Africans had developed a system of writing as civilizations do, they could have recorded their own history. But you know, pigs can't fly, albinos can't tan and so on.

There you go, relying on that biased Pink Mutant rendering of history again.
Blacks don't even know there own history then just refuse to believe anything recorded.
Why would believe people that lie constantly about history due to a insecurity complex? That doesnt make any sense.
Your sentence legitimately makes no sense.
Resurgence of black genius. :)

Come on, seriously. Next you'll join Asc telling us about jungle bunny civilizations!

We certainly can't rely on "pink albino mutant history" now can we? You mutants have tried to usurp, revise or erase evidence showing Black origins of all civilizations including those beginning in Mesopotamia as well as in Africa.
The burgeoning superior mental cognizance we now see coming out of Africa and the African diaspora underscores the logic that Black African genius was responsible for civilization as suggested by historians such as Herodotus and Jehosephus.
Funny. More please!

I really like this line, "The burgeoning superior mental cognizance we now see coming out of Africa...".

Really convincing stuff~! :)
Did you like this line as well? "We certainly can't rely on "pink albino mutant history" now can we?"

I really thought that one was funny!:lol:i It is also true!
Well, if black Africans had developed a system of writing as civilizations do, they could have recorded their own history. But you know, pigs can't fly, albinos can't tan and so on.
You are assuming for 1 that this never happened and for 2 that white people are the ones that determine what constitutes civilization. Your pink monkey declarations carry no weight or validity. You were taught writing by African civilizations. Greeks thought writing was weird. Here is Socrates admitting where writing came from.

Plato s Phaedrus

Writing, Phaedrus, has this strange quality, and is very like painting; for the creatures of painting stand like living beings, but if one asks them a question, they preserve a solemn silence. And so it is with written words; you might think they spoke as if they had intelligence, but if you question them, wishing to know about their sayings, they always say only one and the same thing. And every word, when [275e] once it is written, is bandied about, alike among those who understand and those who have no interest in it, and it knows not to whom to speak or not to speak; when ill-treated or unjustly reviled it always needs its father to help it; for it has no power to protect or help itself.

You are quite right about that, too.

[276a] Socrates
Now tell me; is there not another kind of speech, or word, which shows itself to be the legitimate brother of this bastard one, both in the manner of its begetting and in its better and more powerful nature?

What is this word and how is it begotten, as you say?

The word which is written with intelligence in the mind of the learner, which is able to defend itself and knows to whom it should speak, and before whom to be silent."

The first critique of writing

Plato's Phaedrus (from Plato in Twelve Volumes, Vol. 9, translated by Harold N. Fowler. Cambridge, MA, Harvard University Press; London, William Heinemann Ltd. 1925. Perseus Digital Library
This proves jungle bunny writing?! It proves the Socratic method and a part of Greek philosophy. Not even you have tried to contend that Greeks were blacks. Of course you can't since they have left records of just about everything in every way possible at the time. Jungle bunnies left nothing and were only recorded by their interactions with civilization. You've got nothing, nothing at all.
i don't subscribe to statistics that are inherently biased (i.e. there is no such thing as pure black, white, yellow or red anymore).

but some will always latch onto any statistic that fits their own preconcieved ideas - so be it.

for me, that's living in and adding to the problem instead of looking for ways to actively participate in the solution.
There is no solution. It's just a fact.
Did you like this line as well? "We certainly can't rely on "pink albino mutant history" now can we?"

I really thought that one was funny!:lol:i It is also true!
Well, if black Africans had developed a system of writing as civilizations do, they could have recorded their own history. But you know, pigs can't fly, albinos can't tan and so on.

There you go, relying on that biased Pink Mutant rendering of history again.
Blacks don't even know there own history then just refuse to believe anything recorded.
Why would believe people that lie constantly about history due to a insecurity complex? That doesnt make any sense.
Your sentence legitimately makes no sense.
Your poor education handicaps you even with white privilege.
We certainly can't rely on "pink albino mutant history" now can we? You mutants have tried to usurp, revise or erase evidence showing Black origins of all civilizations including those beginning in Mesopotamia as well as in Africa.
The burgeoning superior mental cognizance we now see coming out of Africa and the African diaspora underscores the logic that Black African genius was responsible for civilization as suggested by historians such as Herodotus and Jehosephus.
Funny. More please!

I really like this line, "The burgeoning superior mental cognizance we now see coming out of Africa...".

Really convincing stuff~! :)
Did you like this line as well? "We certainly can't rely on "pink albino mutant history" now can we?"

I really thought that one was funny!:lol:i It is also true!
Well, if black Africans had developed a system of writing as civilizations do, they could have recorded their own history. But you know, pigs can't fly, albinos can't tan and so on.
You are assuming for 1 that this never happened and for 2 that white people are the ones that determine what constitutes civilization. Your pink monkey declarations carry no weight or validity. You were taught writing by African civilizations. Greeks thought writing was weird. Here is Socrates admitting where writing came from.

Plato s Phaedrus

Writing, Phaedrus, has this strange quality, and is very like painting; for the creatures of painting stand like living beings, but if one asks them a question, they preserve a solemn silence. And so it is with written words; you might think they spoke as if they had intelligence, but if you question them, wishing to know about their sayings, they always say only one and the same thing. And every word, when [275e] once it is written, is bandied about, alike among those who understand and those who have no interest in it, and it knows not to whom to speak or not to speak; when ill-treated or unjustly reviled it always needs its father to help it; for it has no power to protect or help itself.

You are quite right about that, too.

[276a] Socrates
Now tell me; is there not another kind of speech, or word, which shows itself to be the legitimate brother of this bastard one, both in the manner of its begetting and in its better and more powerful nature?

What is this word and how is it begotten, as you say?

The word which is written with intelligence in the mind of the learner, which is able to defend itself and knows to whom it should speak, and before whom to be silent."

The first critique of writing

Plato's Phaedrus (from Plato in Twelve Volumes, Vol. 9, translated by Harold N. Fowler. Cambridge, MA, Harvard University Press; London, William Heinemann Ltd. 1925. Perseus Digital Library
This proves jungle bunny writing?! It proves the Socratic method and a part of Greek philosophy. Not even you have tried to contend that Greeks were blacks. Of course you can't since they have left records of just about everything in every way possible at the time. Jungle bunnies left nothing and were only recorded by their interactions with civilization. You've got nothing, nothing at all.
You must have missed the part where they say they first saw it in Egypt. I left that out on purpose because I knew this would set you up to say something stupid as usual.


I heard, then, that at Naucratis, in Egypt, was one of the ancient gods of that country, the one whose sacred bird is called the ibis, and the name of the god himself was Theuth. He it was who [274d] invented numbers and arithmetic and geometry and astronomy, also draughts and dice, and, most important of all, letters. "
Later honest members of the white race published this.

BBC News Sci Tech Were Egyptians the first scribes

"The earliest writing ever seen may have been discovered in southern Egypt. The hieroglyphics record linen and oil deliveries made over 5,000 years ago."
Negro, I honestly don't give a fuck what happened 5,000 years ago. I really just care about what's going on right now and more recent history. White superiority is obvious. It's sad that you have to go back thousands of years to find anything good. That's like after losing a race you bring up that you were ahead at the beginning. Pointless and no one cares.
Later honest members of the white race published this.

BBC News Sci Tech Were Egyptians the first scribes

"The earliest writing ever seen may have been discovered in southern Egypt. The hieroglyphics record linen and oil deliveries made over 5,000 years ago."
Negro, I honestly don't give a fuck what happened 5,000 years ago. I really just care about what's going on right now and more recent history. White superiority is obvious. It's sad that you have to go back thousands of years to find anything good. That's like after losing a race you bring up that you were ahead at the beginning. Pointless and no one cares.
Thats ok monkey. I honestly dont give a fuck about what you care about either. :laugh:
Later honest members of the white race published this.

BBC News Sci Tech Were Egyptians the first scribes

"The earliest writing ever seen may have been discovered in southern Egypt. The hieroglyphics record linen and oil deliveries made over 5,000 years ago."
Negro, I honestly don't give a fuck what happened 5,000 years ago. I really just care about what's going on right now and more recent history. White superiority is obvious. It's sad that you have to go back thousands of years to find anything good. That's like after losing a race you bring up that you were ahead at the beginning. Pointless and no one cares.
Thats ok monkey. I honestly dont give a fuck about what you care about either. :laugh:
You don't even know how to use apostrophes and yet talk about education. You just are realizing that every point that you've made is stupid and that you're just another angry small dicked black man.
Are we talking about Egyptians or jungle bunnies? You would show a lot more respect for the history of your people if you didn't try to appropriate that of others.

Sorry, sub-Saharan Africa had no history that was not recorded by the very same people who enslaved them. They succumbed to superior cultures in the past as they still do today. Get over it.
Later honest members of the white race published this.

BBC News Sci Tech Were Egyptians the first scribes

"The earliest writing ever seen may have been discovered in southern Egypt. The hieroglyphics record linen and oil deliveries made over 5,000 years ago."
Negro, I honestly don't give a fuck what happened 5,000 years ago. I really just care about what's going on right now and more recent history. White superiority is obvious. It's sad that you have to go back thousands of years to find anything good. That's like after losing a race you bring up that you were ahead at the beginning. Pointless and no one cares.
Thats ok monkey. I honestly dont give a fuck about what you care about either. :laugh:
You don't even know how to use apostrophes and yet talk about education. You just are realizing that every point that you've made is stupid and that you're just another angry small dicked black man.
Apostrophes were made up by white people. They dont actually matter.
Later honest members of the white race published this.

BBC News Sci Tech Were Egyptians the first scribes

"The earliest writing ever seen may have been discovered in southern Egypt. The hieroglyphics record linen and oil deliveries made over 5,000 years ago."
Negro, I honestly don't give a fuck what happened 5,000 years ago. I really just care about what's going on right now and more recent history. White superiority is obvious. It's sad that you have to go back thousands of years to find anything good. That's like after losing a race you bring up that you were ahead at the beginning. Pointless and no one cares.
Thats ok monkey. I honestly dont give a fuck about what you care about either. :laugh:
You don't even know how to use apostrophes and yet talk about education. You just are realizing that every point that you've made is stupid and that you're just another angry small dicked black man.
Apostrophes were made up by white people. They dont actually matter.
Technology doesn't matter either, neither does food, or shelter. That's your logic. Just funny denial.
Later honest members of the white race published this.

BBC News Sci Tech Were Egyptians the first scribes

"The earliest writing ever seen may have been discovered in southern Egypt. The hieroglyphics record linen and oil deliveries made over 5,000 years ago."
Negro, I honestly don't give a fuck what happened 5,000 years ago. I really just care about what's going on right now and more recent history. White superiority is obvious. It's sad that you have to go back thousands of years to find anything good. That's like after losing a race you bring up that you were ahead at the beginning. Pointless and no one cares.
Thats ok monkey. I honestly dont give a fuck about what you care about either. :laugh:
You don't even know how to use apostrophes and yet talk about education. You just are realizing that every point that you've made is stupid and that you're just another angry small dicked black man.
Apostrophes were made up by white people. They dont actually matter.
Technology doesn't matter either, neither does food, or shelter. That's your logic. Just funny denial.
Youre stupid if you think technology doesnt matter. I said your white rules regarding apostrophes dont matter. Especially on a message board.
Negro, I honestly don't give a fuck what happened 5,000 years ago. I really just care about what's going on right now and more recent history. White superiority is obvious. It's sad that you have to go back thousands of years to find anything good. That's like after losing a race you bring up that you were ahead at the beginning. Pointless and no one cares.
Thats ok monkey. I honestly dont give a fuck about what you care about either. :laugh:
You don't even know how to use apostrophes and yet talk about education. You just are realizing that every point that you've made is stupid and that you're just another angry small dicked black man.
Apostrophes were made up by white people. They dont actually matter.
Technology doesn't matter either, neither does food, or shelter. That's your logic. Just funny denial.
Youre stupid if you think technology doesnt matter. I said your white rules regarding apostrophes dont matter. Especially on a message board.
You're telling me written language doesn't matter after critizing my percieved "lack of education." Ironic

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