How are IQ tests considered racially biased?


11-Year-Old Ramarni Wilfred Joins Mensa; Has Higher IQ Than Einstein

After being invited to a graduation ceremony at Oxford University after writing an essay awarded a 2:1, he was then invited to take an IQ test at Birbeck University.
But it was to his surprise, he was given an IQ of 162, placing him in the top 1 percent in the U.K. Ramarni said: “I was surprised and very happy when I read the results of my IQ test as I didn’t feel very confident after completing the test.
“I was the youngest person there and some people looked in their 40s.”
Mensa’s chief executive, John Stevenage, said: “Ramarni’s score shows he has great potential and we are pleased to welcome him to Mensa.

11-Year-Old Ramarni Wilfred Joins Mensa Has Higher IQ Than Einstein - Atlanta Blackstar

Exceptions do not disprove the rule.

Your "rule" is based on biased sampling; the methodology of which is never mentioned or revealed. From that perspective the only acceptable axiom is the reality of what we see unfolding in plain view: the rise of cognitive exceptionalism in African immigrants and the resurgence of genius in blacks here and abroad.
Resurgence of black genius. :)

Come on, seriously. Next you'll join Asc telling us about jungle bunny civilizations!

We certainly can't rely on "pink albino mutant history" now can we? You mutants have tried to usurp, revise or erase evidence showing Black origins of all civilizations including those beginning in Mesopotamia as well as in Africa.
The burgeoning superior mental cognizance we now see coming out of Africa and the African diaspora underscores the logic that Black African genius was responsible for civilization as suggested by historians such as Herodotus and Jehosephus.

Keep saying that and you might start believing it yourself. The Egyptians and the Mesopotamians were Caucasians.
Funny. More please!

I really like this line, "The burgeoning superior mental cognizance we now see coming out of Africa...".

Really convincing stuff~! :)
Did you like this line as well? "We certainly can't rely on "pink albino mutant history" now can we?"

I really thought that one was funny!:lol:i It is also true!
Well, if black Africans had developed a system of writing as civilizations do, they could have recorded their own history. But you know, pigs can't fly, albinos can't tan and so on.

There you go, relying on that biased Pink Mutant rendering of history again.
Blacks don't even know there own history then just refuse to believe anything recorded.

Can you be more specific? There are over 37 million Blacks in the USA. You are saying none of them know their history? Ad what about African Immigrants? Do you suppose those academic champs don't know the respective histories of their countries?
You just open you stupid mouth and say the first thing that comes to mind. No thought, no sources nothing but pure BS!
Give it up. There were no sub-Saharan African civilizations, no systems of recording and few contributions to mankind other than whatever natural resources happened to be there.

The descendants of African slaves in the US are no different than sub-Saharans anywhere in the world in that their recorded history began when those who exploited or wished to enslave them arrived, whether it was the Arabs from the north or the Europeans by sea. Central parts of Africa were first recorded by explorers such as Livingston.

That's the truth, whatever the Sharpton school of world history demands.
As an avid environmentalist, I wouldn't call oil a blessing at all. And; if skyscrapers, paved roads, cars and malls require "white supervision",I would rather let it all fade back into the undergrowth. Civilization is not all it's cracked up to be. But,alas, Black Africans don't have me to guide them and they have already been seduced by the material West. Sub-Saharan geniuses are being reported with increasing regularity in response to the dazzling lights of technology. Or; is it just that an innate intelligence that was there all along is finally coming to the surface?
Black Immigrant Model Minorities Far Outliers



Dr. Chris Imafidon and Ann Imafidon came from Edo State, Nigeria, to London over 30 years ago and made no excuses in educating their five children, who have broken national records in education. All of the children have made a list of achievements that continue to grow.


The average African child speaks 3-5 languages fluently. Says here that shows enhanced cognitive ability.

Multilingualism - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

"Bilinguals who are highly proficient in two or more languages are reported to have enhanced executive function[7][8] and are better at some aspects of language learning compared to monolinguals.[9] Research indicates that a multilingual brain is nimbler, quicker, better able to deal with ambiguities, resolve conflicts, and resist Alzheimer’s disease and other forms of dementia"
You act like it bothers me that there are a few smart black people. I WANT there to be more smart black people. I want there to be more smart people in general but you simply can't ignore the facts that Africans are behind the rest of the world.


11-Year-Old Ramarni Wilfred Joins Mensa; Has Higher IQ Than Einstein

After being invited to a graduation ceremony at Oxford University after writing an essay awarded a 2:1, he was then invited to take an IQ test at Birbeck University.
But it was to his surprise, he was given an IQ of 162, placing him in the top 1 percent in the U.K. Ramarni said: “I was surprised and very happy when I read the results of my IQ test as I didn’t feel very confident after completing the test.
“I was the youngest person there and some people looked in their 40s.”
Mensa’s chief executive, John Stevenage, said: “Ramarni’s score shows he has great potential and we are pleased to welcome him to Mensa.

11-Year-Old Ramarni Wilfred Joins Mensa Has Higher IQ Than Einstein - Atlanta Blackstar

Exceptions do not disprove the rule.

Your "rule" is based on biased sampling; the methodology of which is never mentioned or revealed. From that perspective the only acceptable axiom is the reality of what we see unfolding in plain view: the rise of cognitive exceptionalism in African immigrants and the resurgence of genius in blacks here and abroad.

Im not trying to belittle black performance but you seem to have an unrealistic expectation of the actual abilities of blacks, and claiming that the differences are just an artifact of biased sampling practices is ridiculous.

let's look at AP classes. the best and brightest high school students test themselves against college level courses. blacks are only half as likely to take the test by percentage of the school population, when they do participate they take more language and art classes rather than math and sciences, and their resulting grades are much lower overall.


the white scores form a normal (Bell) curve. the black scores are heavily shifted to the left.

here are the participation numbers -


surely you can see that even when the top range (<6%) of black students are taken, and 'easier' courses are attempted, the black results are still disappointing.

New Study Gives Black Parents Yet Another Reason to Consider Homeschooling Their Children - Atlanta Blackstar

You seem to be rather closed minded as to the potential of native born Black students. The key word here is "potential." Regardless of the implications illustrated in your 2006 charts, concerning AP testing, that was 9 years ago. There have been improvements since then.

Having witnessed the academic achievements of African immigrants over the last decade or so, my faith in the potential of Black students has been rekindled. Although native born Blacks appear to be lagging
behind with Mexicans, African immigrants have caused Black scholarship to be re-evaluated. Their academic surge has destroyed the myth of black mental inferiority. .. at least for objective pundits.

Here is more proof that justifies my claim of biased sampling or possibly outright lies in arriving at dismal test scores for Blacks. At the very least the following narrative should warrant a closer look at a process where statistics generated about Blacks are controlled by people who are not Black.

New Study Gives Black Parents Yet Another Reason to Consider Homeschooling Their Children
The Black homeschool children’s high achievement test scores were remarkable,” Dr. Brian Ray, president of NHERI, noted in a press release. “Parents without teaching certificates helping their children from a traditionally low-achieving minority group excel this way should cause all educators and social advocacy groups to take special note.”

In reading, math and language achievement tests, Black homeschooled students were meeting or surpassing the median test scores for all students across the nation.
“They scored at or above the 50th percentile in reading (68th), language (56th), math (50th), and core (i.e., a combination of reading, language, and math; 58th) subtests,” the study revealed. “By definition the 50th percentile is the mean for all students (of all ethnicities/races) nationwide in institutional public schools.
Exceptions do not disprove the rule.

Your "rule" is based on biased sampling; the methodology of which is never mentioned or revealed. From that perspective the only acceptable axiom is the reality of what we see unfolding in plain view: the rise of cognitive exceptionalism in African immigrants and the resurgence of genius in blacks here and abroad.
Resurgence of black genius. :)

Come on, seriously. Next you'll join Asc telling us about jungle bunny civilizations!

We certainly can't rely on "pink albino mutant history" now can we? You mutants have tried to usurp, revise or erase evidence showing Black origins of all civilizations including those beginning in Mesopotamia as well as in Africa.
The burgeoning superior mental cognizance we now see coming out of Africa and the African diaspora underscores the logic that Black African genius was responsible for civilization as suggested by historians such as Herodotus and Jehosephus.

Keep saying that and you might start believing it yourself. The Egyptians and the Mesopotamians were Caucasians.
Did you like this line as well? "We certainly can't rely on "pink albino mutant history" now can we?"

I really thought that one was funny!:lol:i It is also true!
Well, if black Africans had developed a system of writing as civilizations do, they could have recorded their own history. But you know, pigs can't fly, albinos can't tan and so on.

There you go, relying on that biased Pink Mutant rendering of history again.
Blacks don't even know there own history then just refuse to believe anything recorded.

Can you be more specific? There are over 37 million Blacks in the USA. You are saying none of them know their history? Ad what about African Immigrants? Do you suppose those academic champs don't know the respective histories of their countries?
You just open you stupid mouth and say the first thing that comes to mind. No thought, no sources nothing but pure BS!
Give it up. There were no sub-Saharan African civilizations, no systems of recording and few contributions to mankind other than whatever natural resources happened to be there.

The descendants of African slaves in the US are no different than sub-Saharans anywhere in the world in that their recorded history began when those who exploited or wished to enslave them arrived, whether it was the Arabs from the north or the Europeans by sea. Central parts of Africa were first recorded by explorers such as Livingston.

That's the truth, whatever the Sharpton school of world history demands.

You use the term sub-Saharan Africa as if the people who live there now have been static and never left. You don't seem to realize that the Sahara was once green and afforded easy commerce between the northern coasts and the interior. But even after desiccation set in, routes through the desert were still used by the hardy and wise. In that manner, while near human pink mutants were still evolving from the admixture of Negro (human) and Neanderthal ( non-human) couplings, African Blacks {the pure humans} were moving out of Ethiopia onto the nile delta from which KMT was formed. In that manner KMT was populated. I say KMT or Misraim because the name "Egypt is offensive to me. That name is the one subsequently given KMT by Greeks who were not even a people let alone a country back then.

Kings emerged, then came the Pharaohs who made themselves gods. The supreme one being Black like themselves: Osiris.
For those inclined towards the biblical view, it is said that Nimrod, the son of Cush is the progenitor of civilization and the architect of the tower of Babel. He was, like Canaan, a Cushite. Cushites were/are Black.
Even the name Misraim is tied to Cush for it is the Hebrew term for KMT (egypt}

Now, the lineage of Cush is derived from the biblical Ham and the fabled story of Noah in genesis. Nevertheless, these eponymous names are associated with real historical events and geo political realities. Kinky haired Blacks ruled the world at one time and bullt dynastic KMT.


Rather than make an already long narrative even longer, I will simply cite the work william Golding: "Lord of The Flies. This book exemplifies the thrust of my premise whereas civilized people, when isolated for what ever reason in spartan conditions for months, can revert to primitive instincts in a relatively short time in order to survive. I have always held that primitive Africa was indicative of similar events as outlined in Golding's novel.
Your problem is not your narrative, regardless of its the length or brevity. Your problem is its credibility. There was no sub-Saharan civilization beyond the most rudimentary nor recorded history before the slave trades of the Arabs, Berbers and Europeans.

The living can, and often do try to revise history, but they cannot create it as you are feebly trying now.
You act like it bothers me that there are a few smart black people. I WANT there to be more smart black people. I want there to be more smart people in general but you simply can't ignore the facts that Africans are behind the rest of the world.


11-Year-Old Ramarni Wilfred Joins Mensa; Has Higher IQ Than Einstein

After being invited to a graduation ceremony at Oxford University after writing an essay awarded a 2:1, he was then invited to take an IQ test at Birbeck University.
But it was to his surprise, he was given an IQ of 162, placing him in the top 1 percent in the U.K. Ramarni said: “I was surprised and very happy when I read the results of my IQ test as I didn’t feel very confident after completing the test.
“I was the youngest person there and some people looked in their 40s.”
Mensa’s chief executive, John Stevenage, said: “Ramarni’s score shows he has great potential and we are pleased to welcome him to Mensa.

11-Year-Old Ramarni Wilfred Joins Mensa Has Higher IQ Than Einstein - Atlanta Blackstar

Exceptions do not disprove the rule.

Your "rule" is based on biased sampling; the methodology of which is never mentioned or revealed. From that perspective the only acceptable axiom is the reality of what we see unfolding in plain view: the rise of cognitive exceptionalism in African immigrants and the resurgence of genius in blacks here and abroad.

Im not trying to belittle black performance but you seem to have an unrealistic expectation of the actual abilities of blacks, and claiming that the differences are just an artifact of biased sampling practices is ridiculous.

let's look at AP classes. the best and brightest high school students test themselves against college level courses. blacks are only half as likely to take the test by percentage of the school population, when they do participate they take more language and art classes rather than math and sciences, and their resulting grades are much lower overall.


the white scores form a normal (Bell) curve. the black scores are heavily shifted to the left.

here are the participation numbers -


surely you can see that even when the top range (<6%) of black students are taken, and 'easier' courses are attempted, the black results are still disappointing.

New Study Gives Black Parents Yet Another Reason to Consider Homeschooling Their Children - Atlanta Blackstar

You seem to be rather closed minded as to the potential of native born Black students. The key word here is "potential." Regardless of the implications illustrated in your 2006 charts, concerning AP testing, that was 9 years ago. There have been improvements since then.

Having witnessed the academic achievements of African immigrants over the last decade or so, my faith in the potential of Black students has been rekindled. Although native born Blacks appear to be lagging
behind with Mexicans, African immigrants have caused Black scholarship to be re-evaluated. Their academic surge has destroyed the myth of black mental inferiority. .. at least for objective pundits.

Here is more proof that justifies my claim of biased sampling or possibly outright lies in arriving at dismal test scores for Blacks. At the very least the following narrative should warrant a closer look at a process where statistics generated about Blacks are controlled by people who are not Black.

New Study Gives Black Parents Yet Another Reason to Consider Homeschooling Their Children
The Black homeschool children’s high achievement test scores were remarkable,” Dr. Brian Ray, president of NHERI, noted in a press release. “Parents without teaching certificates helping their children from a traditionally low-achieving minority group excel this way should cause all educators and social advocacy groups to take special note.”

In reading, math and language achievement tests, Black homeschooled students were meeting or surpassing the median test scores for all students across the nation.
“They scored at or above the 50th percentile in reading (68th), language (56th), math (50th), and core (i.e., a combination of reading, language, and math; 58th) subtests,” the study revealed. “By definition the 50th percentile is the mean for all students (of all ethnicities/races) nationwide in institutional public schools.

Im sorry you feel that I am close minded. I consider myself liberal leaning but still realistic.

the two graphs I posted were from the Journal of Blacks in Higher Education, so I really dont think they were specifically biased against black achievement.

your point about black homeschooling is an interesting one. overall homeschooled children typically score in the 80+ percentile compared to regular schools. perhaps your figures were also that high compared to black regular school performance. home schooled children usually have two competent parents with a huge commitment to education, and are willing to prove it by spending the time actually doing it rather than complaining. I am not so sure that home schooling can be 'scaled up' to include more than a small percentage of students overall. likewise many of the black centric speciality schools like Canada's harlem project can only take committed and enthusiastic teachers and students that would have succeeded anyways but thrive in an enhanced environment. you cannot accept everyone and still be above average.
Rather than make an already long narrative even longer, I will simply cite the work william Golding: "Lord of The Flies. This book exemplifies the thrust of my premise whereas civilized people, when isolated for what ever reason in spartan conditions for months, can revert to primitive instincts in a relatively short time in order to survive. I have always held that primitive Africa was indicative of similar events as outlined in Golding's novel.
I found this interesting. To make the case that civilized people become uncivilized and tribal once isolated, it was important for Golding to kill off the sole surviving adult. Perhaps you're suggesting that sub-Saharans are child-like, I don't know.

Contrast Golding's fictional work with the real mutineers of the HMS Bounty on Pitcairn Island who fought among themselves yet emerged with a semi-literate John Adams as leader who opened a school and was teaching their offspring with Tahitian women to read from the bible, presumably the only book they had.

The point is, even on tiny Pitcairn Island with an adult to guide the way, the essential vestiges of civilization were not lost, yet you contend that an entire sub-Saharan Africa abandoned a civilization they were once part of.

History of the Pitcairn Islands - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Your problem is not your narrative, regardless of its the length or brevity. Your problem is its credibility. There was no sub-Saharan civilization beyond the most rudimentary nor recorded history before the slave trades of the Arabs, Berbers and Europeans.

The living can, and often do try to revise history, but they cannot create it as you are feebly trying now.
Fortunately for me you are not the sole arbiter of what is credible or not. Your focus in on sub-Saharan Africa and mine is on the entire known world at the time KMT was beginning to thrive. From the scriptural record, Black people originated outside of Africa in Mesopotamia. From there arose the rebellious Nimrod, a Cushite, and the father of civilization. Are you saying the biblical account is a lie? If so, you are not just questioning MY credibility, you are questioning that of God and the estimated 2.1 billion Christians who believe His written word to be true.
Black people originated outside of Africa in Mesopotamia. From there arose the rebellious Nimrod, a Cushite, and the father of civilization. Are you saying the biblical account is a lie? If so, you are not just questioning MY credibility, you are questioning that of God and the estimated 2.1 billion Christians who believe His written word to be true.
You've certainly gone off the deep end.
You sure can't prove it by the outstanding scholarship African immigrants are showing everywhere they go. Looks like there is going to be a change in the the world order sooner of later. You can't hold bright Africans at bay for ever...they are just bubbling over... raring to go! Even black American geniuses or near geniuses are emerging more frequently.

We've been through this previously in February.
Now it's of course, Intentional Disingenuity at best:

The SAT Gap Page 6 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
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That's funny, because Black Immigrants and their USA born children (closely Followed by Hispanics 46.9%) have the Highest Poverty/Near Poverty rate of ANY Group.
More than Double the White and Asian Rate.

Immigrants who can afford to/do make it from "Africa alone" is Bad Sampling: Cream-of-crop self-selection.
ie, have a higher graduation rate BECAUSE they ARE here TO go to college.


I found this interesting. To make the case that civilized people become uncivilized and tribal once isolated, it was important for Golding to kill off the sole surviving adult. Perhaps you're suggesting that sub-Saharans are child-like, I don't know.

Were the pink skinned cannibals of Donner Pass, Childlike? Ponder that for a moment!


There are myriad stories attesting to once existing lost civilizations. Even the lost Jamestown colony would qualify on a smaller scale. Has that mystery ever been solved?

Literacy was never a universal trait shared by those who learned to read and write. That once esoteric art (written communication) was reserved for the highborn. Consider that, even in America, literacy was hardly universal among Caucasians before the 20th Century. Had a major disruption in their daily lives caused them to escape into a wilderness hostile as that of the African interior, how many, devoid of literacy as they were, would have reverted to paganism and a primitive lifestyle?

Contrast Golding's fictional work with the real mutineers of the HMS Bounty on Pitcairn Island who fought among themselves yet emerged with a semi-literate John Adams as leader who opened a school and was teaching their offspring with Tahitian women to read from the bible, presumably the only book they had.

Semi literacy is the key. The mutineers were fortunate to have had at least one person who could read and write.

The point is, even on tiny Pitcairn Island with an adult to guide the way, the essential vestiges of civilization were not lost, yet you contend that an entire sub-Saharan Africa abandoned a civilization they were once part of.

1. You fail to note the diversity of "sub-Saharan Africa" and what that suggests.

2.Who can say that literacy was universal among those who were either banished or forced into the African wilderness?

3. Other Blacks ,who were literate, seemed to have stayed put in areas that later developed into some of Africa's and Mesopotamia's high civilizations. How those dynamics occurred is still a mystery but the bible and secular evidence supports that premise.
Black people originated outside of Africa in Mesopotamia. From there arose the rebellious Nimrod, a Cushite, and the father of civilization. Are you saying the biblical account is a lie? If so, you are not just questioning MY credibility, you are questioning that of God and the estimated 2.1 billion Christians who believe His written word to be true.
You've certainly gone off the deep end.

If you consider the contents of the Bible to be "the deep end" than I guess you are right! I join 2.1 billion Christians, on the whole in supporting that glorious "deep end." Are you an atheist heathen?
That's funny, because Black Immigrants and their USA born children (closely Followed by Hispanics 46.9%) have the Highest Poverty/Near Poverty rate of ANY Group.
More than Double the White and Asian Rate.

You bring the results of some nebulous survey to the table? Apparently the survey figures does not jibe with the statistical reality. Your statement below seems to contradict the one above. If there is any truth to your data, given the contradictory implications between your curious chart showing African immigrant poverty and the reality of their academic success, I'd have to say Asceplias nails it with:

More proof of discrimination and racism. Thanks for validating that.

ABU AFAK said:
Immigrants who can afford to/do make it from "Africa alone" is Bad Sampling: Cream-of-crop self-selection.
ie, have a higher graduation rate BECAUSE they ARE here TO go to college.[/SIZE]

What the heck does this bizarre utterance have to do with anything? Hell, yes, these bright African students are here to go to college just as everyone else they are competing with is THERE to go to college. So, what is your point?
You know, we could go on arguing about this topic, but then you can knock on a dead man's door forever.

Grow up and ciao.
No we wouldn't be taling about this forever. My reference to the biblical record stopped you in your tracks. And; you failure to answer the question in regards to your faith is duly noted. I sense a genuine fear of this:

That's funny, because Black Immigrants and their USA born children (closely Followed by Hispanics 46.9%) have the Highest Poverty/Near Poverty rate of ANY Group.
More than Double the White and Asian Rate.

You bring the results of some nebulous survey to the table? Apparently the survey figures does not jibe with the statistical reality. Your statement below seems to contradict the one above. If there is any truth to your data, given the contradictory implications between your curious chart showing African immigrant poverty and the reality of their academic success, I'd have to say Asceplias nails it with:

More proof of discrimination and racism. Thanks for validating that.

ABU AFAK said:
Immigrants who can afford to/do make it from "Africa alone" is Bad Sampling: Cream-of-crop self-selection.
ie, have a higher graduation rate BECAUSE they ARE here TO go to college.

What the heck does this bizarre utterance have to do with anything? Hell, yes, these bright African students are here to go to college just as everyone else they are competing with is THERE to go to college. So, what is your point?
These racist monkeys are in fear. Never mind abu boo. I've already demoralized him so bad he quit posting for a couple of months after the ass kicking I gave him on genetics.
You act like it bothers me that there are a few smart black people. I WANT there to be more smart black people. I want there to be more smart people in general but you simply can't ignore the facts that Africans are behind the rest of the world.


11-Year-Old Ramarni Wilfred Joins Mensa; Has Higher IQ Than Einstein

After being invited to a graduation ceremony at Oxford University after writing an essay awarded a 2:1, he was then invited to take an IQ test at Birbeck University.
But it was to his surprise, he was given an IQ of 162, placing him in the top 1 percent in the U.K. Ramarni said: “I was surprised and very happy when I read the results of my IQ test as I didn’t feel very confident after completing the test.
“I was the youngest person there and some people looked in their 40s.”
Mensa’s chief executive, John Stevenage, said: “Ramarni’s score shows he has great potential and we are pleased to welcome him to Mensa.

11-Year-Old Ramarni Wilfred Joins Mensa Has Higher IQ Than Einstein - Atlanta Blackstar

Exceptions do not disprove the rule.

Your "rule" is based on biased sampling; the methodology of which is never mentioned or revealed. From that perspective the only acceptable axiom is the reality of what we see unfolding in plain view: the rise of cognitive exceptionalism in African immigrants and the resurgence of genius in blacks here and abroad.

Im not trying to belittle black performance but you seem to have an unrealistic expectation of the actual abilities of blacks, and claiming that the differences are just an artifact of biased sampling practices is ridiculous.

let's look at AP classes. the best and brightest high school students test themselves against college level courses. blacks are only half as likely to take the test by percentage of the school population, when they do participate they take more language and art classes rather than math and sciences, and their resulting grades are much lower overall.


the white scores form a normal (Bell) curve. the black scores are heavily shifted to the left.

here are the participation numbers -


surely you can see that even when the top range (<6%) of black students are taken, and 'easier' courses are attempted, the black results are still disappointing.

New Study Gives Black Parents Yet Another Reason to Consider Homeschooling Their Children - Atlanta Blackstar

You seem to be rather closed minded as to the potential of native born Black students. The key word here is "potential." Regardless of the implications illustrated in your 2006 charts, concerning AP testing, that was 9 years ago. There have been improvements since then.

Having witnessed the academic achievements of African immigrants over the last decade or so, my faith in the potential of Black students has been rekindled. Although native born Blacks appear to be lagging
behind with Mexicans, African immigrants have caused Black scholarship to be re-evaluated. Their academic surge has destroyed the myth of black mental inferiority. .. at least for objective pundits.

Here is more proof that justifies my claim of biased sampling or possibly outright lies in arriving at dismal test scores for Blacks. At the very least the following narrative should warrant a closer look at a process where statistics generated about Blacks are controlled by people who are not Black.

New Study Gives Black Parents Yet Another Reason to Consider Homeschooling Their Children
The Black homeschool children’s high achievement test scores were remarkable,” Dr. Brian Ray, president of NHERI, noted in a press release. “Parents without teaching certificates helping their children from a traditionally low-achieving minority group excel this way should cause all educators and social advocacy groups to take special note.”

In reading, math and language achievement tests, Black homeschooled students were meeting or surpassing the median test scores for all students across the nation.
“They scored at or above the 50th percentile in reading (68th), language (56th), math (50th), and core (i.e., a combination of reading, language, and math; 58th) subtests,” the study revealed. “By definition the 50th percentile is the mean for all students (of all ethnicities/races) nationwide in institutional public schools.
You realize that goes for all home schooled kids? Doesn't really prove anything about black IQ vs white. White intelligence is far superior on average.

11-Year-Old Ramarni Wilfred Joins Mensa; Has Higher IQ Than Einstein

After being invited to a graduation ceremony at Oxford University after writing an essay awarded a 2:1, he was then invited to take an IQ test at Birbeck University.
But it was to his surprise, he was given an IQ of 162, placing him in the top 1 percent in the U.K. Ramarni said: “I was surprised and very happy when I read the results of my IQ test as I didn’t feel very confident after completing the test.
“I was the youngest person there and some people looked in their 40s.”
Mensa’s chief executive, John Stevenage, said: “Ramarni’s score shows he has great potential and we are pleased to welcome him to Mensa.

11-Year-Old Ramarni Wilfred Joins Mensa Has Higher IQ Than Einstein - Atlanta Blackstar

Exceptions do not disprove the rule.

Your "rule" is based on biased sampling; the methodology of which is never mentioned or revealed. From that perspective the only acceptable axiom is the reality of what we see unfolding in plain view: the rise of cognitive exceptionalism in African immigrants and the resurgence of genius in blacks here and abroad.

Im not trying to belittle black performance but you seem to have an unrealistic expectation of the actual abilities of blacks, and claiming that the differences are just an artifact of biased sampling practices is ridiculous.

let's look at AP classes. the best and brightest high school students test themselves against college level courses. blacks are only half as likely to take the test by percentage of the school population, when they do participate they take more language and art classes rather than math and sciences, and their resulting grades are much lower overall.


the white scores form a normal (Bell) curve. the black scores are heavily shifted to the left.

here are the participation numbers -


surely you can see that even when the top range (<6%) of black students are taken, and 'easier' courses are attempted, the black results are still disappointing.

New Study Gives Black Parents Yet Another Reason to Consider Homeschooling Their Children - Atlanta Blackstar

You seem to be rather closed minded as to the potential of native born Black students. The key word here is "potential." Regardless of the implications illustrated in your 2006 charts, concerning AP testing, that was 9 years ago. There have been improvements since then.

Having witnessed the academic achievements of African immigrants over the last decade or so, my faith in the potential of Black students has been rekindled. Although native born Blacks appear to be lagging
behind with Mexicans, African immigrants have caused Black scholarship to be re-evaluated. Their academic surge has destroyed the myth of black mental inferiority. .. at least for objective pundits.

Here is more proof that justifies my claim of biased sampling or possibly outright lies in arriving at dismal test scores for Blacks. At the very least the following narrative should warrant a closer look at a process where statistics generated about Blacks are controlled by people who are not Black.

New Study Gives Black Parents Yet Another Reason to Consider Homeschooling Their Children
The Black homeschool children’s high achievement test scores were remarkable,” Dr. Brian Ray, president of NHERI, noted in a press release. “Parents without teaching certificates helping their children from a traditionally low-achieving minority group excel this way should cause all educators and social advocacy groups to take special note.”

In reading, math and language achievement tests, Black homeschooled students were meeting or surpassing the median test scores for all students across the nation.
“They scored at or above the 50th percentile in reading (68th), language (56th), math (50th), and core (i.e., a combination of reading, language, and math; 58th) subtests,” the study revealed. “By definition the 50th percentile is the mean for all students (of all ethnicities/races) nationwide in institutional public schools.
You realize that goes for all home schooled kids? Doesn't really prove anything about black IQ vs white. White intelligence is far superior on average.
If homeschooling, or something akin to it, is working to stimulate or enhance learning among black children i want to see more of it. You, the curmudgeon, would connive to trivialize the proponents of even that promising aspiration.

But even in your facetious rebuttal, I see a modicum of agreement. You said all home schooled kids produce similar results. You did not say other home schooled groups scores are better than home schooled Black children. For me, that is saying a lot. In your own words you have given testimony that home schooling puts black children on par with other home schooled children and produces scores above the national average in achievement tests.

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