How are IQ tests considered racially biased?

So now you're claiming africans are SMARTER than whites?? HAHAHA. So why is africa in the stone age?
The fact that you think "Africa" is in the stone age underlines your lack of intelligence. We've had this little debate several times through the years and you keep regurgitating the same old outdated BS, even after we school you! Africa has many countries, idiot! I can't think of ONE that is in the stone age!
All the countries are still pretty shitty though.

So are many Asian countries but I don't hear any condemnation of Asian intelligence for it! Asian immigrants can't do in their homeland what they can do here. The US provides an environment that is conducive to individual opportunity whereas the political climates in many Asian or African countries stifle individual liberties and initiatives.

Orientals in the United States usually perform and behave better than most whites. Negroes usually perform and behave much worse than most whites. The reason is not white racism. The reason is the congenital Negro inferiority that reinforces white racism generation after generation.

Whites in the United States would be better off if all the Negroes left. Negroes would be worse off if all the whites left. They could not possibly maintain this country.

Ya, the Vikings never fought amongst themselves being all white Aryan types.

All blacks are not criminals. All blacks are not less intelligent than all whites. Nevertheless, racial differences are obvious to anyone who is willing to look.
IQ gap, achievement gap, SAT gap, discipline gap, arrest rates, how much more proof do you need?

I think the left realizes that it is true, but they will be damned before they admit it because it would destroy their belief system that everyone is equal. Sadly, that just isn't so.

That's it. Even liberals know blacks are inferior in everything except sports. The evidence is overwhelming.

What are YOU 'superior' in, loser? Anything? Anything at all? You keep shooting your fool mouth off, but you have never once offered anything that suggests YOU are anything but a complete, idiotic loser with no skill, experience, ability or redeeming qualities at all. Fuck off you little gnat. You're a nobody, and skin tone does nothing to change that.

You are superior in nothing but invective. You are incapable of composing a rational comment.

Invective is the only response to criticisms of blacks, because there is so much to criticize about that race.
IQ gap, achievement gap, SAT gap, discipline gap, arrest rates, how much more proof do you need?

I think the left realizes that it is true, but they will be damned before they admit it because it would destroy their belief system that everyone is equal. Sadly, that just isn't so.

That's it. Even liberals know blacks are inferior in everything except sports. The evidence is overwhelming.

What are YOU 'superior' in, loser? Anything? Anything at all? You keep shooting your fool mouth off, but you have never once offered anything that suggests YOU are anything but a complete, idiotic loser with no skill, experience, ability or redeeming qualities at all. Fuck off you little gnat. You're a nobody, and skin tone does nothing to change that.

You are superior in nothing but invective. You are incapable of composing a rational

I asked you a question, loser.

Your questions seldom merit an answer. You are a pathetic little man who feels like a big man because you harmlessly post insults from your keyboard.

Anyone can claim any number of distinctions on an internet forum. If they write like a high school dropout, like you do, that is what they probably are.

You never contribute well thought out, insightful comments to serious discussions.
I think the left realizes that it is true, but they will be damned before they admit it because it would destroy their belief system that everyone is equal. Sadly, that just isn't so.

That's it. Even liberals know blacks are inferior in everything except sports. The evidence is overwhelming.

What are YOU 'superior' in, loser? Anything? Anything at all? You keep shooting your fool mouth off, but you have never once offered anything that suggests YOU are anything but a complete, idiotic loser with no skill, experience, ability or redeeming qualities at all. Fuck off you little gnat. You're a nobody, and skin tone does nothing to change that.

You are superior in nothing but invective. You are incapable of composing a rational comment.

Invective is the only response to criticisms of blacks, because there is so much to criticize about that race.
I think the left realizes that it is true, but they will be damned before they admit it because it would destroy their belief system that everyone is equal. Sadly, that just isn't so.

That's it. Even liberals know blacks are inferior in everything except sports. The evidence is overwhelming.

What are YOU 'superior' in, loser? Anything? Anything at all? You keep shooting your fool mouth off, but you have never once offered anything that suggests YOU are anything but a complete, idiotic loser with no skill, experience, ability or redeeming qualities at all. Fuck off you little gnat. You're a nobody, and skin tone does nothing to change that.

You are superior in nothing but invective. You are incapable of composing a rational

I asked you a question, loser.

Your questions seldom merit an answer. You are a pathetic little man who feels like a big man because you harmlessly post insults from your keyboard.

Anyone can claim any number of distinctions on an internet forum. If they write like a high school dropout, like you do, that is what they probably are.

You never contribute well thought out, insightful comments to serious discussions.

Answer the question, loser.
The fact that you think "Africa" is in the stone age underlines your lack of intelligence. We've had this little debate several times through the years and you keep regurgitating the same old outdated BS, even after we school you! Africa has many countries, idiot! I can't think of ONE that is in the stone age!
All the countries are still pretty shitty though.

So are many Asian countries but I don't hear any condemnation of Asian intelligence for it! Asian immigrants can't do in their homeland what they can do here. The US provides an environment that is conducive to individual opportunity whereas the political climates in many Asian or African countries stifle individual liberties and initiatives.

Orientals in the United States usually perform and behave better than most whites. Negroes usually perform and behave much worse than most whites. The reason is not white racism. The reason is the congenital Negro inferiority that reinforces white racism generation after generation.

Whites in the United States would be better off if all the Negroes left. Negroes would be worse off if all the whites left. They could not possibly maintain this country.

Ya, the Vikings never fought amongst themselves being all white Aryan types.

All blacks are not criminals. All blacks are not less intelligent than all whites. Nevertheless, racial differences are obvious to anyone who is willing to look.

You stopped short of saying that some Blacks are MORE intelligent than some Whites OR Asians. Can't bring yourself to say it?
Well, I said it for you; and there is plenty of evidence to suggest that Black sub-Saharan African immigrants are toppling the old established cognitive hierarchy and making a name for themselves around the world. Countries listed by western sources as having populations with IQ averages as low as 59 -72 are producing near geniuses. What's up with that?
All the countries are still pretty shitty though.

So are many Asian countries but I don't hear any condemnation of Asian intelligence for it! Asian immigrants can't do in their homeland what they can do here. The US provides an environment that is conducive to individual opportunity whereas the political climates in many Asian or African countries stifle individual liberties and initiatives.

Orientals in the United States usually perform and behave better than most whites. Negroes usually perform and behave much worse than most whites. The reason is not white racism. The reason is the congenital Negro inferiority that reinforces white racism generation after generation.

Whites in the United States would be better off if all the Negroes left. Negroes would be worse off if all the whites left. They could not possibly maintain this country.

Ya, the Vikings never fought amongst themselves being all white Aryan types.

All blacks are not criminals. All blacks are not less intelligent than all whites. Nevertheless, racial differences are obvious to anyone who is willing to look.

You stopped short of saying that some Blacks are MORE intelligent than some Whites OR Asians. Can't bring yourself to say it?
Well, I said it for you; and there is plenty of evidence to suggest that Black sub-Saharan African immigrants are toppling the old established cognitive hierarchy and making a name for themselves around the world. Countries listed by western sources as having populations with IQ averages as low as 59 -72 are producing near geniuses. What's up with that?
Do you know what an average is?

If black people are such geniuses they wouldn't be in the shithole that they live in today. That's all.
Cities like these have sprouted in virtually every African country... Many African states are rising to meet the challenges of the 21st Century and beyond.
Only the few countries blessed by oil.

Blessed by oil and white supervision. Negroes are incapable of creating viable civilizations on their own.

As an avid environmentalist, I wouldn't call oil a blessing at all. And; if skyscrapers, paved roads, cars and malls require "white supervision",I would rather let it all fade back into the undergrowth. Civilization is not all it's cracked up to be. But,alas, Black Africans don't have me to guide them and they have already been seduced by the material West. Sub-Saharan geniuses are being reported with increasing regularity in response to the dazzling lights of technology. Or; is it just that an innate intelligence that was there all along is finally coming to the surface?
Black Immigrant Model Minorities Far Outliers



Dr. Chris Imafidon and Ann Imafidon came from Edo State, Nigeria, to London over 30 years ago and made no excuses in educating their five children, who have broken national records in education. All of the children have made a list of achievements that continue to grow.


So are many Asian countries but I don't hear any condemnation of Asian intelligence for it! Asian immigrants can't do in their homeland what they can do here. The US provides an environment that is conducive to individual opportunity whereas the political climates in many Asian or African countries stifle individual liberties and initiatives.

Orientals in the United States usually perform and behave better than most whites. Negroes usually perform and behave much worse than most whites. The reason is not white racism. The reason is the congenital Negro inferiority that reinforces white racism generation after generation.

Whites in the United States would be better off if all the Negroes left. Negroes would be worse off if all the whites left. They could not possibly maintain this country.

Ya, the Vikings never fought amongst themselves being all white Aryan types.

All blacks are not criminals. All blacks are not less intelligent than all whites. Nevertheless, racial differences are obvious to anyone who is willing to look.

You stopped short of saying that some Blacks are MORE intelligent than some Whites OR Asians. Can't bring yourself to say it?
Well, I said it for you; and there is plenty of evidence to suggest that Black sub-Saharan African immigrants are toppling the old established cognitive hierarchy and making a name for themselves around the world. Countries listed by western sources as having populations with IQ averages as low as 59 -72 are producing near geniuses. What's up with that?
Do you know what an average is?

If black people are such geniuses they wouldn't be in the shithole that they live in today. That's all.
The average African child speaks 3-5 languages fluently. Says here that shows enhanced cognitive ability.

Multilingualism - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

"Bilinguals who are highly proficient in two or more languages are reported to have enhanced executive function[7][8] and are better at some aspects of language learning compared to monolinguals.[9] Research indicates that a multilingual brain is nimbler, quicker, better able to deal with ambiguities, resolve conflicts, and resist Alzheimer’s disease and other forms of dementia"
Cities like these have sprouted in virtually every African country... Many African states are rising to meet the challenges of the 21st Century and beyond.
Only the few countries blessed by oil.

Blessed by oil and white supervision. Negroes are incapable of creating viable civilizations on their own.

As an avid environmentalist, I wouldn't call oil a blessing at all. And; if skyscrapers, paved roads, cars and malls require "white supervision",I would rather let it all fade back into the undergrowth. Civilization is not all it's cracked up to be. But,alas, Black Africans don't have me to guide them and they have already been seduced by the material West. Sub-Saharan geniuses are being reported with increasing regularity in response to the dazzling lights of technology. Or; is it just that an innate intelligence that was there all along is finally coming to the surface?
Black Immigrant Model Minorities Far Outliers



Dr. Chris Imafidon and Ann Imafidon came from Edo State, Nigeria, to London over 30 years ago and made no excuses in educating their five children, who have broken national records in education. All of the children have made a list of achievements that continue to grow.


Simply amazing how powerful and resilient Black people are. Thats why the pale skins are afraid.
Cities like these have sprouted in virtually every African country... Many African states are rising to meet the challenges of the 21st Century and beyond.
Only the few countries blessed by oil.

Blessed by oil and white supervision. Negroes are incapable of creating viable civilizations on their own.

As an avid environmentalist, I wouldn't call oil a blessing at all. And; if skyscrapers, paved roads, cars and malls require "white supervision",I would rather let it all fade back into the undergrowth. Civilization is not all it's cracked up to be. But,alas, Black Africans don't have me to guide them and they have already been seduced by the material West. Sub-Saharan geniuses are being reported with increasing regularity in response to the dazzling lights of technology. Or; is it just that an innate intelligence that was there all along is finally coming to the surface?
Black Immigrant Model Minorities Far Outliers



Dr. Chris Imafidon and Ann Imafidon came from Edo State, Nigeria, to London over 30 years ago and made no excuses in educating their five children, who have broken national records in education. All of the children have made a list of achievements that continue to grow.


Orientals in the United States usually perform and behave better than most whites. Negroes usually perform and behave much worse than most whites. The reason is not white racism. The reason is the congenital Negro inferiority that reinforces white racism generation after generation.

Whites in the United States would be better off if all the Negroes left. Negroes would be worse off if all the whites left. They could not possibly maintain this country.

Ya, the Vikings never fought amongst themselves being all white Aryan types.

All blacks are not criminals. All blacks are not less intelligent than all whites. Nevertheless, racial differences are obvious to anyone who is willing to look.

You stopped short of saying that some Blacks are MORE intelligent than some Whites OR Asians. Can't bring yourself to say it?
Well, I said it for you; and there is plenty of evidence to suggest that Black sub-Saharan African immigrants are toppling the old established cognitive hierarchy and making a name for themselves around the world. Countries listed by western sources as having populations with IQ averages as low as 59 -72 are producing near geniuses. What's up with that?
Do you know what an average is?

If black people are such geniuses they wouldn't be in the shithole that they live in today. That's all.
The average African child speaks 3-5 languages fluently. Says here that shows enhanced cognitive ability.

Multilingualism - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

"Bilinguals who are highly proficient in two or more languages are reported to have enhanced executive function[7][8] and are better at some aspects of language learning compared to monolinguals.[9] Research indicates that a multilingual brain is nimbler, quicker, better able to deal with ambiguities, resolve conflicts, and resist Alzheimer’s disease and other forms of dementia"
You act like it bothers me that there are a few smart black people. I WANT there to be more smart black people. I want there to be more smart people in general but you simply can't ignore the facts that Africans are behind the rest of the world.
Cities like these have sprouted in virtually every African country... Many African states are rising to meet the challenges of the 21st Century and beyond.
Only the few countries blessed by oil.

Blessed by oil and white supervision. Negroes are incapable of creating viable civilizations on their own.

As an avid environmentalist, I wouldn't call oil a blessing at all. And; if skyscrapers, paved roads, cars and malls require "white supervision",I would rather let it all fade back into the undergrowth. Civilization is not all it's cracked up to be. But,alas, Black Africans don't have me to guide them and they have already been seduced by the material West. Sub-Saharan geniuses are being reported with increasing regularity in response to the dazzling lights of technology. Or; is it just that an innate intelligence that was there all along is finally coming to the surface?
Black Immigrant Model Minorities Far Outliers



Dr. Chris Imafidon and Ann Imafidon came from Edo State, Nigeria, to London over 30 years ago and made no excuses in educating their five children, who have broken national records in education. All of the children have made a list of achievements that continue to grow.


Ya, the Vikings never fought amongst themselves being all white Aryan types.

All blacks are not criminals. All blacks are not less intelligent than all whites. Nevertheless, racial differences are obvious to anyone who is willing to look.

You stopped short of saying that some Blacks are MORE intelligent than some Whites OR Asians. Can't bring yourself to say it?
Well, I said it for you; and there is plenty of evidence to suggest that Black sub-Saharan African immigrants are toppling the old established cognitive hierarchy and making a name for themselves around the world. Countries listed by western sources as having populations with IQ averages as low as 59 -72 are producing near geniuses. What's up with that?
Do you know what an average is?

If black people are such geniuses they wouldn't be in the shithole that they live in today. That's all.
The average African child speaks 3-5 languages fluently. Says here that shows enhanced cognitive ability.

Multilingualism - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

"Bilinguals who are highly proficient in two or more languages are reported to have enhanced executive function[7][8] and are better at some aspects of language learning compared to monolinguals.[9] Research indicates that a multilingual brain is nimbler, quicker, better able to deal with ambiguities, resolve conflicts, and resist Alzheimer’s disease and other forms of dementia"
You act like it bothers me that there are a few smart black people. I WANT there to be more smart black people. I want there to be more smart people in general but you simply can't ignore the facts that Africans are behind the rest of the world.


11-Year-Old Ramarni Wilfred Joins Mensa; Has Higher IQ Than Einstein

After being invited to a graduation ceremony at Oxford University after writing an essay awarded a 2:1, he was then invited to take an IQ test at Birbeck University.
But it was to his surprise, he was given an IQ of 162, placing him in the top 1 percent in the U.K. Ramarni said: “I was surprised and very happy when I read the results of my IQ test as I didn’t feel very confident after completing the test.
“I was the youngest person there and some people looked in their 40s.”
Mensa’s chief executive, John Stevenage, said: “Ramarni’s score shows he has great potential and we are pleased to welcome him to Mensa.

11-Year-Old Ramarni Wilfred Joins Mensa Has Higher IQ Than Einstein - Atlanta Blackstar
Cities like these have sprouted in virtually every African country... Many African states are rising to meet the challenges of the 21st Century and beyond.
Only the few countries blessed by oil.

Blessed by oil and white supervision. Negroes are incapable of creating viable civilizations on their own.

As an avid environmentalist, I wouldn't call oil a blessing at all. And; if skyscrapers, paved roads, cars and malls require "white supervision",I would rather let it all fade back into the undergrowth. Civilization is not all it's cracked up to be. But,alas, Black Africans don't have me to guide them and they have already been seduced by the material West. Sub-Saharan geniuses are being reported with increasing regularity in response to the dazzling lights of technology. Or; is it just that an innate intelligence that was there all along is finally coming to the surface?
Black Immigrant Model Minorities Far Outliers



Dr. Chris Imafidon and Ann Imafidon came from Edo State, Nigeria, to London over 30 years ago and made no excuses in educating their five children, who have broken national records in education. All of the children have made a list of achievements that continue to grow.


Ya, the Vikings never fought amongst themselves being all white Aryan types.

All blacks are not criminals. All blacks are not less intelligent than all whites. Nevertheless, racial differences are obvious to anyone who is willing to look.

You stopped short of saying that some Blacks are MORE intelligent than some Whites OR Asians. Can't bring yourself to say it?
Well, I said it for you; and there is plenty of evidence to suggest that Black sub-Saharan African immigrants are toppling the old established cognitive hierarchy and making a name for themselves around the world. Countries listed by western sources as having populations with IQ averages as low as 59 -72 are producing near geniuses. What's up with that?
Do you know what an average is?

If black people are such geniuses they wouldn't be in the shithole that they live in today. That's all.
The average African child speaks 3-5 languages fluently. Says here that shows enhanced cognitive ability.

Multilingualism - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

"Bilinguals who are highly proficient in two or more languages are reported to have enhanced executive function[7][8] and are better at some aspects of language learning compared to monolinguals.[9] Research indicates that a multilingual brain is nimbler, quicker, better able to deal with ambiguities, resolve conflicts, and resist Alzheimer’s disease and other forms of dementia"
You act like it bothers me that there are a few smart black people. I WANT there to be more smart black people. I want there to be more smart people in general but you simply can't ignore the facts that Africans are behind the rest of the world.
Its obvious it bothers you. You arent exactly fooling anyone. There are more smart Black people than smart white people. White people have the advantage of lies, control of economics, and control of weapons That doesnt make them smarter. It just makes them suffer from an inferiority complex. If they were sure of themselves as actually being smarter they wouldn't do their best to hold us Black gods and goddesses back
Last edited:
Cities like these have sprouted in virtually every African country... Many African states are rising to meet the challenges of the 21st Century and beyond.
Only the few countries blessed by oil.

Blessed by oil and white supervision. Negroes are incapable of creating viable civilizations on their own.

As an avid environmentalist, I wouldn't call oil a blessing at all. And; if skyscrapers, paved roads, cars and malls require "white supervision",I would rather let it all fade back into the undergrowth. Civilization is not all it's cracked up to be. But,alas, Black Africans don't have me to guide them and they have already been seduced by the material West. Sub-Saharan geniuses are being reported with increasing regularity in response to the dazzling lights of technology. Or; is it just that an innate intelligence that was there all along is finally coming to the surface?
Black Immigrant Model Minorities Far Outliers



Dr. Chris Imafidon and Ann Imafidon came from Edo State, Nigeria, to London over 30 years ago and made no excuses in educating their five children, who have broken national records in education. All of the children have made a list of achievements that continue to grow.


All blacks are not criminals. All blacks are not less intelligent than all whites. Nevertheless, racial differences are obvious to anyone who is willing to look.

You stopped short of saying that some Blacks are MORE intelligent than some Whites OR Asians. Can't bring yourself to say it?
Well, I said it for you; and there is plenty of evidence to suggest that Black sub-Saharan African immigrants are toppling the old established cognitive hierarchy and making a name for themselves around the world. Countries listed by western sources as having populations with IQ averages as low as 59 -72 are producing near geniuses. What's up with that?
Do you know what an average is?

If black people are such geniuses they wouldn't be in the shithole that they live in today. That's all.
The average African child speaks 3-5 languages fluently. Says here that shows enhanced cognitive ability.

Multilingualism - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

"Bilinguals who are highly proficient in two or more languages are reported to have enhanced executive function[7][8] and are better at some aspects of language learning compared to monolinguals.[9] Research indicates that a multilingual brain is nimbler, quicker, better able to deal with ambiguities, resolve conflicts, and resist Alzheimer’s disease and other forms of dementia"
You act like it bothers me that there are a few smart black people. I WANT there to be more smart black people. I want there to be more smart people in general but you simply can't ignore the facts that Africans are behind the rest of the world.


11-Year-Old Ramarni Wilfred Joins Mensa; Has Higher IQ Than Einstein

After being invited to a graduation ceremony at Oxford University after writing an essay awarded a 2:1, he was then invited to take an IQ test at Birbeck University.
But it was to his surprise, he was given an IQ of 162, placing him in the top 1 percent in the U.K. Ramarni said: “I was surprised and very happy when I read the results of my IQ test as I didn’t feel very confident after completing the test.
“I was the youngest person there and some people looked in their 40s.”
Mensa’s chief executive, John Stevenage, said: “Ramarni’s score shows he has great potential and we are pleased to welcome him to Mensa.

11-Year-Old Ramarni Wilfred Joins Mensa Has Higher IQ Than Einstein - Atlanta Blackstar
White racists are going to be in a heap of trouble if Black people get fully assimilated. I dont want to lose our way of thinking and start acting like white people but it is funny to me when they have to choke on the facts of Black intelligence even by using their weak standards.
Cities like these have sprouted in virtually every African country... Many African states are rising to meet the challenges of the 21st Century and beyond.
Only the few countries blessed by oil.

Blessed by oil and white supervision. Negroes are incapable of creating viable civilizations on their own.

As an avid environmentalist, I wouldn't call oil a blessing at all. And; if skyscrapers, paved roads, cars and malls require "white supervision",I would rather let it all fade back into the undergrowth. Civilization is not all it's cracked up to be. But,alas, Black Africans don't have me to guide them and they have already been seduced by the material West. Sub-Saharan geniuses are being reported with increasing regularity in response to the dazzling lights of technology. Or; is it just that an innate intelligence that was there all along is finally coming to the surface?
Black Immigrant Model Minorities Far Outliers



Dr. Chris Imafidon and Ann Imafidon came from Edo State, Nigeria, to London over 30 years ago and made no excuses in educating their five children, who have broken national records in education. All of the children have made a list of achievements that continue to grow.


Ya, the Vikings never fought amongst themselves being all white Aryan types.

All blacks are not criminals. All blacks are not less intelligent than all whites. Nevertheless, racial differences are obvious to anyone who is willing to look.

You stopped short of saying that some Blacks are MORE intelligent than some Whites OR Asians. Can't bring yourself to say it?
Well, I said it for you; and there is plenty of evidence to suggest that Black sub-Saharan African immigrants are toppling the old established cognitive hierarchy and making a name for themselves around the world. Countries listed by western sources as having populations with IQ averages as low as 59 -72 are producing near geniuses. What's up with that?
Do you know what an average is?

If black people are such geniuses they wouldn't be in the shithole that they live in today. That's all.
The average African child speaks 3-5 languages fluently. Says here that shows enhanced cognitive ability.

Multilingualism - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

"Bilinguals who are highly proficient in two or more languages are reported to have enhanced executive function[7][8] and are better at some aspects of language learning compared to monolinguals.[9] Research indicates that a multilingual brain is nimbler, quicker, better able to deal with ambiguities, resolve conflicts, and resist Alzheimer’s disease and other forms of dementia"
You act like it bothers me that there are a few smart black people. I WANT there to be more smart black people. I want there to be more smart people in general but you simply can't ignore the facts that Africans are behind the rest of the world.
You sure can't prove it by the outstanding scholarship African immigrants are showing everywhere they go. Looks like there is going to be a change in the the world order sooner of later. You can't hold bright Africans at bay for ever...they are just bubbling over... raring to go! Even black American geniuses or near geniuses are emerging more frequently.
The fact that you think "Africa" is in the stone age underlines your lack of intelligence. We've had this little debate several times through the years and you keep regurgitating the same old outdated BS, even after we school you! Africa has many countries, idiot! I can't think of ONE that is in the stone age!
All the countries are still pretty shitty though.

So are many Asian countries but I don't hear any condemnation of Asian intelligence for it! Asian immigrants can't do in their homeland what they can do here. The US provides an environment that is conducive to individual opportunity whereas the political climates in many Asian or African countries stifle individual liberties and initiatives.

Orientals in the United States usually perform and behave better than most whites. Negroes usually perform and behave much worse than most whites. The reason is not white racism. The reason is the congenital Negro inferiority that reinforces white racism generation after generation.

Whites in the United States would be better off if all the Negroes left. Negroes would be worse off if all the whites left. They could not possibly maintain this country.

Ya, the Vikings never fought amongst themselves being all white Aryan types.

All blacks are not criminals. All blacks are not less intelligent than all whites. Nevertheless, racial differences are obvious to anyone who is willing to look.

I see the difference here but it is nothing to do with race... or does it?
I lived in California until 2009 and there was a law that African American students are not to be IQ tested from 1979. .

Is that true? That's really hard to believe though i can see why blacks want such a law since they do poorly on all tests. And it's NOT due to the test being culturally biased. The fact that asians do as well as whites proves the tests are fair.
Well what the hell are you trying to say here? Asians are not the sole model minority any more, haven't you heard... Black African immigrants are surpassing even the Asians in academia in the USA and the UK as well...Those are the REAL African Americans...and they re kicking academic ASSSSSSSSSS!

Do African immigrants make the smartest Americans? The question may sound outlandish, but if you were judging by statistics alone, you could find plenty of evidence to back it up.

In a side-by-side comparison of 2000 census data by sociologist John R. Logan at the Mumford Center, State University of New York at Albany, black immigrants from Africa average the highest educational attainment of any population group in the country, including whites and Asians.

That trend continues in their offspring. From The Guardian:

Perhaps American Blacks are not as good at test taking because they have too much Southern White blood in them.

You may be reading too much into the quoted article. The article said that Black African immigrants had the “highest educational attainment.” That does not necessarily mean they have higher grades. I know that Black immigrants graduate from college at a higher rate and I think this is what the author of the provided link meant. I have read nothing about Black immigrants having higher test scores and I think I would know about it if it were true.
Last edited:
All the countries are still pretty shitty though.

So are many Asian countries but I don't hear any condemnation of Asian intelligence for it! Asian immigrants can't do in their homeland what they can do here. The US provides an environment that is conducive to individual opportunity whereas the political climates in many Asian or African countries stifle individual liberties and initiatives.

Orientals in the United States usually perform and behave better than most whites. Negroes usually perform and behave much worse than most whites. The reason is not white racism. The reason is the congenital Negro inferiority that reinforces white racism generation after generation.

Whites in the United States would be better off if all the Negroes left. Negroes would be worse off if all the whites left. They could not possibly maintain this country.

Ya, the Vikings never fought amongst themselves being all white Aryan types.

All blacks are not criminals. All blacks are not less intelligent than all whites. Nevertheless, racial differences are obvious to anyone who is willing to look.

You stopped short of saying that some Blacks are MORE intelligent than some Whites OR Asians. Can't bring yourself to say it?
Well, I said it for you; and there is plenty of evidence to suggest that Black sub-Saharan African immigrants are toppling the old established cognitive hierarchy and making a name for themselves around the world. Countries listed by western sources as having populations with IQ averages as low as 59 -72 are producing near geniuses. What's up with that?

Racial differences in intelligence overlap. An average IQ of 59 - 72 pushes the African negro IQ bell curve to the left. A few African Negroes get into the near genius range, but they represent a much smaller percentage of the Negro population.

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