How are IQ tests considered racially biased?

IQ gap, achievement gap, SAT gap, discipline gap, arrest rates, how much more proof do you need?

I think the left realizes that it is true, but they will be damned before they admit it because it would destroy their belief system that everyone is equal. Sadly, that just isn't so.

That's it. Even liberals know blacks are inferior in everything except sports. The evidence is overwhelming.

What are YOU 'superior' in, loser? Anything? Anything at all? You keep shooting your fool mouth off, but you have never once offered anything that suggests YOU are anything but a complete, idiotic loser with no skill, experience, ability or redeeming qualities at all. Fuck off you little gnat. You're a nobody, and skin tone does nothing to change that.

You are superior in nothing but invective. You are incapable of composing a rational comment.

Invective is the only response to criticisms of blacks, because there is so much to criticize about that race.
Cities like these have sprouted in virtually every African country... Many African states are rising to meet the challenges of the 21st Century and beyond.
Only the few countries blessed by oil.

Blessed by oil and white supervision. Negroes are incapable of creating viable civilizations on their own.
Only if you bit down on some candy with your rotten teeth. :laugh:
You're just pissed that you are stupid and can't change it.
That must have struck a nerve. Teeth rotten from all that meth?
I would be more successful than you if I did meth every day and you led a drug free life.
Youd only be more successful at being a loser. Thanks for admitting that.
Good comeback.

No, but it was the best he could do.
[.. Black African immigrants are surpassing even the Asians in academia in the USA and the UK as well...T

So now you're claiming africans are SMARTER than whites?? HAHAHA. So why is africa in the stone age?
The fact that you think "Africa" is in the stone age underlines your lack of intelligence. We've had this little debate several times through the years and you keep regurgitating the same old outdated BS, even after we school you! Africa has many countries, idiot! I can't think of ONE that is in the stone age!
All the countries are still pretty shitty though.

So are many Asian countries but I don't hear any condemnation of Asian intelligence for it! Asian immigrants can't do in their homeland what they can do here. The US provides an environment that is conducive to individual opportunity whereas the political climates in many Asian or African countries stifle individual liberties and initiatives.

Orientals in the United States usually perform and behave better than most whites. Negroes usually perform and behave much worse than most whites. The reason is not white racism. The reason is the congenital Negro inferiority that reinforces white racism generation after generation.

Whites in the United States would be better off if all the Negroes left. Negroes would be worse off if all the whites left. They could not possibly maintain this country.
IQ gap, achievement gap, SAT gap, discipline gap, arrest rates, how much more proof do you need?

I think the left realizes that it is true, but they will be damned before they admit it because it would destroy their belief system that everyone is equal. Sadly, that just isn't so.

That's it. Even liberals know blacks are inferior in everything except sports. The evidence is overwhelming.

What are YOU 'superior' in, loser? Anything? Anything at all? You keep shooting your fool mouth off, but you have never once offered anything that suggests YOU are anything but a complete, idiotic loser with no skill, experience, ability or redeeming qualities at all. Fuck off you little gnat. You're a nobody, and skin tone does nothing to change that.

You are superior in nothing but invective. You are incapable of composing a rational comment.

Invective is the only response to criticisms of blacks, because there is so much to criticize about that race.
IQ gap, achievement gap, SAT gap, discipline gap, arrest rates, how much more proof do you need?

I think the left realizes that it is true, but they will be damned before they admit it because it would destroy their belief system that everyone is equal. Sadly, that just isn't so.

That's it. Even liberals know blacks are inferior in everything except sports. The evidence is overwhelming.

What are YOU 'superior' in, loser? Anything? Anything at all? You keep shooting your fool mouth off, but you have never once offered anything that suggests YOU are anything but a complete, idiotic loser with no skill, experience, ability or redeeming qualities at all. Fuck off you little gnat. You're a nobody, and skin tone does nothing to change that.

You are superior in nothing but invective. You are incapable of composing a rational

I asked you a question, loser.
[.. Black African immigrants are surpassing even the Asians in academia in the USA and the UK as well...T

So now you're claiming africans are SMARTER than whites?? HAHAHA. So why is africa in the stone age?
The fact that you think "Africa" is in the stone age underlines your lack of intelligence. We've had this little debate several times through the years and you keep regurgitating the same old outdated BS, even after we school you! Africa has many countries, idiot! I can't think of ONE that is in the stone age!
All the countries are still pretty shitty though.

So are many Asian countries but I don't hear any condemnation of Asian intelligence for it! Asian immigrants can't do in their homeland what they can do here. The US provides an environment that is conducive to individual opportunity whereas the political climates in many Asian or African countries stifle individual liberties and initiatives.

Orientals in the United States usually perform and behave better than most whites. Negroes usually perform and behave much worse than most whites. The reason is not white racism. The reason is the congenital Negro inferiority that reinforces white racism generation after generation.

Whites in the United States would be better off if all the Negroes left. Negroes would be worse off if all the whites left. They could not possibly maintain this country.

Ya, the Vikings never fought amongst themselves being all white Aryan types.
I have an IQ of 135, what color am I?

If there was zero other information about you, the answer would be Chinese as there are more IQ135 amongst the Chinese population both because of their population size and propensity for high IQ individuals.

The one sizable population group that has the most IQ135 individuals per capita is the Ashkenazi Jews but they have a small population overall.

In your case I simply doubt that you have an IQ of 135. Been taking internet tests have you? Hahahaha.
I have an IQ of 135, what color am I?

The least likely groups that you would come from are Pygmies and Australian Aboriginals because of their small population sizes and propensity for low IQs.

The group with a large population size but very few IQ135 individuals is Sub Saharan Blacks.

So tell us, what 'colour' are you? A slightly above average Jew, a gifted White or Chinese, an exceptional 'other', or an uncommonly rare Black?
I have an IQ of 135, what color am I?

The least likely groups that you would come from are Pygmies and Australian Aboriginals because of their small population sizes and propensity for low IQs.

The group with a large population size but very few IQ135 individuals is Sub Saharan Blacks.

So tell us, what 'colour' are you? A slightly above average Jew, a gifted White or Chinese, an exceptional 'other', or an uncommonly rare Black?
He's a liar if you want to know the truth. lol.
I have an IQ of 135, what color am I?

The least likely groups that you would come from are Pygmies and Australian Aboriginals because of their small population sizes and propensity for low IQs.

The group with a large population size but very few IQ135 individuals is Sub Saharan Blacks.

So tell us, what 'colour' are you? A slightly above average Jew, a gifted White or Chinese, an exceptional 'other', or an uncommonly rare Black?
I have a serious question for you, IanC. What country is host to the norm (100 IQ} by which all others are measured? I thought you might know.
Groups of representative individuals are measured with averages and standard deviations computed. No country is considered the norm to measure other countries against.

Caucasians are the group most studied so their average is set to 100 with an SD of 15. Other groups are compared to those resulted. Any group could be used as the standard but the relative rankings would be the same.

Worldwide educational achievement is measured by PISA. Many in the USA are worried because their overall score is middle of the pack but American whites score equal to Caucasians elsewhere. And American blacks actually do better than blacks elsewhere.
That should illuminate for many what I have been saying all along. Its not an IQ test. Its an assimilation test. its a way of looking at the world that whites have vs Blacks.
Stupid people of any race are screwed. The number one correlation to poverty, incarceration, child illegitimacy, poor educational attainment in low I.Q.

The fact these issues are so much more prevalent among blacks speaks for itself.

Society needs to address the issue head on as about 20% of I.Q. is due to environmental factors. Kids born in the 'hood are in cognitive wastelands and this has a significant impact.

But political correctness will keep people in ignorance and blacks on the plantation where the liberal elites want them. :(
Stupid people of any race are screwed. The number one correlation to poverty, incarceration, child illegitimacy, poor educational attainment in low I.Q.

The fact these issues are so much more prevalent among blacks speaks for itself.

Society needs to address the issue head on as about 20% of I.Q. is due to environmental factors. Kids born in the 'hood are in cognitive wastelands and this has a significant impact.

But political correctness will keep people in ignorance and blacks on the plantation where the liberal elites want them. :(
Good thing most intelligent people know that your post is bull shit. Correlation doesnt equal causation. IQ tests are a farce for one thing. Its already proven they dont measure intelligence. Face it. Everyone knows that IQ tests have their roots in eugenics and are just another example of the white male inferiority complex. Imagine making up a test to prove you are more intelligent than everyone else. :laugh:

IQ scores not accurate marker of intelligence study shows - CBS News

"They found that there was not one single test or component that could accurately judge how well a person could perform mental and cognitive tasks. Instead, they determined there are at least three different components that make up intelligence or a "cognitive profile": short-term memory, reasoning and a verbal component."
Stupid people of any race are screwed. The number one correlation to poverty, incarceration, child illegitimacy, poor educational attainment in low I.Q.

The fact these issues are so much more prevalent among blacks speaks for itself.

Society needs to address the issue head on as about 20% of I.Q. is due to environmental factors. Kids born in the 'hood are in cognitive wastelands and this has a significant impact.

But political correctness will keep people in ignorance and blacks on the plantation where the liberal elites want them. :(
Good thing most intelligent people know that your post is bull shit. Correlation doesnt equal causation. IQ tests are a farce for one thing. Its already proven they dont measure intelligence. Face it. Everyone knows that IQ tests have their roots in eugenics and are just another example of the white male inferiority complex. Imagine making up a test to prove you are more intelligent than everyone else. :laugh:

IQ scores not accurate marker of intelligence study shows - CBS News

"They found that there was not one single test or component that could accurately judge how well a person could perform mental and cognitive tasks. Instead, they determined there are at least three different components that make up intelligence or a "cognitive profile": short-term memory, reasoning and a verbal component."

Keep telling yourself that Milkweed. :D The plantation is nice this time of year.
Stupid people of any race are screwed. The number one correlation to poverty, incarceration, child illegitimacy, poor educational attainment in low I.Q.

The fact these issues are so much more prevalent among blacks speaks for itself.

Society needs to address the issue head on as about 20% of I.Q. is due to environmental factors. Kids born in the 'hood are in cognitive wastelands and this has a significant impact.

But political correctness will keep people in ignorance and blacks on the plantation where the liberal elites want them. :(
Good thing most intelligent people know that your post is bull shit. Correlation doesnt equal causation. IQ tests are a farce for one thing. Its already proven they dont measure intelligence. Face it. Everyone knows that IQ tests have their roots in eugenics and are just another example of the white male inferiority complex. Imagine making up a test to prove you are more intelligent than everyone else. :laugh:

IQ scores not accurate marker of intelligence study shows - CBS News

"They found that there was not one single test or component that could accurately judge how well a person could perform mental and cognitive tasks. Instead, they determined there are at least three different components that make up intelligence or a "cognitive profile": short-term memory, reasoning and a verbal component."

Keep telling yourself that Milkweed. :D The plantation is nice this time of year.
I'm not telling myself that. I already knew it. The link I posted with proof just confirmed it. :itsok:
Stupid people of any race are screwed. The number one correlation to poverty, incarceration, child illegitimacy, poor educational attainment in low I.Q.

The fact these issues are so much more prevalent among blacks speaks for itself.

Society needs to address the issue head on as about 20% of I.Q. is due to environmental factors. Kids born in the 'hood are in cognitive wastelands and this has a significant impact.

But political correctness will keep people in ignorance and blacks on the plantation where the liberal elites want them. :(
Good thing most intelligent people know that your post is bull shit. Correlation doesnt equal causation. IQ tests are a farce for one thing. Its already proven they dont measure intelligence. Face it. Everyone knows that IQ tests have their roots in eugenics and are just another example of the white male inferiority complex. Imagine making up a test to prove you are more intelligent than everyone else. :laugh:

IQ scores not accurate marker of intelligence study shows - CBS News

"They found that there was not one single test or component that could accurately judge how well a person could perform mental and cognitive tasks. Instead, they determined there are at least three different components that make up intelligence or a "cognitive profile": short-term memory, reasoning and a verbal component."

Keep telling yourself that Milkweed. :D The plantation is nice this time of year.
I'm not telling myself that. I already knew it. The link I posted with proof just confirmed it. :itsok:

Good. Good. :thup: :lol:

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