How are IQ tests considered racially biased?

The bigots must be steaming over our latest posts! I can almost sense the flurry behind the scenes as desperate conversations reach fever pitch in as they search for counter measures. They can't bear the thought that You and I have the audacity to shake the very foundations of their racist GOP demagoguery.

What have we said that is not true? Blacks tend to perform less well than whites and Orientals on all the mental aptitude tests however they are designed. They tend to perform less well in school and on any job that requires intelligence. They have much higher rates of crime. All of this is true everywhere in the world that whites, Orientals and Negroes live together.
Cities like these have sprouted in virtually every African country... Many African states are rising to meet the challenges of the 21st Century and beyond.
Only the few countries blessed by oil.

Blessed by oil and white supervision. Negroes are incapable of creating viable civilizations on their own.

As an avid environmentalist, I wouldn't call oil a blessing at all. And; if skyscrapers, paved roads, cars and malls require "white supervision",I would rather let it all fade back into the undergrowth. Civilization is not all it's cracked up to be. But,alas, Black Africans don't have me to guide them and they have already been seduced by the material West. Sub-Saharan geniuses are being reported with increasing regularity in response to the dazzling lights of technology. Or; is it just that an innate intelligence that was there all along is finally coming to the surface?
Black Immigrant Model Minorities Far Outliers



Dr. Chris Imafidon and Ann Imafidon came from Edo State, Nigeria, to London over 30 years ago and made no excuses in educating their five children, who have broken national records in education. All of the children have made a list of achievements that continue to grow.


All blacks are not criminals. All blacks are not less intelligent than all whites. Nevertheless, racial differences are obvious to anyone who is willing to look.

You stopped short of saying that some Blacks are MORE intelligent than some Whites OR Asians. Can't bring yourself to say it?
Well, I said it for you; and there is plenty of evidence to suggest that Black sub-Saharan African immigrants are toppling the old established cognitive hierarchy and making a name for themselves around the world. Countries listed by western sources as having populations with IQ averages as low as 59 -72 are producing near geniuses. What's up with that?
Do you know what an average is?

If black people are such geniuses they wouldn't be in the shithole that they live in today. That's all.
The average African child speaks 3-5 languages fluently. Says here that shows enhanced cognitive ability.

Multilingualism - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

"Bilinguals who are highly proficient in two or more languages are reported to have enhanced executive function[7][8] and are better at some aspects of language learning compared to monolinguals.[9] Research indicates that a multilingual brain is nimbler, quicker, better able to deal with ambiguities, resolve conflicts, and resist Alzheimer’s disease and other forms of dementia"
You act like it bothers me that there are a few smart black people. I WANT there to be more smart black people. I want there to be more smart people in general but you simply can't ignore the facts that Africans are behind the rest of the world.


11-Year-Old Ramarni Wilfred Joins Mensa; Has Higher IQ Than Einstein

After being invited to a graduation ceremony at Oxford University after writing an essay awarded a 2:1, he was then invited to take an IQ test at Birbeck University.
But it was to his surprise, he was given an IQ of 162, placing him in the top 1 percent in the U.K. Ramarni said: “I was surprised and very happy when I read the results of my IQ test as I didn’t feel very confident after completing the test.
“I was the youngest person there and some people looked in their 40s.”
Mensa’s chief executive, John Stevenage, said: “Ramarni’s score shows he has great potential and we are pleased to welcome him to Mensa.

11-Year-Old Ramarni Wilfred Joins Mensa Has Higher IQ Than Einstein - Atlanta Blackstar

Exceptions do not disprove the rule.
So are many Asian countries but I don't hear any condemnation of Asian intelligence for it! Asian immigrants can't do in their homeland what they can do here. The US provides an environment that is conducive to individual opportunity whereas the political climates in many Asian or African countries stifle individual liberties and initiatives.

Orientals in the United States usually perform and behave better than most whites. Negroes usually perform and behave much worse than most whites. The reason is not white racism. The reason is the congenital Negro inferiority that reinforces white racism generation after generation.

Whites in the United States would be better off if all the Negroes left. Negroes would be worse off if all the whites left. They could not possibly maintain this country.

Ya, the Vikings never fought amongst themselves being all white Aryan types.

All blacks are not criminals. All blacks are not less intelligent than all whites. Nevertheless, racial differences are obvious to anyone who is willing to look.

You stopped short of saying that some Blacks are MORE intelligent than some Whites OR Asians. Can't bring yourself to say it?
Well, I said it for you; and there is plenty of evidence to suggest that Black sub-Saharan African immigrants are toppling the old established cognitive hierarchy and making a name for themselves around the world. Countries listed by western sources as having populations with IQ averages as low as 59 -72 are producing near geniuses. What's up with that?

Racial differences in intelligence overlap. An average IQ of 59 - 72 pushes the African negro IQ bell curve to the left. A few African Negroes get into the near genius range, but they represent a much smaller percentage of the Negro population.
New flash poor people have a lower IQ on average... In other news, democrats fund systems designed to keep blacks poor while rejecting hand-up programs preferred by republicans.
So are many Asian countries but I don't hear any condemnation of Asian intelligence for it! Asian immigrants can't do in their homeland what they can do here. The US provides an environment that is conducive to individual opportunity whereas the political climates in many Asian or African countries stifle individual liberties and initiatives.

Orientals in the United States usually perform and behave better than most whites. Negroes usually perform and behave much worse than most whites. The reason is not white racism. The reason is the congenital Negro inferiority that reinforces white racism generation after generation.

Whites in the United States would be better off if all the Negroes left. Negroes would be worse off if all the whites left. They could not possibly maintain this country.

Ya, the Vikings never fought amongst themselves being all white Aryan types.

All blacks are not criminals. All blacks are not less intelligent than all whites. Nevertheless, racial differences are obvious to anyone who is willing to look.

You stopped short of saying that some Blacks are MORE intelligent than some Whites OR Asians. Can't bring yourself to say it?
Well, I said it for you; and there is plenty of evidence to suggest that Black sub-Saharan African immigrants are toppling the old established cognitive hierarchy and making a name for themselves around the world. Countries listed by western sources as having populations with IQ averages as low as 59 -72 are producing near geniuses. What's up with that?

Racial differences in intelligence overlap. An average IQ of 59 - 72 pushes the African negro IQ bell curve to the left. A few African Negroes get into the near genius range, but they represent a much smaller percentage of the Negro population.
Pink mutant geniuses represent. A much smaller percentage of the Pink mutant population. So what is your point?

I don't think we can be so secure in believing that what you say is true. For instance, biased sampling is likely responsible for those 59 -72 average IQ scores assigned to much of black Africa. The bottom line is, I just don't trust pink people. Your history has been full of deception lies and deceit. I would rather believe the positive messages from indisputable sources showing positive cognitive gains expressed by outstanding African Immigrants. The academic prowess of African immigrants is the nexus between the top of your bell curve and the extreme right side where few Pink mutants or Asians are represented. The immigrants,judging by their superior academic showing, likely have IQ rates ensconced heavily on the right side of your bell curve with an increasing flow of geniuses beginning to accumulate at the bottom of the right slope.
Only the few countries blessed by oil.

Blessed by oil and white supervision. Negroes are incapable of creating viable civilizations on their own.

As an avid environmentalist, I wouldn't call oil a blessing at all. And; if skyscrapers, paved roads, cars and malls require "white supervision",I would rather let it all fade back into the undergrowth. Civilization is not all it's cracked up to be. But,alas, Black Africans don't have me to guide them and they have already been seduced by the material West. Sub-Saharan geniuses are being reported with increasing regularity in response to the dazzling lights of technology. Or; is it just that an innate intelligence that was there all along is finally coming to the surface?
Black Immigrant Model Minorities Far Outliers



Dr. Chris Imafidon and Ann Imafidon came from Edo State, Nigeria, to London over 30 years ago and made no excuses in educating their five children, who have broken national records in education. All of the children have made a list of achievements that continue to grow.


You stopped short of saying that some Blacks are MORE intelligent than some Whites OR Asians. Can't bring yourself to say it?
Well, I said it for you; and there is plenty of evidence to suggest that Black sub-Saharan African immigrants are toppling the old established cognitive hierarchy and making a name for themselves around the world. Countries listed by western sources as having populations with IQ averages as low as 59 -72 are producing near geniuses. What's up with that?
Do you know what an average is?

If black people are such geniuses they wouldn't be in the shithole that they live in today. That's all.
The average African child speaks 3-5 languages fluently. Says here that shows enhanced cognitive ability.

Multilingualism - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

"Bilinguals who are highly proficient in two or more languages are reported to have enhanced executive function[7][8] and are better at some aspects of language learning compared to monolinguals.[9] Research indicates that a multilingual brain is nimbler, quicker, better able to deal with ambiguities, resolve conflicts, and resist Alzheimer’s disease and other forms of dementia"
You act like it bothers me that there are a few smart black people. I WANT there to be more smart black people. I want there to be more smart people in general but you simply can't ignore the facts that Africans are behind the rest of the world.


11-Year-Old Ramarni Wilfred Joins Mensa; Has Higher IQ Than Einstein

After being invited to a graduation ceremony at Oxford University after writing an essay awarded a 2:1, he was then invited to take an IQ test at Birbeck University.
But it was to his surprise, he was given an IQ of 162, placing him in the top 1 percent in the U.K. Ramarni said: “I was surprised and very happy when I read the results of my IQ test as I didn’t feel very confident after completing the test.
“I was the youngest person there and some people looked in their 40s.”
Mensa’s chief executive, John Stevenage, said: “Ramarni’s score shows he has great potential and we are pleased to welcome him to Mensa.

11-Year-Old Ramarni Wilfred Joins Mensa Has Higher IQ Than Einstein - Atlanta Blackstar

Exceptions do not disprove the rule.
They arent exceptions. They are the rule. Your white boy assessment dont matter to anyone but white people. I know I dont give any validity to them.
Only the few countries blessed by oil.

Blessed by oil and white supervision. Negroes are incapable of creating viable civilizations on their own.

As an avid environmentalist, I wouldn't call oil a blessing at all. And; if skyscrapers, paved roads, cars and malls require "white supervision",I would rather let it all fade back into the undergrowth. Civilization is not all it's cracked up to be. But,alas, Black Africans don't have me to guide them and they have already been seduced by the material West. Sub-Saharan geniuses are being reported with increasing regularity in response to the dazzling lights of technology. Or; is it just that an innate intelligence that was there all along is finally coming to the surface?
Black Immigrant Model Minorities Far Outliers



Dr. Chris Imafidon and Ann Imafidon came from Edo State, Nigeria, to London over 30 years ago and made no excuses in educating their five children, who have broken national records in education. All of the children have made a list of achievements that continue to grow.


You stopped short of saying that some Blacks are MORE intelligent than some Whites OR Asians. Can't bring yourself to say it?
Well, I said it for you; and there is plenty of evidence to suggest that Black sub-Saharan African immigrants are toppling the old established cognitive hierarchy and making a name for themselves around the world. Countries listed by western sources as having populations with IQ averages as low as 59 -72 are producing near geniuses. What's up with that?
Do you know what an average is?

If black people are such geniuses they wouldn't be in the shithole that they live in today. That's all.
The average African child speaks 3-5 languages fluently. Says here that shows enhanced cognitive ability.

Multilingualism - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

"Bilinguals who are highly proficient in two or more languages are reported to have enhanced executive function[7][8] and are better at some aspects of language learning compared to monolinguals.[9] Research indicates that a multilingual brain is nimbler, quicker, better able to deal with ambiguities, resolve conflicts, and resist Alzheimer’s disease and other forms of dementia"
You act like it bothers me that there are a few smart black people. I WANT there to be more smart black people. I want there to be more smart people in general but you simply can't ignore the facts that Africans are behind the rest of the world.


11-Year-Old Ramarni Wilfred Joins Mensa; Has Higher IQ Than Einstein

After being invited to a graduation ceremony at Oxford University after writing an essay awarded a 2:1, he was then invited to take an IQ test at Birbeck University.
But it was to his surprise, he was given an IQ of 162, placing him in the top 1 percent in the U.K. Ramarni said: “I was surprised and very happy when I read the results of my IQ test as I didn’t feel very confident after completing the test.
“I was the youngest person there and some people looked in their 40s.”
Mensa’s chief executive, John Stevenage, said: “Ramarni’s score shows he has great potential and we are pleased to welcome him to Mensa.

11-Year-Old Ramarni Wilfred Joins Mensa Has Higher IQ Than Einstein - Atlanta Blackstar

Exceptions do not disprove the rule.

Your "rule" is based on biased sampling; the methodology of which is never mentioned or revealed. From that perspective the only acceptable axiom is the reality of what we see unfolding in plain view: the rise of cognitive exceptionalism in African immigrants and the resurgence of genius in blacks here and abroad.
Blessed by oil and white supervision. Negroes are incapable of creating viable civilizations on their own.

As an avid environmentalist, I wouldn't call oil a blessing at all. And; if skyscrapers, paved roads, cars and malls require "white supervision",I would rather let it all fade back into the undergrowth. Civilization is not all it's cracked up to be. But,alas, Black Africans don't have me to guide them and they have already been seduced by the material West. Sub-Saharan geniuses are being reported with increasing regularity in response to the dazzling lights of technology. Or; is it just that an innate intelligence that was there all along is finally coming to the surface?
Black Immigrant Model Minorities Far Outliers



Dr. Chris Imafidon and Ann Imafidon came from Edo State, Nigeria, to London over 30 years ago and made no excuses in educating their five children, who have broken national records in education. All of the children have made a list of achievements that continue to grow.


Do you know what an average is?

If black people are such geniuses they wouldn't be in the shithole that they live in today. That's all.
The average African child speaks 3-5 languages fluently. Says here that shows enhanced cognitive ability.

Multilingualism - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

"Bilinguals who are highly proficient in two or more languages are reported to have enhanced executive function[7][8] and are better at some aspects of language learning compared to monolinguals.[9] Research indicates that a multilingual brain is nimbler, quicker, better able to deal with ambiguities, resolve conflicts, and resist Alzheimer’s disease and other forms of dementia"
You act like it bothers me that there are a few smart black people. I WANT there to be more smart black people. I want there to be more smart people in general but you simply can't ignore the facts that Africans are behind the rest of the world.


11-Year-Old Ramarni Wilfred Joins Mensa; Has Higher IQ Than Einstein

After being invited to a graduation ceremony at Oxford University after writing an essay awarded a 2:1, he was then invited to take an IQ test at Birbeck University.
But it was to his surprise, he was given an IQ of 162, placing him in the top 1 percent in the U.K. Ramarni said: “I was surprised and very happy when I read the results of my IQ test as I didn’t feel very confident after completing the test.
“I was the youngest person there and some people looked in their 40s.”
Mensa’s chief executive, John Stevenage, said: “Ramarni’s score shows he has great potential and we are pleased to welcome him to Mensa.

11-Year-Old Ramarni Wilfred Joins Mensa Has Higher IQ Than Einstein - Atlanta Blackstar

Exceptions do not disprove the rule.

Your "rule" is based on biased sampling; the methodology of which is never mentioned or revealed. From that perspective the only acceptable axiom is the reality of what we see unfolding in plain view: the rise of cognitive exceptionalism in African immigrants and the resurgence of genius in blacks here and abroad.
Resurgence of black genius. :)

Come on, seriously. Next you'll join Asc telling us about jungle bunny civilizations!
The bigots must be steaming over our latest posts! I can almost sense the flurry behind the scenes as desperate conversations reach fever pitch in as they search for counter measures. They can't bear the thought that You and I have the audacity to shake the very foundations of their racist GOP demagoguery.

You're not at all worried about the racist DNC demagoguery?
I hope black people can come up to the average of whites and other successful races but I don't see it happening for a while. It's good to see that a few geniuses are popping up with your skin tone. Now maybe they can do something of relevance and contribute to society.
The bigots must be steaming over our latest posts! I can almost sense the flurry behind the scenes as desperate conversations reach fever pitch in as they search for counter measures. They can't bear the thought that You and I have the audacity to shake the very foundations of their racist GOP demagoguery.

You're not at all worried about the racist DNC demagoguery?
Thanks for reminding me! My bad! I should have said: "They can't bear the thought that you and I have the audacity to shake the very foundations of their racist GOP "neo-Conservative" demagoguery."That revision includes many Democrats as well. The Caucasian Democrats of Ferguson exposed their racist social demagoguery too.

I have not seen anything to justify connecting the DNC to racist demagoguery on the whole; but, I welcome any news you might have in that regard. I wouldn't be surprised.
As an avid environmentalist, I wouldn't call oil a blessing at all. And; if skyscrapers, paved roads, cars and malls require "white supervision",I would rather let it all fade back into the undergrowth. Civilization is not all it's cracked up to be. But,alas, Black Africans don't have me to guide them and they have already been seduced by the material West. Sub-Saharan geniuses are being reported with increasing regularity in response to the dazzling lights of technology. Or; is it just that an innate intelligence that was there all along is finally coming to the surface?
Black Immigrant Model Minorities Far Outliers



Dr. Chris Imafidon and Ann Imafidon came from Edo State, Nigeria, to London over 30 years ago and made no excuses in educating their five children, who have broken national records in education. All of the children have made a list of achievements that continue to grow.


The average African child speaks 3-5 languages fluently. Says here that shows enhanced cognitive ability.

Multilingualism - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

"Bilinguals who are highly proficient in two or more languages are reported to have enhanced executive function[7][8] and are better at some aspects of language learning compared to monolinguals.[9] Research indicates that a multilingual brain is nimbler, quicker, better able to deal with ambiguities, resolve conflicts, and resist Alzheimer’s disease and other forms of dementia"
You act like it bothers me that there are a few smart black people. I WANT there to be more smart black people. I want there to be more smart people in general but you simply can't ignore the facts that Africans are behind the rest of the world.


11-Year-Old Ramarni Wilfred Joins Mensa; Has Higher IQ Than Einstein

After being invited to a graduation ceremony at Oxford University after writing an essay awarded a 2:1, he was then invited to take an IQ test at Birbeck University.
But it was to his surprise, he was given an IQ of 162, placing him in the top 1 percent in the U.K. Ramarni said: “I was surprised and very happy when I read the results of my IQ test as I didn’t feel very confident after completing the test.
“I was the youngest person there and some people looked in their 40s.”
Mensa’s chief executive, John Stevenage, said: “Ramarni’s score shows he has great potential and we are pleased to welcome him to Mensa.

11-Year-Old Ramarni Wilfred Joins Mensa Has Higher IQ Than Einstein - Atlanta Blackstar

Exceptions do not disprove the rule.

Your "rule" is based on biased sampling; the methodology of which is never mentioned or revealed. From that perspective the only acceptable axiom is the reality of what we see unfolding in plain view: the rise of cognitive exceptionalism in African immigrants and the resurgence of genius in blacks here and abroad.
Resurgence of black genius. :)

Come on, seriously. Next you'll join Asc telling us about jungle bunny civilizations!

We certainly can't rely on "pink albino mutant history" now can we? You mutants have tried to usurp, revise or erase evidence showing Black origins of all civilizations including those beginning in Mesopotamia as well as in Africa.
The burgeoning superior mental cognizance we now see coming out of Africa and the African diaspora underscores the logic that Black African genius was responsible for civilization as suggested by historians such as Herodotus and Jehosephus.
You act like it bothers me that there are a few smart black people. I WANT there to be more smart black people. I want there to be more smart people in general but you simply can't ignore the facts that Africans are behind the rest of the world.


11-Year-Old Ramarni Wilfred Joins Mensa; Has Higher IQ Than Einstein

After being invited to a graduation ceremony at Oxford University after writing an essay awarded a 2:1, he was then invited to take an IQ test at Birbeck University.
But it was to his surprise, he was given an IQ of 162, placing him in the top 1 percent in the U.K. Ramarni said: “I was surprised and very happy when I read the results of my IQ test as I didn’t feel very confident after completing the test.
“I was the youngest person there and some people looked in their 40s.”
Mensa’s chief executive, John Stevenage, said: “Ramarni’s score shows he has great potential and we are pleased to welcome him to Mensa.

11-Year-Old Ramarni Wilfred Joins Mensa Has Higher IQ Than Einstein - Atlanta Blackstar

Exceptions do not disprove the rule.

Your "rule" is based on biased sampling; the methodology of which is never mentioned or revealed. From that perspective the only acceptable axiom is the reality of what we see unfolding in plain view: the rise of cognitive exceptionalism in African immigrants and the resurgence of genius in blacks here and abroad.
Resurgence of black genius. :)

Come on, seriously. Next you'll join Asc telling us about jungle bunny civilizations!

We certainly can't rely on "pink albino mutant history" now can we? You mutants have tried to usurp, revise or erase evidence showing Black origins of all civilizations including those beginning in Mesopotamia as well as in Africa.
The burgeoning superior mental cognizance we now see coming out of Africa and the African diaspora underscores the logic that Black African genius was responsible for civilization as suggested by historians such as Herodotus and Jehosephus.
Funny. More please!

I really like this line, "The burgeoning superior mental cognizance we now see coming out of Africa...".

Really convincing stuff~! :)
Not just racially biased. They're also culturally and socially biased.

And, from the posts by the mentally changed RWs on this board, one must conclude they are also politically biased.

Line up all the straight whites on this board and every single one of us would see every single question differently. The proof is in the pudding. Read the posts. Its right there in front of you.

And, as usual, the racist scum see what they want to see.


be dis betta?

L'Quisha and D'Quan loot a store during a hate cracka riot.

Dey git 2 (two,too,to) TV sets and sell dem fo' 1 Benjamin ($100)

Crack sell for $100 a bag. How much crack can dey buy?

A. one bag
B. 1 bag

Sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity. Typical.

11-Year-Old Ramarni Wilfred Joins Mensa; Has Higher IQ Than Einstein

After being invited to a graduation ceremony at Oxford University after writing an essay awarded a 2:1, he was then invited to take an IQ test at Birbeck University.
But it was to his surprise, he was given an IQ of 162, placing him in the top 1 percent in the U.K. Ramarni said: “I was surprised and very happy when I read the results of my IQ test as I didn’t feel very confident after completing the test.
“I was the youngest person there and some people looked in their 40s.”
Mensa’s chief executive, John Stevenage, said: “Ramarni’s score shows he has great potential and we are pleased to welcome him to Mensa.

11-Year-Old Ramarni Wilfred Joins Mensa Has Higher IQ Than Einstein - Atlanta Blackstar

Exceptions do not disprove the rule.

Your "rule" is based on biased sampling; the methodology of which is never mentioned or revealed. From that perspective the only acceptable axiom is the reality of what we see unfolding in plain view: the rise of cognitive exceptionalism in African immigrants and the resurgence of genius in blacks here and abroad.
Resurgence of black genius. :)

Come on, seriously. Next you'll join Asc telling us about jungle bunny civilizations!

We certainly can't rely on "pink albino mutant history" now can we? You mutants have tried to usurp, revise or erase evidence showing Black origins of all civilizations including those beginning in Mesopotamia as well as in Africa.
The burgeoning superior mental cognizance we now see coming out of Africa and the African diaspora underscores the logic that Black African genius was responsible for civilization as suggested by historians such as Herodotus and Jehosephus.
Funny. More please!

I really like this line, "The burgeoning superior mental cognizance we now see coming out of Africa...".

Really convincing stuff~! :)
Did you like this line as well? "We certainly can't rely on "pink albino mutant history" now can we?"

I really thought that one was funny!:lol:i It is also true!
Exceptions do not disprove the rule.

Your "rule" is based on biased sampling; the methodology of which is never mentioned or revealed. From that perspective the only acceptable axiom is the reality of what we see unfolding in plain view: the rise of cognitive exceptionalism in African immigrants and the resurgence of genius in blacks here and abroad.
Resurgence of black genius. :)

Come on, seriously. Next you'll join Asc telling us about jungle bunny civilizations!

We certainly can't rely on "pink albino mutant history" now can we? You mutants have tried to usurp, revise or erase evidence showing Black origins of all civilizations including those beginning in Mesopotamia as well as in Africa.
The burgeoning superior mental cognizance we now see coming out of Africa and the African diaspora underscores the logic that Black African genius was responsible for civilization as suggested by historians such as Herodotus and Jehosephus.
Funny. More please!

I really like this line, "The burgeoning superior mental cognizance we now see coming out of Africa...".

Really convincing stuff~! :)
Did you like this line as well? "We certainly can't rely on "pink albino mutant history" now can we?"

I really thought that one was funny!:lol:i It is also true!
Well, if black Africans had developed a system of writing as civilizations do, they could have recorded their own history. But you know, pigs can't fly, albinos can't tan and so on.
Your "rule" is based on biased sampling; the methodology of which is never mentioned or revealed. From that perspective the only acceptable axiom is the reality of what we see unfolding in plain view: the rise of cognitive exceptionalism in African immigrants and the resurgence of genius in blacks here and abroad.
Resurgence of black genius. :)

Come on, seriously. Next you'll join Asc telling us about jungle bunny civilizations!

We certainly can't rely on "pink albino mutant history" now can we? You mutants have tried to usurp, revise or erase evidence showing Black origins of all civilizations including those beginning in Mesopotamia as well as in Africa.
The burgeoning superior mental cognizance we now see coming out of Africa and the African diaspora underscores the logic that Black African genius was responsible for civilization as suggested by historians such as Herodotus and Jehosephus.
Funny. More please!

I really like this line, "The burgeoning superior mental cognizance we now see coming out of Africa...".

Really convincing stuff~! :)
Did you like this line as well? "We certainly can't rely on "pink albino mutant history" now can we?"

I really thought that one was funny!:lol:i It is also true!
Well, if black Africans had developed a system of writing as civilizations do, they could have recorded their own history. But you know, pigs can't fly, albinos can't tan and so on.

There you go, relying on that biased Pink Mutant rendering of history again.
Resurgence of black genius. :)

Come on, seriously. Next you'll join Asc telling us about jungle bunny civilizations!

We certainly can't rely on "pink albino mutant history" now can we? You mutants have tried to usurp, revise or erase evidence showing Black origins of all civilizations including those beginning in Mesopotamia as well as in Africa.
The burgeoning superior mental cognizance we now see coming out of Africa and the African diaspora underscores the logic that Black African genius was responsible for civilization as suggested by historians such as Herodotus and Jehosephus.
Funny. More please!

I really like this line, "The burgeoning superior mental cognizance we now see coming out of Africa...".

Really convincing stuff~! :)
Did you like this line as well? "We certainly can't rely on "pink albino mutant history" now can we?"

I really thought that one was funny!:lol:i It is also true!
Well, if black Africans had developed a system of writing as civilizations do, they could have recorded their own history. But you know, pigs can't fly, albinos can't tan and so on.

There you go, relying on that biased Pink Mutant rendering of history again.
Time to put up. Show us African history written by Africans in their own written language~~LOL!
Resurgence of black genius. :)

Come on, seriously. Next you'll join Asc telling us about jungle bunny civilizations!

We certainly can't rely on "pink albino mutant history" now can we? You mutants have tried to usurp, revise or erase evidence showing Black origins of all civilizations including those beginning in Mesopotamia as well as in Africa.
The burgeoning superior mental cognizance we now see coming out of Africa and the African diaspora underscores the logic that Black African genius was responsible for civilization as suggested by historians such as Herodotus and Jehosephus.
Funny. More please!

I really like this line, "The burgeoning superior mental cognizance we now see coming out of Africa...".

Really convincing stuff~! :)
Did you like this line as well? "We certainly can't rely on "pink albino mutant history" now can we?"

I really thought that one was funny!:lol:i It is also true!
Well, if black Africans had developed a system of writing as civilizations do, they could have recorded their own history. But you know, pigs can't fly, albinos can't tan and so on.

There you go, relying on that biased Pink Mutant rendering of history again.
Blacks don't even know there own history then just refuse to believe anything recorded.
Blessed by oil and white supervision. Negroes are incapable of creating viable civilizations on their own.

As an avid environmentalist, I wouldn't call oil a blessing at all. And; if skyscrapers, paved roads, cars and malls require "white supervision",I would rather let it all fade back into the undergrowth. Civilization is not all it's cracked up to be. But,alas, Black Africans don't have me to guide them and they have already been seduced by the material West. Sub-Saharan geniuses are being reported with increasing regularity in response to the dazzling lights of technology. Or; is it just that an innate intelligence that was there all along is finally coming to the surface?
Black Immigrant Model Minorities Far Outliers



Dr. Chris Imafidon and Ann Imafidon came from Edo State, Nigeria, to London over 30 years ago and made no excuses in educating their five children, who have broken national records in education. All of the children have made a list of achievements that continue to grow.


Do you know what an average is?

If black people are such geniuses they wouldn't be in the shithole that they live in today. That's all.
The average African child speaks 3-5 languages fluently. Says here that shows enhanced cognitive ability.

Multilingualism - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

"Bilinguals who are highly proficient in two or more languages are reported to have enhanced executive function[7][8] and are better at some aspects of language learning compared to monolinguals.[9] Research indicates that a multilingual brain is nimbler, quicker, better able to deal with ambiguities, resolve conflicts, and resist Alzheimer’s disease and other forms of dementia"
You act like it bothers me that there are a few smart black people. I WANT there to be more smart black people. I want there to be more smart people in general but you simply can't ignore the facts that Africans are behind the rest of the world.


11-Year-Old Ramarni Wilfred Joins Mensa; Has Higher IQ Than Einstein

After being invited to a graduation ceremony at Oxford University after writing an essay awarded a 2:1, he was then invited to take an IQ test at Birbeck University.
But it was to his surprise, he was given an IQ of 162, placing him in the top 1 percent in the U.K. Ramarni said: “I was surprised and very happy when I read the results of my IQ test as I didn’t feel very confident after completing the test.
“I was the youngest person there and some people looked in their 40s.”
Mensa’s chief executive, John Stevenage, said: “Ramarni’s score shows he has great potential and we are pleased to welcome him to Mensa.

11-Year-Old Ramarni Wilfred Joins Mensa Has Higher IQ Than Einstein - Atlanta Blackstar

Exceptions do not disprove the rule.

Your "rule" is based on biased sampling; the methodology of which is never mentioned or revealed. From that perspective the only acceptable axiom is the reality of what we see unfolding in plain view: the rise of cognitive exceptionalism in African immigrants and the resurgence of genius in blacks here and abroad.

Im not trying to belittle black performance but you seem to have an unrealistic expectation of the actual abilities of blacks, and claiming that the differences are just an artifact of biased sampling practices is ridiculous.

let's look at AP classes. the best and brightest high school students test themselves against college level courses. blacks are only half as likely to take the test by percentage of the school population, when they do participate they take more language and art classes rather than math and sciences, and their resulting grades are much lower overall.


the white scores form a normal (Bell) curve. the black scores are heavily shifted to the left.

here are the participation numbers -


surely you can see that even when the top range (<6%) of black students are taken, and 'easier' courses are attempted, the black results are still disappointing.

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