How are white people discrimminated against?

Interesting poll indicates that the majority of people feel their ethnicity/race is discrimminated against - including whites: Majority Of White Americans Say They Believe Whites Face Discrimination.

As a white female....I've never encountered discrimination. :dunno:

Of course Whites are discriminated against for reasons other than race. I've experience degradation for my religion. So have Mormons, Amish, Catholics, etc.

But there is some real discrimination against white people. Because they actually created much of the Western world that other cultures now seek to live in. And OUR heritage, culture, history is fair game for being maligned whereas EACH of theirs is to be PUBLICLY celebrated and embraced as "multiculturism". To REALLY SEE this, you have to have lived in a deep Blue region for awhile. Where the ACTUAL history of this country is diminished in favor of AMPLIFYING others.

When you've WORKED and ENJOYED a truly multicultural workplace and life, you start to RESENT be pummeled with the insults to how the largely white Western world developed. AS IF --- it was the only place on the planet with slavery, genocide, political issues. It wasn't.
What is white culture though?

We can identify specifics that characterize various celebrated cultures in this country: Mexican, Polish, Italian, Chinese, African American, etc.

Black african immigrants don't have the same culture as Caribbean blacks. They just share a race. LOTS of history, attitudinal diffs as well. Some with the original AMERICAN culture that was predominantly white, but composed of a LOT of different cultures. French, German, Spanish, ect.

When there is a movement to PURGE that historical culture from a predom white founded country, by denigrating it and mocking it's founders and principles -- that's an attack on ONLY the WHITE SEGMENT of America. No other way to interpret that. BLACK founders and historically important Black Americans are largely exempt. Except for poor misunderstood Uncle Tom.. :badgrin:
Spoiled. While some people claim they want to be treated "equally", they really do not. They want special advantages and special privileges, whatever their reasoning might be. Maybe they are black, maybe they are gay, maybe they are poor, maybe even rich. Some people think their lives are SOOOO bad without giving a thought to how bad the next person might have it. So? You were discriminated against? Big fucking deal. You are alive and there are PLENTY of opportunities for you out there. Do you want people who are assholes and do think less of you because of your skin color to just LIE to you? Would that make you feel better? Would you rather not know who these people are? You are not going to eradicate discrimination because some people are assholes, always have been, always will be, and there's not much you can do about it.
Yup. It is discrimination when you give job applicants *extra points* for being non white. It is discrimination when you give more money to students who are non white than you do to white students. It is discrimination when non white people can have much lower grades in high school and still get into college.

What about when white people have much lower grades and can still get into college?

What? When does this happen?

Legacy admissions.


How do you think those of us who are white and weren't offered those advantages, and scholarships, feel about legacy admissions even though our grades were significantly higher?


Interesting poll indicates that the majority of people feel their ethnicity/race is discrimminated against - including whites: Majority Of White Americans Say They Believe Whites Face Discrimination.

As a white female....I've never encountered discrimination. :dunno:

Of course Whites are discriminated against for reasons other than race. I've experience degradation for my religion. So have Mormons, Amish, Catholics, etc.

But there is some real discrimination against white people. Because they actually created much of the Western world that other cultures now seek to live in. And OUR heritage, culture, history is fair game for being maligned whereas EACH of theirs is to be PUBLICLY celebrated and embraced as "multiculturism". To REALLY SEE this, you have to have lived in a deep Blue region for awhile. Where the ACTUAL history of this country is diminished in favor of AMPLIFYING others.

When you've WORKED and ENJOYED a truly multicultural workplace and life, you start to RESENT be pummeled with the insults to how the largely white Western world developed. AS IF --- it was the only place on the planet with slavery, genocide, political issues. It wasn't.
What is white culture though?

We can identify specifics that characterize various celebrated cultures in this country: Mexican, Polish, Italian, Chinese, African American, etc.

Dear Coyote the characteristics and historic traits that stand out most to me
about European or white culture include
* citing, enforcing and communicating based on Constitutional principles and written laws and govt
that are associated with Christian and Conservative Constitutionalists,
so much that when Black leaders side with support or speak out as Republicans
they are attacked as Uncle Toms and sell out because these are seen as white man's laws and ways
* linear language and "Eurocentric" historic timelines that measure all other events compared to those events and experiences as predominant
* interpretations of Christian laws and teachings based on European history and churches,
then comparing and judging any other religions or denominations against that as the predominant standard used to define Christian religion as well as political "manifest destiny"
* white images, models, culture, dress etc. being predominant in
media and music especially the commercial movie industry
where everyone else is judged and marketed by that as the standard
because that is what the audience responds to. Even where BET makes tons
of money and millionaires out of people, even where Selena broke records and barriers
with her Tejano music, those are considered outside the mainstream;
while the Hollywood and Oscar/red carpet culture is still held as the target audience to shoot for.

The reason you may not notice that other cultures aren't being
included and represented equally is that they aren't being included and represented equally.

If they were, we'd see Indian dress and music equally as white country and
white pop stars like Madonna and Britney Spears, but we don't.
Beyonce is one of the most successful examples of bringing black culture which is clear
in her vocal styles and dance moves, as well as her politics, to share in the mainstream,
but still the controversy over her lightening her skin or her photos
to market to the white culture shows that influence is still there affecting marketing decisions.

The trait I find most predominant is the "linear" way of thinking
in terms of cause and effect. The Asian, African and Latino cultures
have a more collective/holistic way of relating to whole communities,
while the "Eurocentric" way of thought is famous for "individual"
responsibility for one's own successes or failures. this difference in cultural
approaches to communication and decision making was cited in a workshop
I went through on mediation, and difference in communicate styles that were
influenced in part by people's cultural backgrounds. The collective mentality
and cooperative approach was more predominant in Asian/African/Latino
and the linear approach was more predominant in white/caucasian.

So people of different backgrounds would have to learn to
accept these differences were not intended as personal, and to accommodate
the styles in communication in order to mediate effectively despite these biases.
What is white culture though?

We can identify specifics that characterize various celebrated cultures in this country: Mexican, Polish, Italian, Chinese, African American, etc.


German-Americans make up 50% of the United States population which makes them the largest cultural group in the United States.

Why do you only mention minority groups who make up a small part of the overall United States population as celebrated cultures?

Are German-Americans only good for the heavy work and nothing else or is this a carry over of the discrimination shown to German-Americans from last century?


Yup. It is discrimination when you give job applicants *extra points* for being non white. It is discrimination when you give more money to students who are non white than you do to white students. It is discrimination when non white people can have much lower grades in high school and still get into college.

It is discrimination when the sons and daughters of rich alumni get into Ivy League schools regardless of their marks. It's called a "legacy" admittance. 30% of Ivy League college admissions go to "legacy" students.

I have never been discriminated against for being white. Anyone who thinks that white people have it tougher than non-whites at any time, has a persecution complex or perhaps needs to change their attitude.
Yup. It is discrimination when you give job applicants *extra points* for being non white. It is discrimination when you give more money to students who are non white than you do to white students. It is discrimination when non white people can have much lower grades in high school and still get into college.

It is discrimination when the sons and daughters of rich alumni get into Ivy League schools regardless of their marks. It's called a "legacy" admittance. 30% of Ivy League college admissions go to "legacy" students.

I have never been discriminated against for being white. Anyone who thinks that white people have it tougher than non-whites at any time, has a persecution complex or perhaps needs to change their attitude.

Just like in politics as Edward Kennedy rode the coat tail coast of his brother (JFK was actually the black sheep of the family) and people voted based on the last name. Many people just vote based on the letter next to the name. As with the election of Obama, many people voted just based on race and nothing else. But when you live in mostly white Europe and Canada it is hard to see any discrimination against race.
It's not discrimination in the strict technical sense. But it's nonetheless DEGRADATION and attack and disrespect of white culture and history. Nobody left in L.A. proper that KNOWS what white culture is. That's not multicultural either.
We are all debt slaves on this plantation that is USA.INC. We have no allodial rights to property and we are taxed on what we produce by the sweat of our brow just like in the days of serfdom from ye olde England. The best slaves are the ones that don't realize that they are slaves.

What it boils down to as per our situation is that some slaves have it a little bit better than others but their status remains the same. Just because some are only up to their waist in shit as opposed to those that are up to their necks in shit doesn't take away from the fact that we are ALL standing in does it????
Interesting poll indicates that the majority of people feel their ethnicity/race is discrimminated against - including whites: Majority Of White Americans Say They Believe Whites Face Discrimination.

As a white female....I've never encountered discrimination. :dunno:
Ever seen the staffing at those posh, do-nothing government services,? Like say... The DMV, or TSA for instance?

I can only speak for myself and my own experiences.
You've never experienced going to the DMV? You've never been to an airport? How about taken a public bus?

Poor baby, what happened? Did the big black lady sass you? Awww:crybaby: That's you experience with discrimination? Lol...sheesh
Yup. It is discrimination when you give job applicants *extra points* for being non white. It is discrimination when you give more money to students who are non white than you do to white students. It is discrimination when non white people can have much lower grades in high school and still get into college.

It is discrimination when the sons and daughters of rich alumni get into Ivy League schools regardless of their marks. It's called a "legacy" admittance. 30% of Ivy League college admissions go to "legacy" students.

I have never been discriminated against for being white. Anyone who thinks that white people have it tougher than non-whites at any time, has a persecution complex or perhaps needs to change their attitude.

^^^Most likely a legacy student^^^


That legacy not only applies to college applications but is continued in the private sector through job placement even when it's a public company that's hiring.


Maybe petty accusations of racism at every turn.


Who are the privileged minority groups please?

Asians used to be treated as privileged,
before colleges got too many Asian applicants
and started discriminated against them for other minority candidates.

Normally Asians aren't followed around the convenience store,
or stopped for driving a car through a rich white neighborhood.

You can consider that a form of Asians as a minority
having privilege by association with a culture of strong ethics
where they aren't expected or assumed to have criminal intent.

Asians with good education and economic independence
have been argued as having advantages of minorities,
where they aren't blamed or attacked as whites are for class oppression,
while they enjoy the benefits of class privilege
and being associated with upper class socially and economically.

This has also argued as mostly earned because of culturally-engrained
Asian respect for elders and investing in their own education, businesses, communities
and families in order to have that strong reputation and foundation.

Even so, even if it is earned, if people don't know me
and guess at how I will behave because I am Asian,
that tends to be a more positive prejudice than negative.
I am worried more about how blacks make false allegations or use race as a hedge. People lie. And I am far more skeptical of any allegation based on race, given how badly I have seen blacks act towards each other, and whites in particular.
People wake up. You see a few videos of white cops .I wish I had a camera of poor blacks over my life time. My eye witness testimony some call "anecdotal" . I have seen and been the victim of black males. They killed little old ladies, old men in wheel chairs, they instill fear and loathing and based on their race. Shhhh. Nobody is suposed to notice. We notice. Racism my ass.The hell with that bullshit.
Personally, I've not felt discriminated against for being white at any point in my life. The worse I've had to endure were some "white boy" jokes.

But I know a white kid who went to a black school who DEFINITELY experienced some discrimination against him. As in, physical assaults and slurs for being white. And no one took his complaints seriously because, "lul, you're white kid; check your privilege and stfu". That's really the problem with the whole white privilege narrative; it's basically just a more subtle way to tell people to shut the fuck up.

If someone's gonna say some ignorant shit, let them open their mouths and show everyone what they're made of. Telling people, "Lol, you're white and privileged, you don't get a seat at the table bruh" is just asking to lose out on valuable insight.

I think that when whites find themselves in a situation where they are a minority, perhaps they need to understand the history of race relations before they start talking about how some white kid who went to a mostly black school was discriminated against. Because the first thing you need to ask is why is this school so disproportionately represented. And then you do the same for the suburbs and start citing examples of where the only black kid in an all white school gets discriminated against in a real way by teachers, administration, staff and students. A racial slur is not discrimination Denying opportunity or grades would be. It kinda helps to know exactly what discrimination is before you make a claim of it against anyone. White privilege thing is real. It allows whites to think they are being discriminated against with no proof and actually have discussions and articles written that defends such a claim. If blacks were getting 70 percent of the jobs, owned the most property, ran the most businesses, got most of the college admissions and generally had 15 times the wealth of whites, we would not be taken seriously if we claimed we were being discriminated against.

Time to go back to the world series.

Wait, so you think being jumped and having racial slurs screamed at you is not discrimination? Some hella crazy drugs you're on my guy.

No. Given I am black and have had those things happen to me because of whites, I think I know the difference between that and ;laws or policies made that deny me of opportunity. That white dude got beat up, now which black person there could deny him of a job? So tell me if you are called a honky bastard, will that mean you will be denied opportunity? The problem with what you say is in how whites transferred the racial slurs into laws and policy denying rights. If all we blacks faced was being called n words and nothing else was denied, no problem. But that is not what happens.

It took me six months to get my first job. With an MBA. Polish heritage. You think it's easy to get work if you're white, dude? Maybe you just weren't getting jobs because they weren't right for you. Or because you weren't good for them? Not everything is some racial conspiracy. In fact, very little is.

Thing is, I didn't give up. I had to take a hard look at myself and think about what I was doing wrong, and what I had to do to get better at interviews. I didn't blame other people. I put the blame on myself and accepted responsibility. Just saying, "Oh, I didn't get the job because everyone's racist and I'm black" does not help anyone get a job.

No that's not the case. I don't think the usual ignorant ass conclusion you made about someone just saying they did not get a job because everyone is a racist and all that really need not be spoken. What you need to understand is that making a charge of racism is a serious mater and you just don't holler racism with no proof of it. Therefore for you to assume that shows how willfully ignorant you have chosen o be in this discussion. I have not said anything about my job history idiot. I have said that a white person being called racial slurs isn't discrimination because those slurs did not reduce the opportunities that white person has. However the use of racial slurs by whites has resulted in laws and policies denying people of color. And that is what has happened.

You being white and telling me about how everything is not a racial conspiracy holds no weight or meaning. It's like me saying to a woman that pregnant women don't get morning sickness. I know when I did not get a job because it was not right or I did not perform as expected to satisfy the interviewers that I could do the fucking job. I also know when it was racism. When I sit in an interview and asked what i would do to improve their organization and I say things that has every member of the board of directors nodding their heads in approval telling how great the ideas are, then learning a white person got the job, well that's not just some normal you weren't cut out for the job shit.

You have not faced racism John, and by the time most us who are born of color reach our teenage years we have experienced damn near the full monty of white racism. We know when things are racist and when they are not. You don't and instead of trying to lecture me you need to listen.

So you see John, I took responsibility and with a friend helped start a business which gave us both the chance to show the things we could do that was denied to us because of white racists. In less than 5 years we built an organization that won city wide awards for the programs we implemented and how we operated as a organization. Because I took that responsibility, I ended up helping to build two other organizations which I never would gave got a shot at doing if I had waited on whitey to figure out I was good enough to do the job. I had to wait 7 years after I graduated with a masters to do that, not 6 months. In those seven years I saw all kinds of less qualified whites get hired. I flipped burgers at night so I would have gas money in my car to go prospect and sell insurance on commission in the day time until I got this "chance" I gave myself.. On my days off I did research on issues that pertain to the black and other low to moderate income communities. So don't come whining to me about your little 6 months. And don't;you EVER assume what you assume about why I say what I do about racism a long as you are white. I'm tired of you whites making these kinds of comments.
People wake up. You see a few videos of white cops .I wish I had a camera of poor blacks over my life time. My eye witness testimony some call "anecdotal" . I have seen and been the victim of black males. They killed little old ladies, old men in wheel chairs, they instill fear and loathing and based on their race. Shhhh. Nobody is suposed to notice. We notice. Racism my ass.The hell with that bullshit.

Yes it's racism. All clacks do not kill old ladies and men in wheel chairs. I gave been the victim of whites male and female but I am not so ignorant as you to make the claims you are making about all whites because of it. Your an ignorant white racist b----. You are nothing and never have been. And that's why you are mad. LOSER!
Yup. It is discrimination when you give job applicants *extra points* for being non white. It is discrimination when you give more money to students who are non white than you do to white students. It is discrimination when non white people can have much lower grades in high school and still get into college.

What about when white people have much lower grades and can still get into college?

What? When does this happen?

Legacy admissions.
Perfect example of the lies and stupidity of Coyote she has "heard" of legacy admissions but never seen or heard of minorities getting preferential treatment.
Personally, I've not felt discriminated against for being white at any point in my life. The worse I've had to endure were some "white boy" jokes.

But I know a white kid who went to a black school who DEFINITELY experienced some discrimination against him. As in, physical assaults and slurs for being white. And no one took his complaints seriously because, "lul, you're white kid; check your privilege and stfu". That's really the problem with the whole white privilege narrative; it's basically just a more subtle way to tell people to shut the fuck up.

If someone's gonna say some ignorant shit, let them open their mouths and show everyone what they're made of. Telling people, "Lol, you're white and privileged, you don't get a seat at the table bruh" is just asking to lose out on valuable insight.

I think that when whites find themselves in a situation where they are a minority, perhaps they need to understand the history of race relations before they start talking about how some white kid who went to a mostly black school was discriminated against. Because the first thing you need to ask is why is this school so disproportionately represented. And then you do the same for the suburbs and start citing examples of where the only black kid in an all white school gets discriminated against in a real way by teachers, administration, staff and students. A racial slur is not discrimination Denying opportunity or grades would be. It kinda helps to know exactly what discrimination is before you make a claim of it against anyone. White privilege thing is real. It allows whites to think they are being discriminated against with no proof and actually have discussions and articles written that defends such a claim. If blacks were getting 70 percent of the jobs, owned the most property, ran the most businesses, got most of the college admissions and generally had 15 times the wealth of whites, we would not be taken seriously if we claimed we were being discriminated against.

Time to go back to the world series.

Wait, so you think being jumped and having racial slurs screamed at you is not discrimination? Some hella crazy drugs you're on my guy.

No. Given I am black and have had those things happen to me because of whites, I think I know the difference between that and ;laws or policies made that deny me of opportunity. That white dude got beat up, now which black person there could deny him of a job? So tell me if you are called a honky bastard, will that mean you will be denied opportunity? The problem with what you say is in how whites transferred the racial slurs into laws and policy denying rights. If all we blacks faced was being called n words and nothing else was denied, no problem. But that is not what happens.

It took me six months to get my first job. With an MBA. Polish heritage. You think it's easy to get work if you're white, dude? Maybe you just weren't getting jobs because they weren't right for you. Or because you weren't good for them? Not everything is some racial conspiracy. In fact, very little is.

Thing is, I didn't give up. I had to take a hard look at myself and think about what I was doing wrong, and what I had to do to get better at interviews. I didn't blame other people. I put the blame on myself and accepted responsibility. Just saying, "Oh, I didn't get the job because everyone's racist and I'm black" does not help anyone get a job.

No that's not the case. I don't think the usual ignorant ass conclusion you made about someone just saying they did not get a job because everyone is a racist and all that really need not be spoken. What you need to understand is that making a charge of racism is a serious mater and you just don't holler racism with no proof of it. Therefore for you to assume that shows how willfully ignorant you have chosen o be in this discussion. I have not said anything about my job history idiot. I have said that a white person being called racial slurs isn't discrimination because those slurs did not reduce the opportunities that white person has. However the use of racial slurs by whites has resulted in laws and policies denying people of color. And that is what has happened.

You being white and telling me about how everything is not a racial conspiracy holds no weight or meaning. It's like me saying to a woman that pregnant women don't get morning sickness. I know when I did not get a job because it was not right or I did not perform as expected to satisfy the interviewers that I could do the fucking job. I also know when it was racism. When I sit in an interview and asked what i would do to improve their organization and I say things that has every member of the board of directors nodding their heads in approval telling how great the ideas are, then learning a white person got the job, well that's not just some normal you weren't cut out for the job shit.

You have not faced racism John, and by the time most us who are born of color reach our teenage years we have experienced damn near the full monty of white racism. We know when things are racist and when they are not. You don't and instead of trying to lecture me you need to listen.

So you see John, I took responsibility and with a friend helped start a business which gave us both the chance to show the things we could do that was denied to us because of white racists. In less than 5 years we built an organization that won city wide awards for the programs we implemented and how we operated as a organization. Because I took that responsibility, I ended up helping to build two other organizations which I never would gave got a shot at doing if I had waited on whitey to figure out I was good enough to do the job. I had to wait 7 years after I graduated with a masters to do that, not 6 months. In those seven years I saw all kinds of less qualified whites get hired. I flipped burgers at night so I would have gas money in my car to go prospect and sell insurance on commission in the day time until I got this "chance" I gave myself.. On my days off I did research on issues that pertain to the black and other low to moderate income communities. So don't come whining to me about your little 6 months. And don't;you EVER assume what you assume about why I say what I do about racism a long as you are white. I'm tired of you whites making these kinds of comments.

Obviously, your alleged earning of degrees gave you a massive pass on punctuation. I am calling "bullshit" on your alleged "plight" based on your ability to communicate with the written word.
Personally, I've not felt discriminated against for being white at any point in my life. The worse I've had to endure were some "white boy" jokes.

But I know a white kid who went to a black school who DEFINITELY experienced some discrimination against him. As in, physical assaults and slurs for being white. And no one took his complaints seriously because, "lul, you're white kid; check your privilege and stfu". That's really the problem with the whole white privilege narrative; it's basically just a more subtle way to tell people to shut the fuck up.

If someone's gonna say some ignorant shit, let them open their mouths and show everyone what they're made of. Telling people, "Lol, you're white and privileged, you don't get a seat at the table bruh" is just asking to lose out on valuable insight.

I think that when whites find themselves in a situation where they are a minority, perhaps they need to understand the history of race relations before they start talking about how some white kid who went to a mostly black school was discriminated against. Because the first thing you need to ask is why is this school so disproportionately represented. And then you do the same for the suburbs and start citing examples of where the only black kid in an all white school gets discriminated against in a real way by teachers, administration, staff and students. A racial slur is not discrimination Denying opportunity or grades would be. It kinda helps to know exactly what discrimination is before you make a claim of it against anyone. White privilege thing is real. It allows whites to think they are being discriminated against with no proof and actually have discussions and articles written that defends such a claim. If blacks were getting 70 percent of the jobs, owned the most property, ran the most businesses, got most of the college admissions and generally had 15 times the wealth of whites, we would not be taken seriously if we claimed we were being discriminated against.

Time to go back to the world series.

Wait, so you think being jumped and having racial slurs screamed at you is not discrimination? Some hella crazy drugs you're on my guy.

No. Given I am black and have had those things happen to me because of whites, I think I know the difference between that and ;laws or policies made that deny me of opportunity. That white dude got beat up, now which black person there could deny him of a job? So tell me if you are called a honky bastard, will that mean you will be denied opportunity? The problem with what you say is in how whites transferred the racial slurs into laws and policy denying rights. If all we blacks faced was being called n words and nothing else was denied, no problem. But that is not what happens.

Agreed. But i can show you Millions of CURRENT property deeds that say "no Jewish owners". It's not slavery, but it IS a history of discrimination. In where you can live, what private schools would take you -- etc.

At the time of slave trade is was PERVASIVE world-wide. NOT unique to America. And it was accompanied by acceptance of "lesser slavery" in terms of indentured servitude and other nasties.

IMO -- we all ought to stop ARGUING about those injustices and vow together --- TODAY --- to focus on ending SLAVERY as it still exists in the world. And start to heal. WHY do we fight constantly about our past when the EVIL still exists in front of our faces??? We're spoiled or morally weak or something.

The problem you have is that you think it's in the past and only about slavery. It's about racism by whites against people of color and some Jews participated in it. Others did not and helped start organizations like the NAACP. Then again there were whites who were abolitionists and there were whites who wee slave owners. This is the difference. Yu seem unable to understand how there was a 100 year time frame after slavery was made illegal here and what happened during that period of time. You also seem to think that just because words were written on paper making such things illegal in 1965 that suddenly everybody started obeying the law and that magically the damage done fixed itself. None of this is about the past. It IS about the evil that exists in front of our faces today.

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