How are white people discrimminated against?

Spoiled. While some people claim they want to be treated "equally", they really do not. They want special advantages and special privileges, whatever their reasoning might be. Maybe they are black, maybe they are gay, maybe they are poor, maybe even rich. Some people think their lives are SOOOO bad without giving a thought to how bad the next person might have it. So? You were discriminated against? Big fucking deal. You are alive and there are PLENTY of opportunities for you out there. Do you want people who are assholes and do think less of you because of your skin color to just LIE to you? Would that make you feel better? Would you rather not know who these people are? You are not going to eradicate discrimination because some people are assholes, always have been, always will be, and there's not much you can do about it.

How is wanting to not be refused housing because of your sexual orientation asking for special privileges?

People are refused housing for all kinds of reasons. It's the landlord's discretion, and especially if the landlord lives in the building will they be picky about potential tenants. To use THAT as an example when we know that just as many if not more people are probably turned away for OTHER reasons is silly to say the least.
Wait, so you think being jumped and having racial slurs screamed at you is not discrimination? Some hella crazy drugs you're on my guy.

No. Given I am black and have had those things happen to me because of whites, I think I know the difference between that and ;laws or policies made that deny me of opportunity. That white dude got beat up, now which black person there could deny him of a job? So tell me if you are called a honky bastard, will that mean you will be denied opportunity? The problem with what you say is in how whites transferred the racial slurs into laws and policy denying rights. If all we blacks faced was being called n words and nothing else was denied, no problem. But that is not what happens.

Agreed. But i can show you Millions of CURRENT property deeds that say "no Jewish owners". It's not slavery, but it IS a history of discrimination. In where you can live, what private schools would take you -- etc.

At the time of slave trade is was PERVASIVE world-wide. NOT unique to America. And it was accompanied by acceptance of "lesser slavery" in terms of indentured servitude and other nasties.

IMO -- we all ought to stop ARGUING about those injustices and vow together --- TODAY --- to focus on ending SLAVERY as it still exists in the world. And start to heal. WHY do we fight constantly about our past when the EVIL still exists in front of our faces??? We're spoiled or morally weak or something.

The problem you have is that you think it's in the past and only about slavery. It's about racism by whites against people of color and some Jews participated in it. Others did not and helped start organizations like the NAACP. Then again there were whites who were abolitionists and there were whites who wee slave owners. This is the difference. Yu seem unable to understand how there was a 100 year time frame after slavery was made illegal here and what happened during that period of time. You also seem to think that just because words were written on paper making such things illegal in 1965 that suddenly everybody started obeying the law and that magically the damage done fixed itself. None of this is about the past. It IS about the evil that exists in front of our faces today.
Tell us how blacks are discriminated against today.

No. You tell me how we aren't then show me how whites are.
Maybe some other poor oppressed black person here can, since you obviously can't.
Yup. It is discrimination when you give job applicants *extra points* for being non white. It is discrimination when you give more money to students who are non white than you do to white students. It is discrimination when non white people can have much lower grades in high school and still get into college.

What about when white people have much lower grades and can still get into college?
It doesn't happen.

The only way you can get into a decent college with bad grades as a white person is if you score very high on the ACT or SAT.
Who are the privileged minority groups please?
Blacks, I'm still waiting for the racism to end so that white people can have their own entertainment channel and college fund.

Nonsense. What is stopping white people from having their own entertainment channel and college fund? I'm white and growing up I never saw a non-white person on television except in a subservient position, like maid or houseboy, so I think that we have always had our own channels, and some enterprising African-Americans saw a business opportunity in this racial void and took it. The United Negro College Fund was set up by African-American folks who wanted to get more African-American kids through college. If some European-American folks want to get more European-American kids through college, there is nothing stopping them from setting up the same kind of fund.
Who are the privileged minority groups please?
Blacks, I'm still waiting for the racism to end so that white people can have their own entertainment channel and college fund.

Nonsense. What is stopping white people from having their own entertainment channel and college fund? I'm white and growing up I never saw a non-white person on television except in a subservient position, like maid or houseboy, so I think that we have always had our own channels, and some enterprising African-Americans saw a business opportunity in this racial void and took it. The United Negro College Fund was set up by African-American folks who wanted to get more African-American kids through college. If some European-American folks want to get more European-American kids through college, there is nothing stopping them from setting up the same kind of fund.
If whites started a white entertainment channel or a white college fund, blacks would be rioting in the streets and committing random act of violence on white people. I believe that all government assistance should be stripped from blacks until they learn that racism is wrong and that white people have a right to be treated as equals.
Who are the privileged minority groups please?
Blacks, I'm still waiting for the racism to end so that white people can have their own entertainment channel and college fund.

Nonsense. What is stopping white people from having their own entertainment channel and college fund? I'm white and growing up I never saw a non-white person on television except in a subservient position, like maid or houseboy, so I think that we have always had our own channels, and some enterprising African-Americans saw a business opportunity in this racial void and took it. The United Negro College Fund was set up by African-American folks who wanted to get more African-American kids through college. If some European-American folks want to get more European-American kids through college, there is nothing stopping them from setting up the same kind of fund.
If whites started a white entertainment channel or a white college fund, blacks would be rioting in the streets and committing random act of violence on white people. I believe that all government assistance should be stripped from blacks until they learn that racism is wrong and that white people have a right to be treated as equals.

Nonsense, again. White people always ran their own entertainment and only recently began to include more minorities. Just because they didn't put the word "white" in their names doesn't change the situation when they were in the majority and didn't need to use it. It's the same type of situation as why there came to be a "Ladies Professional Golf Association," which had to be formed because the generically-named "Professional Golf Association," excluded one sex entirely, but did not refer to itself as the "Gentlemen's Professional Golf Association."

This "blacks riot" garbage is just racist crap intended to divide decent Americans against each other for no other reason than that the cheap scum that circulates this stuff wants power that they have not earned and don't deserve.
BTW: Government assistance is not dispensed according to ethnicity.
Spoiled. While some people claim they want to be treated "equally", they really do not. They want special advantages and special privileges, whatever their reasoning might be. Maybe they are black, maybe they are gay, maybe they are poor, maybe even rich. Some people think their lives are SOOOO bad without giving a thought to how bad the next person might have it. So? You were discriminated against? Big fucking deal. You are alive and there are PLENTY of opportunities for you out there. Do you want people who are assholes and do think less of you because of your skin color to just LIE to you? Would that make you feel better? Would you rather not know who these people are? You are not going to eradicate discrimination because some people are assholes, always have been, always will be, and there's not much you can do about it.

How is wanting to not be refused housing because of your sexual orientation asking for special privileges?

People are refused housing for all kinds of reasons. It's the landlord's discretion, and especially if the landlord lives in the building will they be picky about potential tenants. To use THAT as an example when we know that just as many if not more people are probably turned away for OTHER reasons is silly to say the least.
So asking to be treated the same as white heterosexuals is demanding extra privileges? :dunno:
Who are the privileged minority groups please?
Blacks, I'm still waiting for the racism to end so that white people can have their own entertainment channel and college fund.
They do.

There are college funds directed at people of particular ethnic heritages such as Italian, Polish etc. Some groups such as Cuban Americans for example have their own channels if there is a large enough community for it.
Who are the privileged minority groups please?
Blacks, I'm still waiting for the racism to end so that white people can have their own entertainment channel and college fund.

Nonsense. What is stopping white people from having their own entertainment channel and college fund? I'm white and growing up I never saw a non-white person on television except in a subservient position, like maid or houseboy, so I think that we have always had our own channels, and some enterprising African-Americans saw a business opportunity in this racial void and took it. The United Negro College Fund was set up by African-American folks who wanted to get more African-American kids through college. If some European-American folks want to get more European-American kids through college, there is nothing stopping them from setting up the same kind of fund.
If whites started a white entertainment channel or a white college fund, blacks would be rioting in the streets and committing random act of violence on white people. I believe that all government assistance should be stripped from blacks until they learn that racism is wrong and that white people have a right to be treated as equals.

Nonsense, again. White people always ran their own entertainment and only recently began to include more minorities. Just because they didn't put the word "white" in their names doesn't change the situation when they were in the majority and didn't need to use it. It's the same type of situation as why there came to be a "Ladies Professional Golf Association," which had to be formed because the generically-named "Professional Golf Association," excluded one sex entirely, but did not refer to itself as the "Gentlemen's Professional Golf Association."

This "blacks riot" garbage is just racist crap intended to divide decent Americans against each other for no other reason than that the cheap scum that circulates this stuff wants power that they have not earned and don't deserve.
BTW: Government assistance is not dispensed according to ethnicity.
So, you don't think whites, especially white males should be able to have a channel all their own even though blacks are?
You think that men shouldn't be able to have their own Professional Golf Association even though ladies are?

White men need to start fighting for equal rights.
Who are the privileged minority groups please?
Blacks, I'm still waiting for the racism to end so that white people can have their own entertainment channel and college fund.

Nonsense. What is stopping white people from having their own entertainment channel and college fund? I'm white and growing up I never saw a non-white person on television except in a subservient position, like maid or houseboy, so I think that we have always had our own channels, and some enterprising African-Americans saw a business opportunity in this racial void and took it. The United Negro College Fund was set up by African-American folks who wanted to get more African-American kids through college. If some European-American folks want to get more European-American kids through college, there is nothing stopping them from setting up the same kind of fund.
If whites started a white entertainment channel or a white college fund, blacks would be rioting in the streets and committing random act of violence on white people. I believe that all government assistance should be stripped from blacks until they learn that racism is wrong and that white people have a right to be treated as equals.
The first thing stated will be that they are white supremacist or nazi's if they started their own organizations sponsoring whites. People need to get over the color of other peoples skins as all the race baiting crap is getting old and just creating more division and distraction about much more important issues at hand that need to be dealt with.
Interesting poll indicates that the majority of people feel their ethnicity/race is discrimminated against - including whites: Majority Of White Americans Say They Believe Whites Face Discrimination.

As a white female....I've never encountered discrimination. :dunno:

Of course Whites are discriminated against for reasons other than race. I've experience degradation for my religion. So have Mormons, Amish, Catholics, etc.

But there is some real discrimination against white people. Because they actually created much of the Western world that other cultures now seek to live in. And OUR heritage, culture, history is fair game for being maligned whereas EACH of theirs is to be PUBLICLY celebrated and embraced as "multiculturism". To REALLY SEE this, you have to have lived in a deep Blue region for awhile. Where the ACTUAL history of this country is diminished in favor of AMPLIFYING others.

When you've WORKED and ENJOYED a truly multicultural workplace and life, you start to RESENT be pummeled with the insults to how the largely white Western world developed. AS IF --- it was the only place on the planet with slavery, genocide, political issues. It wasn't.

I've lived in deep blue regions too, but never felt discriminated against for being white. I've always been free to come and go anywhere. Maybe it's just a matter of perception.
Interesting poll indicates that the majority of people feel their ethnicity/race is discrimminated against - including whites: Majority Of White Americans Say They Believe Whites Face Discrimination.

As a white female....I've never encountered discrimination. :dunno:
Ever seen the staffing at those posh, do-nothing government services,? Like say... The DMV, or TSA for instance?
yes--blacks make up over 20% of federal workers --while graduating at lower levels
Interesting poll indicates that the majority of people feel their ethnicity/race is discrimminated against - including whites: Majority Of White Americans Say They Believe Whites Face Discrimination.

As a white female....I've never encountered discrimination. :dunno:

Of course Whites are discriminated against for reasons other than race. I've experience degradation for my religion. So have Mormons, Amish, Catholics, etc.

But there is some real discrimination against white people. Because they actually created much of the Western world that other cultures now seek to live in. And OUR heritage, culture, history is fair game for being maligned whereas EACH of theirs is to be PUBLICLY celebrated and embraced as "multiculturism". To REALLY SEE this, you have to have lived in a deep Blue region for awhile. Where the ACTUAL history of this country is diminished in favor of AMPLIFYING others.

When you've WORKED and ENJOYED a truly multicultural workplace and life, you start to RESENT be pummeled with the insults to how the largely white Western world developed. AS IF --- it was the only place on the planet with slavery, genocide, political issues. It wasn't.
What is white culture though?

We can identify specifics that characterize various celebrated cultures in this country: Mexican, Polish, Italian, Chinese, African American, etc.

Black african immigrants don't have the same culture as Caribbean blacks. They just share a race. LOTS of history, attitudinal diffs as well. Some with the original AMERICAN culture that was predominantly white, but composed of a LOT of different cultures. French, German, Spanish, ect.

Exactly, that is why I specifically said African American. I think that has become its own culture.

When there is a movement to PURGE that historical culture from a predom white founded country, by denigrating it and mocking it's founders and principles -- that's an attack on ONLY the WHITE SEGMENT of America. No other way to interpret that. BLACK founders and historically important Black Americans are largely exempt. Except for poor misunderstood Uncle Tom.. :badgrin:

Black Americans were also largely exempt from our history books.

But they DO have their own National History Month. School texts have now dedicated pages to key Black American founders/creators. Just recently, out of freaking nowhere, GLENN BECK, the weeping baby of the Conservative American conscience has REVEALED key historical evidence of MONUMENTAL Black contributions to the American founding and War for Independence that I never KNEW, never Heard, never Saw. If you haven't watched this --- you REALLY should. Every BLACK American should be sure to know this also. Because Beck is MORE EFFECTIVE in promoting the Black story of America here in a few minutes -- then the ENTIRE Black History Month has been with it's extensive PSA campaigns.

Meanwhile, in today's news, a letter to the congregation of the Church at Washington and Lee from George WASHINGTON, was PULLED from the walls of the sanctuary and relegated to the back room. That's the kind of PURGE the left has unleashed on American history BECAUSE George was a White American..

YOU may not see this as racial discrimination, but MANY do..
Personally, I've not felt discriminated against for being white at any point in my life. The worse I've had to endure were some "white boy" jokes.

But I know a white kid who went to a black school who DEFINITELY experienced some discrimination against him. As in, physical assaults and slurs for being white. And no one took his complaints seriously because, "lul, you're white kid; check your privilege and stfu". That's really the problem with the whole white privilege narrative; it's basically just a more subtle way to tell people to shut the fuck up.

If someone's gonna say some ignorant shit, let them open their mouths and show everyone what they're made of. Telling people, "Lol, you're white and privileged, you don't get a seat at the table bruh" is just asking to lose out on valuable insight.

I think that when whites find themselves in a situation where they are a minority, perhaps they need to understand the history of race relations before they start talking about how some white kid who went to a mostly black school was discriminated against. Because the first thing you need to ask is why is this school so disproportionately represented. And then you do the same for the suburbs and start citing examples of where the only black kid in an all white school gets discriminated against in a real way by teachers, administration, staff and students. A racial slur is not discrimination Denying opportunity or grades would be. It kinda helps to know exactly what discrimination is before you make a claim of it against anyone. White privilege thing is real. It allows whites to think they are being discriminated against with no proof and actually have discussions and articles written that defends such a claim. If blacks were getting 70 percent of the jobs, owned the most property, ran the most businesses, got most of the college admissions and generally had 15 times the wealth of whites, we would not be taken seriously if we claimed we were being discriminated against.

Time to go back to the world series.

Wait, so you think being jumped and having racial slurs screamed at you is not discrimination? Some hella crazy drugs you're on my guy.

No. Given I am black and have had those things happen to me because of whites, I think I know the difference between that and ;laws or policies made that deny me of opportunity. That white dude got beat up, now which black person there could deny him of a job? So tell me if you are called a honky bastard, will that mean you will be denied opportunity? The problem with what you say is in how whites transferred the racial slurs into laws and policy denying rights. If all we blacks faced was being called n words and nothing else was denied, no problem. But that is not what happens.

Agreed. But i can show you Millions of CURRENT property deeds that say "no Jewish owners". It's not slavery, but it IS a history of discrimination. In where you can live, what private schools would take you -- etc.

At the time of slave trade is was PERVASIVE world-wide. NOT unique to America. And it was accompanied by acceptance of "lesser slavery" in terms of indentured servitude and other nasties.

IMO -- we all ought to stop ARGUING about those injustices and vow together --- TODAY --- to focus on ending SLAVERY as it still exists in the world. And start to heal. WHY do we fight constantly about our past when the EVIL still exists in front of our faces??? We're spoiled or morally weak or something.

The problem you have is that you think it's in the past and only about slavery. It's about racism by whites against people of color and some Jews participated in it. Others did not and helped start organizations like the NAACP. Then again there were whites who were abolitionists and there were whites who wee slave owners. This is the difference. Yu seem unable to understand how there was a 100 year time frame after slavery was made illegal here and what happened during that period of time. You also seem to think that just because words were written on paper making such things illegal in 1965 that suddenly everybody started obeying the law and that magically the damage done fixed itself. None of this is about the past. It IS about the evil that exists in front of our faces today.

I don't make that mistake. Slavery was a historical reality in it's age. But the systemic discrimination and segregation that followed for 100 years was the real government crime. I've posted extensively on THAT kind of discrimination. Like the Fed Govt DESIGNING and implementing entire segregated cities that STILL exist. Or more recently, about the finding of the DOJ Ferguson report,, which is a broader more pervasive kind of govt abuse. In the case of the latter, it not so much RACIALLY motivated as it is just a failure of govt to provide services to economically disadvantaged communities. But it's STILL abuse that disproportionately affects communities of color. I don't really need the lecture. I'm following along...
I think that when whites find themselves in a situation where they are a minority, perhaps they need to understand the history of race relations before they start talking about how some white kid who went to a mostly black school was discriminated against. Because the first thing you need to ask is why is this school so disproportionately represented. And then you do the same for the suburbs and start citing examples of where the only black kid in an all white school gets discriminated against in a real way by teachers, administration, staff and students. A racial slur is not discrimination Denying opportunity or grades would be. It kinda helps to know exactly what discrimination is before you make a claim of it against anyone. White privilege thing is real. It allows whites to think they are being discriminated against with no proof and actually have discussions and articles written that defends such a claim. If blacks were getting 70 percent of the jobs, owned the most property, ran the most businesses, got most of the college admissions and generally had 15 times the wealth of whites, we would not be taken seriously if we claimed we were being discriminated against.

Time to go back to the world series.

Wait, so you think being jumped and having racial slurs screamed at you is not discrimination? Some hella crazy drugs you're on my guy.

No. Given I am black and have had those things happen to me because of whites, I think I know the difference between that and ;laws or policies made that deny me of opportunity. That white dude got beat up, now which black person there could deny him of a job? So tell me if you are called a honky bastard, will that mean you will be denied opportunity? The problem with what you say is in how whites transferred the racial slurs into laws and policy denying rights. If all we blacks faced was being called n words and nothing else was denied, no problem. But that is not what happens.

Agreed. But i can show you Millions of CURRENT property deeds that say "no Jewish owners". It's not slavery, but it IS a history of discrimination. In where you can live, what private schools would take you -- etc.

At the time of slave trade is was PERVASIVE world-wide. NOT unique to America. And it was accompanied by acceptance of "lesser slavery" in terms of indentured servitude and other nasties.

IMO -- we all ought to stop ARGUING about those injustices and vow together --- TODAY --- to focus on ending SLAVERY as it still exists in the world. And start to heal. WHY do we fight constantly about our past when the EVIL still exists in front of our faces??? We're spoiled or morally weak or something.

The problem you have is that you think it's in the past and only about slavery. It's about racism by whites against people of color and some Jews participated in it. Others did not and helped start organizations like the NAACP. Then again there were whites who were abolitionists and there were whites who wee slave owners. This is the difference. Yu seem unable to understand how there was a 100 year time frame after slavery was made illegal here and what happened during that period of time. You also seem to think that just because words were written on paper making such things illegal in 1965 that suddenly everybody started obeying the law and that magically the damage done fixed itself. None of this is about the past. It IS about the evil that exists in front of our faces today.

I don't make that mistake. Slavery was a historical reality in it's age. But the systemic discrimination and segregation that followed for 100 years was the real government crime. I've posted extensively on THAT kind of discrimination. Like the Fed Govt DESIGNING and implementing entire segregated cities that STILL exist. Or more recently, about the finding of the DOJ Ferguson report,, which is a broader more pervasive kind of govt abuse. In the case of the latter, it not so much RACIALLY motivated as it is just a failure of govt to provide services to economically disadvantaged communities. But it's STILL abuse that disproportionately affects communities of color. I don't really need the lecture. I'm following along...

It was racially motivated and don't tell me what you don't need when you think you can lecture about how race has nothing to do with anything when every day there are high definition examples that it does. The government was not the only entity doing what you claim. Private businesses does and so do private individuals.
I think that when whites find themselves in a situation where they are a minority, perhaps they need to understand the history of race relations before they start talking about how some white kid who went to a mostly black school was discriminated against. Because the first thing you need to ask is why is this school so disproportionately represented. And then you do the same for the suburbs and start citing examples of where the only black kid in an all white school gets discriminated against in a real way by teachers, administration, staff and students. A racial slur is not discrimination Denying opportunity or grades would be. It kinda helps to know exactly what discrimination is before you make a claim of it against anyone. White privilege thing is real. It allows whites to think they are being discriminated against with no proof and actually have discussions and articles written that defends such a claim. If blacks were getting 70 percent of the jobs, owned the most property, ran the most businesses, got most of the college admissions and generally had 15 times the wealth of whites, we would not be taken seriously if we claimed we were being discriminated against.

Time to go back to the world series.

Wait, so you think being jumped and having racial slurs screamed at you is not discrimination? Some hella crazy drugs you're on my guy.

No. Given I am black and have had those things happen to me because of whites, I think I know the difference between that and ;laws or policies made that deny me of opportunity. That white dude got beat up, now which black person there could deny him of a job? So tell me if you are called a honky bastard, will that mean you will be denied opportunity? The problem with what you say is in how whites transferred the racial slurs into laws and policy denying rights. If all we blacks faced was being called n words and nothing else was denied, no problem. But that is not what happens.

Agreed. But i can show you Millions of CURRENT property deeds that say "no Jewish owners". It's not slavery, but it IS a history of discrimination. In where you can live, what private schools would take you -- etc.

At the time of slave trade is was PERVASIVE world-wide. NOT unique to America. And it was accompanied by acceptance of "lesser slavery" in terms of indentured servitude and other nasties.

IMO -- we all ought to stop ARGUING about those injustices and vow together --- TODAY --- to focus on ending SLAVERY as it still exists in the world. And start to heal. WHY do we fight constantly about our past when the EVIL still exists in front of our faces??? We're spoiled or morally weak or something.

The problem you have is that you think it's in the past and only about slavery. It's about racism by whites against people of color and some Jews participated in it. Others did not and helped start organizations like the NAACP. Then again there were whites who were abolitionists and there were whites who wee slave owners. This is the difference. Yu seem unable to understand how there was a 100 year time frame after slavery was made illegal here and what happened during that period of time. You also seem to think that just because words were written on paper making such things illegal in 1965 that suddenly everybody started obeying the law and that magically the damage done fixed itself. None of this is about the past. It IS about the evil that exists in front of our faces today.

I don't make that mistake. Slavery was a historical reality in it's age. But the systemic discrimination and segregation that followed for 100 years was the real government crime. I've posted extensively on THAT kind of discrimination. Like the Fed Govt DESIGNING and implementing entire segregated cities that STILL exist. Or more recently, about the finding of the DOJ Ferguson report,, which is a broader more pervasive kind of govt abuse. In the case of the latter, it not so much RACIALLY motivated as it is just a failure of govt to provide services to economically disadvantaged communities. But it's STILL abuse that disproportionately affects communities of color. I don't really need the lecture. I'm following along...
So you have not been discriminated against?!!! I sure haven't! I am a 68 year old German.
Wait, so you think being jumped and having racial slurs screamed at you is not discrimination? Some hella crazy drugs you're on my guy.

No. Given I am black and have had those things happen to me because of whites, I think I know the difference between that and ;laws or policies made that deny me of opportunity. That white dude got beat up, now which black person there could deny him of a job? So tell me if you are called a honky bastard, will that mean you will be denied opportunity? The problem with what you say is in how whites transferred the racial slurs into laws and policy denying rights. If all we blacks faced was being called n words and nothing else was denied, no problem. But that is not what happens.

Agreed. But i can show you Millions of CURRENT property deeds that say "no Jewish owners". It's not slavery, but it IS a history of discrimination. In where you can live, what private schools would take you -- etc.

At the time of slave trade is was PERVASIVE world-wide. NOT unique to America. And it was accompanied by acceptance of "lesser slavery" in terms of indentured servitude and other nasties.

IMO -- we all ought to stop ARGUING about those injustices and vow together --- TODAY --- to focus on ending SLAVERY as it still exists in the world. And start to heal. WHY do we fight constantly about our past when the EVIL still exists in front of our faces??? We're spoiled or morally weak or something.

The problem you have is that you think it's in the past and only about slavery. It's about racism by whites against people of color and some Jews participated in it. Others did not and helped start organizations like the NAACP. Then again there were whites who were abolitionists and there were whites who wee slave owners. This is the difference. Yu seem unable to understand how there was a 100 year time frame after slavery was made illegal here and what happened during that period of time. You also seem to think that just because words were written on paper making such things illegal in 1965 that suddenly everybody started obeying the law and that magically the damage done fixed itself. None of this is about the past. It IS about the evil that exists in front of our faces today.

I don't make that mistake. Slavery was a historical reality in it's age. But the systemic discrimination and segregation that followed for 100 years was the real government crime. I've posted extensively on THAT kind of discrimination. Like the Fed Govt DESIGNING and implementing entire segregated cities that STILL exist. Or more recently, about the finding of the DOJ Ferguson report,, which is a broader more pervasive kind of govt abuse. In the case of the latter, it not so much RACIALLY motivated as it is just a failure of govt to provide services to economically disadvantaged communities. But it's STILL abuse that disproportionately affects communities of color. I don't really need the lecture. I'm following along...

It was racially motivated and don't tell me what you don't need when you think you can lecture about how race has nothing to do with anything when every day there are high definition examples that it does. The government was not the only entity doing what you claim. Private businesses does and so do private individuals.

What was racially motivated -- Ferguson? Can't do that argument in this thread. But the DOJ would not agree. If you actually drop the blinders and look at the conclusions --- it was a failure of PROCESS and ADMINISTRATION for the entire city government. See for example --

Johnson - A libertarian view of "oppressive justice" on the streets.

Any community with 3 outstanding warrants and 1.5 arrests per household per year has a systemic problem with delivering fair and reasoned services to their people..

Not a "racial" issue..

Discuss it with me in the other thread.

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