How are white people discrimminated against?

Wait, so you think being jumped and having racial slurs screamed at you is not discrimination? Some hella crazy drugs you're on my guy.

No. Given I am black and have had those things happen to me because of whites, I think I know the difference between that and ;laws or policies made that deny me of opportunity. That white dude got beat up, now which black person there could deny him of a job? So tell me if you are called a honky bastard, will that mean you will be denied opportunity? The problem with what you say is in how whites transferred the racial slurs into laws and policy denying rights. If all we blacks faced was being called n words and nothing else was denied, no problem. But that is not what happens.

Agreed. But i can show you Millions of CURRENT property deeds that say "no Jewish owners". It's not slavery, but it IS a history of discrimination. In where you can live, what private schools would take you -- etc.

At the time of slave trade is was PERVASIVE world-wide. NOT unique to America. And it was accompanied by acceptance of "lesser slavery" in terms of indentured servitude and other nasties.

IMO -- we all ought to stop ARGUING about those injustices and vow together --- TODAY --- to focus on ending SLAVERY as it still exists in the world. And start to heal. WHY do we fight constantly about our past when the EVIL still exists in front of our faces??? We're spoiled or morally weak or something.

The problem you have is that you think it's in the past and only about slavery. It's about racism by whites against people of color and some Jews participated in it. Others did not and helped start organizations like the NAACP. Then again there were whites who were abolitionists and there were whites who wee slave owners. This is the difference. Yu seem unable to understand how there was a 100 year time frame after slavery was made illegal here and what happened during that period of time. You also seem to think that just because words were written on paper making such things illegal in 1965 that suddenly everybody started obeying the law and that magically the damage done fixed itself. None of this is about the past. It IS about the evil that exists in front of our faces today.

I don't make that mistake. Slavery was a historical reality in it's age. But the systemic discrimination and segregation that followed for 100 years was the real government crime. I've posted extensively on THAT kind of discrimination. Like the Fed Govt DESIGNING and implementing entire segregated cities that STILL exist. Or more recently, about the finding of the DOJ Ferguson report,, which is a broader more pervasive kind of govt abuse. In the case of the latter, it not so much RACIALLY motivated as it is just a failure of govt to provide services to economically disadvantaged communities. But it's STILL abuse that disproportionately affects communities of color. I don't really need the lecture. I'm following along...
So you have not been discriminated against?!!! I sure haven't! I am a 68 year old German.

Would purging all the monuments and public displays for the founding fathers involve RACIAL discrimination? Look around you man.. The Purge is happening today.. AND -- it's racially motivated...
Interesting poll indicates that the majority of people feel their ethnicity/race is discrimminated against - including whites: Majority Of White Americans Say They Believe Whites Face Discrimination.

As a white female....I've never encountered discrimination. :dunno:

Of course Whites are discriminated against for reasons other than race. I've experience degradation for my religion. So have Mormons, Amish, Catholics, etc.

But there is some real discrimination against white people. Because they actually created much of the Western world that other cultures now seek to live in. And OUR heritage, culture, history is fair game for being maligned whereas EACH of theirs is to be PUBLICLY celebrated and embraced as "multiculturism". To REALLY SEE this, you have to have lived in a deep Blue region for awhile. Where the ACTUAL history of this country is diminished in favor of AMPLIFYING others.

When you've WORKED and ENJOYED a truly multicultural workplace and life, you start to RESENT be pummeled with the insults to how the largely white Western world developed. AS IF --- it was the only place on the planet with slavery, genocide, political issues. It wasn't.
What is white culture though?

We can identify specifics that characterize various celebrated cultures in this country: Mexican, Polish, Italian, Chinese, African American, etc.

Black african immigrants don't have the same culture as Caribbean blacks. They just share a race. LOTS of history, attitudinal diffs as well. Some with the original AMERICAN culture that was predominantly white, but composed of a LOT of different cultures. French, German, Spanish, ect.

Exactly, that is why I specifically said African American. I think that has become its own culture.

When there is a movement to PURGE that historical culture from a predom white founded country, by denigrating it and mocking it's founders and principles -- that's an attack on ONLY the WHITE SEGMENT of America. No other way to interpret that. BLACK founders and historically important Black Americans are largely exempt. Except for poor misunderstood Uncle Tom.. :badgrin:

Black Americans were also largely exempt from our history books.

But they DO have their own National History Month. School texts have now dedicated pages to key Black American founders/creators. Just recently, out of freaking nowhere, GLENN BECK, the weeping baby of the Conservative American conscience has REVEALED key historical evidence of MONUMENTAL Black contributions to the American founding and War for Independence that I never KNEW, never Heard, never Saw. If you haven't watched this --- you REALLY should. Every BLACK American should be sure to know this also. Because Beck is MORE EFFECTIVE in promoting the Black story of America here in a few minutes -- then the ENTIRE Black History Month has been with it's extensive PSA campaigns.

Meanwhile, in today's news, a letter to the congregation of the Church at Washington and Lee from George WASHINGTON, was PULLED from the walls of the sanctuary and relegated to the back room. That's the kind of PURGE the left has unleashed on American history BECAUSE George was a White American..

YOU may not see this as racial discrimination, but MANY do..

This is dumb. What des it take fir you to see how much of a false equivalence this is? Do we need to call the other 11 months white history month so you understand. Do we need to call American history white history before you get it? Do we need to call Ivy league schools and other universities historically white colleges before you realize the truth? How stupid are you flacaltenn to the reality of how whites have done things? And if you call taking a picture out of one room and putting it into another racial discrimination, you really are dumb. Caribbean blacks were blacks taken from Africa to the Caribbean to be slaves. You want to try commenting on blacks like you know so much, but you don't. Whites are not being discriminated against, that the truth. The concept of the big lie applies here.

"The essential English leadership secret does not depend on particular intelligence. Rather, it depends on a remarkably stupid thick-headedness. The English follow the principle that when one lies, one should lie big, and stick to it. They keep up their lies, even at the risk of looking ridiculous."
No. Given I am black and have had those things happen to me because of whites, I think I know the difference between that and ;laws or policies made that deny me of opportunity. That white dude got beat up, now which black person there could deny him of a job? So tell me if you are called a honky bastard, will that mean you will be denied opportunity? The problem with what you say is in how whites transferred the racial slurs into laws and policy denying rights. If all we blacks faced was being called n words and nothing else was denied, no problem. But that is not what happens.

Agreed. But i can show you Millions of CURRENT property deeds that say "no Jewish owners". It's not slavery, but it IS a history of discrimination. In where you can live, what private schools would take you -- etc.

At the time of slave trade is was PERVASIVE world-wide. NOT unique to America. And it was accompanied by acceptance of "lesser slavery" in terms of indentured servitude and other nasties.

IMO -- we all ought to stop ARGUING about those injustices and vow together --- TODAY --- to focus on ending SLAVERY as it still exists in the world. And start to heal. WHY do we fight constantly about our past when the EVIL still exists in front of our faces??? We're spoiled or morally weak or something.

The problem you have is that you think it's in the past and only about slavery. It's about racism by whites against people of color and some Jews participated in it. Others did not and helped start organizations like the NAACP. Then again there were whites who were abolitionists and there were whites who wee slave owners. This is the difference. Yu seem unable to understand how there was a 100 year time frame after slavery was made illegal here and what happened during that period of time. You also seem to think that just because words were written on paper making such things illegal in 1965 that suddenly everybody started obeying the law and that magically the damage done fixed itself. None of this is about the past. It IS about the evil that exists in front of our faces today.

I don't make that mistake. Slavery was a historical reality in it's age. But the systemic discrimination and segregation that followed for 100 years was the real government crime. I've posted extensively on THAT kind of discrimination. Like the Fed Govt DESIGNING and implementing entire segregated cities that STILL exist. Or more recently, about the finding of the DOJ Ferguson report,, which is a broader more pervasive kind of govt abuse. In the case of the latter, it not so much RACIALLY motivated as it is just a failure of govt to provide services to economically disadvantaged communities. But it's STILL abuse that disproportionately affects communities of color. I don't really need the lecture. I'm following along...

It was racially motivated and don't tell me what you don't need when you think you can lecture about how race has nothing to do with anything when every day there are high definition examples that it does. The government was not the only entity doing what you claim. Private businesses does and so do private individuals.

What was racially motivated -- Ferguson? Can't do that argument in this thread. But the DOJ would not agree. If you actually drop the blinders and look at the conclusions --- it was a failure of PROCESS and ADMINISTRATION for the entire city government. See for example --

Johnson - A libertarian view of "oppressive justice" on the streets.

Any community with 3 outstanding warrants and 1.5 arrests per household per year has a systemic problem with delivering fair and reasoned services to their people..

Not a "racial" issue..

Discuss it with me in the other thread.

Yes Ferguson was racially motivated and the DOJ would agree because they did agree.

"Ferguson’s law enforcement practices are shaped by the City’s focus on revenue rather than by public safety needs. This emphasis on revenue has compromised the institutional character of Ferguson’s police department, contributing to a pattern of unconstitutional policing, and has also shaped its municipal court, leading to procedures that raise due process concerns and inflict unnecessary harm on members of the Ferguson community. Further, Ferguson’s police and municipal court practices both reflect and exacerbate existing racial bias, including racial stereotypes. Ferguson’s own data establish clear racial disparities that adversely impact African Americans. The evidence shows that discriminatory intent is part of the reason for these disparities. Over time, Ferguson’s police and municipal court practices have sown deep mistrust between parts of the community and the police department, undermining law enforcement legitimacy among African Americans in particular."

Investigation of the Ferguson Police Department
United States Department of Justice Civil Rights Division
March 4, 2015
Page 2
Have you been discrimminated against because of race? I haven't.

Yes, although the most conspicuous was way back when race was a real issue.

Mid 1960's. I was an asst. mgr. of a retail store in a large shopping mall in North Miami Florida. One of my daily duties was to take our daily deposit to the bank also in the mall. I found one of the teller's particularly attractive. Tall (I'm 6'3") beautiful and a stunning figure. She was also black. One day I asked her if I could take her to dinner the next evening. She smiled and then slipped into "Ebonics" and said, "Markle", I'd love to go to dinner with you but if my Daddy or my brothers saw you they would beat the Hell out of us both!
No. Given I am black and have had those things happen to me because of whites, I think I know the difference between that and ;laws or policies made that deny me of opportunity. That white dude got beat up, now which black person there could deny him of a job? So tell me if you are called a honky bastard, will that mean you will be denied opportunity? The problem with what you say is in how whites transferred the racial slurs into laws and policy denying rights. If all we blacks faced was being called n words and nothing else was denied, no problem. But that is not what happens.

Agreed. But i can show you Millions of CURRENT property deeds that say "no Jewish owners". It's not slavery, but it IS a history of discrimination. In where you can live, what private schools would take you -- etc.

At the time of slave trade is was PERVASIVE world-wide. NOT unique to America. And it was accompanied by acceptance of "lesser slavery" in terms of indentured servitude and other nasties.

IMO -- we all ought to stop ARGUING about those injustices and vow together --- TODAY --- to focus on ending SLAVERY as it still exists in the world. And start to heal. WHY do we fight constantly about our past when the EVIL still exists in front of our faces??? We're spoiled or morally weak or something.

The problem you have is that you think it's in the past and only about slavery. It's about racism by whites against people of color and some Jews participated in it. Others did not and helped start organizations like the NAACP. Then again there were whites who were abolitionists and there were whites who wee slave owners. This is the difference. Yu seem unable to understand how there was a 100 year time frame after slavery was made illegal here and what happened during that period of time. You also seem to think that just because words were written on paper making such things illegal in 1965 that suddenly everybody started obeying the law and that magically the damage done fixed itself. None of this is about the past. It IS about the evil that exists in front of our faces today.

I don't make that mistake. Slavery was a historical reality in it's age. But the systemic discrimination and segregation that followed for 100 years was the real government crime. I've posted extensively on THAT kind of discrimination. Like the Fed Govt DESIGNING and implementing entire segregated cities that STILL exist. Or more recently, about the finding of the DOJ Ferguson report,, which is a broader more pervasive kind of govt abuse. In the case of the latter, it not so much RACIALLY motivated as it is just a failure of govt to provide services to economically disadvantaged communities. But it's STILL abuse that disproportionately affects communities of color. I don't really need the lecture. I'm following along...
So you have not been discriminated against?!!! I sure haven't! I am a 68 year old German.

Would purging all the monuments and public displays for the founding fathers involve RACIAL discrimination? Look around you man.. The Purge is happening today.. AND -- it's racially motivated...
I think the purge is mixed.

On the one side you have this. Monuments to the LOSERS of a war, a side that fought a war over slavery (and no matter how apologists try to whitewash it slavery was a defining issue. You also have the interesting footnote that most of those mass produced monuments appeared around Jim Crow...sort of an in your face statement to uppity negros that the losers of a war still think your less then they are. Gettysburg is so full of confederate monuments you would think they had won. So purging some of that and relegating it to a museum isn't such a bad idea. Since when do we lionize the losers who fought to maintain the right to own other human beings? This romanticization was actually part of the same deliberate effort that brought us all those memorials, immortalized Lee and unjustly demonized grant.

On the other hand...purges can and do go too far. Slavery was an accepted institution at one time. That shouldn't override all their other accomplishments.
Of course Whites are discriminated against for reasons other than race. I've experience degradation for my religion. So have Mormons, Amish, Catholics, etc.

But there is some real discrimination against white people. Because they actually created much of the Western world that other cultures now seek to live in. And OUR heritage, culture, history is fair game for being maligned whereas EACH of theirs is to be PUBLICLY celebrated and embraced as "multiculturism". To REALLY SEE this, you have to have lived in a deep Blue region for awhile. Where the ACTUAL history of this country is diminished in favor of AMPLIFYING others.

When you've WORKED and ENJOYED a truly multicultural workplace and life, you start to RESENT be pummeled with the insults to how the largely white Western world developed. AS IF --- it was the only place on the planet with slavery, genocide, political issues. It wasn't.
What is white culture though?

We can identify specifics that characterize various celebrated cultures in this country: Mexican, Polish, Italian, Chinese, African American, etc.

Black african immigrants don't have the same culture as Caribbean blacks. They just share a race. LOTS of history, attitudinal diffs as well. Some with the original AMERICAN culture that was predominantly white, but composed of a LOT of different cultures. French, German, Spanish, ect.

Exactly, that is why I specifically said African American. I think that has become its own culture.

When there is a movement to PURGE that historical culture from a predom white founded country, by denigrating it and mocking it's founders and principles -- that's an attack on ONLY the WHITE SEGMENT of America. No other way to interpret that. BLACK founders and historically important Black Americans are largely exempt. Except for poor misunderstood Uncle Tom.. :badgrin:

Black Americans were also largely exempt from our history books.

But they DO have their own National History Month. School texts have now dedicated pages to key Black American founders/creators. Just recently, out of freaking nowhere, GLENN BECK, the weeping baby of the Conservative American conscience has REVEALED key historical evidence of MONUMENTAL Black contributions to the American founding and War for Independence that I never KNEW, never Heard, never Saw. If you haven't watched this --- you REALLY should. Every BLACK American should be sure to know this also. Because Beck is MORE EFFECTIVE in promoting the Black story of America here in a few minutes -- then the ENTIRE Black History Month has been with it's extensive PSA campaigns.

Meanwhile, in today's news, a letter to the congregation of the Church at Washington and Lee from George WASHINGTON, was PULLED from the walls of the sanctuary and relegated to the back room. That's the kind of PURGE the left has unleashed on American history BECAUSE George was a White American..

YOU may not see this as racial discrimination, but MANY do..

This is dumb. What des it take fir you to see how much of a false equivalence this is? Do we need to call the other 11 months white history month so you understand. Do we need to call American history white history before you get it? Do we need to call Ivy league schools and other universities historically white colleges before you realize the truth? How stupid are you flacaltenn to the reality of how whites have done things? And if you call taking a picture out of one room and putting it into another racial discrimination, you really are dumb. Caribbean blacks were blacks taken from Africa to the Caribbean to be slaves. You want to try commenting on blacks like you know so much, but you don't. Whites are not being discriminated against, that the truth. The concept of the big lie applies here.

"The essential English leadership secret does not depend on particular intelligence. Rather, it depends on a remarkably stupid thick-headedness. The English follow the principle that when one lies, one should lie big, and stick to it. They keep up their lies, even at the risk of looking ridiculous."

Black contributions in history have long been marginalized in school history lessons and in our culture. At least when I was in school it was mostly white historical figures.
And if you call taking a picture out of one room and putting it into another racial discrimination, you really are dumb. Caribbean blacks were blacks taken from Africa to the Caribbean to be slaves. You want to try commenting on blacks like you know so much, but you don't. Whites are not being discriminated against, that the truth. The concept of the big lie applies here.

You're spending all your time accusing me of not understanding the abomination of slavery and the subsequent unconscionable acts of govt discrimination that occurred when ---

1) A couple pages ago I called for everyone to bond together and END the vestiges of slavery as they STILL exist today in the world.

2) I told you I'm part of the 1% of Americans that actually studied the DOJ reports on civil justice and discovered the underlying FAILURES of govt that lead to the abusive treatment of citizens of limited economic means. And LARGELY -- those failures are NOT racial, just the inability of govt to TAILOR services related to criminal/civil justices to TYPES of populations they represent.

It's not like I'm new to this topic or that I'm a racist, but that's seems to be your tactic.

The Caribbean "culture" ended up being quite distinct in the way it evolved. Because those cohorts ended up having MORE economic/social freedom FASTER than the American experience. It is therefore more focused on self-determination, economic freedom, value of education.

As for PURGING the "letter from Washington" from the sanctuary -- it IS racially motivated. The folks pushing this actually believe that hacking at our country's white history is any way helpful to solving real common day problems. And TODAY -- it's a letter from Washington. Tomorrow -- it's his face on our money and his phallic monument on the Mall in DC...
Interesting poll indicates that the majority of people feel their ethnicity/race is discrimminated against - including whites: Majority Of White Americans Say They Believe Whites Face Discrimination.

As a white female....I've never encountered discrimination. :dunno:
Ever seen the staffing at those posh, do-nothing government services,? Like say... The DMV, or TSA for instance?
yes--blacks make up over 20% of federal workers --while graduating at lower levels
How is wanting to not be refused housing because of your sexual orientation asking for special privileges?

Because except for specific areas, counties, cities, etc., sexual orientation is not a protected class with regard to housing.
How is wanting to not be refused housing because of your sexual orientation asking for special privileges?

Because except for specific areas, counties, cities, etc., sexual orientation is not a protected class with regard to housing.
That doesn't answer the question.

How is wanting to be treated the same as other classes of people asking for " special" privileges?
People are refused housing for all kinds of reasons. It's the landlord's discretion, and especially if the landlord lives in the building will they be picky about potential tenants. To use THAT as an example when we know that just as many if not more people are probably turned away for OTHER reasons is silly to say the least.

That exemption for small investors applies only if they own fewer than eight units and, as you say, lives in the building.
You also have the interesting footnote that most of those mass produced monuments appeared around Jim Crow...sort of an in your face statement to uppity negros that the losers of a war still think your less then they are. Gettysburg is so full of confederate monuments you would think they had won.

That's a misinterpretation of what happened. Those "studies" included every "roadside sign" that went up to show a historical marker. These are not statues of fighting rebels for the most part.

So purging some of that and relegating it to a museum isn't such a bad idea. Since when do we lionize the losers who fought to maintain the right to own other human beings? This romanticization was actually part of the same deliberate effort that brought us all those memorials, immortalized Lee and unjustly demonized grant.

Families today lost their Grandparents or Great Grandparents to that war. The US lost more men in that war than all SUBSEQUENT wars combined. It serves a purpose to REMEMBER the carnage. And who won. There is NO reason to ignore it. EXCEPT -- in the topic of your thread -- to RACIALLY cleanse our history from the public spaces. When this gets to the point where MOST of our pre-Civil War history is RACIALLY purged -- it's discrimination..

The ONLY reason for the Purge is racial comfort. And it won't change a damn thing about the story of America..
This "blacks riot" garbage is just racist crap intended to divide decent Americans against each other for no other reason than that the cheap scum that circulates this stuff wants power that they have not earned and don't deserve.

Are you saying that the vast majority of riots are not started by blacks during the various demonstration? That's just foolish and is being pushed by the various usual race-baiting subjects.
Further, Ferguson’s police and municipal court practices both reflect and exacerbate existing racial bias, including racial stereotypes.

Read that "sunmary" carefully. Then go read my thread that I gave you the link for. I'm NOT gonna wrestle with you about this in this different topic. It's against the board rules.

"[their] police and municipal court PRACTICES both reflect and exacerbate racial bias"

This could be due to INCOMPETENCE, INEPTITUDE and lack of innovation --- as WELL as outright racism. And the BODY of what they discovered -- points directly to that conclusions. And of COURSE it leads to "racial bias and stereotyping" SIMPLY because of the demographics of that community. And the economic disparities therein.

You'll never succeed in achieving Criminal/Civil justice reform believing that muni/local govts are all-wise all fair and all knowing.
You also have the interesting footnote that most of those mass produced monuments appeared around Jim Crow...sort of an in your face statement to uppity negros that the losers of a war still think your less then they are. Gettysburg is so full of confederate monuments you would think they had won.

That's a misinterpretation of what happened. Those "studies" included every "roadside sign" that went up to show a historical marker. These are not statues of fighting rebels for the most part.

So purging some of that and relegating it to a museum isn't such a bad idea. Since when do we lionize the losers who fought to maintain the right to own other human beings? This romanticization was actually part of the same deliberate effort that brought us all those memorials, immortalized Lee and unjustly demonized grant.

Families today lost their Grandparents or Great Grandparents to that war. The US lost more men in that war than all SUBSEQUENT wars combined. It serves a purpose to REMEMBER the carnage. And who won. There is NO reason to ignore it. EXCEPT -- in the topic of your thread -- to RACIALLY cleanse our history from the public spaces. When this gets to the point where MOST of our pre-Civil War history is RACIALLY purged -- it's discrimination..

The ONLY reason for the Purge is racial comfort. And it won't change a damn thing about the story of America..
Why did so many monuments go up in conjunction with Jim Crowe?

Do those families who lost lives to slavery and the racial violence and lynchings that followed deserve consideration?

Disclaimer: I don't by any means support the removal of all the confederate monuments but you are deceiving yourself if you don't recognize the driving forces behind their installation. Even
Lee opposed it. It's not about recognizing those who fought but about about rewriting the history of the war and elevating the side that lost. It goes hand in hand with revisionists who claim it wasn't about slavery. Rather than letting the war recede into the annals of history they attempt to keep it alive and current. Flying a confederate flag along side the American flag?
How is wanting to not be refused housing because of your sexual orientation asking for special privileges?

Because except for specific areas, counties, cities, etc., sexual orientation is not a protected class with regard to housing.
That doesn't answer the question.

How is wanting to be treated the same as other classes of people asking for " special" privileges?

You brought housing into the discussion.
How is wanting to not be refused housing because of your sexual orientation asking for special privileges?

Because except for specific areas, counties, cities, etc., sexual orientation is not a protected class with regard to housing.
That doesn't answer the question.

How is wanting to be treated the same as other classes of people asking for " special" privileges?

You brought housing into the discussion.
It is the same thing...same treatment as other classes. Not about what the law is or isn't.

How is it asking for anything special?
Why did so many monuments go up in conjunction with Jim Crowe?

Just told you -- the folks that produced that analysis counted every historical roadside/building marker. MOST of them NOT being statues or monuments to the Confederacy. It's big business to have Civil War tourism. My area gets 500,000 visitors or more a year to LEARN about the conflict. THAT'S why those markers went up. To PRESERVE that story for future generations. The real issue is any BIAS inherent in those markers. NOT the markers themselves. When I drive to the supermarket -- I pass 8 or 10 "Civil War markers".. I don't remember a SINGLE ONE -- with a biased statement about slavery or the Confederacy..

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