How are white people discrimminated against?

I can only speak for myself and my own experiences.
You've never experienced going to the DMV? You've never been to an airport? How about taken a public bus?

All of the above. No. Never experienced it.
Well if you never leave the house you aren't likely to experience much of anything that happens in society...

Is that your experience then?
That everyone's experience. Just a cursory glance reveals that low level government jobs are heavily staffed by highly disproportionate numbers of minorities, in so far as their relative numbers in society. Whether you choose to acknowledge the disparity, or not doesn't change the reality.
I think that private companies and organizations are often discriminatory in their hiring practices even though the law says they should not be. Thus, they more often pick white folks over minorities because racial bias in hiring is extremely hard to prove and prosecute. Government agencies cannot discriminate and when someone takes the civil service exam and passes and/or excels, they are given the jobs. Lots of info on this in the book When Work Disappears.
Interesting poll indicates that the majority of people feel their ethnicity/race is discrimminated against - including whites: Majority Of White Americans Say They Believe Whites Face Discrimination.

As a white female....I've never encountered discrimination. :dunno:
Ever seen the staffing at those posh, do-nothing government services,? Like say... The DMV, or TSA for instance?
yes--blacks make up over 20% of federal workers --while graduating at lower levels
you don't get it?
these are good jobs--GREAT jobs
my dad was a federal worker
they can screw up-, they can slack around-and the US government is in HUGE debt--but they hardly ever get laid off
my dad would tell me stories of how lazy some of the workers were

blacks only make up 12.6% of the population--get it now?

where as companies that actually are making money, sometimes lay off workers--government workers are hardly ever laid off compared to the private sector
I was looking at some state workers retiring--30 years and 20 years....5 or six of them at once for just one department--great jobs
we had MANY lay offs at my work--no ,not just some people--many times with many people--and we were making a profit...some got laid off because the company was sold--this is a not-uncommon aspect of selling companies
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Interesting poll indicates that the majority of people feel their ethnicity/race is discrimminated against - including whites: Majority Of White Americans Say They Believe Whites Face Discrimination.

As a white female....I've never encountered discrimination. :dunno:
Ever seen the staffing at those posh, do-nothing government services,? Like say... The DMV, or TSA for instance?
yes--blacks make up over 20% of federal workers --while graduating at lower levels
we also had a car manufacturing company here..those are some of the best jobs and blacks were over represented on the work force .....
ever look at some of these big, nice companies' manifestos/etc? ...they have a diversity section/etc
Interesting poll indicates that the majority of people feel their ethnicity/race is discrimminated against - including whites: Majority Of White Americans Say They Believe Whites Face Discrimination.

As a white female....I've never encountered discrimination. :dunno:
Ever seen the staffing at those posh, do-nothing government services,? Like say... The DMV, or TSA for instance?
yes--blacks make up over 20% of federal workers --while graduating at lower levels
'''African-Americans make up about 20 percent of U.S. Postal Service workers—and are the majority in some urban centers'''
U.S. Post Office Cuts Threaten Source of Black Jobs - American Renaissance
USPO--great jobs/benefits/PENSION!
and they are getting paid to work on Saturdays--when much of what they deliver is JUNK
Spoiled. While some people claim they want to be treated "equally", they really do not. They want special advantages and special privileges, whatever their reasoning might be. Maybe they are black, maybe they are gay, maybe they are poor, maybe even rich. Some people think their lives are SOOOO bad without giving a thought to how bad the next person might have it. So? You were discriminated against? Big fucking deal. You are alive and there are PLENTY of opportunities for you out there. Do you want people who are assholes and do think less of you because of your skin color to just LIE to you? Would that make you feel better? Would you rather not know who these people are? You are not going to eradicate discrimination because some people are assholes, always have been, always will be, and there's not much you can do about it.

How is wanting to not be refused housing because of your sexual orientation asking for special privileges?

People are refused housing for all kinds of reasons. It's the landlord's discretion, and especially if the landlord lives in the building will they be picky about potential tenants. To use THAT as an example when we know that just as many if not more people are probably turned away for OTHER reasons is silly to say the least.
So asking to be treated the same as white heterosexuals is demanding extra privileges? :dunno:
Is anyone actually asking that, or is that what you WANT them to ask?
Spoiled. While some people claim they want to be treated "equally", they really do not. They want special advantages and special privileges, whatever their reasoning might be. Maybe they are black, maybe they are gay, maybe they are poor, maybe even rich. Some people think their lives are SOOOO bad without giving a thought to how bad the next person might have it. So? You were discriminated against? Big fucking deal. You are alive and there are PLENTY of opportunities for you out there. Do you want people who are assholes and do think less of you because of your skin color to just LIE to you? Would that make you feel better? Would you rather not know who these people are? You are not going to eradicate discrimination because some people are assholes, always have been, always will be, and there's not much you can do about it.

How is wanting to not be refused housing because of your sexual orientation asking for special privileges?

People are refused housing for all kinds of reasons. It's the landlord's discretion, and especially if the landlord lives in the building will they be picky about potential tenants. To use THAT as an example when we know that just as many if not more people are probably turned away for OTHER reasons is silly to say the least.
So asking to be treated the same as white heterosexuals is demanding extra privileges? :dunno:
Is anyone actually asking that, or is that what you WANT them to ask?

I wonder if she thinks that there are no white homosexuals or something? I have no idea what she is whining about. Discriminated against is pretty general. People can be "discriminated" against for all kinds of reasons.

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