How are white people discrimminated against?

Interesting poll indicates that the majority of people feel their ethnicity/race is discrimminated against - including whites: Majority Of White Americans Say They Believe Whites Face Discrimination.

As a white female....I've never encountered discrimination. :dunno:

That does not mean discrimination against whites does not exist.

No one said it didn't. But the poll was interesting in that many felt it occurred but couldn't provide a specific instance of it.

You would need, for example, access to all college applications to prove it.
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  • #62
It would be discrimination if t hat was happening. But since its not then this is he ratings of a loon.
You're a liar.

It happens in ever school across the nation. It happens in every state office. They specifically scout minorities, and minorities are given preference. They say they give them preference in their job announcements.

Colleges and Indian reservations use a point system that gives job applicants and students more points for being a particular race.

The confusion people have about schools is that everything is based (or should be based) on grades. It's not and never has been. It's not racism - it's what the school values in it's student body. There's nothing wrong with valuing diversity. Or writing skills in the essays they have to present. Or how well they interview in person. Or how well their research interests fit with the faculty.

The real question is, why is having more black people seen as "diversity"? I thought we aren't so different. What happened to the "we're all equal", "skin color ain't no thing" narrative? I mean, either we aren't intrinsically and significantly different or we are. You can't have it both ways.

Diversity means many different things. Race, economic background, gender, ethnic background, religion. Does it bother you? We aren't all the same. We come from a variety of backgrounds and experiences.

All that shit is superfluous.

To me, diversity is opinion. I don't give a fuck what your religion is. Give me your ideas. Then we'll find out how much diversity there really is.

It's not an opinion. We aren't all the same. That shouldn't be confused with equality however.
Interesting poll indicates that the majority of people feel their ethnicity/race is discrimminated against - including whites: Majority Of White Americans Say They Believe Whites Face Discrimination.

As a white female....I've never encountered discrimination. :dunno:

That does not mean discrimination against whites does not exist.

No one said it didn't. But the poll was interesting in that many felt it occurred but couldn't provide a specific instance of it.

Or they do and you discount them. :D Lol.
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  • #64
Interesting poll indicates that the majority of people feel their ethnicity/race is discrimminated against - including whites: Majority Of White Americans Say They Believe Whites Face Discrimination.

As a white female....I've never encountered discrimination. :dunno:

That does not mean discrimination against whites does not exist.

No one said it didn't. But the poll was interesting in that many felt it occurred but couldn't provide a specific instance of it.

Or they do and you discount them. :D Lol.

I haven't discounted anything. I'm going by what the article said and what the people interviewed said.
Interesting poll indicates that the majority of people feel their ethnicity/race is discrimminated against - including whites: Majority Of White Americans Say They Believe Whites Face Discrimination.

As a white female....I've never encountered discrimination. :dunno:

That does not mean discrimination against whites does not exist.

No one said it didn't. But the poll was interesting in that many felt it occurred but couldn't provide a specific instance of it.

If you can provide a specific instance, you would be independently wealthy from the sttlement and not bothering with posting on USMB.
Personally, I've not felt discriminated against for being white at any point in my life. The worse I've had to endure were some "white boy" jokes.

But I know a white kid who went to a black school who DEFINITELY experienced some discrimination against him. As in, physical assaults and slurs for being white. And no one took his complaints seriously because, "lul, you're white kid; check your privilege and stfu". That's really the problem with the whole white privilege narrative; it's basically just a more subtle way to tell people to shut the fuck up.

If someone's gonna say some ignorant shit, let them open their mouths and show everyone what they're made of. Telling people, "Lol, you're white and privileged, you don't get a seat at the table bruh" is just asking to lose out on valuable insight.

I think that when whites find themselves in a situation where they are a minority, perhaps they need to understand the history of race relations before they start talking about how some white kid who went to a mostly black school was discriminated against. Because the first thing you need to ask is why is this school so disproportionately represented. And then you do the same for the suburbs and start citing examples of where the only black kid in an all white school gets discriminated against in a real way by teachers, administration, staff and students. A racial slur is not discrimination Denying opportunity or grades would be. It kinda helps to know exactly what discrimination is before you make a claim of it against anyone. White privilege thing is real. It allows whites to think they are being discriminated against with no proof and actually have discussions and articles written that defends such a claim. If blacks were getting 70 percent of the jobs, owned the most property, ran the most businesses, got most of the college admissions and generally had 15 times the wealth of whites, we would not be taken seriously if we claimed we were being discriminated against.

Time to go back to the world series.
You're a liar.

It happens in ever school across the nation. It happens in every state office. They specifically scout minorities, and minorities are given preference. They say they give them preference in their job announcements.

Colleges and Indian reservations use a point system that gives job applicants and students more points for being a particular race.

The confusion people have about schools is that everything is based (or should be based) on grades. It's not and never has been. It's not racism - it's what the school values in it's student body. There's nothing wrong with valuing diversity. Or writing skills in the essays they have to present. Or how well they interview in person. Or how well their research interests fit with the faculty.

The real question is, why is having more black people seen as "diversity"? I thought we aren't so different. What happened to the "we're all equal", "skin color ain't no thing" narrative? I mean, either we aren't intrinsically and significantly different or we are. You can't have it both ways.

Diversity means many different things. Race, economic background, gender, ethnic background, religion. Does it bother you? We aren't all the same. We come from a variety of backgrounds and experiences.

All that shit is superfluous.

To me, diversity is opinion. I don't give a fuck what your religion is. Give me your ideas. Then we'll find out how much diversity there really is.

It's not an opinion. We aren't all the same. That shouldn't be confused with equality however.

"Not the same" is actually the definition of unequal.
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  • #69
Interesting poll indicates that the majority of people feel their ethnicity/race is discrimminated against - including whites: Majority Of White Americans Say They Believe Whites Face Discrimination.

As a white female....I've never encountered discrimination. :dunno:

That does not mean discrimination against whites does not exist.

No one said it didn't. But the poll was interesting in that many felt it occurred but couldn't provide a specific instance of it.

If you can provide a specific instance, you would be independently wealthy from the sttlement and not bothering with posting on USMB.

Not sure what you are going on about.

I'm only going by what the article said based on their interviews with people.
I'm discriminated against all the time because I am short. It is a tall people's world. I demand that the world accommodate me for my "short" comings. :D

Personally, I've not felt discriminated against for being white at any point in my life. The worse I've had to endure were some "white boy" jokes.

But I know a white kid who went to a black school who DEFINITELY experienced some discrimination against him. As in, physical assaults and slurs for being white. And no one took his complaints seriously because, "lul, you're white kid; check your privilege and stfu". That's really the problem with the whole white privilege narrative; it's basically just a more subtle way to tell people to shut the fuck up.

If someone's gonna say some ignorant shit, let them open their mouths and show everyone what they're made of. Telling people, "Lol, you're white and privileged, you don't get a seat at the table bruh" is just asking to lose out on valuable insight.

I think that when whites find themselves in a situation where they are a minority, perhaps they need to understand the history of race relations before they start talking about how some white kid who went to a mostly black school was discriminated against. Because the first thing you need to ask is why is this school so disproportionately represented. And then you do the same for the suburbs and start citing examples of where the only black kid in an all white school gets discriminated against in a real way by teachers, administration, staff and students. A racial slur is not discrimination Denying opportunity or grades would be. It kinda helps to know exactly what discrimination is before you make a claim of it against anyone. White privilege thing is real. It allows whites to think they are being discriminated against with no proof and actually have discussions and articles written that defends such a claim. If blacks were getting 70 percent of the jobs, owned the most property, ran the most businesses, got most of the college admissions and generally had 15 times the wealth of whites, we would not be taken seriously if we claimed we were being discriminated against.

Time to go back to the world series.

Wait, so you think being jumped and having racial slurs screamed at you is not discrimination? Some hella crazy drugs you're on my guy.
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  • #73
The confusion people have about schools is that everything is based (or should be based) on grades. It's not and never has been. It's not racism - it's what the school values in it's student body. There's nothing wrong with valuing diversity. Or writing skills in the essays they have to present. Or how well they interview in person. Or how well their research interests fit with the faculty.

The real question is, why is having more black people seen as "diversity"? I thought we aren't so different. What happened to the "we're all equal", "skin color ain't no thing" narrative? I mean, either we aren't intrinsically and significantly different or we are. You can't have it both ways.

Diversity means many different things. Race, economic background, gender, ethnic background, religion. Does it bother you? We aren't all the same. We come from a variety of backgrounds and experiences.

All that shit is superfluous.

To me, diversity is opinion. I don't give a fuck what your religion is. Give me your ideas. Then we'll find out how much diversity there really is.

It's not an opinion. We aren't all the same. That shouldn't be confused with equality however.

"Not the same" is actually the definition of unequal.

No. It isn't.

Is a man with red hair equal to a man with yellow hair?
The real question is, why is having more black people seen as "diversity"? I thought we aren't so different. What happened to the "we're all equal", "skin color ain't no thing" narrative? I mean, either we aren't intrinsically and significantly different or we are. You can't have it both ways.

Diversity means many different things. Race, economic background, gender, ethnic background, religion. Does it bother you? We aren't all the same. We come from a variety of backgrounds and experiences.

All that shit is superfluous.

To me, diversity is opinion. I don't give a fuck what your religion is. Give me your ideas. Then we'll find out how much diversity there really is.

It's not an opinion. We aren't all the same. That shouldn't be confused with equality however.

"Not the same" is actually the definition of unequal.

No. It isn't.

Is a man with red hair equal to a man with yellow hair?

Their hair isn't equal. The rest depends.
We aren't all the same. We come from a variety of backgrounds and experiences.

Indeed. What we need in this country is to concentrate resources on the best of backgrounds and experiences.

No we need to correct mistakes caused by people who believed only their race included the best of all backgrounds and experiences.
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  • #78
Diversity means many different things. Race, economic background, gender, ethnic background, religion. Does it bother you? We aren't all the same. We come from a variety of backgrounds and experiences.

All that shit is superfluous.

To me, diversity is opinion. I don't give a fuck what your religion is. Give me your ideas. Then we'll find out how much diversity there really is.

It's not an opinion. We aren't all the same. That shouldn't be confused with equality however.

"Not the same" is actually the definition of unequal.

No. It isn't.

Is a man with red hair equal to a man with yellow hair?

Their hair isn't equal. The rest depends.

No. Their hair isn't the same.

Inequality implies better or worse - not just different.

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