How bad does a president have to be to get impeached?

Yeah, and while you are voting for Joe, know what the Atlanta Jewish Times said about Joe in 2012....

Atlanta Jewish newspaper calls for Obama assassination

""Give the go-ahead for U.S. based Mossad agents to take out a president deemed unfriendly to Israel in order for the current vice president to take his place and forcefully dictate that the United States' policy includes its helping the Jewish state obliterate its enemies."

In other words, if the Mossad did whack Obama, Biden would be "in on it" and use it to start more US wars over lies for the sole benefit of Israel....

Joe Biden - endorsed by the Atlanta Jewish Times.... just don't ask WHY....
Trump, HW, and Carter were the least corrupt.

W, Obama, and Clinton were the most....
Shakes head.... I was born in the first half of the last century and have been very politically aware since shaking Ikes hand at the Rockford airport when he flew in on his 1952 presidential stump speech. And I have NEVER seen a bigger bag of leftard fuckwads than what is running loose now. You digusting fucks ought to be ashamed, but then, you have none. :206:
How bad does a president have to be to get impeached?

According to tardentia, he can be the best president in this countries history and you wouldn't admit it or give him credit for anything cause he whipped your fucking floosy bitch canckles in a fair election and you are still whining over it. WAAAAAA-WA-WAAAAAAAAAAAA

Canckles. Queen dyke,[emoji1787].

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Trump and Pence are both illegitimate Russian puppets. Pence must never be allowed to pardon Trump.

You're a bot, aren't you? Never a complete thought. Like little sound bites spit out by a machine

Funny. At least I've read the Mueller report. Have you?

Mueller report - Department of Justice

All 400 pages? Absolutely not, I'm not going to punish myself with that. The pertinent parts, yes.
All 400 pages? Absolutely not, I'm not going to punish myself with that. The pertinent parts, yes.

That's right. It's far better to punish us with your admittedly ignorant drivel.
Trump's crimes are far worse than Nixon's.

Obama's crimes were far worse than Nixon's! Trump hasn't done Jack! Has he used the IRS against his political opponents? Barry did! Has he spied on his political opponents? Barry did! Has he wire tapped members of the press? Barry did!

Funny. If President Obama's so-called crimes were so bad - why didn't the Republican-controlled House and Senate do anything about it?
This was the question that Washington Post columnist and associate editor Eugene Robinson asked on MSNBC's Ari Melber show, The Beat, a few hours ago.

How much more does Trump have to do to warrant impeachment? Shoot someone on 5th Avenue?

What do you think?

Mueller Reiterates Investigation Didn’t Exonerate Trump, Hints At Impeachment

Mueller report - Department of Justice
Democrats are lining up to admit this is the only way they have a chance in 2020.

Well... To answer your question, a POTUS could perjur himself to deny his Sexual Harrassment victim from getting a fair trial, as an example...
Trump's crimes are far worse than Nixon's.

Obama's crimes were far worse than Nixon's! Trump hasn't done Jack! Has he used the IRS against his political opponents? Barry did! Has he spied on his political opponents? Barry did! Has he wire tapped members of the press? Barry did!

Funny. If President Obama's so-called crimes were so bad - why didn't the Republican-controlled House and Senate do anything about it?
To look at Obama wrong was a hate accusation in waiting.
If President Obama's so-called crimes were so bad - why didn't the Republican-controlled House and Senate do anything about it?

because the cowardly closeted compromised Cocksucker in Chief covered up the truth that ISRAEL did 911, and that is all the post 1998 GOP cares about....

and the number of times and various issues that could've been used to impeach is way larger than you know...

One question is.... why did the Cocksucker go "silent" on climate change from 2010 2012, a full two years?

Was it because the FBI told the Cocksucker that Co2 based climate change was a FRAUD, a prosecutable one??

Did the Cocksucker then cover that up, and that is one of the things he is really REALLY SCARED OF right now, that Trump is about to be proven RIGHT on the climate with the same truth that outs the Cocksucker as a TRAITOR???


The Silence of US President Obama on Climate Change-A Serious Ethical Lapse?

Will Obama address climate threat in State of the Union speech?

In his 2009 address, he spoke of the need to “save our planet from the ravages of climate change” through “legislation that places a market-based cap on carbon pollution and drives the production of more renewable energy in America.” As the climate bill stalled in the Senate that year, Obama went silent. “Thus far, he has neglected to use his bully pulpit to hammer a climate science message home, thereby helping to fuel skepticism about climate science and lend support to the building backlash against the policies he favors,” climate blogger Andrew Freedman wrote in Sept. 2009. After Obama made a major speech calling for health-care reform, climate hawks hoped he would explain to Americans the need for the climate bill held up in the Senate.

In the 2010 State of the Union, he said only he wanted to advance a “comprehensive climate and energy bill,” but then the White House avoided the subject.

I’m just not sure how you do a response to climate change if you can’t really say the words ‘climate change,'” wrote Ezra Klein in June 2010.
This was the question that Washington Post columnist and associate editor Eugene Robinson asked on MSNBC's Ari Melber show, The Beat, a few hours ago.

How much more does Trump have to do to warrant impeachment? Shoot someone on 5th Avenue?

What do you think?

Mueller Reiterates Investigation Didn’t Exonerate Trump, Hints At Impeachment

Mueller report - Department of Justice

This decision has to be made by the Speaker of the House, why hasn't she started the impeachment process?

You guys keep bitching about impeachment and the ball is in the Democrats court.
This was the question that Washington Post columnist and associate editor Eugene Robinson asked on MSNBC's Ari Melber show, The Beat, a few hours ago.
How much more does Trump have to do to warrant impeachment? Shoot someone on 5th Avenue?
You should ask the Democrats - they are hesitant, at best, to impeach him
And if Trump -isn't- impeached, you have only the Democrats to blame.
"Republicans" like Paul Ryan, Lindsay Graham, and the late John Sellout McAIPAC were all actively campaigning for HILLARY....

Trump's crimes are far worse than Nixon's.

Obama's crimes were far worse than Nixon's! Trump hasn't done Jack! Has he used the IRS against his political opponents? Barry did! Has he spied on his political opponents? Barry did! Has he wire tapped members of the press? Barry did!

Funny. If President Obama's so-called crimes were so bad - why didn't the Republican-controlled House and Senate do anything about it?
To look at Obama wrong was a hate accusation in waiting.

Are you suggesting that Republicans were "afraid" to impeach Obama? Funny...

This was the question that Washington Post columnist and associate editor Eugene Robinson asked on MSNBC's Ari Melber show, The Beat, a few hours ago.

How much more does Trump have to do to warrant impeachment? Shoot someone on 5th Avenue?

What do you think?
Hey dimwit tell us exactly what Trump has done to be impeached...exactly what and give us some criminal codes he has broken....we all want to know

Read volume 2 of the Mueller Report. Not a four page summary from Trump's lap dog. Read the report. Then make up your own mind. It takes intellectual effort to read, but try it.

They can read the whole report, it will not make any difference.

It's a waste of time to ask them to read it. If they actually understood it, they would say it's lies and dismiss it as irrelevant.

Just as they have done with Mueller's statement to the press yesterday.
A President who has the DOJ spy on political opponents should be impeached.

Just sayin'.
This was the question that Washington Post columnist and associate editor Eugene Robinson asked on MSNBC's Ari Melber show, The Beat, a few hours ago.

How much more does Trump have to do to warrant impeachment? Shoot someone on 5th Avenue?

What do you think?

Mueller Reiterates Investigation Didn’t Exonerate Trump, Hints At Impeachment

Mueller report - Department of Justice

Bad enough that the person leading the investigation of said president clearly indicates a crime committed. How about we start there? :

Mueller can indicate all he wants, but he needs sufficient evidence to prove beyond a reasonable doubt, that a crime was committed by Trump.

What Mueller failed to include in his hatchet job were probable legal defenses to the crime of attempted obstruction. Kind of like self defense is a defense to a charge of murder.

The prosecutor is required to prove each and every element of the criminal statute that he/she is charging. A defense to a single element is sufficient to nullify the presence of a crime.
This was the question that Washington Post columnist and associate editor Eugene Robinson asked on MSNBC's Ari Melber show, The Beat, a few hours ago.

How much more does Trump have to do to warrant impeachment? Shoot someone on 5th Avenue?

What do you think?

Mueller Reiterates Investigation Didn’t Exonerate Trump, Hints At Impeachment

Mueller report - Department of Justice

Bad enough that the person leading the investigation of said president clearly indicates a crime committed. How about we start there? :

Mueller can indicate all he wants, but he needs sufficient evidence to prove beyond a reasonable doubt, that a crime was committed by Trump.

What Mueller failed to include in his hatchet job were probable legal defenses to the crime of attempted obstruction. Kind of like self defense is a defense to a charge of murder.

The prosecutor is required to prove each and every element of the criminal statute that he/she is charging. A defense to a single element is sufficient to nullify the presence of a crime.

Why are you so uninformed? You neglected to mention that Barr has NOT released the complete unredacted Mueller report along with all the hundreds or thousands of pages of supporting evidence. Congress is still fighting to get this valuable information that Barr is withholding.

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