How bad does a president have to be to get impeached?

He has to commit an impeachable offense, and winning a presidential election is not an impeachable offense (as much as you might like it to be).

Is the Mueller Report too complicated for you?

We are still waiting for Mueller to openly state that Trump committed a crime, tell us what that crime, was, and publicly urge congress to impeach Trump for that crime.
Trump's crimes are far worse than Nixon's.
Well, let's see a list of those crimes and the evidence..

Go ahead, just launch your impeachment proceedings.

You have had The Mueller Report since March.

What are you dumb fucks waiting for?
how could mueller have cleared him on collusion conspiracy if he wasn't allowed to make a decision? he lied.
Yes, he did lie, and was allowed to lie because no one put him under oath.

My opinion is that he is covering up crimes he committed during The Investigation.

I think he is trying to avoid being subpoenaed and placed under oath.
the left will not bring him in either. In no way would they want the GOP to ask him any question. Not one. McConnell could bring him in. I'm up for that.
He has to commit an impeachable offense, and winning a presidential election is not an impeachable offense (as much as you might like it to be).

Is the Mueller Report too complicated for you?

We are still waiting for Mueller to openly state that Trump committed a crime, tell us what that crime, was, and publicly urge congress to impeach Trump for that crime.
exactly, where's that at? without it, officially trump is innocent.
Trump's crimes are far worse than Nixon's.
Well, let's see a list of those crimes and the evidence..

Go ahead, just launch your impeachment proceedings.

You have had The Mueller Report since March.

What are you dumb fucks waiting for?
how could mueller have cleared him on collusion conspiracy if he wasn't allowed to make a decision? he lied.
Yes, he did lie, and was allowed to lie because no one put him under oath.

My opinion is that he is covering up crimes he committed during The Investigation.

I think he is trying to avoid being subpoenaed and placed under oath.
the left will not bring him in either. In no way would they want the GOP to ask him any question. Not one. McConnell could bring him in. I'm up for that.
If The Shoot Themselves in The Foot Left, continues on with this nonsense, I see a Super Majority by 2020, and then I see Mueller getting subpoenaed to finally put The Hoax to bed as we wrap up Criminal Convictions and Prosecutions for The COUP Co-conspirators.
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Nixon was impeached for not being "pro Israel enough." Deep Throat and the whole WaPo crew were all Zionists.

The cowardly closeted compromised Cocksucker in Chief was not impeached for murder, treason, and massive kleptocracy.

His predecessor, W, waged war on the US and sold out our troops twice to suck up to the AIPAC lobby....
This was the question that Washington Post columnist and associate editor Eugene Robinson asked on MSNBC's Ari Melber show, The Beat, a few hours ago.

How much more does Trump have to do to warrant impeachment? Shoot someone on 5th Avenue?

What do you think?
Hey dimwit tell us exactly what Trump has done to be impeached...exactly what and give us some criminal codes he has broken....we all want to know

Read volume 2 of the Mueller Report. Not a four page summary from Trump's lap dog. Read the report. Then make up your own mind. It takes intellectual effort to read, but try it.
He has to commit an impeachable offense, and winning a presidential election is not an impeachable offense (as much as you might like it to be).

Is the Mueller Report too complicated for you?

We are still waiting for Mueller to openly state that Trump committed a crime, tell us what that crime, was, and publicly urge congress to impeach Trump for that crime.
exactly, where's that at? without it, officially trump is innocent.

Its nothing but a smear campaign. Just hint, infer, suggest that Trump committed a crime and should be impeached without ever stating what the crime was or actually impeaching him.
Can’t be charged. There is nothing to charge. No crime, assbags. When he wins again, you pussies will really lose it. Won’t that be fun. [emoji1787]

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This was the question that Washington Post columnist and associate editor Eugene Robinson asked on MSNBC's Ari Melber show, The Beat, a few hours ago.

How much more does Trump have to do to warrant impeachment? Shoot someone on 5th Avenue?

What do you think?

Mueller Reiterates Investigation Didn’t Exonerate Trump, Hints At Impeachment

Mueller report - Department of Justice

You need to show me a direct link to an actual crime. I need to see that Trump actually worked for Putin. I need to see that he actually had a real quid-pro-quo, if Trump does X, then Russia will give him a lucrative contract or something.

I need a real crime. A direct clear, documented crime. And I don't mean "Well I think he was trying to stop the investigation"..... no. I want the investigation found X.

If you showed me that he allowed Russia to stay in the Ukraine in exchange for drilling rights in the arctic.... Or something like that.... then I'm on the impeachment side of the argument.

But you have to show me a real crime. Not a "he was pissed off about being investigated when he did nothing wrong" crime.
This was the question that Washington Post columnist and associate editor Eugene Robinson asked on MSNBC's Ari Melber show, The Beat, a few hours ago.

How much more does Trump have to do to warrant impeachment? Shoot someone on 5th Avenue?

What do you think?

Mueller Reiterates Investigation Didn’t Exonerate Trump, Hints At Impeachment

Mueller report - Department of Justice

You need to show me a direct link to an actual crime. I need to see that Trump actually worked for Putin. I need to see that he actually had a real quid-pro-quo, if Trump does X, then Russia will give him a lucrative contract or something.

I need a real crime. A direct clear, documented crime. And I don't mean "Well I think he was trying to stop the investigation"..... no. I want the investigation found X.

If you showed me that he allowed Russia to stay in the Ukraine in exchange for drilling rights in the arctic.... Or something like that.... then I'm on the impeachment side of the argument.

But you have to show me a real crime. Not a "he was pissed off about being investigated when he did nothing wrong" crime.

1.) There was No Crime
2.) There was No Crime Scene
3.) There was No Evidence of a Crime.

The entire thing was based on a hoax created from a Political Smear Book Hillary Clinton and Barak Obama Purchased from Russian KGB Agents with Putin's Blessing.
Trump's crimes are far worse than Nixon's.

Obama's crimes were far worse than Nixon's! Trump hasn't done Jack! Has he used the IRS against his political opponents? Barry did! Has he spied on his political opponents? Barry did! Has he wire tapped members of the press? Barry did!
This was the question that Washington Post columnist and associate editor Eugene Robinson asked on MSNBC's Ari Melber show, The Beat, a few hours ago.

How much more does Trump have to do to warrant impeachment? Shoot someone on 5th Avenue?

What do you think?

Mueller Reiterates Investigation Didn’t Exonerate Trump, Hints At Impeachment

Mueller report - Department of Justice

Bad enough that the person leading the investigation of said president clearly indicates a crime committed. How about we start there? :

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