How Bad Is It Going To Get? How Long Do We Have?


Diamond Member
Jun 12, 2018
How many of you here on USMB have been asking yourselves the same two questions? I'm not interested in the specifics of your preparations for November 3rd and after. Please save the details of your plans for specific ears—ears you hope you can trust.

Well, my internet friends, it has been one hell of a long year to date, this 2020 AD of ours. A rollercoaster of a year for national tragedy, insanity and upheaval if ever there's been one. Suffice it to say we all know something momentous and not at all good is impeding like clouds looming on the horizon about to break the storm of ten centuries. So please, in your most descriptive and extensive wording (I love books), please chime in to let the rest of know how bad it is going to get for you and your fellow Americans, what exactly might happen on the run up to election day and beyond, and how long you think we have left until the proverbial shit hits the fan. Please keep in mind it's already hit the fan for millions of our fellow Americans, in the form of riots, lockdown genocide; wildfires and pandemic panic.

So what do I suspect might happen on the lead up to election day (3-NOVEMBER) and beyond? Please read on to find out . . .

Scenario 1# Trump Wins

**Allow me to preface this scenario with my suspicion new lockdowns will be slammed down on most of the country to prevent voting for President Trump (in person).

Okay, so here we go. Scenario One: Trump wins reelection. Trump wins or it looks damn inevitable like he's going to by, say, November 4-6th. I fully expect attempts on DJT's life to ramp up considerably. Either that or the media will claim 24/7 that both he and Pence were assassinated or died of COVID (one in the same, really). Right, so what would that mean for the average member of the Unwashed Masses such as me and you? Well, it could mean federal or national martial law. It could mean a mass conspiracy accusation by the media, indicting millions of rightwing Americans for the crime. I am thinking NRA, congregation and gun registration lists, person by person, rounded up.

Another eventuality I've been seriously considering is, again assuming Trump is far ahead in actual, real-life polls, the democrats, in collusion with the Chinese or rogue American Air Force generals, detonate a thermonuclear weapon in one or more major US urban population centers, and then blame it on the Trump administration, claiming 24/7 in the media that our President nuked our own country to prevent Biden winning the election.

So how does that play out for those of us who aren't directly inside the blast radius? Complete and total martial law lockdowns in just about every state, due to radiation fallout which could be claimed to be also super spreading COVID-19. Talk about Hell on Earth, right?

Another possibility? The governors of California, Oregon, Washington, Illinois and New York (to name a few) invite a Chinese invasion, claiming they require China's aid in removing Trump from the White House. This could also work out somewhat slightly differently with some of our serving flag rank military officers joining a Chinese invasion to remove Trump.

Fun, fun, eh?

Scenario #2 Biden Wins

Well . . . wouldn't that be something? A talking corpse in the White House? On one side of this scenario I could see Biden immediately dying (with Kamala taking over) and if not dying then moving almost overnight to impose nationwide lockdowns. When much of the nation, namely Red State populations refuse to comply, Biden and Harris or whoever call for millions of loyal rioters to sweep into urban centers and burn, burn, burn it all down. Of course, Biden could also try to deploy our regular military against the American people to make a national lockdown happen, or he could invite in Chinese and UN and possibly NATO forces to do his dirty work.

Picture the most hopeless to survive zombie apocalypse book or movie you've ever read, times ten, and replace zombies with cultist BLM/Antifa/NFAC rioters. Chilling, eh? Because some of them might be our own children.

Scenario #3 The Slow, Constricting Death

In Scenario #3 it doesn't really matter who wins the coming Presidential Election. What happens in this scenario is politicians on both sides of the political spectrum resort to using food and power rationing to squeeze us into compliance with COVID restrictions/vaccination or whatever, and in doing so cause mass famine and death on a scale never before witnessed—much like what Stalin did to the Ukrainians back in the day. In this scenario we (the American People) would be totally shit out of luck because we wouldn't know who to fight, who to support and we'd all be at each other's throats trying to feed out families. It'd be a stroke of genius, really—on the part of a government who wanted to implement entirely new forms of economy and social order.

Those are my doomsday scenarios. What do you think will happen in the coming weeks and months?
Are you serious? Do you really think there are people, besides me, here at USMB that are going to actually take the time to compose anything legible that renders their skeptical vision of the future dependent on the election of the almighty Presidency of the United States???
You have several thousand posts and you are . . . expecting serious replies from people who, for the most part, have difficulties reading over 100 words and replying using their spell checkers, much less, composing paragraphs and patience for writing complete descriptions.
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Regardless of who actually wins this election, the other side will howl and rant that the winning side cheated. Expect counting, recounting, and re-recounting to continue into the New Year simultaneous to numerous court challenges.
If President Trump wins his second term, we can expect to see significant escalation of the current domestic terrorism being perpetrated in several urban venues as well as its spread to suburban areas. Rural areas may be spared some of this violence but mostly because the inhabitants will take matters into their own hands and take up arms in their own defense.
If Biden wins, he might make it to his inauguration, maybe. After that, the selected colored woman will assume her role as figurehead puppet. Domestic terrorism will continue because they will not find immediate gratification of their demands. Biden's/Harris' regime will continue to be as ineffective as they have been their entire careers thus far.
Either way, the shooting has already started. How much more will be needed to settle this pending disaster remains to be seen. Some states will be better off because of the ideals and attitudes of the inhabitants, others will just devolve into total anarchist hells.
I think that doomsday prophecies should be reserved for the end of the century, when I assume the United States of America will finally implode.

But as far as November 3 is concerned, I am pretty sure of one thing: There will be massive looting. And the cops will stand down as they did a few months ago when young ladies & gentlemen were visiting stores after hours.

If Mr. Trump seems to be winning, the looters will say that they looted in order to show their grief.

If Mr. Biden seems to be winning, the looters will say that they looted in order to show their joy.
Are you serious? Do you really think there are people, besides me, here at USMB that are going to actually take the time to compose anything legible that renders their skeptical vision of the future dependent on the election of the almighty Presidency of the United States???
You have several thousand posts and you are . . . expecting serious replies from people who for the most part have difficulties reading over 100 words and writing sentences and using their spell checkers, much less paragraphs, and patience to compose complete descriptions.

I'm blessed with tragicomic optimism . . .
How many of you here on USMB have been asking yourselves the same two questions? I'm not interested in the specifics of your preparations for November 3rd and after. Please save the details of your plans for specific ears—ears you hope you can trust.

  1. Trump wins reelection. Democrats and Leftists go into all out mutiny and revolt. Crime, violence go through the roof as government order collapses. Eventual martial law to regain control.
  2. Trump dies and Pence takes over. Pence loses to Biden and democrats take over. See #3.
  3. Biden wins. In a short time it is obvious the man cannot continue. Forced to resign, Harris steps in, and the Democrats and Left go on an all out war on republicans, conservatives, Christians, guns, religion, capitalism, business, and the traditional family. Nation melts down into total civil disobedience. Eventual martial law to regain control.
BOTTOM LINE: the Left are a domestic threat which must either be eradicated through extreme measures or will destroy the nation driving all of us to a total collapse and loss of all freedoms!
I think that doomsday prophecies should be reserved for the end of the century, when I assume the United States of America will finally implode.

But as far as November 3 is concerned, I am pretty sure of one thing: There will be massive looting. And the cops will stand down as they did a few months ago when young ladies & gentlemen were visiting stores after hours.

If Mr. Trump seems to be winning, the looters will say that they looted in order to show their grief.

If Mr. Biden seems to be winning, the looters will say that they looted in order to show their joy.
It isn't looting, it's claiming reparations.
How many of you here on USMB have been asking yourselves the same two questions? I'm not interested in the specifics of your preparations for November 3rd and after. Please save the details of your plans for specific ears—ears you hope you can trust.

  1. Trump wins reelection. Democrats and Leftists go into all out mutiny and revolt. Crime, violence go through the roof as government order collapses. Eventual martial law to regain control.
  2. Trump dies and Pence takes over. Pence loses to Biden and democrats take over. See #3.
  3. Biden wins. In a short time it is obvious the man cannot continue. Forced to resign, Harris steps in, and the Democrats and Left go on an all out war on republicans, conservatives, Christians, guns, religion, capitalism, business, and the traditional family. Nation melts down into total civil disobedience. Eventual martial law to regain control.
BOTTOM LINE: the Left are a domestic threat which must either be eradicated through extreme measures or will destroy the nation driving all of us to a total collapse and loss of all freedoms!

Excellent. Thank you.
It's beyond my imagination...and I can imagine alot!

Try to form an image in your mind of a civil war with no battle lines.

It's not north Vs. south or black Vs.'s neighbor against against brother.

Something so bloody it can't possibly last long because there wont be anybody left to fight.

And if you thunk you're going to hide & wait it'll be hunted. You will fight or die. You wont have a choice in the matter.

That was my happy thought for the day :D
I think that doomsday prophecies should be reserved for the end of the century, when I assume the United States of America will finally implode.

But as far as November 3 is concerned, I am pretty sure of one thing: There will be massive looting. And the cops will stand down as they did a few months ago when young ladies & gentlemen were visiting stores after hours.

If Mr. Trump seems to be winning, the looters will say that they looted in order to show their grief.

If Mr. Biden seems to be winning, the looters will say that they looted in order to show their joy.
It isn't looting, it's claiming reparations.
How many of you here on USMB have been asking yourselves the same two questions? I'm not interested in the specifics of your preparations for November 3rd and after. Please save the details of your plans for specific ears—ears you hope you can trust.

Well, my internet friends, it has been one hell of a long year to date, this 2020 AD of ours. A rollercoaster of a year for national tragedy, insanity and upheaval if ever there's been one. Suffice it to say we all know something momentous and not at all good is impeding like clouds looming on the horizon about to break the storm of ten centuries. So please, in your most descriptive and extensive wording (I love books), please chime in to let the rest of know how bad it is going to get for you and your fellow Americans, what exactly might happen on the run up to election day and beyond, and how long you think we have left until the proverbial shit hits the fan. Please keep in mind it's already hit the fan for millions of our fellow Americans, in the form of riots, lockdown genocide; wildfires and pandemic panic.

So what do I suspect might happen on the lead up to election day (3-NOVEMBER) and beyond? Please read on to find out . . .

Scenario 1# Trump Wins

**Allow me to preface this scenario with my suspicion new lockdowns will be slammed down on most of the country to prevent voting for President Trump (in person).

Okay, so here we go. Scenario One: Trump wins reelection. Trump wins or it looks damn inevitable like he's going to by, say, November 4-6th. I fully expect attempts on DJT's life to ramp up considerably. Either that or the media will claim 24/7 that both he and Pence were assassinated or died of COVID (one in the same, really). Right, so what would that mean for the average member of the Unwashed Masses such as me and you? Well, it could mean federal or national martial law. It could mean a mass conspiracy accusation by the media, indicting millions of rightwing Americans for the crime. I am thinking NRA, congregation and gun registration lists, person by person, rounded up.

Another eventuality I've been seriously considering is, again assuming Trump is far ahead in actual, real-life polls, the democrats, in collusion with the Chinese or rogue American Air Force generals, detonate a thermonuclear weapon in one or more major US urban population centers, and then blame it on the Trump administration, claiming 24/7 in the media that our President nuked our own country to prevent Biden winning the election.

So how does that play out for those of us who aren't directly inside the blast radius? Complete and total martial law lockdowns in just about every state, due to radiation fallout which could be claimed to be also super spreading COVID-19. Talk about Hell on Earth, right?

Another possibility? The governors of California, Oregon, Washington, Illinois and New York (to name a few) invite a Chinese invasion, claiming they require China's aid in removing Trump from the White House. This could also work out somewhat slightly differently with some of our serving flag rank military officers joining a Chinese invasion to remove Trump.

Fun, fun, eh?

Scenario #2 Biden Wins

Well . . . wouldn't that be something? A talking corpse in the White House? On one side of this scenario I could see Biden immediately dying (with Kamala taking over) and if not dying then moving almost overnight to impose nationwide lockdowns. When much of the nation, namely Red State populations refuse to comply, Biden and Harris or whoever call for millions of loyal rioters to sweep into urban centers and burn, burn, burn it all down. Of course, Biden could also try to deploy our regular military against the American people to make a national lockdown happen, or he could invite in Chinese and UN and possibly NATO forces to do his dirty work.

Picture the most hopeless to survive zombie apocalypse book or movie you've ever read, times ten, and replace zombies with cultist BLM/Antifa/NFAC rioters. Chilling, eh? Because some of them might be our own children.

Scenario #3 The Slow, Constricting Death

In Scenario #3 it doesn't really matter who wins the coming Presidential Election. What happens in this scenario is politicians on both sides of the political spectrum resort to using food and power rationing to squeeze us into compliance with COVID restrictions/vaccination or whatever, and in doing so cause mass famine and death on a scale never before witnessed—much like what Stalin did to the Ukrainians back in the day. In this scenario we (the American People) would be totally shit out of luck because we wouldn't know who to fight, who to support and we'd all be at each other's throats trying to feed out families. It'd be a stroke of genius, really—on the part of a government who wanted to implement entirely new forms of economy and social order.

Those are my doomsday scenarios. What do you think will happen in the coming weeks and months?
I think I will keep saying prayers for the nation to keep President Trump safe from harm, immune to all evil that Nancy Pelosi throws at him. I will pray for the lives of America's unborn as a gift I ask the Lord every day, and that he will set the hearts of young American women to have and hold their own children in traditional families as possible. I ask Him also to take away the destruction of families by getting bad drugs off the streets, and to help us heal as a nation so we can get back to a land filled with compassion for all with a revival of brotherly love, which is I think the Pennsylvania state motto, "brotherly love." May we all work those two precious words back into American life because its message is a keeper in God's kingdom. :huddle:
Regardless of the outcome .....

I think it would be ill advised to stay in a Democrat run city and/or state at this point.

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