How can a school be so stupid?


Freelance Beer Tester
Nov 11, 2008
School Calls Dad to Complain About Absent Son Who Died on Field Trip

A grieving Brooklyn father whose son drowned during a field trip back in June is living with a constant reminder of his loss — because the teen's school won't stop calling to ask why the boy has been skipping class.

"I think, why are you calling, why are you telling me this," Jonas Pierre told the New York Daily News. "Don’t you know my son is dead?"

Jean Fritz Pierre passed away after a drowning accident while on a class trip to Bear Mountain State Park.

The 16-year-old was swimming with a friend in Hessian Lake — a body of water banned to swimmers that is also known as "Bloody Lake."

Park officials reportedly attempted to warn the students against swimming in the lake, and tried to call the teens out of the water, but Jean Fritz was soon pulled under and his lifeless body was found 50 minutes later.

Since that incident on June 24, Jonas says he receives regular calls from Prospect Heights' International High School complaining about his son's truancy.
School Calls Dad to Complain About Absent Son Who Died on Field Trip

A grieving Brooklyn father whose son drowned during a field trip back in June is living with a constant reminder of his loss — because the teen's school won't stop calling to ask why the boy has been skipping class.

"I think, why are you calling, why are you telling me this," Jonas Pierre told the New York Daily News. "Don’t you know my son is dead?"

Jean Fritz Pierre passed away after a drowning accident while on a class trip to Bear Mountain State Park.

The 16-year-old was swimming with a friend in Hessian Lake — a body of water banned to swimmers that is also known as "Bloody Lake."

Park officials reportedly attempted to warn the students against swimming in the lake, and tried to call the teens out of the water, but Jean Fritz was soon pulled under and his lifeless body was found 50 minutes later.

Since that incident on June 24, Jonas says he receives regular calls from Prospect Heights' International High School complaining about his son's truancy.

Buerecratic inertial. Someone has to approve taking the kid off the "call list" and that approval can take time. Its what you get from good old massive government.
Somebodies ass should be in a wringer over this. Some things need to be moved to the front of the priority list. This is one of them.

You will never be able to find the "one person" responsible for it, because the approval for things like this goes through a chain, and that chain is full of people who's only responsibility is to approve things on the chain, nothing more.
Oh dear why cant people be perfect!

I don't think it's about being perfect but you'd think the School whose field trip the son died on would make a conscience effort to show some respect and take him off the student enrollment so this shit doesn't happen. Geez when I was in HS and one of the students died the whole school went into mourning. Even if you didn't know the kid who died you still knew about it. Really there is no excuse especially when it was staff responsibility of supervision on a trip WHEN THE KID DIED SWIMMING IN A "BODY OF WATER BANNED TO SWIMMERS". Why not just beg for a law suit.
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School Calls Dad to Complain About Absent Son Who Died on Field Trip

A grieving Brooklyn father whose son drowned during a field trip back in June is living with a constant reminder of his loss — because the teen's school won't stop calling to ask why the boy has been skipping class.

"I think, why are you calling, why are you telling me this," Jonas Pierre told the New York Daily News. "Don’t you know my son is dead?"

Jean Fritz Pierre passed away after a drowning accident while on a class trip to Bear Mountain State Park.

The 16-year-old was swimming with a friend in Hessian Lake — a body of water banned to swimmers that is also known as "Bloody Lake."

Park officials reportedly attempted to warn the students against swimming in the lake, and tried to call the teens out of the water, but Jean Fritz was soon pulled under and his lifeless body was found 50 minutes later.

Since that incident on June 24, Jonas says he receives regular calls from Prospect Heights' International High School complaining about his son's truancy.

That's unbelieveably stupid of the school, somebody at the school needs to be bitch slapped into next week.
Somebodies ass should be in a wringer over this. Some things need to be moved to the front of the priority list. This is one of them.

You will never be able to find the "one person" responsible for it, because the approval for things like this goes through a chain, and that chain is full of people who's only responsibility is to approve things on the chain, nothing more.

Ultimately its one persons responsibility to make sure that the childs name is removed from whatever database they are using. Seeing that they are facing a lawsuit over his death makes the lack of attention to detail even more egregious. This will no doubt help his lawsuit if they can use this to prove incompetence on the part of school officials.
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Somebodies ass should be in a wringer over this. Some things need to be moved to the front of the priority list. This is one of them.

You will never be able to find the "one person" responsible for it, because the approval for things like this goes through a chain, and that chain is full of people who's only responsibility is to approve things on the chain, nothing more.

Ultimately its one persons responsibility to make sure that the childs name is removed from whatever database they are using. Seeing that they are facing a lawsuit over his death makes the lack of attention to detail even more egregious. This will no doubt help has lawsuit if they can use this to prove incompetence on the part of school officials.

He may have a lawsuit, but you will NEVER get a person from the BOE fired for something like this. The Union has too much sway.
You will never be able to find the "one person" responsible for it, because the approval for things like this goes through a chain, and that chain is full of people who's only responsibility is to approve things on the chain, nothing more.

Ultimately its one persons responsibility to make sure that the childs name is removed from whatever database they are using. Seeing that they are facing a lawsuit over his death makes the lack of attention to detail even more egregious. This will no doubt help has lawsuit if they can use this to prove incompetence on the part of school officials.

He may have a lawsuit, but you will NEVER get a person from the BOE fired for something like this. The Union has too much sway.

LOL. Thats probably true but they can get some kind of disciplinary action taken against them so they pay attention next time.
You will never be able to find the "one person" responsible for it, because the approval for things like this goes through a chain, and that chain is full of people who's only responsibility is to approve things on the chain, nothing more.

Ultimately its one persons responsibility to make sure that the childs name is removed from whatever database they are using. Seeing that they are facing a lawsuit over his death makes the lack of attention to detail even more egregious. This will no doubt help has lawsuit if they can use this to prove incompetence on the part of school officials.

He may have a lawsuit, but you will NEVER get a person from the BOE fired for something like this. The Union has too much sway.

Bloomberg dissolved the Board of Education a decade ago. It's the Department of Education now.
Ultimately its one persons responsibility to make sure that the childs name is removed from whatever database they are using. Seeing that they are facing a lawsuit over his death makes the lack of attention to detail even more egregious. This will no doubt help has lawsuit if they can use this to prove incompetence on the part of school officials.

He may have a lawsuit, but you will NEVER get a person from the BOE fired for something like this. The Union has too much sway.

Bloomberg dissolved the Board of Education a decade ago. It's the Department of Education now.

Old habits die hard. I still call NYHMC of Queens Booth, the RFK the Triboro and the Ed Koch Bridge the Queensboro or 59th street bridge.

It took me years to stop calling the Robinson the Interboro, not out of any racial animus, because I considered it a shame to name such a shitty road after such a good man.
He may have a lawsuit, but you will NEVER get a person from the BOE fired for something like this. The Union has too much sway.

Bloomberg dissolved the Board of Education a decade ago. It's the Department of Education now.

Old habits die hard. I still call NYHMC of Queens Booth, the RFK the Triboro and the Ed Koch Bridge the Queensboro or 59th street bridge.

It took me years to stop calling the Robinson the Interboro, not out of any racial animus, because I considered it a shame to name such a shitty road after such a good man.

I've been on that road and I agree with you.
He may have a lawsuit, but you will NEVER get a person from the BOE fired for something like this. The Union has too much sway.

Bloomberg dissolved the Board of Education a decade ago. It's the Department of Education now.

Old habits die hard. I still call NYHMC of Queens Booth, the RFK the Triboro and the Ed Koch Bridge the Queensboro or 59th street bridge.

It took me years to stop calling the Robinson the Interboro, not out of any racial animus, because I considered it a shame to name such a shitty road after such a good man.

Yeah, I still call the Triboro the Triboro, and I didn't even know that they re-named the Queensboro.
School Calls Dad to Complain About Absent Son Who Died on Field Trip

A grieving Brooklyn father whose son drowned during a field trip back in June is living with a constant reminder of his loss — because the teen's school won't stop calling to ask why the boy has been skipping class.

"I think, why are you calling, why are you telling me this," Jonas Pierre told the New York Daily News. "Don’t you know my son is dead?"

Jean Fritz Pierre passed away after a drowning accident while on a class trip to Bear Mountain State Park.

The 16-year-old was swimming with a friend in Hessian Lake — a body of water banned to swimmers that is also known as "Bloody Lake."

Park officials reportedly attempted to warn the students against swimming in the lake, and tried to call the teens out of the water, but Jean Fritz was soon pulled under and his lifeless body was found 50 minutes later.

Since that incident on June 24, Jonas says he receives regular calls from Prospect Heights' International High School complaining about his son's truancy.
There's no excuse for this over sight by the school. The school's attendance records are obviously done by computer. He's still listed as a student and when he is not marked as present, the computer automatically sends a notice home. The parent needs to contact the school and/or the school board and get them to take the child's name off their list of students. The school is obviously run by brain dead bureaucrats. When my dog died, every year I got a notice from a vet I'd taken her to for yearly shots. After two years, I finally wrote them a letter and told them to stop because she was dead and that their reminders were painful to me. They stopped. These people are jerks. They don't care about the pain they cause; they are only interested in getting a 'customer' to come back in and spend more money--even though the customer is dead.
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Its not just schools, its companies as well - how many widows get a bill from a company addresses to their dead husband? Too many.

I hope the father manages to make these morons stop their phone calls.
I keep getting calls about my time share, well, I don't have one and have told them 5 times now to stop calling, yet they call.
I keep getting calls about my time share, well, I don't have one and have told them 5 times now to stop calling, yet they call.

You've apparently never had a child die. Those calls from the school are very painful for the parents. It isn't just an annoyance, it is very, very painful.
I keep getting calls about my time share, well, I don't have one and have told them 5 times now to stop calling, yet they call.

You've apparently never had a child die. Those calls from the school are very painful for the parents. It isn't just an annoyance, it is very, very painful.

No, I am fortunate enough not to have lost any kids. If it did happen I'd be in the principals office with my attorney notifying them that if the calls did not stop I'd be suing the school district.

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