How can R-W'ers on here "spin" this......???

We have Trump first [paraphrased] stating that meddling in our election processes "could" have been done by Russia.....but it could have been done by china or some 400 pounds kid in his mother's basement"....

....Then, "......well not 17 US intelligence agencies state tat Russia meddled, but only 3 or 4 of them...."

Finally, "........Why didn't Obama do MORE to stop Russian meddling in our elections???"

(If you head spins a bit over the above.....REMEMBER, it was YOU who voted for this clown.)

Why was the DNC server not secured? Is that Putin's fault too?
We have Trump first [paraphrased] stating that meddling in our election processes "could" have been done by Russia.....but it could have been done by china or some 400 pounds kid in his mother's basement"....

....Then, "......well not 17 US intelligence agencies state tat Russia meddled, but only 3 or 4 of them...."

Finally, "........Why didn't Obama do MORE to stop Russian meddling in our elections???"

(If you head spins a bit over the above.....REMEMBER, it was YOU who voted for this clown.)

We have Trump first [paraphrased] stating that meddling in our election processes "could" have been done by Russia.....but it could have been done by china or some 400 pounds kid in his mother's basement"....

....Then, "......well not 17 US intelligence agencies state tat Russia meddled, but only 3 or 4 of them...."

Finally, "........Why didn't Obama do MORE to stop Russian meddling in our elections???"

(If you head spins a bit over the above.....REMEMBER, it was YOU who voted for this clown.)

THANKS for the bump, harry....and for your "brilliant" contribution to the thread...LOL
We have Trump first [paraphrased] stating that meddling in our election processes "could" have been done by Russia.....but it could have been done by china or some 400 pounds kid in his mother's basement"....

....Then, "......well not 17 US intelligence agencies state tat Russia meddled, but only 3 or 4 of them...."

Finally, "........Why didn't Obama do MORE to stop Russian meddling in our elections???"

(If you head spins a bit over the above.....REMEMBER, it was YOU who voted for this clown.)
The NYT had to correct the lie about the 17 intel agencies.

Trump’s Deflections and Denials on Russia Frustrate Even His Allies

Correction: June 29, 2017

A White House Memo article on Monday about President Trump’s deflections and denials about Russia referred incorrectly to the source of an intelligence assessment that said Russia orchestrated hacking attacks during last year’s presidential election. The assessment was made by four intelligence agencies — the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, the Central Intelligence Agency, the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the National Security Agency. The assessment was not approved by all 17 organizations in the American intelligence community

Well, good ol' right winger.....your orange hero just stated that it was probably just 3 or 4 and not 17........Does THAT really make you feel all tingly inside?....LOL
The New York Times said it was only 4 so President Trump was right. Can you admit that?
May I remind everyone, no government agency has ever, I repeat, ever looked at the DNC server, ground zero. none, zip, nada, it ceased to be scanned.
We have Trump first [paraphrased] stating that meddling in our election processes "could" have been done by Russia.....but it could have been done by china or some 400 pounds kid in his mother's basement"....

....Then, "......well not 17 US intelligence agencies state tat Russia meddled, but only 3 or 4 of them...."

Finally, "........Why didn't Obama do MORE to stop Russian meddling in our elections???"

(If you head spins a bit over the above.....REMEMBER, it was YOU who voted for this clown.)
/---- What did Pres Trump say that was incorrect? And please less insults and more facts. TIA
Why was the DNC server not secured? Is that Putin's fault too?

the question that MAY also arise is this: How do you know that the RNC's server was NOT also hacked........but the silence on that possibility may be that Putin DID get his stooge elected (and now, totally open to blackmail...) Just a suggestion.
We have Trump first [paraphrased] stating that meddling in our election processes "could" have been done by Russia.....but it could have been done by china or some 400 pounds kid in his mother's basement"....

....Then, "......well not 17 US intelligence agencies state tat Russia meddled, but only 3 or 4 of them...."

Finally, "........Why didn't Obama do MORE to stop Russian meddling in our elections???"

(If you head spins a bit over the above.....REMEMBER, it was YOU who voted for this clown.)

Please make sense so that I can respond.

Just an FYI, Russia/USSR has been poking our election process since the post-WWII era. It's not really news.
TRUMP: Well I think it was Russia, and I think it could have been other people in other countries. It could have been a lot of people interfered. I’ve said it very simply. I think it could very well have been Russia, but I think it could well have been other countries. And I won't be specific, but I think a lot of people interfere. I think it's been happening for a long time. It's been happening for many, many years. Now, the thing I have to mention is that Barack Obama, when he was president, found out about this in terms of if it were Russia — found out about it in August. Now the election was in November. That’s a lot of time. He did nothing about it. Why did he do nothing about it? He was told it was Russia by the CIA, as I understand it — it was well-reported — and he did nothing about it. They say he choked.Well, I don't think he choked. I think what happened is he thought Hillary Clinton was going to win the election, and he said let's not do anything about it. Had he thought the other way, he would have done something about it. So he was told in early August, presumably by the CIA, that Russia was trying to get involved or meddling pretty strongly with the election. He did nothing about it. The reason is he thought Hillary was going to win. And if he thought I was going to win, he would have done plenty about it. So that’s the real question, is why did he do nothing from August all the way until November 8. Why did he do nothing? His people said he choked. I don’t think he choked. …

QUESTION: So the follow-up’s again for you on that, Mr. President. You again say you think it was Russia. Your intelligence agencies have been far more definitive; they say it was Russia. Why won’t you agree with them and say it was?

TRUMP: Well, I’ll tell you — let me just start off by saying, I heard it was 17 agencies. I said, boy, that’s a lot. Do we even have that many intelligence agencies. Right? Let’s check it. And we did some very heavy research. It turned out to be three our four — it wasn’t 17 — and many of your compatriots had to change their reporting and they had to apologize and they had to correct. Now, with that being said, mistakes have been made. I agree: I think it was Russia, but I think it was probably other people and/or countries, and I see nothing wrong with that statement. Nobody really knows. Nobody really knows for sure. I remember when I was sitting back listening about Iraq — weapons of mass destruction, how everybody was 100 percent sure that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction. Guess what? That led to one big mess. They were wrong, and it led to a mess. So it was Russia, and I think it was probably others also. And that’s been going on for a long period of time. But my big question is why did Obama do nothing about it from August all the way to November 8. He did nothing about it, and it wasn’t because he choked.
/---- What did Pres Trump say that was incorrect? And please less insults and more facts. TIA

Simple......How can Trump blame Obama for NOT doing something about the meddling.....if Trump ALSO states that no meddling occurred??............LOL
Why was the DNC server not secured? Is that Putin's fault too?

the question that MAY also arise is this: How do you know that the RNC's server was NOT also hacked........but the silence on that possibility may be that Putin DID get his stooge elected (and now, totally open to blackmail...) Just a suggestion.

Because Comey said so.

FBI's Comey: Republicans also hacked by Russia -

Comey said there was no sign "that the Trump campaign or the current RNC was successfully hacked."
Why was the DNC server not secured? Is that Putin's fault too?

the question that MAY also arise is this: How do you know that the RNC's server was NOT also hacked........but the silence on that possibility may be that Putin DID get his stooge elected (and now, totally open to blackmail...) Just a suggestion.
you're not serious right?
/---- What did Pres Trump say that was incorrect? And please less insults and more facts. TIA

Simple......How can Trump blame Obama for NOT doing something about the meddling.....if Trump ALSO states that no meddling occurred??............LOL
/---- Your quote is inaccurate (as usual) This is an exact quote as reported by AP: President Donald Trump, during a visit to Poland, said he believes Russia may have interfered with the US election, along with other countries. He also said former President Obama knew about it months in advance, and did nothing about it. (July 6) AP
So your attempt to twist and distort Pres Trump to make him out as a liar and foll FAILS AGAIN.
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