How can R-W'ers on here "spin" this......???

"have someone change your diapers and take a nap......"

Piss poor attempt at deflection.

President Trump is mocking you, mocking your lies, mocking your double standards and hypocrisy. Did 17 intelligence agencies agree Russia meddled in the election, no not even close to the truth. If Russia meddled to the degree you leftwits say they did why didn't Obama stop them? Finally Trump is mocking the left for being stupid morons on security allowing their systems to be hacked in the first place, using private home email servers for government business, your average 15 year old will tell you that's dumb as shit.
There's also another very possible more clandestine scenario in Hillary's case regarding her open email server that was reportedly hacked by at least 5 foreign countries. But to see the possibility of what I'm about to say, one should first look at this;

How Clinton Donor Got on Sensitive Intelligence Board
Cash Flowed to Clinton Foundation Amid Russian Uranium Deal

Knowing the above two links are true, why would it be a stretch to imagine Hillary might have actually cut a deal with a foreign government or many for that matter saying she couldn't just come out and tell them top secret information but would agree to set up a server in her home so she could leak the info that way? All in exchange for mega donations to her bogus foundation of course. Then if caught she could just play the stupidity card which is exactly what she did but only after she was caught lying about it.
Let me help you out. Hillary lost because she was a terrible candidate and her campaign was misguided. Russia played no part in her crushing loss. Keep repeating that to yourself until it sinks in. Then you will be cured of Russian Interference Fantasy. could anyone dispute such an erudite and proof-backed explanation.....You're a fucking genius.......(what an asshole......LOL)

(are you related to MissouriMike.......)
No relation. I am neither a genius nor an asshole. You however are deluded and far too emotional about your hatred of Trump.
My god, the man is an international embarrassment!

Trump heads to foreign soil, promptly bashes two ex-presidents and his own intelligence community

Imagine if Duda came here and suggested Polish intelligence was flawed and unreliable, or if British Prime Minister Theresa May visited and talked about David Cameron's biggest failures as leader of that country. Trump basically did all of that Thursday.

We have a real American President who is tough and opinionated and that hurts people's sensitive feelings.

Wah wah wahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
We have a fake apprentice President who is the dumbest and most inept person to ever hold the office.
We have Trump first [paraphrased] stating that meddling in our election processes "could" have been done by Russia.....but it could have been done by china or some 400 pounds kid in his mother's basement"....

....Then, "......well not 17 US intelligence agencies state tat Russia meddled, but only 3 or 4 of them...."

Finally, "........Why didn't Obama do MORE to stop Russian meddling in our elections???"

(If you head spins a bit over the above.....REMEMBER, it was YOU who voted for this clown.)
The orange anus said today it was " probably Russia but it could have been someone else."
Ha ha ha ha ha.
None of our intelligence agencies ever said anything about " someone else."
This coming from a guy who doesn't even attend many intelligence briefs but he thinks he knows best.
Orange anus is too kind of a name for him.
We have Trump first [paraphrased] stating that meddling in our election processes "could" have been done by Russia.....but it could have been done by china or some 400 pounds kid in his mother's basement".... FACT

....Then, "......well not 17 US intelligence agencies state tat Russia meddled, but only 3 or 4 of them...." FACT

Finally, "........Why didn't Obama do MORE to stop Russian meddling in our elections???" FACT

(If you head spins a bit over the above.....REMEMBER, it was YOU who voted for this clown.) What the fuck OP? You didn't even make a point. I want you to read this: At What Age Is The Brain Fully Developed?
It only took Trump eight days to achieve majority negative approval ratings, smashing the previous record.

This guy is the best at EVERYTHING!
We have Trump first [paraphrased] stating that meddling in our election processes "could" have been done by Russia.....but it could have been done by china or some 400 pounds kid in his mother's basement"....

....Then, "......well not 17 US intelligence agencies state tat Russia meddled, but only 3 or 4 of them...."

Finally, "........Why didn't Obama do MORE to stop Russian meddling in our elections???"

(If you head spins a bit over the above.....REMEMBER, it was YOU who voted for this clown.)

Why didn't Obama and leadership in DC do more to prevent Russia involvement?

Also let get something straight the argument is about fake news and if it influenced anyone and not vote tampering, so the bigger question should be is how stupid is the American voter if they were sucker by Russian fake news?
Also let get something straight the argument is about fake news and if it influenced anyone and not vote tampering, so the bigger question should be is how stupid is the American voter if they were sucker by Russian fake news?

You can best get an answer to the above question if you ask voters in WVA, KY, MS, AL, SC and, of course, TX.
Also let get something straight the argument is about fake news and if it influenced anyone and not vote tampering, so the bigger question should be is how stupid is the American voter if they were sucker by Russian fake news?

You can best get an answer to the above question if you ask voters in WVA, KY, MS, AL, SC and, of course, TX.

Well I guess Russia fake news did nothing for me seeing I voted for Johnson.

Also you should be asking how many of Sanders voters voted for Stein in states like Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania because that is where Hillary failed and then ask were those voters duped by fake Russian news or did they feel the Democratic Party selected the worst possible candidate?
Why didn't Obama and leadership in DC do more to prevent Russia involvement?

I'd agree NOT ENOUGH.........Obama was too damn soft on Putin for his own fear that any of his actions would be seen as anti-tump and pro-hillary....


Those closest to Obama defend the administration’s response to Russia’s meddling. They note that by August it was too late to prevent the transfer to WikiLeaks and other groups of the troves of emails that would spill out in the ensuing months. They believe that a series of warnings — including one that Obama delivered to Putin in September — prompted Moscow to abandon any plans of further aggression, such as sabotage of U.S. voting systems.
Why didn't Obama and leadership in DC do more to prevent Russia involvement?

I'd agree NOT ENOUGH.........Obama was too damn soft on Putin for his own fear that any of his actions would be seen as anti-tump and pro-hillary....


Those closest to Obama defend the administration’s response to Russia’s meddling. They note that by August it was too late to prevent the transfer to WikiLeaks and other groups of the troves of emails that would spill out in the ensuing months. They believe that a series of warnings — including one that Obama delivered to Putin in September — prompted Moscow to abandon any plans of further aggression, such as sabotage of U.S. voting systems.

All the hacking and Wikilinks did is show the reality that the Democratic Party was going to shove Hillary down the voter throat.

Hell I knew she was going to win the nomination when Biden did not run.

Now the question still remains did fake news sway those in Swing states?
Also you should be asking how many of Sanders voters voted for Stein in states like Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania because that is where Hillary failed and then ask were those voters duped by fake Russian news or did they feel the Democratic Party selected the worst possible candidate?

I agree....Hillary was a horrible candidate and I voted for her pinching my nose all the way.......HOWEVER, Trump was elected by MANY voters who actually opted to cast their ballot AGAINST their own best interests.
Now the question still remains did fake news sway those in Swing states?

probably not....BUT, the Trump lies (like the Mexican wall, the ACA repeal in a day, coal miners' jobs, etc.) certainly did.
Also you should be asking how many of Sanders voters voted for Stein in states like Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania because that is where Hillary failed and then ask were those voters duped by fake Russian news or did they feel the Democratic Party selected the worst possible candidate?

I agree....Hillary was a horrible candidate and I voted for her pinching my nose all the way.......HOWEVER, Trump was elected by MANY voters who actually opted to cast their ballot AGAINST their own best interests.

Here in Texas there was no way Clinton was going to win, but in swing states Stein hurt her too much.

Trump should have lost but he squeaked out in key states where Stein voters could have voted for Clinton and made sure Trump did not win but they did not do that...

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