How can there ever be peace here?

Everyone dances around the issues when it comes to Israel.
Indeed, political correctness and pandering to arabs has proliferated so that even courts sound like a palistanian ministry of agitprop.Of course! At the very best it is a disputed territory, like James Baker let that be known to Hoda Tawfik of the Al Ahram.That's what arabs do!Old habits, generously funded by the communist party of the happily dead Soviet Union, evidently die hard.Evidently Israel knows, Nobel prize winners, brains and all that.

Evidently Israel knows, Nobel prize winners, brains and all that.

Yeah right! Israel has one of the most powerful militaries in the world. Yet it has been battling Palestinian civilians for over 60 years and has not won yet.

Now that takes brains.:lol::lol::lol:
End the occupation and you end the battle.
If it were "legal", the ICJ wouldn't be doing stoopit dancing around the subject, of course:
  • The ICJ ruled that, it had jurisdiction over the case, but it involved only a dispute between Israel and the UN, rather than a dispute between Israel and palistanians.
  • The ICJ ruled that, provisions of the international law regarding israeli right of self-defense are inapplicable, since there is no state involved other than Israel.
  • The ICJ ruled that the West Bank is an occupied territory.
  • Thus, the ICJ holds that, there exists an armed conflict, and that territories are occupied territories of another state; and at the same time the ICJ asserts that, Israel has no right to defend itself, because there is no other state involved.
Oh c'mon, do you really expect people to believe in something so ridiculous as to "Israel does not have a right to defend itself".
We don't, but arabs do believe it! As well as they firmly believe that life's a game with a save-reload procedure! Funny shits!We're most sure arabs hate it, of course.
As much as I am disgusted with the way Israel gives a big FU to international law,
And rightfully so, of course.
even I believe they have a right to fire back at a rocket attack.
But not in that idiotically humane way, of course, wasting hours of flight time, maintenance, ammo, instead of building thousands of cheap dumb rockets and return the favor in the general direction of gazabad. That's proportional, indeed.
Ya know, if we sold them guidance systems and they only fired them at military targets, those rockets would be perfectly legal.

This whole thing becomes one big joke when people try to act like the "occupiers" are the victims and the "occupied", are the aggressors. The people who think that, can shove that position up their ass!
What is humane about punishing 1.5 million Gazan's with an economic blockade,
Looking at the pics of round, ample, aerodinamically cool shapes of the gazabad wimmins' behinds doesn't wake the images of somalian, zambian refugee camps up, of course. They're just having an occupation.
Indeed, political correctness and pandering to arabs has proliferated so that even courts sound like a palistanian ministry of agitprop.Of course! At the very best it is a disputed territory, like James Baker let that be known to Hoda Tawfik of the Al Ahram.That's what arabs do!Old habits, generously funded by the communist party of the happily dead Soviet Union, evidently die hard.Evidently Israel knows, Nobel prize winners, brains and all that.

Evidently Israel knows, Nobel prize winners, brains and all that.

Yeah right! Israel has one of the most powerful militaries in the world. Yet it has been battling Palestinian civilians for over 60 years and has not won yet.

Now that takes brains.:lol::lol::lol:
End the occupation and you end the battle.

There are way too many arabs who won't stop fighting until israel is destroyed.
Yeah right! Israel has one of the most powerful militaries in the world. Yet it has been battling Palestinian civilians for over 60 years and has not won yet.

Now that takes brains.:lol::lol::lol:
End the occupation and you end the battle.

There are way too many arabs who won't stop fighting until israel is destroyed.

If Israel ends its occupation there would be no more reason to fight.
Fuck Israel! They're lucky I'm not President. Because if I was, I'd tell that fuck-head Big Ben, if he doesn't end the occupation of Palestinian land:
  • That we will no longer protect them with our veto in the UNSC
  • I'm freezing all weapons shipments to Israel
  • I'm freezing all Israeli assets in US banks
  • I'm outlawing AIPAC
I'd also tell that war-mongering prick, he's got 90 days to get his ass out of the OPT, or I will submit a resolution to the UNSC, requesting authorization for member states to use "all necessary means" to drive the god-damn Israeli's back to Israel. Then I'd set up a DMZ along the Green Line and shoot any mother-fucker entering it from either side.

And I'd finish it by telling Benny, if he doesn't end that bogus blockade of Gaza immediately, I'm going to re-commission the USS Missouri and send it over there with humanitarian supplies and a big ass sign on the side that reads...
I provided this link yesterday , Mister Know-It-All, but as yet there has been no coherent reply. Most rachet mouths spew their unintelligible and uneducated garbage, then duck and run.This seems to be the usual procedure.
Benjamin Netanyahu - Home
I provided this link yesterday , Mister Know-It-All, but as yet there has been no coherent reply. Most rachet mouths spew their unintelligible and uneducated garbage, then duck and run.This seems to be the usual procedure.
Benjamin Netanyahu - Home
What exactly am I supposed to be responding to? Usually, you post a link to back up your claim. Well, what is your claim? I can't read your mind and my crystal ball is in the shop for a little hydro-cleaning. And I certainly have no intention of combing that website and trying guess what your argument is. First, you tell me, then will go from there.

BTW, if you're gonna start throwing labels out there, it would be nice if you explained the reasoning behind them. Because you're not making much sense. If my "rachet mouth spew" is "unintelligable", then how can you possibly determine it's "un-educated"? I mean, if you can't tell what you're reading, you certainly are unable to draw conclusions from that.

One last thing, I don't run from anything. I'll answer every question you ask.
End the occupation and you end the battle.

There are way too many arabs who won't stop fighting until israel is destroyed.

If Israel ends its occupation there would be no more reason to fight.
It certainly would take a lot of air out of the hostility bubble. And it would be a lot harder for the hardcore jihadists to recruit. Nobody likes living under the thumb of a foreign force making their lives a daily hell.

I mean, how would you react if Russia or China forced it's way into your neighborhood and set up checkpoints down the block, which resulted in a 5 minute walk to the liquour store taking over an hour and a half as you try to cross the street without getting shot.
I provided this link yesterday , Mister Know-It-All, but as yet there has been no coherent reply. Most rachet mouths spew their unintelligible and uneducated garbage, then duck and run.This seems to be the usual procedure.
Benjamin Netanyahu - Home
What exactly am I supposed to be responding to? Usually, you post a link to back up your claim. Well, what is your claim? I can't read your mind and my crystal ball is in the shop for a little hydro-cleaning. And I certainly have no intention of combing that website and trying guess what your argument is. First, you tell me, then will go from there.

BTW, if you're gonna start throwing labels out there, it would be nice if you explained the reasoning behind them. Because you're not making much sense. If my "rachet mouth spew" is "unintelligable", then how can you possibly determine it's "un-educated"? I mean, if you can't tell what you're reading, you certainly are unable to draw conclusions from that.

One last thing, I don't run from anything. I'll answer every question you ask.
Sent you the address to Bibi's website so you could tell him personally what you'd do if you were President. This is your big chance. Make your voice heard.
The first & only indigenous Palestinians WERE JEWS. And yes, it is their land.

If it were "legal", the ICJ wouldn't be doing stoopit dancing around the subject, of course:
  • The ICJ ruled that, it had jurisdiction over the case, but it involved only a dispute between Israel and the UN, rather than a dispute between Israel and palistanians.
  • The ICJ ruled that, provisions of the international law regarding israeli right of self-defense are inapplicable, since there is no state involved other than Israel.
  • The ICJ ruled that the West Bank is an occupied territory.
  • Thus, the ICJ holds that, there exists an armed conflict, and that territories are occupied territories of another state; and at the same time the ICJ asserts that, Israel has no right to defend itself, because there is no other state involved.
Oh c'mon, do you really expect people to believe in something so ridiculous as to "Israel does not have a right to defend itself". That's kind of a "universal principle", that everyone on the planet, has a right to defend themselves. Which happens to be codified in Article 51 of the UN Charter.

As much as I am disgusted with the way Israel gives a big FU to international law, even I believe they have a right to fire back at a rocket attack. Can you post a link that backs up that claim?

That's kind of a "universal principle", that everyone on the planet, has a right to defend themselves.

The Palestinians have the right to defend themselves. It is their country.
The first & only indigenous Palestinians WERE JEWS. And yes, it is their land.

Oh c'mon, do you really expect people to believe in something so ridiculous as to "Israel does not have a right to defend itself". That's kind of a "universal principle", that everyone on the planet, has a right to defend themselves. Which happens to be codified in Article 51 of the UN Charter.

As much as I am disgusted with the way Israel gives a big FU to international law, even I believe they have a right to fire back at a rocket attack. Can you post a link that backs up that claim?

That's kind of a "universal principle", that everyone on the planet, has a right to defend themselves.

The Palestinians have the right to defend themselves. It is their country.

Sure, there were Jews and a lot of other people too.

Just like after WWI. There were Jews and a lot of other People there.
The first & only indigenous Palestinians WERE JEWS. And yes, it is their land.

The Palestinians have the right to defend themselves. It is their country.

Sure, there were Jews and a lot of other people too.

Just like after WWI. There were Jews and a lot of other People there.
That is true. And they got along, for the most part, with their arab neighbors. That is until the zionists showed up a politicized the entire region.
I provided this link yesterday , Mister Know-It-All, but as yet there has been no coherent reply. Most rachet mouths spew their unintelligible and uneducated garbage, then duck and run.This seems to be the usual procedure.
Benjamin Netanyahu - Home
What exactly am I supposed to be responding to? Usually, you post a link to back up your claim. Well, what is your claim? I can't read your mind and my crystal ball is in the shop for a little hydro-cleaning. And I certainly have no intention of combing that website and trying guess what your argument is. First, you tell me, then will go from there.

BTW, if you're gonna start throwing labels out there, it would be nice if you explained the reasoning behind them. Because you're not making much sense. If my "rachet mouth spew" is "unintelligable", then how can you possibly determine it's "un-educated"? I mean, if you can't tell what you're reading, you certainly are unable to draw conclusions from that.

One last thing, I don't run from anything. I'll answer every question you ask.
Sent you the address to Bibi's website so you could tell him personally what you'd do if you were President. This is your big chance. Make your voice heard.
Well, I'm not President and it's not my place to threaten leaders of other country's. In fact, it's probably illegal. And besides, I don't give a fuck about that country! I'm not one of their citizens, so I have no intention of wasting my time trying to make their country better. I'm a citizen of this country and it is this one my efforts go to making it better.

Now, are you going to answer my question?
Okay. We agree there were Jews in Israel since antiquity. So tell us, where there Muslim Palestinians in Palestine since antiquity? Golly gee, is it actually possible the Palestinians are stealing Israel's land instead of the other way around? Lets figure this out. Which came first, Solomon's Temple or the Al Asqa Mosque?

The first & only indigenous Palestinians WERE JEWS. And yes, it is their land.

The Palestinians have the right to defend themselves. It is their country.

Sure, there were Jews and a lot of other people too.

Just like after WWI. There were Jews and a lot of other People there.
There are way too many arabs who won't stop fighting until israel is destroyed.

If Israel ends its occupation there would be no more reason to fight.
It certainly would take a lot of air out of the hostility bubble. And it would be a lot harder for the hardcore jihadists to recruit. Nobody likes living under the thumb of a foreign force making their lives a daily hell.

I mean, how would you react if Russia or China forced it's way into your neighborhood and set up checkpoints down the block, which resulted in a 5 minute walk to the liquour store taking over an hour and a half as you try to cross the street without getting shot.

I'd decide to stop supporting Palestinian Arab terrorists who seek to kill Israeli civilians. There were no checkpoints and no IDF presence in the West Bank during Oslo until the second intifada.
I provided this link yesterday , Mister Know-It-All, but as yet there has been no coherent reply. Most rachet mouths spew their unintelligible and uneducated garbage, then duck and run.This seems to be the usual procedure.
Benjamin Netanyahu - Home
What exactly am I supposed to be responding to? Usually, you post a link to back up your claim. Well, what is your claim? I can't read your mind and my crystal ball is in the shop for a little hydro-cleaning. And I certainly have no intention of combing that website and trying guess what your argument is. First, you tell me, then will go from there.

BTW, if you're gonna start throwing labels out there, it would be nice if you explained the reasoning behind them. Because you're not making much sense. If my "rachet mouth spew" is "unintelligable", then how can you possibly determine it's "un-educated"? I mean, if you can't tell what you're reading, you certainly are unable to draw conclusions from that.

One last thing, I don't run from anything. I'll answer every question you ask.
Sent you the address to Bibi's website so you could tell him personally what you'd do if you were President. This is your big chance. Make your voice heard.

I tried to talk to Nutandyahoo when he was on the Bill Bennet show.

He hung up on me.

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