How can there ever be peace here?

State-owned land in Israel is owned by Israel. State-owned land includes all land that was subject to the British Mandate prior to the foundation of the State of Israel and was requisitioned by the government subsequent to its establishment.

Some Palestinian leaders have claimed they would accept a two state final status solution, but only with conditions that would effectively destroy Israel as Jewish state, and other Palestinian leaders have emphatically opposed a two state final status solution. Until they can agree among themselves about what they want, there is no point talking about a two state solution.

The blockade of Gaza is in no sense a crime against humanity. It is a defensive measure intended to limit the number of crimes against humanity committed by the various Gaza terrorist gangs, Hamas, Islamic Jihad, etc. If the Gaza leaders want the blockade to end, all they have to do is give up trying to commit racist hate crimes against Jews.

...that is to the entire West Bank and that would mean that all land in Areas A and B, even in the center of Ramallah or Nablus or Jenin that is not privately owned is state land and as available to Israelis to build on...

"State lands" are owned by the Palestinians. That land was never ceded to Israel.

The mandate was an administrative position. It owned no land.

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P F Tinmore Rep Power: 0
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Eugene Rostow, Legal Scholar, Former Dean of the Yale Law School, Under Secretary of State in the Johnson administration, US State Dept Legal Advisor, Drafter of UN Res. 242 pertaining to Israeli land in the West Bank
The British Mandate recognized the right of the Jewish people to "close settlement" in the whole of the Mandated territory [Palestine]. The Jewish right of settlement in Palestine west of the Jordan river, that is, in Israel, the West Bank, Jerusalem, and the Gaza Strip, was made unassailable. That right has never been terminated and cannot be terminated except by a recognized peace between Israel and its neighbors. And perhaps not even then, in view of Article 80 of the U.N. Charter, "the Palestine article," which provides that "nothing in the Charter shall be construed ... to alter in any manner the rights whatsoever of any states or any peoples or the terms of existing international instruments...."

The mandate implicitly denies Arab claims to national political rights in the area in favor of the Jews; the mandated territory was in effect reserved to the Jewish people for their self-determination and political development, in acknowledgment of the historic connection of the Jewish people to the land. Lord Curzon, who was then the British Foreign Minister, made this reading of the mandate explicit. There remains simply the theory that the Arab inhabitants of the West Bank and the Gaza Strip have an inherent 'natural law' claim to the area. Neither customary international law nor the United Nations Charter acknowledges that every group of people claiming to be a nation has the right to a state of its own."
Resolved: are the settlements legal? Israeli West Bank policies
The Mandate is not relevant to the current situation since in concerns only the administration of the Protectorate and the Protectorate was dissolved by the Partition resolution in 1948. While both sides have claimed the other side is in violation of the Oslo Accords, it remains the only relevant document defining the relationship be Israel and the Palestinian Arabs. The PA government was created by Oslo, and if Oslo is no longer in force, the PA government no longer exists and since Israeli civil authority was restricted to Area C by Oslo, if it is no longer in force, Israeli civil authority applies equally to Areas A and B, that is to the entire West Bank and that would mean that all land in Areas A and B, even in the center of Ramallah or Nablus or Jenin that is not privately owned is state land and as available to Israelis to build on as it is to Palestinian Arabs. If Oslo no longer exists, the PA government no longer exists and it would fall to the Israeli Civil Administration to regulate education, media, commerce, etc. in all of the West Bank.
Since Israel is in breach of the Oslo Agreement, it cannot be enforced or considered law. And individual country's, cannot change the material substance of the Mandate that was voted into law by 51 nations that had legal control of that area at the time of the vote.

Some Palestinian leaders have claimed they would accept a two state final status solution, but only with conditions that would effectively destroy Israel as Jewish state, and other Palestinian leaders have emphatically opposed a two state final status solution. Until they can agree among themselves about what they want, there is no point talking about a two state solution.
Cut the crap! Either provide the link where they said this, or shut your fucking irresponsible mouth.

The blockade of Gaza is in no sense a crime against humanity.
I don't care how many dumbass excuses you make up, you cannot punish and entire population of people for crimes they didn't commit.

Collective punishments

Article 33. No protected person may be punished for an offense he or she has not personally committed. Collective penalties and likewise all measures of intimidation or of terrorism are prohibited.

Reprisals against protected persons and their property are prohibited.

Under the 1949 Geneva Conventions collective punishments are a war crime.
I might add, if you think it's okay to punish 1.5 million people for the actions of a few, you are one sick puppy!

It is a defensive measure intended to limit the number of crimes against humanity committed by the various Gaza terrorist gangs, Hamas, Islamic Jihad, etc. If the Gaza leaders want the blockade to end, all they have to do is give up trying to commit racist hate crimes against Jews.
They did! Israel broke the ceasefire with a raid into Gaza.
The Mandate is not relevant to the current situation since in concerns only the administration of the Protectorate and the Protectorate was dissolved by the Partition resolution in 1948. While both sides have claimed the other side is in violation of the Oslo Accords, it remains the only relevant document defining the relationship be Israel and the Palestinian Arabs. The PA government was created by Oslo, and if Oslo is no longer in force, the PA government no longer exists and since Israeli civil authority was restricted to Area C by Oslo, if it is no longer in force, Israeli civil authority applies equally to Areas A and B, that is to the entire West Bank and that would mean that all land in Areas A and B, even in the center of Ramallah or Nablus or Jenin that is not privately owned is state land and as available to Israelis to build on as it is to Palestinian Arabs. If Oslo no longer exists, the PA government no longer exists and it would fall to the Israeli Civil Administration to regulate education, media, commerce, etc. in all of the West Bank.
Since Israel is in breach of the Oslo Agreement, it cannot be enforced or considered law. And individual country's, cannot change the material substance of the Mandate that was voted into law by 51 nations that had legal control of that area at the time of the vote.

Some Palestinian leaders have claimed they would accept a two state final status solution, but only with conditions that would effectively destroy Israel as Jewish state, and other Palestinian leaders have emphatically opposed a two state final status solution. Until they can agree among themselves about what they want, there is no point talking about a two state solution.
Cut the crap! Either provide the link where they said this, or shut your fucking irresponsible mouth.

I don't care how many dumbass excuses you make up, you cannot punish and entire population of people for crimes they didn't commit.

Collective punishments

Article 33. No protected person may be punished for an offense he or she has not personally committed. Collective penalties and likewise all measures of intimidation or of terrorism are prohibited.

Reprisals against protected persons and their property are prohibited.

Under the 1949 Geneva Conventions collective punishments are a war crime.
I might add, if you think it's okay to punish 1.5 million people for the actions of a few, you are one sick puppy!

It is a defensive measure intended to limit the number of crimes against humanity committed by the various Gaza terrorist gangs, Hamas, Islamic Jihad, etc. If the Gaza leaders want the blockade to end, all they have to do is give up trying to commit racist hate crimes against Jews.
They did! Israel broke the ceasefire with a raid into Gaza.

The Egyptians and Pallies say the Pallies broke the ceasefire. But, you know better, stooge?

[ame=]Egypt Blames Hamas for War - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=]Mahmoud Abbas (Abu Mazen) blames Hamas for bloodshed. Dec. 28, 2008 - YouTube[/ame]
The Egyptians and Pallies say the Pallies broke the ceasefire. But, you know better, stooge?.
Not according to the UN.
Israel violated the cease-fire from the start. According to the UN, Israeli soldiers on numerous occasions fired upon Gaza farmers trying to work their land near the border. An 82 year old man was injured in one such incident on June 27. In another shooting incident, a Palestinian woman was wounded.

The Israeli Defense Force openly announced that it would fire upon any Palestinian entering into what it declared was a “special security zone” within Gaza; essentially a declaration of the intention to continually violate the cease-fire with impunity by firing at farmers and other Palestinians attempting to reach their own land.

Israel also threatened a full-scale invasion if the cease-fire was violated by the Palestinians.

At the same time, Israel stepped up its operations against in the West Bank. On June 24, for example, Israel killed a member of Islamic Jihad, an act for which the group retaliated by launching several rocket attacks against Israel from Gaza.
Since Israel has been ignoring international law for the last 60 years, that is not the kind of a country that would keep it's word and honor an agreement.
The Egyptians and Pallies say the Pallies broke the ceasefire. But, you know better, stooge?.
Not according to the UN.
Israel violated the cease-fire from the start. According to the UN, Israeli soldiers on numerous occasions fired upon Gaza farmers trying to work their land near the border. An 82 year old man was injured in one such incident on June 27. In another shooting incident, a Palestinian woman was wounded.

The Israeli Defense Force openly announced that it would fire upon any Palestinian entering into what it declared was a “special security zone” within Gaza; essentially a declaration of the intention to continually violate the cease-fire with impunity by firing at farmers and other Palestinians attempting to reach their own land.

Israel also threatened a full-scale invasion if the cease-fire was violated by the Palestinians.

At the same time, Israel stepped up its operations against in the West Bank. On June 24, for example, Israel killed a member of Islamic Jihad, an act for which the group retaliated by launching several rocket attacks against Israel from Gaza.
Since Israel has been ignoring international law for the last 60 years, that is not the kind of a country that would keep it's word and honor an agreement.

Israel has been fully compliant with international law, doofus. Have mommy or daddy open a law book for you, stupid little boy
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The Egyptians and Pallies say the Pallies broke the ceasefire. But, you know better, stooge?.
Not according to the UN.
Israel violated the cease-fire from the start. According to the UN, Israeli soldiers on numerous occasions fired upon Gaza farmers trying to work their land near the border. An 82 year old man was injured in one such incident on June 27. In another shooting incident, a Palestinian woman was wounded.

The Israeli Defense Force openly announced that it would fire upon any Palestinian entering into what it declared was a “special security zone” within Gaza; essentially a declaration of the intention to continually violate the cease-fire with impunity by firing at farmers and other Palestinians attempting to reach their own land.

Israel also threatened a full-scale invasion if the cease-fire was violated by the Palestinians.

At the same time, Israel stepped up its operations against in the West Bank. On June 24, for example, Israel killed a member of Islamic Jihad, an act for which the group retaliated by launching several rocket attacks against Israel from Gaza.
Since Israel has been ignoring international law for the last 60 years, that is not the kind of a country that would keep it's word and honor an agreement.

Israel has been fully compliant with international law, doofus. Have mommy or daddy open a law book for you, stupid little boy
I counted 204 UN Security Counsel resolutions.

United Nations Security Council resolutions

Pass that on to your pop, next time you see him!
How impossible it is for ANYONE or ANY NATION to negotiate a lasting peace with a people who are rewarded for death over life. For those of you who condemn Israel, just think about it.

While I have often voiced my opposition to continued U.S. support of Israel, because I believe it to be extremely detrimental to U.S. interests, I have never condemned Israel nor am I aware of anyone else in this forum having done so. Speaking for myself, I am not partial toward either Israel or her Islamic enemies. I believe their conflict is none of my country's business and we should keep our distance from it.

As far as I'm concerned Israel is a foreign country. Any American Jew who is truly and deeply concerned with Israel's future has the option of migrating there, becoming a citizen and possibly joining the IDF. But to presume the entire U.S. population must share the same sense of obligation is unreasonable.

If you can suggest a good reason for the U.S. to continue supporting Israel, which unavoidably will exacerbate Islamic antagonism toward us, I would like to know what it is.
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How impossible it is for ANYONE or ANY NATION to negotiate a lasting peace with a people who are rewarded for death over life. For those of you who condemn Israel, just think about it.

While I have often voiced my opposition to continued U.S. support of Israel, because I believe it to be extremely detrimental to U.S. I have never condemned Israel nor am I aware of anyone else in this forum having done so. Speaking for myself, I am not partial toward either Israel or her Islamic enemies. I believe their conflict is none of my country's business and we should keep our distance from it.

As far as I'm concerned Israel is a foreign country. Any American Jew who is truly and deeply concerned with Israel's future has the option of migrating there, becoming a citizen and possibly joining the IDF. But to presume the entire U.S. population must share the same sense of obligation is unreasonable.

If you can suggest a good reason for the U.S. to continue supporting Israel, which unavoidably will exacerbate Islamic antagonism toward us, I would like to know what it is.

Were you dropped on your head intentionally or by accident, shit for brains?

Did Israel "exacerbate" Islamic antagonism in the 18th century, dummy?

Christopher Hitchens
...One cannot get around what [Thomas] Jefferson heard when he went with John Adams to wait upon Tripoli’s ambassador to London in March 1785. When they inquired by what right the Barbary states preyed upon American shipping, enslaving both crews and passengers, America’s two foremost envoys were informed that “it was written in the Koran, that all Nations who should not have acknowledged their authority were sinners, that it was their right and duty to make war upon whoever they could find and to make Slaves of all they could take as prisoners, and that every Mussulman who should be slain in battle was sure to go to Paradise.” (It is worth noting that the United States played no part in the Crusades, or in the Catholic reconquista of Andalusia.)
Jefferson Versus the Muslim Pirates by Christopher Hitchens, City Journal Spring 2007
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Not according to the UN.
Since Israel has been ignoring international law for the last 60 years, that is not the kind of a country that would keep it's word and honor an agreement.

Israel has been fully compliant with international law, doofus. Have mommy or daddy open a law book for you, stupid little boy
I counted 204 UN Security Counsel resolutions.

United Nations Security Council resolutions

Pass that on to your pop, next time you see him!
The UM (United Muslims) against Israel and the US. It says so in the Wikipedia page quoted.
1st paragraph:
The following is a list of United Nations resolutions that concern Israel and bordering states such as Lebanon. The Human Rights Council has passed more resolutions condemning Israel than it has all other states combined.[1]

3d paragraph:

The United Nations General Assembly has adopted a number of resolutions saying that the strategic relationship with the United States encourages Israel to pursue aggressive and expansionist policies and practices.[3] The 9th Emergency Session of the General Assembly was convened at the request of the Security Council when the United States blocked efforts to adopt sanctions against Israel.[4] The United States responded to the frequent criticism from UN organs by adopting the Negroponte doctrine.

Screw the UM.
How impossible it is for ANYONE or ANY NATION to negotiate a lasting peace with a people who are rewarded for death over life. For those of you who condemn Israel, just think about it.

While I have often voiced my opposition to continued U.S. support of Israel, because I believe it to be extremely detrimental to U.S. I have never condemned Israel nor am I aware of anyone else in this forum having done so. Speaking for myself, I am not partial toward either Israel or her Islamic enemies. I believe their conflict is none of my country's business and we should keep our distance from it.

As far as I'm concerned Israel is a foreign country. Any American Jew who is truly and deeply concerned with Israel's future has the option of migrating there, becoming a citizen and possibly joining the IDF. But to presume the entire U.S. population must share the same sense of obligation is unreasonable.

If you can suggest a good reason for the U.S. to continue supporting Israel, which unavoidably will exacerbate Islamic antagonism toward us, I would like to know what it is.

Shit for brains, muslimes are very peaceful, right? :badgrin:

Ongoing Muslim genocide in Darfur and southern Sudan, 4 million killed
Muslims firebomb Coptic church in Cairo, killing 21
Muslims slaughter 60 Christians in church in Iraq
Muslim bombings in Mumbai, India kill 250, 700 injured
Muslim bombings in Londin, 53 killed, 700 injured
Multiple Muslim bombings on trains near Madrid, Spain. 191 killed, 1460 injured
Muslim bombing in Bali nightclub, 202 killed, 300 injured
Muslim bombing attacks in Russia kill 300
Musim attack on Beslan, Russia school, 344 killed including 186 children
Muslim attack on the Christian community in Demsa,
Nigeria, killing 36 people, destroying property and displacing an additional 3000 people
Muslim attack on the Hindu Ram temple in India; one of the most holy sites of Hinduism, 6 dead.
Muslim bombings in India, over 60 killed and over 180 injured in crowded markets and a bus, just 2 days before the Diwali festival
Muslim bombings in Varanasi, India, series of attacks in the Sankath Mochan Hanuman temple and Cantonment Railway Station, 28 killed and over 100 injured
Muslim bombings in India, 21 explosive devices, 56 dead and 200 injured.
Muslim bombings in Delhi, India, 30 people dead and 130 injured, followed by attack two weeks later, 3 people dead.
Muslims kill at least 174 people and wound numerous others in attacks in Mumbai.
Muslims detonate car bomb in Pakistan shopping district, killing over 110 killed and over 200 injured.
Muslim suicide bomber in Somalia detonates in hotel hosting a graduation ceremony for local medical students, killing four government ministers as well as other civilians.
Muslim suicide bomber in Pakistan drove into a volleyball pitch as people gathered to watch a match killing more than 100 people
Muslims attack mosques in Pakistan, killing nearly 100 and injuring many others
Muslim attacks on the Hindu Raghunath temple, India, 25 dead.
Muslim bombing in al-Arbaa, Algeria. 49 dead, 117 injured.
Muslim suicide attack on Indian parliament kills 7, wounds 12
Muslim machine gun attack on Hindu temple in India. 31 dead, 86 injured

Iran Iraq War, 1 million dead
Lebanese Civil War, 250,000 dead
Algerian Civl War: 300,000 dead
Bangladesh Civil War: 500,000 dead
Black Sept., Jordan's King Hussein murders, expells 80,000 Palestinians
Syrian army kills 20,000 Syrians at Hama
Iraq gases hundreds of thousands of Kurds
1400 year conflict between Sunnis and Shiites
Fratricide between Hamas and Fatah
Syria/Hizballah assassinate Lebanese PM Rafik Hariri
How impossible it is for ANYONE or ANY NATION to negotiate a lasting peace with a people who are rewarded for death over life. For those of you who condemn Israel, just think about it.

While I have often voiced my opposition to continued U.S. support of Israel, because I believe it to be extremely detrimental to U.S. interests, I have never condemned Israel nor am I aware of anyone else in this forum having done so. Speaking for myself, I am not partial toward either Israel or her Islamic enemies. I believe their conflict is none of my country's business and we should keep our distance from it.

As far as I'm concerned Israel is a foreign country. Any American Jew who is truly and deeply concerned with Israel's future has the option of migrating there, becoming a citizen and possibly joining the IDF. But to presume the entire U.S. population must share the same sense of obligation is unreasonable.

If you can suggest a good reason for the U.S. to continue supporting Israel, which unavoidably will exacerbate Islamic antagonism toward us, I would like to know what it is.
A good reason. Digest this little factoid.

Major Palestinian Terror Attacks Since Oslo
Regretfully, history has proven there is only one way to communicate peace with Palestinian terrorists. And that is to kill enough of them, until they understand the price they will pay for their terrorist attacks. And if you don't believe that, consider that the only lasting peace ever established from the Palestinians was that of king Hussein's Black September. When will Israel ever learn? LET THERE BE PEACE ALREADY!
The Mandate is not relevant to the current situation since in concerns only the administration of the Protectorate and the Protectorate was dissolved by the Partition resolution in 1948. While both sides have claimed the other side is in violation of the Oslo Accords, it remains the only relevant document defining the relationship be Israel and the Palestinian Arabs. The PA government was created by Oslo, and if Oslo is no longer in force, the PA government no longer exists and since Israeli civil authority was restricted to Area C by Oslo, if it is no longer in force, Israeli civil authority applies equally to Areas A and B, that is to the entire West Bank and that would mean that all land in Areas A and B, even in the center of Ramallah or Nablus or Jenin that is not privately owned is state land and as available to Israelis to build on as it is to Palestinian Arabs. If Oslo no longer exists, the PA government no longer exists and it would fall to the Israeli Civil Administration to regulate education, media, commerce, etc. in all of the West Bank.

Since Israel is in breach of the Oslo Agreement, it cannot be enforced or considered law. And individual country's, cannot change the material substance of the Mandate that was voted into law by 51 nations that had legal control of that area at the time of the vote.

Let me try to explain this to you again. The Mandate was only concerned with administration of the Protectorate of Palestine, but in GA 181, the Partition resolution, the UN General Assembly formally dissolved the Protectorate so the Mandate, which only concerned the administration of the Protectorate, became null and void. So it was not one nation that made the Mandate irrelevant to the current situation, it was the UN General Assembly. If you are not able to understand this, you are simply not competent to discuss these issues.

Some Palestinian leaders have claimed they would accept a two state final status solution, but only with conditions that would effectively destroy Israel as Jewish state, and other Palestinian leaders have emphatically opposed a two state final status solution. Until they can agree among themselves about what they want, there is no point talking about a two state solution.

Cut the crap! Either provide the link where they said this, or shut your fucking irresponsible mouth.[quote/]

It is hard to imagine anyone who is interested in these issues would need to ask for links to this, but here are a few.

Hamas, which is listed as a terrorist organization[16] by the U.S., U.K., E.U., Israsel, Australia, and Canada, has rejected a two state solution and compromise.[17] The Hamas charter also calls for a one state solution[18]:

The Islamic Resistance Movement believes that the land of Palestine is an Islamic Waqf consecrated for future Moslem generations until Judgement Day. It, or any part of it, should not be squandered: it, or any part of it, should not be given up. Neither a single Arab country nor all Arab countries, neither any king or president, nor all the kings and presidents, neither any organization nor all of them, be they Palestinian or Arab, possess the right to do that. Palestine is an Islamic Waqf land consecrated for Moslem generations until Judgement Day. This being so, who could claim to have the right to represent Moslem generations till Judgement Day?

Islamic Jihad also rejects a two state solution. An Islamic Jihad leader Khalid al-Batsh stated that[19]

"The idea cannot be accepted and we believe that the entire Palestine is Arab and Islamic land and belongs to the Palestinian nation."

One-state solution - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Hamas Charter

The Avalon Project : Hamas Covenant 1988

One day after celebrating a landmark reconciliation accord for Palestinian unity, Khaled Meshal, the Hamas leader, said on Thursday that he was fully committed to working for a two-state solution but declined to swear off violence or agree that a Palestinian state would produce an end to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

So Meshal says he will accept a two state solution, but contrary to your claim that all Israel has to do is end the occupation, he says it will not end the violence or the conflict.

Some have argued that the current reality is pushing towards a two-state solution - an Israeli state next to a Palestinian state based on the pre-1967 borders. Of course, this solution involves ignoring the Right of Return, or replacing it with reparations. We in the PFLP argue that forcing such a solution on the Palestinian people will not end the struggle, because the facts and reality contradict such a solution. The two-state solution that is based on the racist notion of 'a national, homogeneous Jewish state' totally disregards the fact that over 1.3 million Palestinians - 20% of the entire population - live inside 'Israel.' This will continue to permit the causes of conflict to remain inside Israel. Therefore, the solution based on two states is a myth.

Interview: PFLP leader Ahmad Saadat | From Occupied Palestine

So the PFLP opposes a two state solution. Clearly, while some of the Palestinian Arab leaders have claimed to support a two state solution, some oppose it as I said.

I don't care how many dumbass excuses you make up, you cannot punish and entire population of people for crimes they didn't commit.

Collective punishments

Article 33. No protected person may be punished for an offense he or she has not personally committed. Collective penalties and likewise all measures of intimidation or of terrorism are prohibited.

Reprisals against protected persons and their property are prohibited.

Under the 1949 Geneva Conventions collective punishments are a war crime.
I might add, if you think it's okay to punish 1.5 million people for the actions of a few, you are one sick puppy!

The Gaza blockade does not constitute collective punishment.

Under the 1949 Geneva Conventions collective punishments are a war crime. By collective punishment, the drafters of the Geneva Conventions had in mind the reprisal killings of World Wars I and World War II. In the First World War, Germans executed Belgian villagers in mass retribution for resistance activity. In World War II, Nazis carried out a form of collective punishment to suppress resistance. Entire villages or towns or districts were held responsible for any resistance activity that took place there. Additional concern also addressed the United States' atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, which, in turn, caused death and disease to millions[citation needed] of Japanese civilians as well as their decedents[sic][citation needed]. The conventions, to counter this, reiterated the principle of individual responsibility.

Clearly, the Gaza blockade is not collective punishment. The Gaza blockade has a military objective of preventing the Gaza terrorists from acquiring more and better weapons with which to commit racist hate crimes against Jews so the difficulties it has caused other Gazans would more properly be called collateral damage.

It is a defensive measure intended to limit the number of crimes against humanity committed by the various Gaza terrorist gangs, Hamas, Islamic Jihad, etc. If the Gaza leaders want the blockade to end, all they have to do is give up trying to commit racist hate crimes against Jews.

They did! Israel broke the ceasefire with a raid into Gaza.

A ceasefire while they continue to plan more racist hate crimes against Jews is insufficient to justify lifting the blockade. Giving up trying to commit racist hate crimes against Jews means giving it up for good as a matter of policy. Unless that happens the only alternative to the blockade is a reoccupation of Gaza.
I'm still waiting to learn when Israel's ancient land became this "Palestinian land" that they claim Israel is stealing.

I'm still waiting for a map of Israel in 1915 since all the zionists here think that Israel has been around for 3000 years.
I'm still waiting to learn when Israel's ancient land became this "Palestinian land" that they claim Israel is stealing.

I'm still waiting for a map of Israel in 1915 since all the zionists here think that Israel has been around for 3000 years.

I'm still waiting to see a map of sovereign Palestine since Palestinians claim it has been around forever ...

BTW , no one here claimed that modern Israel is 3000 years old.
The claim is that the Kingdom of Israel was here long before Arabs have ever set foot to the middle east.

This is a diagram of sovereign powers that controlled 'Palestine'.
No Palestinian control was ever present.

If & when the Palestinians ever value life over death, then there will be peace between the Israeli's & Palestinians.
I'm still waiting to learn when Israel's ancient land became this "Palestinian land" that they claim Israel is stealing.

I'm still waiting for a map of Israel in 1915 since all the zionists here think that Israel has been around for 3000 years.

I'm still waiting to see a map of sovereign Palestine since Palestinians claim it has been around forever ...

BTW , no one here claimed that modern Israel is 3000 years old.
The claim is that the Kingdom of Israel was here long before Arabs have ever set foot to the middle east.

This is a diagram of sovereign powers that controlled 'Palestine'.
No Palestinian control was ever present.


Show me where the right to self determination requires a state or government.
I'm still waiting for a map of Israel in 1915 since all the zionists here think that Israel has been around for 3000 years.

I'm still waiting to see a map of sovereign Palestine since Palestinians claim it has been around forever ...

BTW , no one here claimed that modern Israel is 3000 years old.
The claim is that the Kingdom of Israel was here long before Arabs have ever set foot to the middle east.

This is a diagram of sovereign powers that controlled 'Palestine'.
No Palestinian control was ever present.


Show me where the right to self determination requires a state or government.

Fakestinians are Arabs from Egypt, Saudi Arabia and elsewhere. There are 25 Arab shitholes. Still, not enough self-determination?

Palesteenian Hamas Minister of the Interior Fathi Hammad, Al-Hekma TV [Egypt]: "Half of the Palestiniains are Egyptians and the other half are Saudis
Brothers, there are 1.8 million of us in Gaza.Allah be praised, we all have Arab roots and every Palestinian in Gaza and throughout Palestine can prove his Arab roots--whether from Saudi Arabia, from Yemen, or anywhere.

Personally, half my family is Egyptian. We are all like that.

More than 30 families in the Gaza Strip are called Al-Masri [Egyptian]

Brothers, half of the Palestiniains are Egyptians and the other half are Saudis

Who are the Palestinians? we have many families called Al-Masri, whose roots are Egyptian. Egyptian! They may be from Alexandria, from Cairo, from Dumietta, from the North, from aswan, from Upper Egypt. We are Egyptians. we are Arabs. We are Muslims

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