How can there ever be peace here?

While I have often voiced my opposition to continued U.S. support of Israel, because I believe it to be extremely detrimental to U.S. interests, I have never condemned Israel nor am I aware of anyone else in this forum having done so. Speaking for myself, I am not partial toward either Israel or her Islamic enemies. I believe their conflict is none of my country's business and we should keep our distance from it.

As far as I'm concerned Israel is a foreign country. Any American Jew who is truly and deeply concerned with Israel's future has the option of migrating there, becoming a citizen and possibly joining the IDF. But to presume the entire U.S. population must share the same sense of obligation is unreasonable.

If you can suggest a good reason for the U.S. to continue supporting Israel, which unavoidably will exacerbate Islamic antagonism toward us, I would like to know what it is.
A good reason. Digest this little factoid.

Major Palestinian Terror Attacks Since Oslo
What your little factoid has shown me is affirmation of the need for the U.S. to discontinue Israel's status as our costly protectorate. And in case you're not aware that our support of Israel was a primary provocation for the 9/11 attack, digest this little factoid.

The American government is leading the country towards hell. ... We say to the Americans as people and to American mothers, if they cherish their lives and if they cherish their sons, they must elect an American patriotic government that caters to their interests not the interests of the Jews. If the present injustice continues with the wave of national consciousness, it will inevitably move the battle to American soil, just as Ramzi Yousef and others have done. This is my message to the American people. I urge them to find a serious administration that acts in their interest and does not attack people and violate their honor and pilfer their wealth. ... (Osama bin Laden - 1998)

Read more: Who Is Bin Laden? - Interview With Osama Bin Laden (in May 1998) | Hunting Bin Laden | FRONTLINE | PBS

You seem to have much respect for the words of OBL. That said allow me to clear the air: Neither you nor OBL recognize that America's support for Israel has little to do with our support of Jews, nor is it solely a result of the efforts of America's Jews. The vast majority America's Zionists are not Jewish and to be elected to high public office one must represent the interests of his or her constituents. In other words, it's the Christian and Atheist and Agnostic Zionists who determine America's choices.
Isn't it interesting how as soon as Israel granted the Palestinian their own Jew free Gaza, Egypt closed the border on their Palestinian Arab brothers? Gosh i wonder why? Boy, thats a tough one huh?

Let me try to explain this to you again. The Mandate was only concerned with administration of the Protectorate of Palestine, but in GA 181, the Partition resolution, the UN General Assembly formally dissolved the Protectorate so the Mandate, which only concerned the administration of the Protectorate, became null and void. So it was not one nation that made the Mandate irrelevant to the current situation, it was the UN General Assembly. If you are not able to understand this, you are simply not competent to discuss these issues.

That is why they are not allowed to import chocolate. :lol::lol::cuckoo:
Isn't it interesting how as soon as Israel granted the Palestinian their own Jew free Gaza, Egypt closed the border on their Palestinian Arab brothers? Gosh i wonder why? Boy, thats a tough one huh?

$2B a year from the US.
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Oh now I get it. The USA paid Egypt 3 billion dollars a year to close the border on the Palestinians. May I ask you WHY we did this?

Isn't it interesting how as soon as Israel granted the Palestinian their own Jew free Gaza, Egypt closed the border on their Palestinian Arab brothers? Gosh i wonder why? Boy, thats a tough one huh?

$2B a year from the US.
Oh now I get it. The USA paid Egypt 3 billion dollars a year to close the border on the Palestinians. May I ask you WHY we did this?

Isn't it interesting how as soon as Israel granted the Palestinian their own Jew free Gaza, Egypt closed the border on their Palestinian Arab brothers? Gosh i wonder why? Boy, thats a tough one huh?

$2B a year from the US.

It was part of the 1979 peace agreement we bought for Israel.
Amazing what we learn here on this board. The USA paid Egypt 3 billion dollars per year per their agreement that if Israel ever granted Gaza to the Palestinians, Egypt would close the border on them.

Hey, did you hear the one about "Israel is stealing 'Palestinian' land"?

Oh now I get it. The USA paid Egypt 3 billion dollars a year to close the border on the Palestinians. May I ask you WHY we did this?

$2B a year from the US.

It was part of the 1979 peace agreement we bought for Israel.
Amazing what we learn here on this board. The USA paid Egypt 3 billion dollars per year per their agreement that if Israel ever granted Gaza to the Palestinians, Egypt would close the border on them.

Hey, did you hear the one about "Israel is stealing 'Palestinian' land"?

Oh now I get it. The USA paid Egypt 3 billion dollars a year to close the border on the Palestinians. May I ask you WHY we did this?

It was part of the 1979 peace agreement we bought for Israel.

As part of the agreement, the US began economic and military aid to Egypt, and political backing for its subsequent governments. From the Camp David peace accords in 1978 until 2000, the United States has subsidized Egypt's armed forces with over $38 billion worth of aid. Egypt receives about $1.3 billion annually.

Amazing what we learn here on this board. The USA paid Egypt 3 billion dollars per year per their agreement that if Israel ever granted Gaza to the Palestinians, Egypt would close the border on them.

Hey, did you hear the one about "Israel is stealing 'Palestinian' land"?

It was part of the 1979 peace agreement we bought for Israel.

As part of the agreement, the US began economic and military aid to Egypt, and political backing for its subsequent governments. From the Camp David peace accords in 1978 until 2000, the United States has subsidized Egypt's armed forces with over $38 billion worth of aid. Egypt receives about $1.3 billion annually.


The US has to bribe arabs and musliimes to be peaceful? I thought they were a peaceful people.

Oh, wait...

Iran Iraq War, 1 million dead
Lebanese Civil War, 250,000 dead
Algerian Civl War: 300,000 dead
Bangladesh Civil War: 500,000 dead
Black Sept., Jordan's King Hussein murders, expells 80,000 Palestinians
Syrian army kills 20,000 Syrians at Hama
Iraq gases hundreds of thousands of Kurds
1400 year conflict between Sunnis and Shiites
Fratricide between Hamas and Fatah
Syria/Hizballah assassinate Lebanese PM Rafik Hariri
What worries me is that the Arab countries combined receive almost twice the financial aid that Israel does. How about we cut off all aid to all of the countries in the Middle East to keep the USA & Israel strong?

Amazing what we learn here on this board. The USA paid Egypt 3 billion dollars per year per their agreement that if Israel ever granted Gaza to the Palestinians, Egypt would close the border on them.

Hey, did you hear the one about "Israel is stealing 'Palestinian' land"?

It was part of the 1979 peace agreement we bought for Israel.

As part of the agreement, the US began economic and military aid to Egypt, and political backing for its subsequent governments. From the Camp David peace accords in 1978 until 2000, the United States has subsidized Egypt's armed forces with over $38 billion worth of aid. Egypt receives about $1.3 billion annually.

What worries me is that the Arab countries combined receive almost twice the financial aid that Israel does. How about we cut off all aid to all of the countries in the Middle East to keep the USA & Israel strong?

Why don't we cut off Israel too and keep America stronger?
What worries me is that the Arab countries combined receive almost twice the financial aid that Israel does. How about we cut off all aid to all of the countries in the Middle East to keep the USA & Israel strong?

Why don't we cut off Israel too and keep America stronger?


Wall Street Journal: Where Tech Keeps Booming, In Israel, a Clustering of Talent, Research Universities and Venture Capital...

"Google, Cisco, Microsoft, Intel, eBay . . . ," says one of eBay's executives. "The best-kept secret is that we all live and die by the work of our Israeli teams."
There are more new innovative ideas coming out of Israel than there are out in Silicon Valley right now. And it doesn't slow during economic downturns." The authors of "Start-Up Nation," Dan Senor and Saul Singer, are quoting an executive at British Telecom, but they could just as easily be quoting an executive at Intel, which last year opened a $3.5 billion factory in Kiryat Gat, an hour south of Tel Aviv, to make sophisticated 45-nanometer chips; or Warren Buffett, who in 2006 paid $4 billion for four-fifths of an Israeli firm that makes high-tech cutting tools for cars and planes; or John Chambers, Cisco's chief executive, who has bought nine Israeli start-ups; or Steve Ballmer, who calls Microsoft "as much an Israeli company as an American company" because of the importance of its Israeli technologists. "Google, Cisco, Microsoft, Intel, eBay . . . ," says one of eBay's executives. "The best-kept secret is that we all live and die by the work of our Israeli teams."

Israel is the world's techno-nation. Civilian research-and-development expenditures run 4.5% of the gross domestic product—half-again the level of the U.S., Germany or South Korea—and venture-capital investment per capita is 2½ times that of the U.S. and six times that of the United Kingdom. Even in absolute terms, Israel has only the U.S.—with more than 40 times the population—as a challenger.

Israel—a country of just 7.1 million people—attracted close to $2 billion in venture capital in 2008, as much as flowed to the U.K.'s 61 million citizens or the 145 million people living in Germany and France combined." At the start of 2009, some 63 Israeli companies were listed on the Nasdaq, more than those of any other foreign country. Among the Israeli firms: Teva Pharmaceuticals, the world's largest generic drug maker, with a market cap of $48 billion; and Check Point Software Technologies, with a market cap of $7 billion.

Book Review: "Start-Up Nation" -
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YES, YES, YES, I already implied we cut off all aid to Israel too when I said cut off all aid to ALL of the countries in the Middle East. If the current trend continues with the Arab countries receiving almost twice what Israel does, Israel will be doomed. Cut off ALL AID now to ALL of the Middle East countries to keep the USA & Israel strong.

What worries me is that the Arab countries combined receive almost twice the financial aid that Israel does. How about we cut off all aid to all of the countries in the Middle East to keep the USA & Israel strong?

Why don't we cut off Israel too and keep America stronger?
Winston Churchill...
How dreadful are the curses which Mohammedanism lays on its votaries! Besides the fanatical frenzy, which is as dangerous in a man as hydrophobia in a dog, there is this fearful fatalistic apathy.

The effects are apparent in many countries. Improvident habits, slovenly systems of agriculture, sluggish methods of commerce, and insecurity of property exist wherever the followers of the Prophet rule or live.

A degraded sensualism deprives this life of its grace and refinement; the next of its dignity and sanctity. The fact that in Mohammedan law every woman must belong to some man as his absolute property, either as a child, a wife, or a concubine, must delay the final extinction of slavery until the faith of Islam has ceased to be a great power among men.

Individual Moslems may show splendid qualities, but the influence of the religion paralyses the social development of those who follow it.

No stronger retrograde force exists in the world. Far from being moribund, Mohammedanism is a militant and proselytizing faith. It has already spread throughout Central Africa, raising fearless warriors at every step; and were it not that Christianity is sheltered in the strong arms of science, the science against which it had vainly struggled, the civilization of modern Europe might fall, as fell the civilization of ancient Rome.] The River War (9781598184259): Sir Winston S. Churchill: Books

"Palestinian Children Created To Fertilize the Land With their Blood"
Not even roaches kill themselves & their own children like Palestinians do.

Winston Churchill...
How dreadful are the curses which Mohammedanism lays on its votaries! Besides the fanatical frenzy, which is as dangerous in a man as hydrophobia in a dog, there is this fearful fatalistic apathy.

The effects are apparent in many countries. Improvident habits, slovenly systems of agriculture, sluggish methods of commerce, and insecurity of property exist wherever the followers of the Prophet rule or live.

A degraded sensualism deprives this life of its grace and refinement; the next of its dignity and sanctity. The fact that in Mohammedan law every woman must belong to some man as his absolute property, either as a child, a wife, or a concubine, must delay the final extinction of slavery until the faith of Islam has ceased to be a great power among men.

Individual Moslems may show splendid qualities, but the influence of the religion paralyses the social development of those who follow it.

No stronger retrograde force exists in the world. Far from being moribund, Mohammedanism is a militant and proselytizing faith. It has already spread throughout Central Africa, raising fearless warriors at every step; and were it not that Christianity is sheltered in the strong arms of science, the science against which it had vainly struggled, the civilization of modern Europe might fall, as fell the civilization of ancient Rome.] The River War (9781598184259): Sir Winston S. Churchill: Books

"Palestinian Children Created To Fertilize the Land With their Blood"
YES, YES, YES, I already implied we cut off all aid to Israel too when I said cut off all aid to ALL of the countries in the Middle East. If the current trend continues with the Arab countries receiving almost twice what Israel does, Israel will be doomed. Cut off ALL AID now to ALL of the Middle East countries to keep the USA & Israel strong.

What worries me is that the Arab countries combined receive almost twice the financial aid that Israel does. How about we cut off all aid to all of the countries in the Middle East to keep the USA & Israel strong?

Why don't we cut off Israel too and keep America stronger?
How about cutting them all off from American weapons?
YES, YES, YES, I already implied we cut off all aid to Israel too when I said cut off all aid to ALL of the countries in the Middle East. If the current trend continues with the Arab countries receiving almost twice what Israel does, Israel will be doomed. Cut off ALL AID now to ALL of the Middle East countries to keep the USA & Israel strong.

Why don't we cut off Israel too and keep America stronger?
How about cutting them all off from American weapons?

How can you use the internet without Google, which has its only R&D centers outside the US in Israel? :badgrin:

Do the arabs and muslimes have a search engine invented by allah and running on camel dung?:clap2:

[ame=]Innovation at Google's R&D Center in Israel - YouTube[/ame]

Too bad you can't have an Apple iPad, iPod and iPhone which all rely on Israeli technology.:badgrin:

But, you have a camel which allah invented :clap2:

[ame=]Apple to set up Israel development center - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=]Apple to Acquire Anobit? - YouTube[/ame]
Apple today confirmed earlier reports it has acquired Israel-based flash memory startup Anobit....which makes flash memory technology found in the iPhone, iPad, and MacBook Air.. The deal was reported to be worth $400 million to $500 million. Apple confirms Anobit acquisition | Apple - CNET News
Let me try to explain this to you again. The Mandate was only concerned with administration of the Protectorate of Palestine, but in GA 181, the Partition resolution, the UN General Assembly formally dissolved the Protectorate so the Mandate, which only concerned the administration of the Protectorate, became null and void. So it was not one nation that made the Mandate irrelevant to the current situation, it was the UN General Assembly. If you are not able to understand this, you are simply not competent to discuss these issues.
Wrong! The "Mandate" is the legal justification that created the state of Israel. Without the "Mandate", there is no Israel. Now, how many times do I need to post this for it to sink into your fuckin' head? When the League of Nations dissovled, it's authority and assets were transferred over to the UN. And the UN, in 1948, voted to uphold the "Mandate" and nothing has changed since. So wipe your ass with that "Protectorate" bullshit!

The Origin and Nature of the “Mandate for Palestine”

The “Mandate for Palestine,” an historical League of Nations document, laid down the Jewish legal right to settle anywhere in western Palestine, a 10,000-square-miles3 area between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea.

The legally binding document was conferred on April 24, 1920 at the San Remo Conference, and its terms outlined in the Treaty of Sèvres on August 10, 1920. The Mandate’s terms were finalized and unanimously approved on July 24, 1922, by the Council of the League of Nations, which was comprised at that time of 51 countries,4 and became operational on September 29, 1923.5

The “Mandate for Palestine” was not a naive vision briefly embraced by the international community in blissful unawareness of Arab opposition to the very notion of Jewish historical rights in Palestine. The Mandate weathered the test of time: On April 18, 1946, when the League of Nations was dissolved and its assets and duties transferred to the United Nations, the international community, in essence, reaffirmed the validity of this international accord and reconfirmed that the terms for a Jewish National Home were the will of the international community, a “sacred trust” – despite the fact that by then it was patently clear that the Arabs opposed a Jewish National Home, no matter what the form.
Que pasa, mutha?

The Gaza blockade does not constitute collective punishment.
Of coarse it does! It punishes 1.5 million people who've committed no crime and you're just a sick piece of shit, for thinking it doesn't.

Clearly, the Gaza blockade is not collective punishment. The Gaza blockade has a military objective of preventing the Gaza terrorists from acquiring more and better weapons with which to commit racist hate crimes against Jews so the difficulties it has caused other Gazans would more properly be called collateral damage.
Nice try. It didn't work for Bush and it won't work for you. Trying to change the definition of common GC terms does not negate the fact of what they actually are. It is collective punishment and fuck you for trying to twist it into something else!

A ceasefire while they continue to plan more racist hate crimes against Jews is insufficient to justify lifting the blockade. Giving up trying to commit racist hate crimes against Jews means giving it up for good as a matter of policy. Unless that happens the only alternative to the blockade is a reoccupation of Gaza.
You're the only racist I see here!

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