How can Trump supporters deny the facts?

Sure. But it doesn't matter to these people. Their first impulse, upon coming across any negative information, is to dismiss it as fake.

I just had one of them tell me that two VIDEOS I posted, taken from a RIGHT WING WEBSITE, were fake news because they painted Trumpsters in a bad light.

They're dead serious.
Russian collusion delusion, alleged pee tape, Ukrainian call, Steele Dossier, clearing Lafayette Park, Sandman video, Rittenhouse, Zimmerman, Michael Brown "hands up, don't shoot", Ivermectin overdoses overwhelmed rural hospitals, "very fine people" lie, "Trump said drink bleach", "10 year old rape victim" lie...and that's just the tip of the iceburg of leftist media lies.

And just like an iceberg...most of the lies are beneath the surface...the framing, the narrative, the agenda.

Only 11% if American's have high confidence in news...and that 11% are gullible imbeciles. This is four days ago...


So, is it any wonder no one believes them?

They're proven biased liars.
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How can Trump supporters deny the facts?
The facts are:
Trump has done nothing but lose since 2020 - he lost the Presidency - the House - the Senate - 80 lawsuits in an attempt to overturn the 2020 election.

The evidence of Trump's unethical/ illegal activity on trying to overturn the 2020 election is coming from Republicans, most of who voted for Trump. Not Democrats, CNN, MSNBC or far left whackos. The Republicans all said they decided to put the country above party and their support of Trump. These are people who worked for and around Trump. Most testimony was first hand, not hear say.
The Trump minions are not listening to the Trump staff but to Trump. Why have multiple Trump cohorts pleaded the 5th? Why have no Trump cohorts come forward to counter the testimony of the Trump staff?

How do Trump supporters rationalize the facts above
The only time you can deny a fact is if there is one to deny.
so your question is UM.....retarded.

5% at the pump.
How much do you get paid to post your bullshit?
You might want to pull your head out of your ass and look around. Today I filled up at $3.89 a gallon. A far cry from the $4.49 I was paying a few weeks ago. Dropped a few bucks on Amazon today, got a new echo and free smart bulb for thirty bucks, half price. Bought cat treats at a fifty percent discount. I love my cats. But backed off a 58 inch smart TV for three hundred bucks because, well I don't watch much TV.
You are beyond stupid. Those swings were from absentee and early voting tallies. It is called the right mirage, and is well known in informed circles. Covid, and Trump encouraging voters to show up at the polls and not vote absentee, only increased that right mirage. And I think he did that on purpose, specifically to manipulate uninformed and unintelligent dumb shits like you.
BULLSHIT, you gullible retarded shit for brains DNC lemming.

It is MATHEMATICALLY IMPOSSIBLE that Biden got the results he claimed.

Statisticians in EVERY MAJOR UNIVERSITY IN THE COUNTRY have spoken to this point. The chances of Biden getting 81 million votes are SIX standard deviations out. IMPOSSIBLE.

No one's figured out how it was done yet, but it was definitely done
How can Trump supporters deny the facts?
The facts are:
Trump has done nothing but lose since 2020 - he lost the Presidency - the House - the Senate - 80 lawsuits in an attempt to overturn the 2020 election.

The evidence of Trump's unethical/ illegal activity on trying to overturn the 2020 election is coming from Republicans, most of who voted for Trump. Not Democrats, CNN, MSNBC or far left whackos. The Republicans all said they decided to put the country above party and their support of Trump. These are people who worked for and around Trump. Most testimony was first hand, not hear say.
The Trump minions are not listening to the Trump staff but to Trump. Why have multiple Trump cohorts pleaded the 5th? Why have no Trump cohorts come forward to counter the testimony of the Trump staff?

How do Trump supporters rationalize the facts above
We can't deny what you don't have. Stop playing games.
You might want to pull your head out of your ass and look around. Today I filled up at $3.89 a gallon. A far cry from the $4.49 I was paying a few weeks ago. Dropped a few bucks on Amazon today, got a new echo and free smart bulb for thirty bucks, half price. Bought cat treats at a fifty percent discount. I love my cats. But backed off a 58 inch smart TV for three hundred bucks because, well I don't watch much TV.
I live in Nassau County.
The other stuff I already have.
The supply chain will collapse soon but Biden will make a fortune from the Ukraine scam and you morons will cheer him on.
Easy. They're not told about much of it. When they hear it, it's fake news. He is the victim. It's all someone else's fault.

And they believe it as much as you and I believe anything.

We need to get our heads around the fact that "alternate universe" is not hyperbole. A republic can't last with two realities, and that appears to be the goal of many of them.
Maga is a religion. Magaturds protect their Orange prophet.
You might want to pull your head out of your ass and look around. Today I filled up at $3.89 a gallon. A far cry from the $4.49 I was paying a few weeks ago. Dropped a few bucks on Amazon today, got a new echo and free smart bulb for thirty bucks, half price. Bought cat treats at a fifty percent discount. I love my cats. But backed off a 58 inch smart TV for three hundred bucks because, well I don't watch much TV.
5.00 here
You are absolutely correct. I mean that is the one thing that the Republican leadership is really good at. Not sure where it starts, maybe at FOX news. Each and every day they have an agenda. They tell all their hosts, this is what we want to focus on today. And amazingly enough, that transcends to all those crazy ass right wing websites and before coffee break, the minions here are posting up the talking point of the day.

It is really sad, that people are so easily manipulated. I mean they really are like pigs with a ring in it's nose.

Guess you haven't seen cuts of all the MSM using the same verbiage virtually every day.

Watch a surreal video compilation of dozens of local news anchors giving the exact same warning about 'fake' news

There's plenty more examples.

You might want to pull your head out of your ass and look around. Today I filled up at $3.89 a gallon. A far cry from the $4.49 I was paying a few weeks ago. Dropped a few bucks on Amazon today, got a new echo and free smart bulb for thirty bucks, half price. Bought cat treats at a fifty percent discount. I love my cats. But backed off a 58 inch smart TV for three hundred bucks because, well I don't watch much TV.
15% or 16% is not a 'far cry.'

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