How Can White Americans Be Democrats ?

It wasn't a fight according to you, it was felonious assault. Sorry, but that's a crime even in prison. It's also on your prison record which the parole board uses to determine if you should be allowed to leave prison or not.

Okay, you keep telling yourself that those bad old darkies are going to be really punished for beating up a racist cop.

You don't know what was presented because all GJ transcripts are sealed.

Good point. Too bad we didn't have an open trial, isn't it?

Oh, wait, that would involve accountablity.

He had no right to pull a gun on a police officer. Nobody has that right.

1) Wasn't a gun.
2) He didn't pull it.
3) I can cite a whole bunch of cases where white trash pulled guns and didn't get shot, like those nutters out west who follow Bundy...

White people are much less likely to shoot at police officers than black. You really need to see somebody about the delusional way your mind works. You really think that by lying, others will eventually believe your lies.

White people get treated differently than blacks. Do I need to show you the video of the two people walking around with assault rifles again?

Black people get treated differently because for the most part they act differently. Blacks commit far more crimes per capita.

If you want that to change, perhaps blacks should change their behavior?
A party that supports racial discrimination against whites, is supported by millions of whites ? Whaaat ? "I don't believe it" is what millions of people in other countries say. Here in America, though, we know it to be true. It (Affirmative Action) was formally and openly stated in the 2004 and 2008 platforms of the Democratic party.

2004 >> "the party "support affirmative action to redress discrimination and to achieve the diversity from which all Americans benefit."

2008 >> ""We support affirmative action, including in federal contracting and higher education, to make sure that those locked out of the doors of opportunity will be able to walk through those doors in the future"

The words "Affirmative Action" are not mentioned in the National Democratic Party platforms of 2012 and 2016, however the description of it, with goals to achieve diversity are mentioned. Seems like Democrats are becoming rather defensive about the idea of racially discriminating in order to stop racially discriminating.

There's an obvious reason why Democrats have removed the words "affirmative action" from their national platforms. Overwhelmingly, the American people oppose the concept. Almost two-thirds of Americans disagree with the June 2016 Supreme Court ruling on affirmative action, that allows public colleges to use race as a factor in their admissions decisions.

According to a Gallup poll conducted over June 29 through July 2, 2016, 70 percent of Americans say merit should be the only factor in college admissions. That number has stayed relatively stable over the last 12 years.

Poll finds surprising American opinions on affirmative action

In California, Democrats HAVE used the words Affirmative Action in their state platform >> "California Democrats will > Encourage, support and defend voluntary, and mandatory affirmative action measures aimed at enhancing equality in employment, education, and business opportunities;"

So with all this discrimination where non-whites are the beneficiaries, and whites are the victims, why do white Democrats support it ? Does Nancy Pelosi think it's OK for her many sons, daughters, and grandkids to be victims of this racist discrimination, when applying for college, for college financial aid, job hiring, job promotions, business loans, etc, ?


If anything “affirmative action” should be used to place white people in education and jobs first. This is after all a country founded by white Europeans. We’ve allowed blacks and Latinos in and given them the same rights, and now even elevated rights. Yet the real minority of the world is white people. Whites only make up about 11% of the total world population and that’s being very generous. Whites are far outnumbered by Asians and Africans. But, it’s one of those things that never gets talked out. Americans are brainwashed into believing that blacks and Latinos are “minorities”.
Black people get treated differently because for the most part they act differently. Blacks commit far more crimes per capita.

If you want that to change, perhaps blacks should change their behavior?

Thanks, buddy, but Ray already brought a bunch of racism.

Pointing out facts about different populations and cultures isn’t racism.
But that was the problem. The prosecutor here ACTED like a defense lawyer, and NOT an advocate for the victim here. It was a perversion of the process. I'm sorry you don't get this. Or don't want to because.. racism.

You don't know what the prosecutor did because you weren't there. You made it all up or read it on some leftist internet site or something.

The prosecutor is not to act like the prosecutor or defense lawyer. All the prosecutor does is work with the GJ to point out the evidence and laws regarding any case. The officers broke no laws.....none. Self-defense on video needs no more proof than that. It's why they ruled it justified. GJ members are allowed to ask any questions they desire. The video was there with a video expert explaining what they were looking at frame by frame. The forensic science experts were there. The FBI agent was there.

If I decide to take a walk today, and some 5'9" 195 lbs. male starts pulling a gun on me, I'm shooting too. I will not be charged either because our law reads that as an armed citizen, I have the right to use deadly force if I believe that I (or others) are in jeopardy of serious bodily harm or death. That's our law, and yes, it extends to our police officers as well.

In that situation, I would have every reason to believe that the guy puling out the gun, even if it's not a real gun but an exact replica, put me in jeopardy of serious bodily harm or death as the law states. The police would investigate, the detectives would investigate, and I wouldn't even get a ticket for defending myself because defending yourself is legal in the state of Ohio.

Oh, i see, it wasn't about "race", it was about the "Dress Code"

Look out its, the ..

Yes, appearance and location have everything to do with it. If these two guys are both interviewed for a job, which one do you think would get the offer?

A nearby gas station here was a murder scene a few years back. The owner had a NO HOODIE policy. Why, because he didn't like black people? No, it's because blacks use hoodies to disguise their identity. When an off-duty clerk told the guy he had to remove his hoodie, he pulled out a gun and killed the young man. Apparently they were there to rob the store.
Pointing out facts about different populations and cultures isn’t racism.

Racism isn't 'Facts'.

Yes, appearance and location have everything to do with it. If these two guys are both interviewed for a job, which one do you think would get the offer?

So you are saying because we have RAMPANT racism in the work place and hiring practices, that makes racism in police work okay? This is what you are arguing, buddy?

Um, no. A white guy carrying a gun was treated with deference and respect, the black guy was lucky nobody shot him. But since most mass shooters tend to be white guys with automatic weapons, we are maybe getting the reactions wrong.

If I decide to take a walk today, and some 5'9" 195 lbs. male starts pulling a gun on me, I'm shooting too. I will not be charged either because our law reads that as an armed citizen, I have the right to use deadly force if I believe that I (or others) are in jeopardy of serious bodily harm or death. That's our law, and yes, it extends to our police officers as well.

I'm this is your big wank fantasy, to go shoots you a darkie. But frankly, you probably need help with your anger issues, or you are going to end up in a Van Dyke situation... heh, heh, heh... .
Pointing out facts about different populations and cultures isn’t racism.

Racism isn't 'Facts'.

Yes, appearance and location have everything to do with it. If these two guys are both interviewed for a job, which one do you think would get the offer?

So you are saying because we have RAMPANT racism in the work place and hiring practices, that makes racism in police work okay? This is what you are arguing, buddy?

Um, no. A white guy carrying a gun was treated with deference and respect, the black guy was lucky nobody shot him. But since most mass shooters tend to be white guys with automatic weapons, we are maybe getting the reactions wrong.

If I decide to take a walk today, and some 5'9" 195 lbs. male starts pulling a gun on me, I'm shooting too. I will not be charged either because our law reads that as an armed citizen, I have the right to use deadly force if I believe that I (or others) are in jeopardy of serious bodily harm or death. That's our law, and yes, it extends to our police officers as well.

I'm this is your big wank fantasy, to go shoots you a darkie. But frankly, you probably need help with your anger issues, or you are going to end up in a Van Dyke situation... heh, heh, heh... .

I never said “racism is facts”. In fact I said the exact opposite. I gather you just have nothing to say, other than accuse me and others of being “racist” because that is how you want to perceive us.
I never said “racism is facts”. In fact I said the exact opposite. I gather you just have nothing to say, other than accuse me and others of being “racist” because that is how you want to perceive us.

No, guy, I perceive you as racist because you sit there with your silly white privileged ass spouting about "Those people".
I never said “racism is facts”. In fact I said the exact opposite. I gather you just have nothing to say, other than accuse me and others of being “racist” because that is how you want to perceive us.

No, guy, I perceive you as racist because you sit there with your silly white privileged ass spouting about "Those people".

But your silly white privileged ass spouting about “those (white) people” isn’t racist, eh?
But your silly white privileged ass spouting about “those (white) people” isn’t racist, eh?

No, in my case, it's a valid criticism. We white folks have a lot of housekeeping to do.

Speaking of housekeeping, the cleaners called, they were able to press your brown shirts, but they can't get that salsa stain out of your hood.
Black people get treated differently because for the most part they act differently. Blacks commit far more crimes per capita.

If you want that to change, perhaps blacks should change their behavior?

Thanks, buddy, but Ray already brought a bunch of racism.

Come on theHawk didnt you know; you can’t only judge and treat White folks a certain way based on their behavior. That common sense shit does not apply with minorities.
But your silly white privileged ass spouting about “those (white) people” isn’t racist, eh?

No, in my case, it's a valid criticism. We white folks have a lot of housekeeping to do.

Speaking of housekeeping, the cleaners called, they were able to press your brown shirts, but they can't get that salsa stain out of your hood.
Yes, we do. We need to get rid of idiots like you. Perhaps you’d like to move to Africa?
But your silly white privileged ass spouting about “those (white) people” isn’t racist, eh?

No, in my case, it's a valid criticism. We white folks have a lot of housekeeping to do.

Speaking of housekeeping, the cleaners called, they were able to press your brown shirts, but they can't get that salsa stain out of your hood.

Joe, you really gotta stop that “I’m a white guy” shit...nobody here believes that retarded nonsense.
Well. I think we solved that one.

If you're a paranoid white person concerned that the minorities are trying to wipe you off the face of the earth, then vote Republican.

If you're not, then vote Democrat.

If you're a paranoid white person concerned that the minorities are trying to wipe you off the face of the earth, and, you want to control the minorities, then vote Democrat
Come on theHawk didnt you know; you can’t only judge and treat White folks a certain way based on their behavior. That common sense shit does not apply with minorities.

white people run things in this country and have massive privilege, so yes, you can judge them on their bad behavior.

Massive privilege? Just what might be some of those massive privileges? I have some free time and want to use it wisely.
Come on theHawk didnt you know; you can’t only judge and treat White folks a certain way based on their behavior. That common sense shit does not apply with minorities.

white people run things in this country and have massive privilege, so yes, you can judge them on their bad behavior.

Except for the 99.9% of white people who don't run anything aside from their own lives.

For once, I might agree with Brokeloser. If you were actually white you'd realize "we" don't exist as a cabal conspiring to keep the brown people down. It's usually delusional black people and utter morons who think that way.
Come on theHawk didnt you know; you can’t only judge and treat White folks a certain way based on their behavior. That common sense shit does not apply with minorities.

white people run things in this country and have massive privilege, so yes, you can judge them on their bad behavior.

So it’s not really about race then...hmmm, it’s about it.
Hahaha...So do we have your permission to start judging wetbacks on their behavior here in Mexifornia since they are the majority “running things”?
But your silly white privileged ass spouting about “those (white) people” isn’t racist, eh?

No, in my case, it's a valid criticism. We white folks have a lot of housekeeping to do.

Speaking of housekeeping, the cleaners called, they were able to press your brown shirts, but they can't get that salsa stain out of your hood.

Housekeeping such as what?
I never said “racism is facts”. In fact I said the exact opposite. I gather you just have nothing to say, other than accuse me and others of being “racist” because that is how you want to perceive us.

No, guy, I perceive you as racist because you sit there with your silly white privileged ass spouting about "Those people".

You perceive anybody who disagrees with you as a racist.

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