How Can White Americans Be Democrats ?

Not to the point where they blast any black kid they run across, no.

Nobody blasts every black kid, just ones that are pulling a gun out on an officer. If I get pulled over while carrying my firearm, I cannot take my hands off the steering wheel until I inform the officer that I'm armed, and he gives me further instructions. If I remove my hand or hands without instruction, the officer can shoot me in self defense even though he can't even see my firearm.

You guys have yet to produce the picture of him looking like a thug.

Nobody said a thug, just not looking like that.


yeah, too bad that isn't what the video showed. You see, it would have been nice to hve a trial where we could have sorted all this out. Oh, wait. No, it wouldn't have been.

The Grand Jury spent hours going through the enhanced video (by NASA) frame by frame.
Nobody blasts every black kid, just ones that are pulling a gun out on an officer. If I get pulled over while carrying my firearm, I cannot take my hands off the steering wheel until I inform the officer that I'm armed, and he gives me further instructions. If I remove my hand or hands without instruction, the officer can shoot me in self defense even though he can't even see my firearm.

You see, the thing is, you were white, and you had the DISCUSSION.

Which I am sure took longer than the 1.3 second it took Officer "I was fired for crying on a gun range" Loehman too before he blasted an innocent 12 year old.
Nobody blasts every black kid, just ones that are pulling a gun out on an officer. If I get pulled over while carrying my firearm, I cannot take my hands off the steering wheel until I inform the officer that I'm armed, and he gives me further instructions. If I remove my hand or hands without instruction, the officer can shoot me in self defense even though he can't even see my firearm.

You see, the thing is, you were white, and you had the DISCUSSION.

Which I am sure took longer than the 1.3 second it took Officer "I was fired for crying on a gun range" Loehman too before he blasted an innocent 12 year old.

He wasn't innocent. Innocent 12 year olds don't point a realistic looking guns at cars and later pull a realistic gun on a police officer. If he had a real months with an IQ over 30, she would have taught him how to interact with police. After all, that's what white mothers do.
So why did people summon the police if it looked like a toy? Nobody calls the police for a kid playing with a toy.

Except they told the dispatcher, "I think it's a toy."

He wasn't innocent. Innocent 12 year olds don't point a realistic looking guns at cars and later pull a realistic gun on a police officer. If he had a real months with an IQ over 30, she would have taught him how to interact with police. After all, that's what white mothers do.

white mothers don't have to worry about maniac cops shooting their kids.
So why did people summon the police if it looked like a toy? Nobody calls the police for a kid playing with a toy.

Except they told the dispatcher, "I think it's a toy."

He wasn't innocent. Innocent 12 year olds don't point a realistic looking guns at cars and later pull a realistic gun on a police officer. If he had a real months with an IQ over 30, she would have taught him how to interact with police. After all, that's what white mothers do.

white mothers don't have to worry about maniac cops shooting their kids.
Is that what you are told?
What is that? Some kind of philosophy?
I don’t even hate Republicans. I just want to protect myself from them. Dangerous people make me nervous. Even worse when they’re not only dangerous but also racist.
Democrats are the racist party. Also the party of TREASON. All Democrats should be arrested for treason, whipped, and executed.
Of course racists would say something like that.

The Party of White calling for attacks on minorities?

Of course.
Democrats were doing that with blacks before republicans stepped in and stopped it.
Democrats got pissed and then started feeding blacks BS for the votes.

Nothing changed until Trump was elected. Blacks now have the lowest unemployment rate we’ve ever seen!
Funny, you think blacks are stupid because they won't vote for racist Trump.

Yet, the rest of the world laughs at Republicans for voting for a racist Trump.

While you scratching your head, you are being laughed at for believing a liar.

You do believe Trump doesn't lie, right? You haven't given up on that, right? Come on, make me laugh.

tee hee, giggle, small burp
This is what is too fuking hilarious.

Republican police will shoot a black child for carrying a toy or just walking down the street.

But here, white Dylann Roof is arrested for shooting to death 9 people. And yet, look how polite they handle him. About the only time white shooters are killed is when they commit suicide. Innocent blacks aren't given that choice by Republican infected police.

This is what is too fuking hilarious.

Republican police will shoot a black child for carrying a toy or just walking down the street.

But here, white Dylann Roof is arrested for shooting to death 9 people. And yet, look how polite they handle him. About the only time white shooters are killed is when they commit suicide. Innocent blacks aren't given that choice by Republican infected police.

Police only shoot for one reason, and that is to defend themselves. You could kill a hundred people, and as long as you surrender when ordered to, you won't get a scratch on you, white or black.
Police only shoot for one reason, and that is to defend themselves. You could kill a hundred people, and as long as you surrender when ordered to, you won't get a scratch on you, white or black.

Sure, you keep telling yourself that.

Tamir Rice. LaQuan McDonald. Mike Brown. Sandra Bland. Walter Scott.

Now you'll regale us how these unarmed people all needed to be killed because they were scary darkies.
Police only shoot for one reason, and that is to defend themselves. You could kill a hundred people, and as long as you surrender when ordered to, you won't get a scratch on you, white or black.

Sure, you keep telling yourself that.

Tamir Rice. LaQuan McDonald. Mike Brown. Sandra Bland. Walter Scott.

Now you'll regale us how these unarmed people all needed to be killed because they were scary darkies.

What you did is give me a list of people who made unnecessary moves in front of a police officer causing them to react. After all, every police shooting of an unarmed person has one thing in common. Try to guess what that is.
What you did is give me a list of people who made unnecessary moves in front of a police officer causing them to react. After all, every police shooting of an unarmed person has one thing in common. Try to guess what that is.

Being scary black people.

Walter Scott had his back turned when he was shot in the back.
Tamir Rice was playing with a toy that wasn't in his hand.
LaQuan McDonald was running away.

But you'll justify bad behavior towards black people all day.
What you did is give me a list of people who made unnecessary moves in front of a police officer causing them to react. After all, every police shooting of an unarmed person has one thing in common. Try to guess what that is.

Being scary black people.

Walter Scott had his back turned when he was shot in the back.
Tamir Rice was playing with a toy that wasn't in his hand.
LaQuan McDonald was running away.

But you'll justify bad behavior towards black people all day.

The cop that shot Scott was sentenced to prison, same with McDonald. So much for white privilege.
Rice had the gun in his hand, otherwise it could have never ended up on the ground after the shooting.
The cop that shot Scott was sentenced to prison, same with McDonald. So much for white privilege.

Yeah, minimal sentences ... black kids have gotten more for stealing slices of pizza.

Rice had the gun in his hand, otherwise it could have never ended up on the ground after the shooting.

Right, because there's now way a cop could have planted evidence.
Yeah, minimal sentences ... black kids have gotten more for stealing slices of pizza.

Sure they do, black kids end up in prison for simply stealing a pice of pizza. Did you ever hear of what it's like for ex-cops in prison?

Right, because there's now way a cop could have planted evidence.

He had a gun, that's why several witnesses called the police. The gun was identified because he traded for his cell phone with another kid. For crying out loud, it's right in front of you on the video.
This is what is too fuking hilarious.

Republican police will shoot a black child for carrying a toy or just walking down the street.

But here, white Dylann Roof is arrested for shooting to death 9 people. And yet, look how polite they handle him. About the only time white shooters are killed is when they commit suicide. Innocent blacks aren't given that choice by Republican infected police.

Police only shoot for one reason, and that is to defend themselves. You could kill a hundred people, and as long as you surrender when ordered to, you won't get a scratch on you, white or black.

Police shot an 11 year-old black child with a toy gun without a word. Just pulled up, jumped out and "bang", the kid was dead.
Sure they do, black kids end up in prison for simply stealing a pice of pizza. Did you ever hear of what it's like for ex-cops in prison?

three strikes law, a guy was sentenced to life for stealing a slice of Pizza in CA.

Yes, it does suck to be a corrupt cop in prison, where all the other victims of corrupt cops end up.

Oh, well.

He had a gun, that's why several witnesses called the police. The gun was identified because he traded for his cell phone with another kid. For crying out loud, it's right in front of you on the video.

Um, yeah, he's playing WITH A TOY, which he put back in his pants when the cop (fired from another PD for crying on a gun range) popped out of his car and shot him.

Gun was not his hand. He was not going for it.

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