How Can White Americans Be Democrats ?

Ray a good productive worker is always looking to leave the job at a whims notice. Having to give 2 weeks notice should be against the law as it infringes upon the workers ability to leave on good terms. Loyalty is not and should NOT be a part of the equation. One is there first to simply get a paycheck. Helping the company isn't on the priority list.

There is no law stating you have to give notice unless you're under contract which most blue collar people are not. I did walk off a job one time in anger when I was a kid. I couldn't find decent work for years afterwards. The places I applied to called that employer and that's all they had to hear. My applications went right in the basket.

I use the same criteria when people apply for one of my apartments. I call past landlords to get the rental history of the applicant. If somebody tells me the renter left with no notice, that application ends up in my shredder. I have no use for people that are going to end up costing me money, and I don't care how good of a renter they were otherwise.
Again, a judge already ruled that charges were warrented.. The only purpose of the Grand Jury in this case was to try to bury the case. Instead, they buried the DA, and good riddance.

A lib judge (who had nothing to do with the case) said he would have brought charges, but as we know, there are plenty of asshole judges in this country. Judges are also politicians. They have a job by being elected every couple of years. If they serve in a black district, of course they are going to say that.

A couple of reasons why we didn't. First, IL is an At Will employment state. Wrongful termination is a very steep hill to climb. Second, he didn't do this all on the same day. This was over several years. Third, - at least for me, the last thing I wanted as a buyer was to have my name attached to a lawsuit. That kind of makes you employment poison.

The reality is when you don't have unions, this kind of shit will go on.

And when you do have unions, they end up protecting crappy workers who should have been fired years ago.

In my line of work, I've seen that so many times. I could write a book about my experiences with union companies. One that immediately comes to mind is when I had a delivery to the Chrysler plant (now closed) years ago. I walked in and asked some guys who I talk to in order to get unloaded? They said I need to see Fred. Okay, so where is Fred? He's in his office right now, but he's sleeping and I wouldn't bother him if you really want to get out of here.

Yes, it was a laugh because I figured they were joking like coworkers always do. When I went to Fred's office, that's exactly what he was doing. I had to wait a half-hour for him to get up so I could see where to get unloaded at.

It took the shipper 25 minutes to load my trailer, and it took me five hours to get unloaded at the Chrysler plant, and I was just about the only truck there besides my coworker who had the rest of the load. This was a typical problem at UAW plants, and it's one of the reasons my employer decided on no more auto plant deliveries.

Good point. Thing was, totally didn't do that. In fact, I was the one who organized a lot of the social stuff we did at the company like the Christmas party. I was the one they flew out to other branches to train people how to use our computer system. And at the end of the day, I was the guy with lots of medical bills that Cigna said to get rid of.

The thing was, because of the shitty way they treated people at the time I left, I had been there longer in the office of anyone other than the GM (the idiot) and the Office Manager (A very nice lady, I went fishing with her and her husband in Wisconsin where we both have property.) When you flip your entire office staff twice in six years, you are a pretty shitty place to work. They've flipped it over a couple more times since I've left, been bought out twice by bigger companies.

Yes, I think that companies shouldn't fire employees for anything short of misconduct like punching the boss or stealing.

I think when they lay people off, they should offer those people the jobs back when they need new employees. NOne of this, "Let's use a recession to reduce payroll even if we don't reduce headcount." Recessions would probably be less awful if we did that. (They were back in the 1950's, when you had to bring back the guys you "laid off".)

First off, they lay people off because it's better for the employees record than to say they were fired. It's a very common practice. Being laid off allows you to easily collect unemployment benefits. If you get fired, you have to fight the company to get those benefits. It's less work and trouble if they just allow you to get unemployment than to fight the bureau to try and stop it.

Years ago I worked for a company that lost their largest employer--the VA. The kingpin there was making dirty deals all over the place, and my company was one of them. It was 80% of our business. So when the news broke the story, we lost that account immediately.

The owner of the company fired me instead of doing the honorable thing and laying me off. He did the same to all the workers. He was trying to deter us from getting unemployment. After all, unemployment insurance is like any other. The more you use it, the more it costs. So I stayed on unemployment until the last week ran out in effort to cost that employer as much money as I could. I understand there are bad employers out there.

But that was an anomaly. However in our past discussions, you seemed to have problems with everybody you ever worked for. Big difference. The problem can't be every employer is an evil 1% or mad because you made a medical claim. They simply wanted to get rid of you for whatever reason.
A lib judge (who had nothing to do with the case) said he would have brought charges, but as we know, there are plenty of asshole judges in this country. Judges are also politicians. They have a job by being elected every couple of years. If they serve in a black district, of course they are going to say that.

Um, no he said there was sufficiency to bring charges. Done. Have a trial. No need for a grand jury. But when you have a prosecutor who had a history of covering police misconduct, you got exactly what you got

Thankfully, those days are DONE. McGinty- Gone. McCullough. Gone. Alverez here in Chicago. Gone. Now we put the bad cops on trial.

And when you do have unions, they end up protecting crappy workers who should have been fired years ago.

That sounds like bad management, not bad workers. I find most companies iwth problems are bad management.

But that was an anomaly. However in our past discussions, you seemed to have problems with everybody you ever worked for. Big difference. The problem can't be every employer is an evil 1% or mad because you made a medical claim. They simply wanted to get rid of you for whatever reason.

Most other employers I quit on my own to take better jobs, or because their behavior towards someone else was so egregious I quite on principle (Like the company that fired my friend because they found out she was gay.) Other companies went out of business, like the one that lied to us about closing their Chicago branch up until the day they did it.

Ironically, the two best companies I worked for were a Japanese Company and a British Company. It's American owned companies that engaged in the most shitty behavior.

Yes, I have big problems with people who lied to me... and every last employer I ever had has.
First off, they lay people off because it's better for the employees record than to say they were fired. It's a very common practice. Being laid off allows you to easily collect unemployment benefits. If you get fired, you have to fight the company to get those benefits. It's less work and trouble if they just allow you to get unemployment than to fight the bureau to try and stop it.

Wrong. YOu are still entitled to unemployment even if you are fired.

The owner of the company fired me instead of doing the honorable thing and laying me off. He did the same to all the workers. He was trying to deter us from getting unemployment. After all, unemployment insurance is like any other. The more you use it, the more it costs. So I stayed on unemployment until the last week ran out in effort to cost that employer as much money as I could. I understand there are bad employers out there.

That sounds pretty unethical. No wonder you don't want to shop your resume. I saw a six month gap on a resume, I'd ask why.
Um, no he said there was sufficiency to bring charges. Done. Have a trial. No need for a grand jury. But when you have a prosecutor who had a history of covering police misconduct, you got exactly what you got

Thankfully, those days are DONE. McGinty- Gone. McCullough. Gone. Alverez here in Chicago. Gone. Now we put the bad cops on trial.

And what would he have charged him with? The officer broke no laws. That's the point. And this judge sticking his two-cents in was purely politics, just like the city awarding the mother of this little creep 5 million dollars; money the city desperately needed. But all libs really care about is staying in power, it doesn't matter whether they screw the people to do so.

That sounds like bad management, not bad workers. I find most companies iwth problems are bad management.

Management is helpless when it comes to unions. They can't do a damn thing. The unions tell them who they can hire, who they can fire, who they promote. Management is just a figure head. You can't blame management when it's unions that run the entire show.

Most other employers I quit on my own to take better jobs, or because their behavior towards someone else was so egregious I quite on principle (Like the company that fired my friend because they found out she was gay.) Other companies went out of business, like the one that lied to us about closing their Chicago branch up until the day they did it.

Ironically, the two best companies I worked for were a Japanese Company and a British Company. It's American owned companies that engaged in the most shitty behavior.

Yes, I have big problems with people who lied to me... and every last employer I ever had has.

You said it all right there: they were always wrong, and you were always right. Is it any wonder you had problems with every employer you worked for?

Don't get me wrong, I've had employers that were not all that great, but I got along with them and made sure their reference was favorable for my future employment.
Wrong. YOu are still entitled to unemployment even if you are fired.

No you are not. As I stated, I had to fight to get mine and I know others who lost their case. My former employer was entitled to continue the fight, but he gave up after my first appeal because he had no cause. He lost his largest customer and that's why he had to get rid of us. It was quite a controversy here because of the media, and he had no leg to stand on. I even called my former boss to convey to the owner if he gives me a bad reference and I find out, he'll be hearing from my lawyer and I'll call the media again since it was associated with that criminal case. To my knowledge, he never did give me a bad reference.

That sounds pretty unethical. No wonder you don't want to shop your resume. I saw a six month gap on a resume, I'd ask why.

There was no economy problem at the time, so unemployment was like four months. Nobody pays attention to that. If you're off for a year or so, then I can understand. Afterwards, I got my CDL and went back into truck driving.
And what would he have charged him with?

Murder. He shot an unarmed kid who wasn't a threat.

And this judge sticking his two-cents in was purely politics, just like the city awarding the mother of this little creep 5 million dollars; money the city desperately needed. But all libs really care about is staying in power, it doesn't matter whether they screw the people to do so.

Again, don't hire guys like Officer McWeepy, and you won't have this problem.

Management is helpless when it comes to unions. They can't do a damn thing. The unions tell them who they can hire, who they can fire, who they promote. Management is just a figure head. You can't blame management when it's unions that run the entire show.

Actually, it's a lot more complicated than that... but to the point, if you can't work with the folks you got, you shouldn't be a manager. Any fool who thinks he can fire his way to a more efficient workplace, probably shouldn't be a manager. Companies where everyone worries about who gets fired next are NEVER productive. The people who remain have no morale and are looking for the exit.

No you are not. As I stated, I had to fight to get mine and I know others who lost their case. My former employer was entitled to continue the fight, but he gave up after my first appeal because he had no cause. He lost his largest customer and that's why he had to get rid of us. It was quite a controversy here because of the media, and he had no leg to stand on. I even called my former boss to convey to the owner if he gives me a bad reference and I find out, he'll be hearing from my lawyer and I'll call the media again since it was associated with that criminal case. To my knowledge, he never did give me a bad reference.

They never give anyone a bad reference. The only thing employers say these days is confirming work dates and whether or not the person is elligible for rehire.

If your boss tried to deny you benefits, you probably fucked something up. Most companies give you the number to unemployment on your way out. And no, it doesnt' go up if you fire more people. If it did, you'd have less bad managers.

There was no economy problem at the time, so unemployment was like four months. Nobody pays attention to that. If you're off for a year or so, then I can understand. Afterwards, I got my CDL and went back into truck driving.

Oh, so essentially, you went into a different feild because your name was mud in that field.

Um, yeah, employers see anything more than three months, it raises an eyebrow.
Murder. He shot an unarmed kid who wasn't a threat.


n. the killing of a human being by a sane person, with intent, malice aforethought (prior intention to kill the particular victim or anyone who gets in the way) and with no legal excuse or authority. In those clear circumstances, this is first degree murder. By statute, many states

Legal Dictionary -

Self-defense is not murder.

Again, don't hire guys like Officer McWeepy, and you won't have this problem.

I'm sure most officers would have responded the same way.

Actually, it's a lot more complicated than that... but to the point, if you can't work with the folks you got, you shouldn't be a manager. Any fool who thinks he can fire his way to a more efficient workplace, probably shouldn't be a manager. Companies where everyone worries about who gets fired next are NEVER productive. The people who remain have no morale and are looking for the exit.

My experiences differ. The most productive places I've been to were non-union because you can get fired for not doing your job. The only requirement by unions are that you be moving and breathing in order to not get fired. It doesn't matter how slow you are, how many times you go to the restroom, how unproductive you are.

They never give anyone a bad reference. The only thing employers say these days is confirming work dates and whether or not the person is elligible for rehire.

If your boss tried to deny you benefits, you probably fucked something up. Most companies give you the number to unemployment on your way out. And no, it doesnt' go up if you fire more people. If it did, you'd have less bad managers.

Yes it does because unemployment insurance is just that--insurance. All insurance increase their rates if you make repeated claims. Plus the fact he did the same thing to all the others he fired. He tried to keep his insurance rates low by denying them unemployment. It worked on a few of them. They never collected after the initial refusal by unemployment.

Oh, so essentially, you went into a different feild because your name was mud in that field.

Um, yeah, employers see anything more than three months, it raises an eyebrow.

No it doesn't. Why would they care? A few months is not that unusual. In fact in bad economic times, a year or so is not questionable. What employers are weary of are people who play the system. People who always seem to end up on unemployment just when they have enough weeks in to make a new claim. I only collected that one time in my life. My record is spotless.

My name was fine in that line of work, it's just that it didn't pay anything or have a future. So unlike liberals who think it's governments job to make sure they get paid what they want, I went into a different field of work making my services more valuable to employers. That's what you're supposed to do.

One of my employers let me in on a secret when it comes to giving or getting references. He said the only real question that matters (and is totally legal) is this one: If I decide not to hire X, would you rehire him if there was an opening in your company?

It's not illegal to ask that question and it's not illegal to say "I would not." In fact I use that in checking references for tenants.
Self-defense is not murder.

child playing iwth a toy is not something you need to defend yourself from.

Yes it does because unemployment insurance is just that--insurance. All insurance increase their rates if you make repeated claims. Plus the fact he did the same thing to all the others he fired. He tried to keep his insurance rates low by denying them unemployment. It worked on a few of them. They never collected after the initial refusal by unemployment.

Not sure how it works in Ohio, but in IL, unemployment is run by the state and it's a flat fee.

My name was fine in that line of work, it's just that it didn't pay anything or have a future.

Right... so you stay in the shitty job where you can't get health insurance because you couldn't possibly get more money doing something else.

One of my employers let me in on a secret when it comes to giving or getting references.

the sad thing is, you believe anything your employers tell you. Any employer who said that would be opening himself up to a whole bunch of litigation.
child playing iwth a toy is not something you need to defend yourself from.

A 5'8" 195 lbs person pulling out a gun on you is.

Not sure how it works in Ohio, but in IL, unemployment is run by the state and it's a flat fee.

Most states offer their insurance or you can buy private. Same with Workman's compensation. It's your choice. But no matter which one your employer chooses, it works the same exact way.

Right... so you stay in the shitty job where you can't get health insurance because you couldn't possibly get more money doing something else.

Government restricts me from getting a better job, and it's government that put me in this position in the first place. Without government in the way, I'd be doing great today.

the sad thing is, you believe anything your employers tell you. Any employer who said that would be opening himself up to a whole bunch of litigation.

No, when I sued one of my former tenants, I brought up the subject to my lawyer. He concurred that's the legal way to avoid getting sued for giving bad references or asking questions of a potential applicant.
A 5'8" 195 lbs person pulling out a gun on you is.

Wasn't a gun.
Wasn't in his hands
Only 1.3 seconds between the car stopping and him firing.

Government restricts me from getting a better job, and it's government that put me in this position in the first place. Without government in the way, I'd be doing great today.

Naw, you'd still be a white trash loser.
Wasn't a gun.
Wasn't in his hands
Only 1.3 seconds between the car stopping and him firing.

It was a realistic gun, it was in his hands because after he was shot, it was laying on the ground. If it was a real gun, should the cop have waited 3 seconds and get killed for doing so?
It was a realistic gun, it was in his hands because after he was shot, it was laying on the ground. If it was a real gun, should the cop have waited 3 seconds and get killed for doing so?

He has a bullet proof vest and a car with ballistic glass. Not seeing the problem here.

You have to be capable of understanding the causation principle...shit you learned in third know, cause and effect and accountability....shit you LefTarded folks hate.
It was a realistic gun, it was in his hands because after he was shot, it was laying on the ground. If it was a real gun, should the cop have waited 3 seconds and get killed for doing so?

He has a bullet proof vest and a car with ballistic glass. Not seeing the problem here.

Wait a mean to tell me that cops don't get killed with bulletproof vests on? Then please explain to me how we lost 144 police officers in 2018. Did they all jump off a bridge or something?
You have to be capable of understanding the causation principle...shit you learned in third know, cause and effect and accountability....shit you LefTarded folks hate.

If this had been a white kid playing with a toy in the park, no one would have gotten shot.

I do get "Causation". When you hire someone who got fired for mental instability by another police department, he's going to fuck up eventually.

Wait a mean to tell me that cops don't get killed with bulletproof vests on? Then please explain to me how we lost 144 police officers in 2018. Did they all jump off a bridge or something

I'm glad you asked. Let's break it down, spanky.

Of those 144 deaths, 50 were traffic related. Only 52 were firearm related.

Of the 52 who were killed by guns, 4 of them were killed with their own weapons the bad guys had taken from them.

But one more time.

TAMIR RICE DID NOT HAVE A GUN!!! He was playing with a toy.
If this had been a white kid playing with a toy in the park, no one would have gotten shot.

Maybe not, but how many cops are gunned down by whites compared to blacks? How many white kids carry firearms?

I'm glad you asked. Let's break it down, spanky.

Of those 144 deaths, 50 were traffic related. Only 52 were firearm related.

Of the 52 who were killed by guns, 4 of them were killed with their own weapons the bad guys had taken from them.

But one more time.

TAMIR RICE DID NOT HAVE A GUN!!! He was playing with a toy.

Yeah, he was playing with a toy. In fact the picture in your mind of Tamir, I happen to have right here:


One more time Joe, which one of these is the toy?

Tamir Rice.jpeg
Maybe not, but how many cops are gunned down by whites compared to blacks? How many white kids carry firearms?

Not that many cops are gunned down, that's the thing. 52 cops shot vs. 1200 civilians shot by cops.

Yeah, he was playing with a toy. In fact the picture in your mind of Tamir, I happen to have right here:

Yup... he actually looked like this.

One more time Joe, which one of these is the toy?

Did Officer Weepy have X-ray vision to see the toy under his coat?
Not that many cops are gunned down, that's the thing. 52 cops shot vs. 1200 civilians shot by cops.

And you think that if you are a police officer, that's nothing to be concerned about?

Yup... he actually looked like this.

Yes he did, about three or four years before he was shot.

Did Officer Weepy have X-ray vision to see the toy under his coat?

The officers got a call about somebody with a gun pointing it at motorists in a park well known for drug activity and shootings. They seen Tamir put something down the front of his pants while they were driving up. When they exited the car, the officer seen Tamir pulling the gun out of his pants.
And you think that if you are a police officer, that's nothing to be concerned about?

Not to the point where they blast any black kid they run across, no.

Yes he did, about three or four years before he was shot.

You guys have yet to produce the picture of him looking like a thug.

The officers got a call about somebody with a gun pointing it at motorists in a park well known for drug activity and shootings. They seen Tamir put something down the front of his pants while they were driving up. When they exited the car, the officer seen Tamir pulling the gun out of his pants.

yeah, too bad that isn't what the video showed. You see, it would have been nice to hve a trial where we could have sorted all this out. Oh, wait. No, it wouldn't have been.

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