How Can White Americans Be Democrats ?

The income gap between rich and poor is widening, not shrinking, while in the rest of the world, that gap is being addressed, in the USA, it's getting worse. Life expectancy is dropping, not growing, like it is in the rest of the world. I guess you health care system isn't all that great after all.

Infrastructure is crumbling, and the middle class is shrinking, while the number of Americans in poverty is growing.
Th number of American in fodd stamos has DROPPED, sinc eTrump took over. Of course, more Americans are WORKING than ever before is US hstory,
AND >>

Sine Obama left, GDP growth up > from 1.8% to 4.2%


2. Lowered unemployment from 4.8% to 3.7%


3. Lowest black unemployment EVER (5.7%)

4. Lowest Hispanic unemployment EVER (4.6%)

5. Highest Median income EVER ($61,372/year)

6. US homebuilding permits soar to highest level since 2007.

7. US manufacturing having best year since 2004

8. Welfare participation at 17 year low.

9. More Americans working than EVER before.

10. ISIS chased out of Raqqa and Mosul - much weakened

Donald J. Trump's Accomplishment's List | MAGA PILL

Obama lowered unemployment from over 10% to under 5%. All of the economic accomplishments you list here, are a continuation of Obama's economy, and many of the employment numbers, GDP, and stock market indicators are lies. No, his GDP growth is NOT 4.2% and his average GDP growth at 2.6% is LOWER than Obama's at 2.7.

Trump's Economic Scorecard: 18 Months Into His Presidency

Everything else, is a continuation of Obama's recovery.
Indeed, it's hard to believe that the second biggest party of the country stands for replacement of its own citizens and discrimination against majority of its citizens... in short genocide of its own population.

In Japan, they probably can't believe it.

The MSM there is looney, leftist, and dishonest just like here.

Despite that, no one anywhere in the world gives half a shit about paranoid, racist cowards like you except other paranoid, racist cowards.

My ratings per post are much higher than yours.

Something to keep in mind when assessing whose opinion people care about and whose not. As a tip, crying "Racist, xenophobe, homophobic misogynist!!!" is not all the rage right now.
Ooooooohhh...ratings! :lol:
Obama lowered unemployment from over 10% to under 5%. All of the economic accomplishments you list here, are a continuation of Obama's economy, and many of the employment numbers, GDP, and stock market indicators are lies. No, his GDP growth is NOT 4.2% and his average GDP growth at 2.6% is LOWER than Obama's at 2.7.

Trump's Economic Scorecard: 18 Months Into His Presidency

Everything else, is a continuation of Obama's recovery.
Obama did not HAVE a "recovery".. Recoveries from recessions don't come from presidents. They are natural recoil effect that economies undergo. After the normal rebound, Obama could be judged by his final, SINKING year 2016 (which stunk). His GDP average was 1.9. Trump's average is 3.0. Look at the chart above. Trump's lowest (2.2) is about the same as Obama's highest (2.3).

Thank goodness, Trump won the election, and now we have the marvelous economy that we have.

Donald J. Trump's Accomplishment's List | MAGA PILL
The income gap between rich and poor is widening, not shrinking, while in the rest of the world, that gap is being addressed, in the USA, it's getting worse. Life expectancy is dropping, not growing, like it is in the rest of the world. I guess you health care system isn't all that great after all.

Infrastructure is crumbling, and the middle class is shrinking, while the number of Americans in poverty is growing.
Th number of American in fodd stamos has DROPPED, sinc eTrump took over. Of course, more Americans are WORKING than ever before is US hstory,
AND >>

Sine Obama left, GDP growth up > from 1.8% to 4.2%


2. Lowered unemployment from 4.8% to 3.7%


3. Lowest black unemployment EVER (5.7%)

4. Lowest Hispanic unemployment EVER (4.6%)

5. Highest Median income EVER ($61,372/year)

6. US homebuilding permits soar to highest level since 2007.

7. US manufacturing having best year since 2004

8. Welfare participation at 17 year low.

9. More Americans working than EVER before.

10. ISIS chased out of Raqqa and Mosul - much weakened

Donald J. Trump's Accomplishment's List | MAGA PILL

Obama lowered unemployment from over 10% to under 5%. All of the economic accomplishments you list here, are a continuation of Obama's economy, and many of the employment numbers, GDP, and stock market indicators are lies. No, his GDP growth is NOT 4.2% and his average GDP growth at 2.6% is LOWER than Obama's at 2.7.

Trump's Economic Scorecard: 18 Months Into His Presidency

Everything else, is a continuation of Obama's recovery.

Sure it would be if you can show what he did for the economy, but you can't. Why? Because DumBama was the most anti-business President in our lifetime.
The country doesn't care what YOU want. In spite of what liberals think, you don't own this country.

Neither do you. You live with the rest of the people here, or go someplace else. Who in the hell do you think you are?

An American. What are you so willing to sell out this country?

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What kind of bullshit moron are you? The only people "sell[ing] out" the United States of America are people who refer to themselves as "conservatives", but are really right-wingers and theocrats, racists, and misogynists. Dirty people.

I am an American. If you don't like your fellow citizens, I suggest that you leave. If I don't own this country, neither do you. You are just a spoiled little arrogant brat. You are NOT some kind of "boss." More like a lowlife.

No, we conservative are trying to preserve this country for our children and grandchildren. YOU are the one selling us out by siding with illegals invading this great place that our fathers before us built.

Didn't you post that you never married or had children? So either you were lying then or you're lying now.

If the country continues with the economic policies established by Reagan in the 1980's, which has taken the US from the richest nation in the world, to one which is falling further and further behind the rest of the first world, economically, and socially, there won't be a country for your children or your grandchildren.

The income gap between rich and poor is widening, not shrinking, while in the rest of the world, that gap is being addressed, in the USA, it's getting worse. Life expectancy is dropping, not growing, like it is in the rest of the world. I guess you health care system isn't all that great after all.

Infrastructure is crumbling, and the middle class is shrinking, while the number of Americans in poverty is growing.

I didn't say my children and grandchildren, I said our children and grandchildren. On a personal not, I do have a niece and nephew.

Yes, we are the richest country in the world. You don't even show up......OH! There you are, all the way down on number 8.


Thank you Ronald Reagan.

Life expectancy would be a problem if it was all due to healthcare, but it's not. In fact most of our people die on government healthcare. Our problems are more related to drug abuse, obesity, and gang related murders. As for our middle-class, yes it is shrinking. That's in proportion to our social programs and immigrants increasing. After all, most immigrants are on some sort of social program. But that's what happens when you allow low-educated poor people into your country. Just so you know, we're trying to put a stop to that.
I like any people who don't trash my neighborhood and chop my property value in half.

I've been to your city... The neighborhood came pre-trashed...

You picked the wrong city to live in, and you blame black folks for it.

Good job, man. Good job.

Don't blame the One Percenters who sent all the jobs away after they were told they couldn't dump flammables into the Cayahuga river anymore.

Making shit up again. Even after that took place we were still a vibrant city. Nobody in business leaves because they can’t dump stuff into the water, they leave when crime gets too bad and the city loses revenue; the same reason people leave. Couple that with bussing, and younger couples left as well to protect their families.

The current Mayor is allowing our police department to dwindle. He’s not replacing retiring officers. This is typical of pro-criminal leftists. But he did erect a two million dollar dirt bike park for his grandson.

So tell us, where do most of the murders take place in your town of Chicago, middle-class white suburbs?

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but you do agree at least that it is a good thing now that the river doesn't catch on fire right?

How could that not be good? Do you have a point behind your question?
Making shit up again. Even after that took place we were still a vibrant city. Nobody in business leaves because they can’t dump stuff into the water, they leave when crime gets too bad and the city loses revenue; the same reason people leave. Couple that with bussing, and younger couples left as well to protect their families.

Again, your city was a shithole in the 50s, it's a shithole now... It's just not a shithole where the river catches on fire anymore...

The current Mayor is allowing our police department to dwindle. He’s not replacing retiring officers. This is typical of pro-criminal leftists. But he did erect a two million dollar dirt bike park for his grandson.

That's awesome? Is his grandson the only one who uses it? It's it like exclusive.

Hey, you know what, you could have hired 100 police officers for what it cost to pay off Tamir Rice's family. Just sayin'.

So tell us, where do most of the murders take place in your town of Chicago, middle-class white suburbs?

Actually, we have too many murders because you clowns got our gun laws repealed. It's taken that long for the cops to catch up.
Again, your city was a shithole in the 50s, it's a shithole now... It's just not a shithole where the river catches on fire anymore...

Right, because that's just about all you've ever seen here. Others differ.

Cleveland ranked among 21 best places in the world by National Geographic

That's awesome? Is his grandson the only one who uses it? It's it like exclusive.

Hey, you know what, you could have hired 100 police officers for what it cost to pay off Tamir Rice's family. Just sayin'.

Well that's what happens when you have a black administration. They pay off their fellow brothers and sisters with hard earned tax money; money they never had to pay.

No, his grandson is not the only one who uses it. Other criminals use it as well.

Actually, we have too many murders because you clowns got our gun laws repealed. It's taken that long for the cops to catch up.

Good move on your part: avoid answering the question. The murder problem in your city has a common denominator with many places that have the same problem. Can you guess what that is? No, it's not guns.
Well that's what happens when you have a black administration. They pay off their fellow brothers and sisters with hard earned tax money; money they never had to pay.

A jury would have said differently, probably after Officer McWeepy got put on the stand and started crying about how everyone was mean to him.

Good move on your part: avoid answering the question. The murder problem in your city has a common denominator with many places that have the same problem. Can you guess what that is? No, it's not guns.

Um, yeah, actually it is. No guns, a lot harder to murder people.

Also, your city has a higher murder rate than ours... The few people who've stuck around in the wreckage are killing eachother at a higher rate than they do in Chicago. We just have a lot more people because it's still worth living here.
Many White Democrats are either ignorant, and/or have ALLOWED THEMSELVES to be indoctrinated by the Media, Education, and the Democrats which control both. For whatever weakness in their character, they derive their self worth by Virtue Signaling in order to quell their White Guilt. Also, the project their character flaws and weaknesses on to those they fear, and in which they disagree.
Many White Democrats are either ignorant, and/or have ALLOWED THEMSELVES to be indoctrinated by the Media, Education, and the Democrats which control both. For whatever weakness in their character, they derive their self worth by Virtue Signaling in order to quell their White Guilt. Also, the project their character flaws and weaknesses on to those they fear, and in which they disagree.

Yep, they are either all inflicted with white guilt or are self-hating whites. Either that or completely stupid to support a party trying tirelessly to make them a minority.
Many White Democrats are either ignorant, and/or have ALLOWED THEMSELVES to be indoctrinated by the Media, Education, and the Democrats which control both. For whatever weakness in their character, they derive their self worth by Virtue Signaling in order to quell their White Guilt. Also, the project their character flaws and weaknesses on to those they fear, and in which they disagree.

Or maybe we have guilt because there is shit we should feel bad about.

Reality check. This is not an equal country in terms of opportunity or how people are treated.

Yep, they are either all inflicted with white guilt or are self-hating whites. Either that or completely stupid to support a party trying tirelessly to make them a minority.

Or some of us just realize that the real divide isn't skin color, it's wealth.

When your boss cut off our health insurance to go take a nice Italian Vacation, he wasn't on your side because he had the same skin color.

The One Percent keep the dumb white trash like you voting Republican, but they are the ones giving the jobs to undocumented workers because they worker harder than you do.
A jury would have said differently, probably after Officer McWeepy got put on the stand and started crying about how everyone was mean to him.

You mean the same jury that said he didn't commit a crime which he didn't? You really believe that we live in a lawless country where if you don't like what happened or the result of what happened, people are guilty even though they broke no laws.

The problem with discussing things with you liberals is we can put something up right in your face, and you'll continue to believe otherwise. The Mayor here is a criminal, his family are criminal, and it was giving away 5 million dollars to make sure he got reelected.

Um, yeah, actually it is. No guns, a lot harder to murder people.

Also, your city has a higher murder rate than ours... The few people who've stuck around in the wreckage are killing each other at a higher rate than they do in Chicago. We just have a lot more people because it's still worth living here.

So again, what area are those murders committed and what kind of people live there? We both know the answer, but only one of us is intelligent enough to realize it.
Or some of us just realize that the real divide isn't skin color, it's wealth.

When your boss cut off our health insurance to go take a nice Italian Vacation, he wasn't on your side because he had the same skin color.

The One Percent keep the dumb white trash like you voting Republican, but they are the ones giving the jobs to undocumented workers because they worker harder than you do.

Well what white guy is stopping you from getting psychological help for your chronic OCD? The MSM keeps people like you stupid by blaming one-percenters that had zero impact on your life. That's the Democrat way--blame somebody else.

You got canned from jobs because of your attitude and nothing more. But blame them for something you are responsible for.
You mean the same jury that said he didn't commit a crime which he didn't? You really believe that we live in a lawless country where if you don't like what happened or the result of what happened, people are guilty even though they broke no laws.

Um, no, you see, the guy who got voted out never asked for a vote of that jury. He just declared "nothing to see here". In a real trial, there would have been lawyers asking questions like 'Why did you shoot that child 1.3 seconds after leaving your car", and "Were you REALLY fired after breaking down in a crying jag on a gun range after your girlfriend dumped you."

The problem with discussing things with you liberals is we can put something up right in your face, and you'll continue to believe otherwise. The Mayor here is a criminal, his family are criminal, and it was giving away 5 million dollars to make sure he got reelected.

You see, I thought he got re-elected because he did a good job. That's why people get re-elected.

So again, what area are those murders committed and what kind of people live there? We both know the answer, but only one of us is intelligent enough to realize it.

All sorts of areas, and all sorts of murders, buddy. We have too many guns... that's the problem.

Well what white guy is stopping you from getting psychological help for your chronic OCD? The MSM keeps people like you stupid by blaming one-percenters that had zero impact on your life. That's the Democrat way--blame somebody else.

Really, I would say most of the issues I had in my career was when some one percenter decided that after my hard work, I was someone they could get away with letting go. Fuck the One Percent. Tax those fuckers out of existence...

You got canned from jobs because of your attitude and nothing more. But blame them for something you are responsible for.

Except my performance reviews were always exceptional... and I only got canned after I had a medical issue. But man, there were a lot of jobs were I quit on my own because of the shitty behavior of the one percenters... almost always white dudes.

On the other hand, the best boss I ever had was a gay woman.
Does Nancy Pelosi think it's OK for her many sons, daughters, and grandkids to be victims of this racist discrimination, when applying for college, for college financial aid, job hiring, job promotions, business loans, etc, ?

Coming from a white Republican TrumpoDoodleDandy the OP premise is a total farce.

Trumpo himself has a history tainted with racial discrimination in a practice known as red lining.

“The lawsuit was based on evidence gathered by testers for the New York City Human Rights Division, which alleged that black people who went to Trump buildings were told there were no apartments available, while white people were offered units”

Decades-Old Housing Discrimination Case Plagues Donald Trump

You don’t have a problem with that. I proudly do.

Whites have dominated our nation!s history in all aspects of power, business wealth education and law enforcement.

Quit whining and crying victim.
Does Nancy Pelosi think it's OK for her many sons, daughters, and grandkids to be victims of this racist discrimination, when applying for college, for college financial aid, job hiring, job promotions, business loans, etc, ?

Coming from a white Republican TrumpoDoodleDandy the OP premise is a total farce.

Trumpo himself has a history tainted with racial discrimination in a practice known as red lining.

“The lawsuit was based on evidence gathered by testers for the New York City Human Rights Division, which alleged that black people who went to Trump buildings were told there were no apartments available, while white people were offered units”

Decades-Old Housing Discrimination Case Plagues Donald Trump

You don’t have a problem with that. I proudly do.

Whites have dominated our nation!s history in all aspects of power, business wealth education and law enforcement.

Quit whining and crying victim.

The problem with that story is the government was not able to prove the Trump’s did that. The policy of the company was to not rent to people on welfare. The state learned about that policy and sent out agents of color claiming to be on welfare so Trump would refuse rent to them.

They settled the matter out of court with the provision that the Trump’s not admit to any guilt.

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If you follow the democrat ideology it controls the masses which always included the poor ie blacks. And other whites. Democrats have done far worse then nazis.
Does Nancy Pelosi think it's OK for her many sons, daughters, and grandkids to be victims of this racist discrimination, when applying for college, for college financial aid, job hiring, job promotions, business loans, etc, ?

Coming from a white Republican TrumpoDoodleDandy the OP premise is a total farce.

Trumpo himself has a history tainted with racial discrimination in a practice known as red lining.

“The lawsuit was based on evidence gathered by testers for the New York City Human Rights Division, which alleged that black people who went to Trump buildings were told there were no apartments available, while white people were offered units”

Decades-Old Housing Discrimination Case Plagues Donald Trump

You don’t have a problem with that. I proudly do.

Whites have dominated our nation!s history in all aspects of power, business wealth education and law enforcement.

Quit whining and crying victim.

“Whites have dominated our nation!s history in all aspects of power, business wealth education and law enforcement.“

You should thank God this is and has always been a White nation. Look around the globe at any nation run by Brown or Black folks...there’s no coincidence there.

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