How Can White Americans Be Democrats ?

Meh, like them better than I like you. I love immigrants, they are my best customers.

....We have all the people we need in this country, ...

Unfortunately, we don’t.
What do we need them for?

To change your diaper, for one thing.
In other words, you can't name anything.

In other words, you don’t like the very real answer.
....We have all the people we need in this country, ...

Unfortunately, we don’t.
What do we need them for?

To change your diaper, for one thing.
In other words, you can't name anything.

In other words, you don’t like the very real answer.

And anyone who's had relatives in an old folks home knows that it's a very real answer indeed.
To answer the Original Question:

Because a lot of Americas don't think there are good people in Neo Nazis...

Our OP seems to think USA should be a whites led society with only white thoughts and white ideals... No room for multiculturalism....

That is his beliefs but don't expect that to be popular with vast majority born since 1970 and many before that....
To answer the Original Question:

Because a lot of Americas don't think there are good people in Neo Nazis...

Our OP seems to think USA should be a whites led society with only white thoughts and white ideals... No room for multiculturalism....

That is his beliefs but don't expect that to be popular with vast majority born since 1970 and many before that....

Some of the most racist people I come across are younger folks today. With us older folks, we were raised pretty segregated and had opinions, but younger people today interact with minorities much of their lives. They are the people who had to pack up and leave their treasured neighborhoods because of the noise, filth and crime that came when minorities moved in.
To answer the Original Question:

Because a lot of Americas don't think there are good people in Neo Nazis...

Our OP seems to think USA should be a whites led society with only white thoughts and white ideals... No room for multiculturalism....

That is his beliefs but don't expect that to be popular with vast majority born since 1970 and many before that....

Some of the most racist people I come across are younger folks today. With us older folks, we were raised pretty segregated and had opinions, but younger people today interact with minorities much of their lives. They are the people who had to pack up and leave their treasured neighborhoods because of the noise, filth and crime that came when minorities moved in.

Indeed, it's hard to believe that the second biggest party of the country stands for replacement of its own citizens and discrimination against majority of its citizens... in short genocide of its own population.

In Japan, they probably can't believe it.
In almost every country in the world, they can't believe it. The most unbelievable part of it, is millions of people (whites) supporting racist discrimination against themselves, while going around blabbering about "racism".

Look, it's sad to have to make this point to an adult, but justice and morality aren't matters of personal benefit. There are many good reasons, righteous reasons, why someone might support policies that don't benefit them directly, but still attend to some higher good.
To answer the Original Question:

Because a lot of Americas don't think there are good people in Neo Nazis...

Our OP seems to think USA should be a whites led society with only white thoughts and white ideals... No room for multiculturalism....

That is his beliefs but don't expect that to be popular with vast majority born since 1970 and many before that....
You seem to be quite mixed up. White and multiculturalism aren't at odds. There are cultures (languages) brought to America by all races (including whites), which are multiculturalism, and are not good for America.

No nation can stand healthy with mixtures of different languages swirling within it. This is so for Spanish, African languages, or European languages. And it doesn't matter if this is popular or not. If a nice couple who like multiculturalism, get in a cab, and the cab driver can't speak English, their love for multiculturalism isn't going to help them one bit.

Lastly, isn't it interesting how a report of racial discrimination against whites in Affirmative Action, and a complaint about that, gets transformed into >>
"seems to think USA should be a whites led society with only white thoughts and white ideals." Quite an odd transformation.
Some of the most racist people I come across are younger folks today. With us older folks, we were raised pretty segregated and had opinions, but younger people today interact with minorities much of their lives. They are the people who had to pack up and leave their treasured neighborhoods because of the noise, filth and crime that came when minorities moved in.

Really? Most of the younger kids in my family all cringe when their older relatives say openly racist things.

Ray, you hate brown people. We get that. Because it's always easier to kick down than to punch up...
No nation can stand healthy with mixtures of different languages swirling within it. This is so for Spanish, African languages, or European languages. And it doesn't matter if this is popular or not. If a nice couple who like multiculturalism, get in a cab, and the cab driver can't speak English, their love for multiculturalism isn't going to help them one bit.

Actually, lots of countries are multi-lingual, and they are just fine. Switzerland has three languages... they're fine.

India has dozens of languages. Everyone learns Hindi and sometimes English and they talk to their relatives in their local language (Tamil, Gujarati, etc.)

Lastly, isn't it interesting how a report of racial discrimination against whites in Affirmative Action, and a complaint about that, gets transformed into >>
"seems to think USA should be a whites led society with only white thoughts and white ideals." Quite an odd transformation.

Again, if you are a white trash loser, it's because you are a white trash loser, not because Affirmative Action made it easier for a white woman to get a job before you did.
To put this stupid argument to bed once and for all.


Mike Drop.
Some of the most racist people I come across are younger folks today. With us older folks, we were raised pretty segregated and had opinions, but younger people today interact with minorities much of their lives. They are the people who had to pack up and leave their treasured neighborhoods because of the noise, filth and crime that came when minorities moved in.

Really? Most of the younger kids in my family all cringe when their older relatives say openly racist things.

Ray, you hate brown people. We get that. Because it's always easier to kick down than to punch up...

I like any people who don't trash my neighborhood and chop my property value in half.
I like any people who don't trash my neighborhood and chop my property value in half.

I've been to your city... The neighborhood came pre-trashed...

You picked the wrong city to live in, and you blame black folks for it.

Good job, man. Good job.

Don't blame the One Percenters who sent all the jobs away after they were told they couldn't dump flammables into the Cayahuga river anymore.
I like any people who don't trash my neighborhood and chop my property value in half.

I've been to your city... The neighborhood came pre-trashed...

You picked the wrong city to live in, and you blame black folks for it.

Good job, man. Good job.

Don't blame the One Percenters who sent all the jobs away after they were told they couldn't dump flammables into the Cayahuga river anymore.

Making shit up again. Even after that took place we were still a vibrant city. Nobody in business leaves because they can’t dump stuff into the water, they leave when crime gets too bad and the city loses revenue; the same reason people leave. Couple that with bussing, and younger couples left as well to protect their families.

The current Mayor is allowing our police department to dwindle. He’s not replacing retiring officers. This is typical of pro-criminal leftists. But he did erect a two million dollar dirt bike park for his grandson.

So tell us, where do most of the murders take place in your town of Chicago, middle-class white suburbs?

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So the OP is saying that to be a Republican means that you are a white supremacist?
A party that supports racial discrimination against whites, is supported by millions of whites ? Whaaat ? "I don't believe it" is what millions of people in other countries say. Here in America, though, we know it to be true. It (Affirmative Action) was formally and openly stated in the 2004 and 2008 platforms of the Democratic party.

2004 >> "the party "support affirmative action to redress discrimination and to achieve the diversity from which all Americans benefit."

2008 >> ""We support affirmative action, including in federal contracting and higher education, to make sure that those locked out of the doors of opportunity will be able to walk through those doors in the future"

The words "Affirmative Action" are not mentioned in the National Democratic Party platforms of 2012 and 2016, however the description of it, with goals to achieve diversity are mentioned. Seems like Democrats are becoming rather defensive about the idea of racially discriminating in order to stop racially discriminating.

There's an obvious reason why Democrats have removed the words "affirmative action" from their national platforms. Overwhelmingly, the American people oppose the concept. Almost two-thirds of Americans disagree with the June 2016 Supreme Court ruling on affirmative action, that allows public colleges to use race as a factor in their admissions decisions.

According to a Gallup poll conducted over June 29 through July 2, 2016, 70 percent of Americans say merit should be the only factor in college admissions. That number has stayed relatively stable over the last 12 years.

Poll finds surprising American opinions on affirmative action

In California, Democrats HAVE used the words Affirmative Action in their state platform >> "California Democrats will > Encourage, support and defend voluntary, and mandatory affirmative action measures aimed at enhancing equality in employment, education, and business opportunities;"

So with all this discrimination where non-whites are the beneficiaries, and whites are the victims, why do white Democrats support it ? Does Nancy Pelosi think it's OK for her many sons, daughters, and grandkids to be victims of this racist discrimination, when applying for college, for college financial aid, job hiring, job promotions, business loans, etc, ?


I think its a big picture thing. Money makes money and sometimes you have to help the racially oppressed minorities along. Maybe other places are some kind of crazy utopia. Here folks know what high schools and zip codes to look for on resumes to avoid hiring blacks. SO, the big stick of affirmative action comes down. The other choice is to jail racists I suppose.
Or treat racists like we treat people who were former Bush sycophants and shame them out of existence....

it has worked well for the Bush sycophants, since many of them now are Trump sycophants and pretend to have never been bush followers....

But the racism thing is just a much harder thing for them to quit...
I like any people who don't trash my neighborhood and chop my property value in half.

I've been to your city... The neighborhood came pre-trashed...

You picked the wrong city to live in, and you blame black folks for it.

Good job, man. Good job.

Don't blame the One Percenters who sent all the jobs away after they were told they couldn't dump flammables into the Cayahuga river anymore.

Making shit up again. Even after that took place we were still a vibrant city. Nobody in business leaves because they can’t dump stuff into the water, they leave when crime gets too bad and the city loses revenue; the same reason people leave. Couple that with bussing, and younger couples left as well to protect their families.

The current Mayor is allowing our police department to dwindle. He’s not replacing retiring officers. This is typical of pro-criminal leftists. But he did erect a two million dollar dirt bike park for his grandson.

So tell us, where do most of the murders take place in your town of Chicago, middle-class white suburbs?

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but you do agree at least that it is a good thing now that the river doesn't catch on fire right?
What kind of bullshit moron are you? The only people "sell[ing] out" the United States of America are people who refer to themselves as "conservatives", but are really right-wingers and theocrats, racists, and misogynists. Dirty people.

I am an American. If you don't like your fellow citizens, I suggest that you leave. If I don't own this country, neither do you. You are just a spoiled little arrogant brat. You are NOT some kind of "boss." More like a lowlife.

You don't like American values so I suggest you leave rather than sell out the country.

In any case, if you think that you can endlessly import your ideological friends and there won't be an armed retaliation, you are completely wrong. Co-operation only lasts as long as it's beneficial. When enough people turn actively treasonous, that's when it ends.

"American values". You mean "Liberty, equality, and justice FOR ALL". I see nothing in this white only, conservative only agenda that reflects a single one of those values. Especially the "for all" part which I emphasized.

We don't mean for foreigners, dingbat.
The bill of rights does apply to everyone, even illegal immigrants.
But where it differs is in matters of administrative law vs. criminal law. i.e., immigration law is immune from judicial review.

Constitution protects non-citizens.
Illegal aliens have constitutional rights.

More to the point, the Constitution doesn't apply to individuals at all. It works by limiting government power. That's why the First Amendment starts with "Congress shall pass no law ...". It doesn't say whose rights the government can violate and whose it can't. It just says they can't do it - period.

This is same kind of nonsense they came up in the "war" on terror. Authoritarians justified their police-state tactics by claiming that "terrorists" had no rights, like due process. Of course, anyone can be accused of being a terrorist. If we allow this kind of twisted reasoning, any of us can lose our rights on a mere accusation. Likewise, if you're a little too brown and don't have your papers handy, best not find your self on the wrong side of the wall.

Rights are universal - they either apply to everyone, or no one. Rights that are assigned by status or authority aren't rights at all. They're privileges.

Relax....anyone who is really in danger of losing their rights are not going to be our kind....wink wink, nudge nudge....know what I mean?
Again, we need the fresh blood, new ideas...

I don't want the whole country to look like Red State America.

View attachment 243994

The country doesn't care what YOU want. In spite of what liberals think, you don't own this country.

Neither do you. You live with the rest of the people here, or go someplace else. Who in the hell do you think you are?

An American. What are you so willing to sell out this country?

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What kind of bullshit moron are you? The only people "sell[ing] out" the United States of America are people who refer to themselves as "conservatives", but are really right-wingers and theocrats, racists, and misogynists. Dirty people.

I am an American. If you don't like your fellow citizens, I suggest that you leave. If I don't own this country, neither do you. You are just a spoiled little arrogant brat. You are NOT some kind of "boss." More like a lowlife.

No, we conservative are trying to preserve this country for our children and grandchildren. YOU are the one selling us out by siding with illegals invading this great place that our fathers before us built.

Didn't you post that you never married or had children? So either you were lying then or you're lying now.

If the country continues with the economic policies established by Reagan in the 1980's, which has taken the US from the richest nation in the world, to one which is falling further and further behind the rest of the first world, economically, and socially, there won't be a country for your children or your grandchildren.

The income gap between rich and poor is widening, not shrinking, while in the rest of the world, that gap is being addressed, in the USA, it's getting worse. Life expectancy is dropping, not growing, like it is in the rest of the world. I guess you health care system isn't all that great after all.

Infrastructure is crumbling, and the middle class is shrinking, while the number of Americans in poverty is growing.
Or treat racists like we treat people who were former Bush sycophants and shame them out of existence....

it has worked well for the Bush sycophants, since many of them now are Trump sycophants and pretend to have never been bush followers....

But the racism thing is just a much harder thing for them to quit...
Do you support race-based Affirmative Action ? (still legal in 42 states)
The income gap between rich and poor is widening, not shrinking, while in the rest of the world, that gap is being addressed, in the USA, it's getting worse. Life expectancy is dropping, not growing, like it is in the rest of the world. I guess you health care system isn't all that great after all.

Infrastructure is crumbling, and the middle class is shrinking, while the number of Americans in poverty is growing.
Th number of American in fodd stamos has DROPPED, sinc eTrump took over. Of course, more Americans are WORKING than ever before is US hstory,
AND >>

Sine Obama left, GDP growth up > from 1.8% to 4.2%


2. Lowered unemployment from 4.8% to 3.7%


3. Lowest black unemployment EVER (5.7%)

4. Lowest Hispanic unemployment EVER (4.6%)

5. Highest Median income EVER ($61,372/year)

6. US homebuilding permits soar to highest level since 2007.

7. US manufacturing having best year since 2004

8. Welfare participation at 17 year low.

9. More Americans working than EVER before.

10. ISIS chased out of Raqqa and Mosul - much weakened

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