How Can White Americans Be Democrats ?

BrokeLoser, post: 21771223
You should thank God this is and has always been a White nation. Look around the globe at any nation run by Brown or Black folks...there’s no coincidence there.

I won’t thank your obviously racist whitey god for that. However I can assure you that I am thankful to be an American citizen as one thoroughly engaged participant, (since high school) in the magnificent progress that America has made on matters of race and religion since the Sixties.

You are still morally and mentally trapped in the fifties, but the generations clinging to white nationalism are dying out.

None of my kids and nieces and nephews and their friends think like you. You are and will be considered losers and haters by the generations that inherent all the progress made since your “good olde” centuries when Europeans dominated much of the globe.
Ray Cleveland, post: 21770813, member: 55493
The problem with that story is the government was not able to prove the Trump’s did that. The policy of the company was to not rent to people on welfare. The state learned about that policy and sent out agents of color claiming to be on welfare so Trump would refuse rent to them.

Did you make that up about “agents of color claiming to be on welfare” ?

This account is based on a black man who worked at GE and his family who were rejected for months while whites got apartments.

His experience in Cincinnati "gave [him] a lot of confidence," Trump said recently at an Ohio rally.

Swifton Village had a reputation as a white complex, said Carol Coaston, now 72, who began working at a Cincinnati fair housing agency, Housing Opportunities Made Equal, around the time the suit was filed. That fall, just two or three apartments out of 1,167 in the complex were rented to black families, Fred Trump's lawyer told a judge.

"You just kind of, growing up here, knew certain areas where discrimination occurred or you didn't feel welcome," Coaston said.

As the Trumps worked to upgrade Swifton Village, they employed a racial quota system and turned away black applicants, according to a lawsuit filed against Fred Trump's company in 1969, a year after the Fair Housing Act became law. Donald Trump was not named in the complaint.

According to records from the suit and in housing agency files, a young black couple named Haywood and Rennell Cash spent four and a half months trying to rent an apartment, without success. They had two young children and were desperate to find an apartment close to Haywood's job at General Electric and leave his mother's crowded house. Haywood Cash said an agent took his $83 deposit, but he was repeatedly told no vacancies existed and "they couldn't predict any." Other African Americans were given similar explanations.”

As a young Donald Trump began his real estate career, he fought hard against allegations of racial bias

Do you always take Trumpo at his word?

You think there was no discrimination in the Trumpo Empire?

“just two or three apartments out of 1,167 in the complex were rented to black families, Fred Trump's lawyer told a judge”
Ray Cleveland, post: 21770813, member: 55493
The problem with that story is the government was not able to prove the Trump’s did that. The policy of the company was to not rent to people on welfare. The state learned about that policy and sent out agents of color claiming to be on welfare so Trump would refuse rent to them.

Did you make that up about “agents of color claiming to be on welfare” ?

This account is based on a black man who worked at GE and his family who were rejected for months while whites got apartments.

His experience in Cincinnati "gave [him] a lot of confidence," Trump said recently at an Ohio rally.

Swifton Village had a reputation as a white complex, said Carol Coaston, now 72, who began working at a Cincinnati fair housing agency, Housing Opportunities Made Equal, around the time the suit was filed. That fall, just two or three apartments out of 1,167 in the complex were rented to black families, Fred Trump's lawyer told a judge.

"You just kind of, growing up here, knew certain areas where discrimination occurred or you didn't feel welcome," Coaston said.

As the Trumps worked to upgrade Swifton Village, they employed a racial quota system and turned away black applicants, according to a lawsuit filed against Fred Trump's company in 1969, a year after the Fair Housing Act became law. Donald Trump was not named in the complaint.

According to records from the suit and in housing agency files, a young black couple named Haywood and Rennell Cash spent four and a half months trying to rent an apartment, without success. They had two young children and were desperate to find an apartment close to Haywood's job at General Electric and leave his mother's crowded house. Haywood Cash said an agent took his $83 deposit, but he was repeatedly told no vacancies existed and "they couldn't predict any." Other African Americans were given similar explanations.”

As a young Donald Trump began his real estate career, he fought hard against allegations of racial bias

Do you always take Trumpo at his word?

You think there was no discrimination in the Trumpo Empire?

“just two or three apartments out of 1,167 in the complex were rented to black families, Fred Trump's lawyer told a judge”

Ah yes, the LA times, such an unbiased source. So let's talk what honestly happened nearly 50 YEARS AGO!

What it highlights are some disgruntled workers and some hearsay. It also says blacks were turned away, but no reason as to why. What it does point out is that the Trump's were never convicted of racial discrimination which I said earlier.

The files detail dozens of interviews the bureau conducted with Trump building tenants, management and employees, seeking indications that minority tenants were steered away from housing complexes.

Most of those interviewed said they were not aware of any discrimination. However, some of the records recount the stories of black rental applicants who said they were told no apartments were available, while whites sent to check on the same apartments were offered leases.

Many of the accounts of discrimination appear to have originated with the National Urban League, which relayed the information to the Justice Department's Civil Rights Division. Some of those complaints are barely legible, and many of the records are heavily redacted.

Donald Trump denied any racial discrimination, but said his managers tried to weed out certain kinds of tenants. “What we didn’t do was rent to welfare cases, white or black," Trump wrote in a 1987 book.

FBI releases files on Trump apartments' race discrimination probe in '70s
Um, no, you see, the guy who got voted out never asked for a vote of that jury. He just declared "nothing to see here". In a real trial, there would have been lawyers asking questions like 'Why did you shoot that child 1.3 seconds after leaving your car", and "Were you REALLY fired after breaking down in a crying jag on a gun range after your girlfriend dumped you."

You really are ignorant of our legal process, aren't you?

A grand jury does not vote on anything. A grand jury simply listens to the evidence provided and decides if an indictment is warranted. To indict somebody, a crime has to have been committed. If no laws have been broken, the GJ can't indict anybody.

Grand Juries are similar to pre-trials. The only difference is that in a grand jury, the prosecutor is the only lawyer in the room, and there are no judges. In a pre-trial, there is a judge, a prosecutor and a defense attorney. There are no defense attorneys allowed in a Grand Jury trial.

You see, I thought he got re-elected because he did a good job. That's why people get re-elected.

No, he got reelected because he was black. Most of the voters in Cleveland are black.

All sorts of areas, and all sorts of murders, buddy. We have too many guns... that's the problem.

Funny how too many guns are just fine in other places. Since you're going to play stupid, try this:

Chicago: 75% of Murdered Are Black, 71% of Murderers Are Black

Really, I would say most of the issues I had in my career was when some one percenter decided that after my hard work, I was someone they could get away with letting go. Fuck the One Percent. Tax those fuckers out of existence...

Gee, and why would they decide you of all people?

Except my performance reviews were always exceptional... and I only got canned after I had a medical issue. But man, there were a lot of jobs were I quit on my own because of the shitty behavior of the one percenters... almost always white dudes.

On the other hand, the best boss I ever had was a gay woman.

Most companies have many employees with medical issues. Did they get rid of all of them or just you?

You really don't understand that being an employee is more than just doing your job. If you are constantly causing problems for supervisors, with fellow workers, bad-mouthing the company all the time, they would just sooner get rid of you and find somebody that can do just as good of work, but not be a pain in the ass every other way.

It reminds me of a company we service. The guy who ran the dock six months ago did his job just fine, but the guy was a total asshole. He was once punched out by a truck driver (who probably lost his job) because of his bossiness and mouth. Even their UPS driver couldn't take him anymore, and filed an official complaint with the company. I and my coworkers told my employer about the guy, and what kinds of problems he creates just doing a simple pickup.

He was with the company for over 20 years, and they finally got rid of the him. Why did he work there so long? Because his late wife was related to the woman who ran the HR department. Once she died, that was it for him. She likely died from an OD because she was not even 45 yet and they drug tested him because the HR woman knew he had something to do with it and was on drugs as well.

Afterwards his fellow employees told me how great it was to work there again. Not one person had a good word to say about him. We shared antics about him when he worked there and laughed at how much of an asshole he was. Like I said, he did his job, but was causing too many problems in other ways for everybody else.
BrokeLoser, post: 21771223
You should thank God this is and has always been a White nation. Look around the globe at any nation run by Brown or Black folks...there’s no coincidence there.

I won’t thank your obviously racist whitey god for that. However I can assure you that I am thankful to be an American citizen as one thoroughly engaged participant, (since high school) in the magnificent progress that America has made on matters of race and religion since the Sixties.

You are still morally and mentally trapped in the fifties, but the generations clinging to white nationalism are dying out.

None of my kids and nieces and nephews and their friends think like you. You are and will be considered losers and haters by the generations that inherent all the progress made since your “good olde” centuries when Europeans dominated much of the globe.
This is not about color. It is about attitude. And the attitude to live a life with government ways that cause pain. That is what you are if you do not be absorbed into the American culture. AOC is Central and South American attitudes. Like it is going to be different this time.
Ray From Cleveland, post: 21774766
Ah yes, the LA times, such an unbiased source. So let's talk what honestly happened nearly 50 YEARS AGO!

So you did make it up about the “agents of color claiming to be on welfare” - right.

You know that is lying. You get caught and then challenge the News source I cited.

You TrumpoDoodleDandies are quite the species.
22lcidw, post: 21775077
This is not about color.

Sorry, but BrokeLoser makes it about color. I dont live in Broke Loser’s “white nation”. I live in a diverse nation - a melting pot - in living color. I trust in progress. I don’t put my faith in fear as broke loser and the rest of Trumpo world does.
Ray From Cleveland, post: 21774766
Ah yes, the LA times, such an unbiased source. So let's talk what honestly happened nearly 50 YEARS AGO!

So you did make it up about the “agents of color claiming to be on welfare” - right.

You know that is lying. You get caught and then challenge the News source I cited.

You TrumpoDoodleDandies are quite the species.

Not at all, this obsession by the left has been going on since Trump decided to run. So I read several articles on it to be honest. Please explain: how would the State know if Trump was discriminating unless they sent agents of color to apply for an apartment?

Trust me, I've been a landlord for 25 years now and have dealt with State agents posing as rental applicants.
Please explain: how would the State know if Trump was discriminating unless they sent agents of color to apply for an apartment?

Your lie was that the black agents stated they were on welfare. That lie was to perpetuate the Trumpo myth that his discrimination practice were based on welfare not race.

You tried to embellish Trumpo’s excuse for red lining but the truth is the Federal case against Trumpo was based on actual people who were not on welfare.

Why should we believe anything you say when it cannot be backed up with something factual.

You lied for Trumpo. You got caught.
Ray From Cleveland, post: 21776060,
Not at all, this obsession by the left has been going on since Trump decided to run.

Why do you pretend years of litigation in the seventies on racial discrimination by Trumpo’s companies is an obsession by the left just because Trumpo decided to run in 2016?

Do you mean discrimination against racial minorities is properly ignored by the right.

Discrimination is not a right - left issue. Doing it is against the law.

It took two years of litigation to get Trumpo to stop the practice, and like a true racist Trumpo resisted compliance but had to finally decide to comply.
You really are ignorant of our legal process, aren't you?

A grand jury does not vote on anything. A grand jury simply listens to the evidence provided and decides if an indictment is warranted. To indict somebody, a crime has to have been committed. If no laws have been broken, the GJ can't indict anybody.

Grand Juries are similar to pre-trials. The only difference is that in a grand jury, the prosecutor is the only lawyer in the room, and there are no judges. In a pre-trial, there is a judge, a prosecutor and a defense attorney. There are no defense attorneys allowed in a Grand Jury trial.

Excatly my point. The prosecutor ACTED as a defense attorney when he is supposed to be a prosecutor.

Most companies have many employees with medical issues. Did they get rid of all of them or just you?

Actually, this one did. He fired two girls when they got pregnant, and another fellow who had gotten a gastric bypass surgery and racked up tons of medical bills.

You really don't understand that being an employee is more than just doing your job. If you are constantly causing problems for supervisors, with fellow workers, bad-mouthing the company all the time, they would just sooner get rid of you and find somebody that can do just as good of work, but not be a pain in the ass every other way.

Except I never did any of that. Quite the contrary, I was the go-to guy for problems, mostly because my idiot boss couldn't put together an excel spreadsheet to save his life.

It reminds me of a company we service. The guy who ran the dock six months ago did his job just fine, but the guy was a total asshole. He was once punched out by a truck driver

Cool story, Bro. Has nothing to do with the point.
22lcidw, post: 21775077
This is not about color.

Sorry, but BrokeLoser makes it about color. I dont live in Broke Loser’s “white nation”. I live in a diverse nation - a melting pot - in living color. I trust in progress. I don’t put my faith in fear as broke loser and the rest of Trumpo world does.
Are you sure you are not infected by the TV/entertainment shills who hate Trump's guts? When Trump spoke of the swamp he spouted about a fiefdom. And there are many fiefdoms in our nation. Anyone in a fiefdom that gets paid is not going to give it up easily. Diversity has split us up. Unity would have been a better way to go for that melting pot.
Indeed, it's hard to believe that the second biggest party of the country stands for replacement of its own citizens and discrimination against majority of its citizens... in short genocide of its own population.

In Japan, they probably can't believe it.

The MSM there is looney, leftist, and dishonest just like here.

Despite that, no one anywhere in the world gives half a shit about paranoid, racist cowards like you except other paranoid, racist cowards.

My ratings per post are much higher than yours.

Something to keep in mind when assessing whose opinion people care about and whose not. As a tip, crying "Racist, xenophobe, homophobic misogynist!!!" is not all the rage right now.

Ratings here couldn’t be less meaningful. Posting in the taunting area doesn’t count messages, which boosts rating percentages. Having a high rating only means you spend much time there.
Excatly my point. The prosecutor ACTED as a defense attorney when he is supposed to be a prosecutor.

No, no no. The prosecutor works "with" the GJ by explaining the situation, the law, and likely in this case, how police are trained.

If prosecution is to be done, it's to take place at a trail, not a GJ hearing. A prosecutor is non-biassed. He doesn't act as a prosecutor and doesn't act like a defense lawyer. He simply presents all the facts and it's up to the GJ to decide if any of those facts violated a law.

Actually, this one did. He fired two girls when they got pregnant, and another fellow who had gotten a gastric bypass surgery and racked up tons of medical bills.

Then why didn't you all get together and sue the company? What you are saying is they did something illegal repeatedly. I worked for a company that did get sued for something like that. They had a worker who was off with an injury for several months. She was never worth a crap from what I was told (this happened before I started the company) and she worked six months after her return from her time off and they fired her for a very good reason. She still sued and won.

Except I never did any of that. Quite the contrary, I was the go-to guy for problems, mostly because my idiot boss couldn't put together an excel spreadsheet to save his life.

There is is right there: you admittedly had problems with your supervisor. Just as I said.

Cool story, Bro. Has nothing to do with the point.

Sure it does. You think that if somebody does their job okay or well, they should have a job forever. My point is that it takes more than just doing your job well. When you work for a company, you have to be part of the organization, not somebody that comes inflicting strife with their employer or coworkers regardless how well they happen to do their job.

My boss fired a guy a couple of years ago for just that reason. He was a good driver, never got into any accidents, no tickets, passed the drug tests, but the guy complained about the company constantly. I would watch as he walked from the employee parking lot in the morning pissed off already, and he didn't even know what he had to do yet. He was shanking his head in "no" way, mumbling to himself.......

I used to call him little Louie DePalma; the character on the show Taxi. He was a short, chubby middle-aged guy who was balding on the top. He reminded me so much of that character.
Ray From Cleveland, post: 21776060,
Not at all, this obsession by the left has been going on since Trump decided to run.

Why do you pretend years of litigation in the seventies on racial discrimination by Trumpo’s companies is an obsession by the left just because Trumpo decided to run in 2016?

Do you mean discrimination against racial minorities is properly ignored by the right.

Discrimination is not a right - left issue. Doing it is against the law.

It took two years of litigation to get Trumpo to stop the practice, and like a true racist Trumpo resisted compliance but had to finally decide to comply.

And you are assuming he was practicing discrimination in the first place just because government got involved. And no, it just took years of litigation before they finally came to an agreement because they had nothing on Trump to prosecute him with. Government has unlimited resources (tax money) and time to keep hounding and harass people into compliance.
Please explain: how would the State know if Trump was discriminating unless they sent agents of color to apply for an apartment?

Your lie was that the black agents stated they were on welfare. That lie was to perpetuate the Trumpo myth that his discrimination practice were based on welfare not race.

You tried to embellish Trumpo’s excuse for red lining but the truth is the Federal case against Trumpo was based on actual people who were not on welfare.

Why should we believe anything you say when it cannot be backed up with something factual.

You lied for Trumpo. You got caught.

Caught what? I provided a link, and there are dozens more just like that one.

It's not hard for the State to setup a lawsuit. If their agents were not of race, or claimed they had jobs and Trumps management refuse to rent to them, then of course they would have had a case and evidence against Trump. But they didn't. As for people making the claim of discrimination, that's not enough to take legal action because you don't know the circumstances or the honesty of the person(s) making the claim. That's why the State uses agents; so they have cold hard proof.

All they had on Trump was that he didn't rent to some minorities. That's it. Although very young during that time, I was there. I can tell you that very few black people had good paying jobs.
No, no no. The prosecutor works "with" the GJ by explaining the situation, the law, and likely in this case, how police are trained.

If prosecution is to be done, it's to take place at a trail, not a GJ hearing. A prosecutor is non-biassed. He doesn't act as a prosecutor and doesn't act like a defense lawyer. He simply presents all the facts and it's up to the GJ to decide if any of those facts violated a law.

Again, a judge already ruled that charges were warrented.. The only purpose of the Grand Jury in this case was to try to bury the case. Instead, they buried the DA, and good riddance.

Then why didn't you all get together and sue the company? What you are saying is they did something illegal repeatedly..

A couple of reasons why we didn't. First, IL is an At Will employment state. Wrongful termination is a very steep hill to climb. Second, he didn't do this all on the same day. This was over several years. Third, - at least for me, the last thing I wanted as a buyer was to have my name attached to a lawsuit. That kind of makes you employment poison.

The reality is when you don't have unions, this kind of shit will go on.

There is is right there: you admittedly had problems with your supervisor. Just as I said.

Funny thing was, not really. In fact, the guy spent the next two jobs I was at, trying to get me to buy from his new company. (And to his credit, outside of that environment, he wasn't a bad supplier. Shitty boss, but as a vendor, good pricing and service.)

Sure it does. You think that if somebody does their job okay or well, they should have a job forever. My point is that it takes more than just doing your job well. When you work for a company, you have to be part of the organization, not somebody that comes inflicting strife with their employer or coworkers regardless how well they happen to do their job.

Good point. Thing was, totally didn't do that. In fact, I was the one who organized a lot of the social stuff we did at the company like the Christmas party. I was the one they flew out to other branches to train people how to use our computer system. And at the end of the day, I was the guy with lots of medical bills that Cigna said to get rid of.

The thing was, because of the shitty way they treated people at the time I left, I had been there longer in the office of anyone other than the GM (the idiot) and the Office Manager (A very nice lady, I went fishing with her and her husband in Wisconsin where we both have property.) When you flip your entire office staff twice in six years, you are a pretty shitty place to work. They've flipped it over a couple more times since I've left, been bought out twice by bigger companies.

Yes, I think that companies shouldn't fire employees for anything short of misconduct like punching the boss or stealing.

I think when they lay people off, they should offer those people the jobs back when they need new employees. NOne of this, "Let's use a recession to reduce payroll even if we don't reduce headcount." Recessions would probably be less awful if we did that. (They were back in the 1950's, when you had to bring back the guys you "laid off".)
Ray a good productive worker is always looking to leave the job at a whims notice. Having to give 2 weeks notice should be against the law as it infringes upon the workers ability to leave on good terms. Loyalty is not and should NOT be a part of the equation. One is there first to simply get a paycheck. Helping the company isn't on the priority list.
Ray a good productive worker is always looking to leave the job at a whims notice. Having to give 2 weeks notice should be against the law as it infringes upon the workers ability to leave on good terms. Loyalty is not and should NOT be a part of the equation. One is there first to simply get a paycheck. Helping the company isn't on the priority list.

Dishonorable attitude. I wouldn’t let the likes of you on my darts team, let alone a business.
Ray From Cleveland, post: 21780875
Caught what? I provided a link, and there are dozens more just like that one.

No link to black state agents claiming to be on welfare when seeking apartments to rent from racist run Trumpo properties in the seventies.

You made that one up.

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