How Can White Americans Be Democrats ?

The country doesn't care what YOU want. In spite of what liberals think, you don't own this country.

Neither do you. You live with the rest of the people here, or go someplace else. Who in the hell do you think you are?

An American. What are you so willing to sell out this country?

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What kind of bullshit moron are you? The only people "sell[ing] out" the United States of America are people who refer to themselves as "conservatives", but are really right-wingers and theocrats, racists, and misogynists. Dirty people.

I am an American. If you don't like your fellow citizens, I suggest that you leave. If I don't own this country, neither do you. You are just a spoiled little arrogant brat. You are NOT some kind of "boss." More like a lowlife.

You don't like American values so I suggest you leave rather than sell out the country.

In any case, if you think that you can endlessly import your ideological friends and there won't be an armed retaliation, you are completely wrong. Co-operation only lasts as long as it's beneficial. When enough people turn actively treasonous, that's when it ends.

"American values". You mean "Liberty, equality, and justice FOR ALL". I see nothing in this white only, conservative only agenda that reflects a single one of those values. Especially the "for all" part which I emphasized.

Justice for all... yeah it's a bit of a shame that there are over 10 million illegals in the country.
The country doesn't care what YOU want. In spite of what liberals think, you don't own this country.

Neither do you. You live with the rest of the people here, or go someplace else. Who in the hell do you think you are?

An American. What are you so willing to sell out this country?

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What kind of bullshit moron are you? The only people "sell[ing] out" the United States of America are people who refer to themselves as "conservatives", but are really right-wingers and theocrats, racists, and misogynists. Dirty people.

I am an American. If you don't like your fellow citizens, I suggest that you leave. If I don't own this country, neither do you. You are just a spoiled little arrogant brat. You are NOT some kind of "boss." More like a lowlife.

You don't like American values so I suggest you leave rather than sell out the country.

In any case, if you think that you can endlessly import your ideological friends and there won't be an armed retaliation, you are completely wrong. Co-operation only lasts as long as it's beneficial. When enough people turn actively treasonous, that's when it ends.

"American values". You mean "Liberty, equality, and justice FOR ALL". I see nothing in this white only, conservative only agenda that reflects a single one of those values. Especially the "for all" part which I emphasized.
We don't mean for foreigners, dingbat.
Neither do you. You live with the rest of the people here, or go someplace else. Who in the hell do you think you are?

An American. What are you so willing to sell out this country?

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What kind of bullshit moron are you? The only people "sell[ing] out" the United States of America are people who refer to themselves as "conservatives", but are really right-wingers and theocrats, racists, and misogynists. Dirty people.

I am an American. If you don't like your fellow citizens, I suggest that you leave. If I don't own this country, neither do you. You are just a spoiled little arrogant brat. You are NOT some kind of "boss." More like a lowlife.

You don't like American values so I suggest you leave rather than sell out the country.

In any case, if you think that you can endlessly import your ideological friends and there won't be an armed retaliation, you are completely wrong. Co-operation only lasts as long as it's beneficial. When enough people turn actively treasonous, that's when it ends.

"American values". You mean "Liberty, equality, and justice FOR ALL". I see nothing in this white only, conservative only agenda that reflects a single one of those values. Especially the "for all" part which I emphasized.
We don't mean for foreigners, dingbat.

You don't mean for black Americans, Hispanics, or women either.
An American. What are you so willing to sell out this country?

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What kind of bullshit moron are you? The only people "sell[ing] out" the United States of America are people who refer to themselves as "conservatives", but are really right-wingers and theocrats, racists, and misogynists. Dirty people.

I am an American. If you don't like your fellow citizens, I suggest that you leave. If I don't own this country, neither do you. You are just a spoiled little arrogant brat. You are NOT some kind of "boss." More like a lowlife.

You don't like American values so I suggest you leave rather than sell out the country.

In any case, if you think that you can endlessly import your ideological friends and there won't be an armed retaliation, you are completely wrong. Co-operation only lasts as long as it's beneficial. When enough people turn actively treasonous, that's when it ends.

"American values". You mean "Liberty, equality, and justice FOR ALL". I see nothing in this white only, conservative only agenda that reflects a single one of those values. Especially the "for all" part which I emphasized.
We don't mean for foreigners, dingbat.

You don't mean for black Americans, Hispanics, or women either.
Spare us your lies and hate.
That wouldn't make affirmative action any less racist.

Anyway, JoeB supports the invasion of his own nation. So at this point there really is no conversation to be had. There is no coming back from full retard.

Again, we need the fresh blood, new ideas...

I don't want the whole country to look like Red State America.

View attachment 243994

The country doesn't care what YOU want. In spite of what liberals think, you don't own this country.

Neither do you. You live with the rest of the people here, or go someplace else. Who in the hell do you think you are?

An American. What are you so willing to sell out this country?

Sent from my iPad using

What kind of bullshit moron are you? The only people "sell[ing] out" the United States of America are people who refer to themselves as "conservatives", but are really right-wingers and theocrats, racists, and misogynists. Dirty people.

I am an American. If you don't like your fellow citizens, I suggest that you leave. If I don't own this country, neither do you. You are just a spoiled little arrogant brat. You are NOT some kind of "boss." More like a lowlife.

No, we conservative are trying to preserve this country for our children and grandchildren. YOU are the one selling us out by siding with illegals invading this great place that our fathers before us built.
Neither do you. You live with the rest of the people here, or go someplace else. Who in the hell do you think you are?

An American. What are you so willing to sell out this country?

Sent from my iPad using

What kind of bullshit moron are you? The only people "sell[ing] out" the United States of America are people who refer to themselves as "conservatives", but are really right-wingers and theocrats, racists, and misogynists. Dirty people.

I am an American. If you don't like your fellow citizens, I suggest that you leave. If I don't own this country, neither do you. You are just a spoiled little arrogant brat. You are NOT some kind of "boss." More like a lowlife.

You don't like American values so I suggest you leave rather than sell out the country.

In any case, if you think that you can endlessly import your ideological friends and there won't be an armed retaliation, you are completely wrong. Co-operation only lasts as long as it's beneficial. When enough people turn actively treasonous, that's when it ends.

"American values". You mean "Liberty, equality, and justice FOR ALL". I see nothing in this white only, conservative only agenda that reflects a single one of those values. Especially the "for all" part which I emphasized.

Justice for all... yeah it's a bit of a shame that there are over 10 million illegals in the country.

30 million
Neither do you. You live with the rest of the people here, or go someplace else. Who in the hell do you think you are?

An American. What are you so willing to sell out this country?

Sent from my iPad using

What kind of bullshit moron are you? The only people "sell[ing] out" the United States of America are people who refer to themselves as "conservatives", but are really right-wingers and theocrats, racists, and misogynists. Dirty people.

I am an American. If you don't like your fellow citizens, I suggest that you leave. If I don't own this country, neither do you. You are just a spoiled little arrogant brat. You are NOT some kind of "boss." More like a lowlife.

You don't like American values so I suggest you leave rather than sell out the country.

In any case, if you think that you can endlessly import your ideological friends and there won't be an armed retaliation, you are completely wrong. Co-operation only lasts as long as it's beneficial. When enough people turn actively treasonous, that's when it ends.

"American values". You mean "Liberty, equality, and justice FOR ALL". I see nothing in this white only, conservative only agenda that reflects a single one of those values. Especially the "for all" part which I emphasized.
We don't mean for foreigners, dingbat.
The bill of rights does apply to everyone, even illegal immigrants.
But where it differs is in matters of administrative law vs. criminal law. i.e., immigration law is immune from judicial review.

Constitution protects non-citizens.
Illegal aliens have constitutional rights.
An American. What are you so willing to sell out this country?

Sent from my iPad using

What kind of bullshit moron are you? The only people "sell[ing] out" the United States of America are people who refer to themselves as "conservatives", but are really right-wingers and theocrats, racists, and misogynists. Dirty people.

I am an American. If you don't like your fellow citizens, I suggest that you leave. If I don't own this country, neither do you. You are just a spoiled little arrogant brat. You are NOT some kind of "boss." More like a lowlife.

You don't like American values so I suggest you leave rather than sell out the country.

In any case, if you think that you can endlessly import your ideological friends and there won't be an armed retaliation, you are completely wrong. Co-operation only lasts as long as it's beneficial. When enough people turn actively treasonous, that's when it ends.

"American values". You mean "Liberty, equality, and justice FOR ALL". I see nothing in this white only, conservative only agenda that reflects a single one of those values. Especially the "for all" part which I emphasized.
We don't mean for foreigners, dingbat.
The bill of rights does apply to everyone, even illegal immigrants.
But where it differs is in matters of administrative law vs. criminal law. i.e., immigration law is immune from judicial review.

Constitution protects non-citizens.
Illegal aliens have constitutional rights.
No, it actually doesn't. Illegal aliens are not allowed to own firearms, for example. They aren't allowed to vote and they have no right to remain in the country. They are entitled to due process, but that's about the extent of their rights.

The Bill of Rights sure as hell doesn't apply to people who aren't citizens and who aren't physically located within our borders.
An American. What are you so willing to sell out this country?

Sent from my iPad using

What kind of bullshit moron are you? The only people "sell[ing] out" the United States of America are people who refer to themselves as "conservatives", but are really right-wingers and theocrats, racists, and misogynists. Dirty people.

I am an American. If you don't like your fellow citizens, I suggest that you leave. If I don't own this country, neither do you. You are just a spoiled little arrogant brat. You are NOT some kind of "boss." More like a lowlife.

You don't like American values so I suggest you leave rather than sell out the country.

In any case, if you think that you can endlessly import your ideological friends and there won't be an armed retaliation, you are completely wrong. Co-operation only lasts as long as it's beneficial. When enough people turn actively treasonous, that's when it ends.

"American values". You mean "Liberty, equality, and justice FOR ALL". I see nothing in this white only, conservative only agenda that reflects a single one of those values. Especially the "for all" part which I emphasized.
We don't mean for foreigners, dingbat.
The bill of rights does apply to everyone, even illegal immigrants.
But where it differs is in matters of administrative law vs. criminal law. i.e., immigration law is immune from judicial review.

Constitution protects non-citizens.
Illegal aliens have constitutional rights.

More to the point, the Constitution doesn't apply to individuals at all. It works by limiting government power. That's why the First Amendment starts with "Congress shall pass no law ...". It doesn't say whose rights the government can violate and whose it can't. It just says they can't do it - period.

This is same kind of nonsense they came up in the "war" on terror. Authoritarians justified their police-state tactics by claiming that "terrorists" had no rights, like due process. Of course, anyone can be accused of being a terrorist. If we allow this kind of twisted reasoning, any of us can lose our rights on a mere accusation. Likewise, if you're a little too brown and don't have your papers handy, best not find your self on the wrong side of the wall.

Rights are universal - they either apply to everyone, or no one. Rights that are assigned by status or authority aren't rights at all. They're privileges.
Again, we need the fresh blood, new ideas...

I don't want the whole country to look like Red State America.

View attachment 243994

The country doesn't care what YOU want. In spite of what liberals think, you don't own this country.

Neither do you. You live with the rest of the people here, or go someplace else. Who in the hell do you think you are?

An American. What are you so willing to sell out this country?

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What kind of bullshit moron are you? The only people "sell[ing] out" the United States of America are people who refer to themselves as "conservatives", but are really right-wingers and theocrats, racists, and misogynists. Dirty people.

I am an American. If you don't like your fellow citizens, I suggest that you leave. If I don't own this country, neither do you. You are just a spoiled little arrogant brat. You are NOT some kind of "boss." More like a lowlife.

No, we conservative are trying to preserve this country for our children and grandchildren. YOU are the one selling us out by siding with illegals invading this great place that our fathers before us built.

Nobody is selling anyone out.You are nothing but an overly testosteroned monkey. The gun is a symbol of your inadequacy.
Nobody is selling anyone out.You are nothing but an overly testosteroned monkey. The gun is a symbol of your inadequacy.
Sure they are. Democrats are selling out American workers by OKing the import of millions of illegals, proposing amnesty for them, and protecting them in sanctuary cities. They're selling them out for VOTES.

They're not alone. Churches sell out the American people to get parishoners. Unions do it to get union members. Spanish media do it to get viewers, listeners, and readers. Ethnocentrists do it for racist reasons. Businesses do it for cheap labor.
Nobody is selling anyone out.You are nothing but an overly testosteroned monkey. The gun is a symbol of your inadequacy.

Sure they are. Democrats are selling out American workers by OKing the import of millions of illegals, proposing amnesty for them, and protecting them in sanctuary cities. They're selling them out for VOTES

They're not alone. Churches sell out the American people to get parishoners. Unions do it to get union members. Spanish media do it to get viewers, listeners, and readers. Ethnocentrists do it for racist reasons. Businesses do it for cheap labor.

You are a nutjob. No one can vote unless they are a citizen. Haven't you ever voted in the United States? You know. Stood in line, presented your credentials, and then done the deed?

Stop making up shit.
Nobody is selling anyone out.You are nothing but an overly testosteroned monkey. The gun is a symbol of your inadequacy.

Sure they are. Democrats are selling out American workers by OKing the import of millions of illegals, proposing amnesty for them, and protecting them in sanctuary cities. They're selling them out for VOTES

They're not alone. Churches sell out the American people to get parishoners. Unions do it to get union members. Spanish media do it to get viewers, listeners, and readers. Ethnocentrists do it for racist reasons. Businesses do it for cheap labor.

You are a nutjob. No one can vote unless they are a citizen. Haven't you ever voted in the United States? You know. Stood in line, presented your credentials, and then done the deed?

Stop making up shit.
Saul Alinsky lives!!!!!
That wouldn't make affirmative action any less racist.

Anyway, JoeB supports the invasion of his own nation. So at this point there really is no conversation to be had. There is no coming back from full retard.

Again, we need the fresh blood, new ideas...

I don't want the whole country to look like Red State America.

View attachment 243994

The country doesn't care what YOU want. In spite of what liberals think, you don't own this country.

Neither do you. You live with the rest of the people here, or go someplace else. Who in the hell do you think you are?

An American. What are you so willing to sell out this country?

Sent from my iPad using

What kind of bullshit moron are you? The only people "sell[ing] out" the United States of America are people who refer to themselves as "conservatives", but are really right-wingers and theocrats, racists, and misogynists. Dirty people.

I am an American. If you don't like your fellow citizens, I suggest that you leave. If I don't own this country, neither do you. You are just a spoiled little arrogant brat. You are NOT some kind of "boss." More like a lowlife.
American jobs for Americans, not immigrants
American handouts for Americans, not immigrants.
You want to come here be prepared to pay for the right or don't come at all.
So what about all the white people that Republicans hate? Can’t they be Democrats?

You aren't hated by republicans only...

No matter how much republicans hate you, you will always hate yourself even more.
What is that? Some kind of philosophy?
I don’t even hate Republicans. I just want to protect myself from them. Dangerous people make me nervous. Even worse when they’re not only dangerous but also racist.
Again, we need the fresh blood, new ideas...

I don't want the whole country to look like Red State America.

View attachment 243994

The country doesn't care what YOU want. In spite of what liberals think, you don't own this country.

Neither do you. You live with the rest of the people here, or go someplace else. Who in the hell do you think you are?

An American. What are you so willing to sell out this country?

Sent from my iPad using

What kind of bullshit moron are you? The only people "sell[ing] out" the United States of America are people who refer to themselves as "conservatives", but are really right-wingers and theocrats, racists, and misogynists. Dirty people.

I am an American. If you don't like your fellow citizens, I suggest that you leave. If I don't own this country, neither do you. You are just a spoiled little arrogant brat. You are NOT some kind of "boss." More like a lowlife.
American jobs for Americans, not immigrants
American handouts for Americans, not immigrants.
You want to come here be prepared to pay for the right or don't come at all.
All non-native Americans are immigrants or Descended from immigrants.
Nobody is selling anyone out.You are nothing but an overly testosteroned monkey. The gun is a symbol of your inadequacy.

Sure they are. Democrats are selling out American workers by OKing the import of millions of illegals, proposing amnesty for them, and protecting them in sanctuary cities. They're selling them out for VOTES

They're not alone. Churches sell out the American people to get parishoners. Unions do it to get union members. Spanish media do it to get viewers, listeners, and readers. Ethnocentrists do it for racist reasons. Businesses do it for cheap labor.

You are a nutjob. No one can vote unless they are a citizen. Haven't you ever voted in the United States? You know. Stood in line, presented your credentials, and then done the deed?

Stop making up shit.
Unless you live in a Liberal state like California.
You are a nutjob. No one can vote unless they are a citizen. Haven't you ever voted in the United States? You know. Stood in line, presented your credentials, and then done the deed?

Stop making up shit.
When you have absolutely no idea what you're talking about, you should stay out of computer forums.

If you are lying, that is also reason to stay away from here..
What is that? Some kind of philosophy?
I don’t even hate Republicans. I just want to protect myself from them. Dangerous people make me nervous. Even worse when they’re not only dangerous but also racist.
Democrats are the racist party. Also the party of TREASON. All Democrats should be arrested for treason, whipped, and executed.

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