How Can White Americans Be Democrats ?

A party that supports racial discrimination against whites, is supported by millions of whites ? Whaaat ? "I don't believe it" is what millions of people in other countries say. Here in America, though, we know it to be true. It (Affirmative Action) was formally and openly stated in the 2004 and 2008 platforms of the Democratic party.

2004 >> "the party "support affirmative action to redress discrimination and to achieve the diversity from which all Americans benefit."

2008 >> ""We support affirmative action, including in federal contracting and higher education, to make sure that those locked out of the doors of opportunity will be able to walk through those doors in the future"

The words "Affirmative Action" are not mentioned in the National Democratic Party platforms of 2012 and 2016, however the description of it, with goals to achieve diversity are mentioned. Seems like Democrats are becoming rather defensive about the idea of racially discriminating in order to stop racially discriminating.

There's an obvious reason why Democrats have removed the words "affirmative action" from their national platforms. Overwhelmingly, the American people oppose the concept. Almost two-thirds of Americans disagree with the June 2016 Supreme Court ruling on affirmative action, that allows public colleges to use race as a factor in their admissions decisions.

According to a Gallup poll conducted over June 29 through July 2, 2016, 70 percent of Americans say merit should be the only factor in college admissions. That number has stayed relatively stable over the last 12 years.

Poll finds surprising American opinions on affirmative action

In California, Democrats HAVE used the words Affirmative Action in their state platform >> "California Democrats will > Encourage, support and defend voluntary, and mandatory affirmative action measures aimed at enhancing equality in employment, education, and business opportunities;"

So with all this discrimination where non-whites are the beneficiaries, and whites are the victims, why do white Democrats support it ? Does Nancy Pelosi think it's OK for her many sons, daughters, and grandkids to be victims of this racist discrimination, when applying for college, for college financial aid, job hiring, job promotions, business loans, etc, ?


Go back to Stormfront, troll.

We smell your racist bullshit a mile away.
A party that supports racial discrimination against whites, is supported by millions of whites ? Whaaat ? "I don't believe it" is what millions of people in other countries say. Here in America, though, we know it to be true. It (Affirmative Action) was formally and openly stated in the 2004 and 2008 platforms of the Democratic party.

2004 >> "the party "support affirmative action to redress discrimination and to achieve the diversity from which all Americans benefit."

2008 >> ""We support affirmative action, including in federal contracting and higher education, to make sure that those locked out of the doors of opportunity will be able to walk through those doors in the future"

The words "Affirmative Action" are not mentioned in the National Democratic Party platforms of 2012 and 2016, however the description of it, with goals to achieve diversity are mentioned. Seems like Democrats are becoming rather defensive about the idea of racially discriminating in order to stop racially discriminating.

There's an obvious reason why Democrats have removed the words "affirmative action" from their national platforms. Overwhelmingly, the American people oppose the concept. Almost two-thirds of Americans disagree with the June 2016 Supreme Court ruling on affirmative action, that allows public colleges to use race as a factor in their admissions decisions.

According to a Gallup poll conducted over June 29 through July 2, 2016, 70 percent of Americans say merit should be the only factor in college admissions. That number has stayed relatively stable over the last 12 years.

Poll finds surprising American opinions on affirmative action

In California, Democrats HAVE used the words Affirmative Action in their state platform >> "California Democrats will > Encourage, support and defend voluntary, and mandatory affirmative action measures aimed at enhancing equality in employment, education, and business opportunities;"

So with all this discrimination where non-whites are the beneficiaries, and whites are the victims, why do white Democrats support it ? Does Nancy Pelosi think it's OK for her many sons, daughters, and grandkids to be victims of this racist discrimination, when applying for college, for college financial aid, job hiring, job promotions, business loans, etc, ?


Go back to Stormfront, troll.

We smell your racist bullshit a mile away.
What you smell is your own butthole.
Nobody is selling anyone out.You are nothing but an overly testosteroned monkey. The gun is a symbol of your inadequacy.

Sure they are. Democrats are selling out American workers by OKing the import of millions of illegals, proposing amnesty for them, and protecting them in sanctuary cities. They're selling them out for VOTES

They're not alone. Churches sell out the American people to get parishoners. Unions do it to get union members. Spanish media do it to get viewers, listeners, and readers. Ethnocentrists do it for racist reasons. Businesses do it for cheap labor.

You are a nutjob. No one can vote unless they are a citizen. Haven't you ever voted in the United States? You know. Stood in line, presented your credentials, and then done the deed?

Stop making up shit.
Unless you live in a Liberal state like California.

Try proving this. How do you know that voting in California is any different from voting in any other state? I have voted in New Jersey, DC, Maryland, and Virginia. Its all the same. Where do you vote?
What is that? Some kind of philosophy?
I don’t even hate Republicans. I just want to protect myself from them. Dangerous people make me nervous. Even worse when they’re not only dangerous but also racist.
Democrats are the racist party. Also the party of TREASON. All Democrats should be arrested for treason, whipped, and executed.
Of course racists would say something like that.

The Party of White calling for attacks on minorities?

Of course.
What is that? Some kind of philosophy?
I don’t even hate Republicans. I just want to protect myself from them. Dangerous people make me nervous. Even worse when they’re not only dangerous but also racist.
Democrats are the racist party. Also the party of TREASON. All Democrats should be arrested for treason, whipped, and executed.
Of course racists would say something like that.

The Party of White calling for attacks on minorities?

Of course.
Democrats were doing that with blacks before republicans stepped in and stopped it.
Democrats got pissed and then started feeding blacks BS for the votes.

Nothing changed until Trump was elected. Blacks now have the lowest unemployment rate we’ve ever seen!
So what about all the white people that Republicans hate? Can’t they be Democrats?

You aren't hated by republicans only...

No matter how much republicans hate you, you will always hate yourself even more.
What is that? Some kind of philosophy?
I don’t even hate Republicans. I just want to protect myself from them. Dangerous people make me nervous. Even worse when they’re not only dangerous but also racist.

Well then I guess you have to stay away from those high-crime Republican areas like Chicago, Detroit, Baltimore........
Nobody is selling anyone out.You are nothing but an overly testosteroned monkey. The gun is a symbol of your inadequacy.

Sure they are. Democrats are selling out American workers by OKing the import of millions of illegals, proposing amnesty for them, and protecting them in sanctuary cities. They're selling them out for VOTES

They're not alone. Churches sell out the American people to get parishoners. Unions do it to get union members. Spanish media do it to get viewers, listeners, and readers. Ethnocentrists do it for racist reasons. Businesses do it for cheap labor.

You are a nutjob. No one can vote unless they are a citizen. Haven't you ever voted in the United States? You know. Stood in line, presented your credentials, and then done the deed?

Stop making up shit.

19 Illegal Immigrants In NC Voted In 2016 Election: Feds

Pennsylvania admits to 11,000 noncitizens registered to vote

Texas Secretary of State Questions Citizenship of 95,000 Registered Voters
The country doesn't care what YOU want. In spite of what liberals think, you don't own this country.

Neither do you. You live with the rest of the people here, or go someplace else. Who in the hell do you think you are?

An American. What are you so willing to sell out this country?

Sent from my iPad using

What kind of bullshit moron are you? The only people "sell[ing] out" the United States of America are people who refer to themselves as "conservatives", but are really right-wingers and theocrats, racists, and misogynists. Dirty people.

I am an American. If you don't like your fellow citizens, I suggest that you leave. If I don't own this country, neither do you. You are just a spoiled little arrogant brat. You are NOT some kind of "boss." More like a lowlife.

No, we conservative are trying to preserve this country for our children and grandchildren. YOU are the one selling us out by siding with illegals invading this great place that our fathers before us built.

Nobody is selling anyone out.You are nothing but an overly testosteroned monkey. The gun is a symbol of your inadequacy.

Nah, the gun avatar is there because it pisses off liberals so much. I get a kick out of how riled up you leftists get over a picture or somebody wearing a MAGA hat.
Social security bad
Medicare bad
Paid sick time bad
FMLA bad
Unions bad
Benefits too costly
Govt workers bad
Teachers bad
Employees and labor bad
Higher wages bad
Ever think this kind of rhetoric turns workers off? It's out there. This IS a factor.

Retardation bad.

No one says
Employees and labor bad
Higher wages bad
No one
Of course racists would say something like that.

The Party of White calling for attacks on minorities?

Of course.
Republicans are not the party of white. The Trump administration has given blacks their lowest unemployment rate in US history. Same with Hispanics. Also, quite a few top jobs in the US government have gone to black Republicans, and others of minority races >>






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We don't need any more immigrants, period.

Meh, like them better than I like you. I love immigrants, they are my best customers.

....We have all the people we need in this country, ...

Unfortunately, we don’t.
What do we need them for?

To change your diaper, for one thing.
In other words, you can't name anything.

Thanks for admitting it.
The country doesn't care what YOU want. In spite of what liberals think, you don't own this country.

Again, if your ideas were popular, you wouldn't need the Russians to help you cheat.

Whether you like them isn't the issue. Whether we need them is the issue, and the answer is that we clearly don't need them. We have all the people we need in this country, and we certainly don't need more people with a 6th grade education and no skills. We don't need more teenage girls carrying anchor babies.

You work with what you got...

Like it or not, there aren't enough young people to do all the jobs and support the infrastructure to take care of the elderly. Sorry you don't get this.
Democrats are the party of urban America...hence the far left socialist bend that advocates against hard working taxpayers. That leads to an anti-white tone in the Party. The whole “you didn’t build that” and “white privilege” bullshit diatribe spewed out by party leaders.
The country doesn't care what YOU want. In spite of what liberals think, you don't own this country.

Again, if your ideas were popular, you wouldn't need the Russians to help you cheat.

Whether you like them isn't the issue. Whether we need them is the issue, and the answer is that we clearly don't need them. We have all the people we need in this country, and we certainly don't need more people with a 6th grade education and no skills. We don't need more teenage girls carrying anchor babies.

You work with what you got...

Like it or not, there aren't enough young people to do all the jobs and support the infrastructure to take care of the elderly. Sorry you don't get this.
The fact you mention Russia influencing the 2016 election moves you from legitimate poster...straight into the kook zone.
The country doesn't care what YOU want. In spite of what liberals think, you don't own this country.

Again, if your ideas were popular, you wouldn't need the Russians to help you cheat.

Whether you like them isn't the issue. Whether we need them is the issue, and the answer is that we clearly don't need them. We have all the people we need in this country, and we certainly don't need more people with a 6th grade education and no skills. We don't need more teenage girls carrying anchor babies.

You work with what you got...

Like it or not, there aren't enough young people to do all the jobs and support the infrastructure to take care of the elderly. Sorry you don't get this.

You dummy.....the Russian colussion stuff is dead....:flirtysmile4:

Jonathan Turley in REALCLEAR yesterday >>

Is the collusion theory dead?

Nobody cares anymore

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