How can you EVER spin this, right wingers?

Just for fun....Check out how long these investigations lasted (and the results)\


Should I go on????...........LOL

Odd, Hillary has been involved in all those investigations you mentioned. Cool shit.

& yet zero in the way of anything untoward ever pinned & stuck on her. can't say the same about donny from queens.

Really? What exactly did they get Donny for?

housing discrimination

United States v. Fred C. Trump, Donald Trump, and Trump Management, Inc. | Civil Rights Litigation Clearinghouse

Oh?, dang he's in trouble now. Fucker.

doesn't change the fact that you wanted something that was pinned on him. & yet not anything ever was pinned on hillary. now pyramid dude, go ahead & argue that little factoid. oh...wait.... you can't.

tutt tutt.

as for anything more recently.... wait for mueller et al to finish up their investigations. why hasn't trump made good on his red line threat?

That is precious! ^^^ :laugh: :laugh: :lmao:
Let's get this thread back on track.


oh ok... that you are a complete bend over for cheetolini.... you've made that crystal clear, comrade.

I'm not sure why a picture of Trump as Captain America makes you think of sex,

and I don't care.

The rest of us will continue to enjoy that picture and similar ones that I post as intended, as heroic and somewhat humorous art, not sexual at all.

In that vein,


i certainly don't. but any psychiatrist would love to get inside YOUR head as to why YOU are posting that crap. i look at them & can't decide whether to laugh or to vomit
Let's get this thread back on track.


oh ok... that you are a complete bend over for cheetolini.... you've made that crystal clear, comrade.

I'm not sure why a picture of Trump as Captain America makes you think of sex,

and I don't care.

The rest of us will continue to enjoy that picture and similar ones that I post as intended, as heroic and somewhat humorous art, not sexual at all.

In that vein,


i certainly don't. but any psychiatrist would love to get inside YOUR head as to why YOU are posting that crap. i look at them & can't decide whether to laugh or to vomit

YOu could just ask, instead of making homophobic guesses.
Just for fun....Check out how long these investigations lasted (and the results)\


Should I go on????...........LOL

The collision investigation has turned up nothing in 10 months.

Watergate, the resignation of President Nixon for the coverup.

Whitewater Investigation, well that one produced, among other things the Impeachment of President Bill Clinton.

Benghazi proved the failure of Hillary Clinton and petulant former President Barack Hussein Obama.

And the other things from Whitewater:

William Jefferson Clinton, Former President of the United States and Democrat

Sexual Assault


Gennifer Flowers (Unknown settlement)

Paula Jones ($850,000 settlement)

Kathleen Willey (Unknown settlement)

Juanita Broaddrick (Unknown settlement)

Monica Lewinsky….(“I did not have sex with THAT woman”)



Loss of Law License

$50,000 fine


Arkansas Gov. Jim Guy Tucker - fraud felony convictions - 3 counts (Tucker

resigned facing impeachment)

Jim McDougal - fraud and conspiracy felony convictions - 18 counts

Susan McDougal - felony - 4 counts (pardoned during Clinton's last minute

pardongate payoffs)

William J. Marks Sr - conspiracy

Stephen Smith - conspiracy

Larry Kuca - Fraud

Neal Ainley - 2 misdemeanors for embezzlement

David Hale - guilty plea - conspiracy

Chris Wade - felony

Whitewater real-estate investor John Haley - recent!

1998 on fraud Robert Palmer - felony for conspiracy Charles Matthews - guilty

plea for bribery Eugene Fitzhugh -

Whitewater - bribery Webster Hubbell - #2 ranking Justice Dept. Official -

felony for embezzlement and fraud

John Latham - CEO of Madison Bank - bank fraud Campaign

Finance: Johnny Chung - Clinton cronie - felony guilty plea - funneling money from China

Gene Lum - convicted - felony for money laundering for the DNC

Nora Lum - convicted - felony for money laundering for the DNC

Howard Glicken - guilty plea - 2 midemeanors - funneling foreign donations

Yah Lin "Charlie" Trie - guilty plea - illegal Clinton campaign donations

John Huang - Clinton cronie - felony guilty plea - funneling money from China

Paula Jonesgate: William Jefferson Clinton - found guilty - civil contempt of court - lying under oath about material facts. The Office of the Independent

Council further presented Clinton with an agreement that had him disbarred from practicing law for 5 years and made him sign a statement admitting to his deception.

Post Administration

Sandy Bergergate Sandy Berger – Clinton National Security Adviser -- found guilty of stealing highly class documents from the National Archive and destroying them.

watergate took 2 years. & that was a cakewalk compared to the many layers & players involved in russia's game with us.
Let's get this thread back on track.


oh ok... that you are a complete bend over for cheetolini.... you've made that crystal clear, comrade.

I'm not sure why a picture of Trump as Captain America makes you think of sex,

and I don't care.

The rest of us will continue to enjoy that picture and similar ones that I post as intended, as heroic and somewhat humorous art, not sexual at all.

In that vein,


i certainly don't. but any psychiatrist would love to get inside YOUR head as to why YOU are posting that crap. i look at them & can't decide whether to laugh or to vomit

YOu could just ask, instead of making homophobic guesses.

lol.... i don't have to guess. at the very least a grown man posting that crap is the creepy one.
Let's get this thread back on track.


oh ok... that you are a complete bend over for cheetolini.... you've made that crystal clear, comrade.

I'm not sure why a picture of Trump as Captain America makes you think of sex,

and I don't care.

The rest of us will continue to enjoy that picture and similar ones that I post as intended, as heroic and somewhat humorous art, not sexual at all.

In that vein,


A BETTER and more REALISTIC picture of Trump "hard at work"......LOL

Well, definitely not the watergate one because she was only a working stiff. As for white water, lots of odd shit went on there. Same for Benghazi. That won't be a good mark on Obamas legacy, so it will be put on Hillary. Not surprised she ain't in jail. Jail is for us, not them.

She showed who she is from way back in the Watergate investigation. A crook and a liar. Without a question, NOTHING has changed. Unquestionably this is one of the reasons she is so beloved by Progressives. Whatever it takes, the end justifies the means!

"It turns when she was an attorney working on the Watergate investigation, she was fired by her supervisor for “lying, unethical behavior.”

Jerry Zeifman, who said he is a lifelong Democrat, was a supervisor for 27-year-old Hillary Rodham on the committee. When the investigation was complete, Zeifman said he fired Hillary and refused to give her a recommendation.
“Because she was a liar,” Zeifman said. “She was an unethical, dishonest lawyer. She conspired to violate the Constitution, the rules of the House, the rules of the committee and the rules of confidentiality."

Hillary Fired For “Lying, Unethical Behavior” on Watergate Committee

Fact Check
Hillary Clinton was not fired from the House Judiciary Committee's Watergate investigation by Chief Counsel Jerry Zeifman.

Hillary Clinton was fired from the House Judiciary Committee's Watergate investigation by Chief Counsel Jerry Zeifman. See Example(s)

Collected via e-mail, 2014

As a 27 year old staff attorney for the House Judiciary Committee during the Watergate investigation, Hillary Rodham was fired by her supervisor, lifelong Democrat Jerry Zeifman. When asked why Hillary Rodham was fired, Zeifman said in an interview, “Because she was a liar. She was an unethical, dishonest lawyer, she conspired to violate the Constitution, the rules of the House, the rules of the Committee, and the rules of confidentiality.”

FALSE :itsok:

FALSE: Jerry Zeifman Fired Hillary Clinton from the Watergate Investigation
Perhaps the MODs will interpret this as "too controversial"....but, ignorance is NO virtue

Trump business associate, Felix Sater, wrote a series of e-mails to Trump’s lawyer, Michael Cohen, in which he boasted about his ties to Putin and predicted that building a Trump Tower in Moscow would be a political boon to Trump’s candidacy.

“Buddy our boy can become president of the USA and we can engineer it,” Sater wrote in an e-mail. “I will get all of Putins team to buy in on this, I will manage this process.”

The e-mails show that, from the earliest months of Trump’s campaign, his associates viewed close ties with Moscow as a political advantage. Those ties are now under investigation by the Justice Department and multiple congressional committees.

“I will get Putin on this program and we will get Donald elected,”Sater wrote.

‘Our boy can become president . . . and we can engineer it,’ Trump ally said of Russia deal - The Boston Globe

Oh Look!
Yet another "Pulled It Out Of Their Ass News Network" fake News story.
Looks like Ole Nat got us again huh?
Well, definitely not the watergate one because she was only a working stiff. As for white water, lots of odd shit went on there. Same for Benghazi. That won't be a good mark on Obamas legacy, so it will be put on Hillary. Not surprised she ain't in jail. Jail is for us, not them.

She showed who she is from way back in the Watergate investigation. A crook and a liar. Without a question, NOTHING has changed. Unquestionably this is one of the reasons she is so beloved by Progressives. Whatever it takes, the end justifies the means!

"It turns when she was an attorney working on the Watergate investigation, she was fired by her supervisor for “lying, unethical behavior.”

Jerry Zeifman, who said he is a lifelong Democrat, was a supervisor for 27-year-old Hillary Rodham on the committee. When the investigation was complete, Zeifman said he fired Hillary and refused to give her a recommendation.
“Because she was a liar,” Zeifman said. “She was an unethical, dishonest lawyer. She conspired to violate the Constitution, the rules of the House, the rules of the committee and the rules of confidentiality."

Hillary Fired For “Lying, Unethical Behavior” on Watergate Committee

Fact Check
Hillary Clinton was not fired from the House Judiciary Committee's Watergate investigation by Chief Counsel Jerry Zeifman.

Hillary Clinton was fired from the House Judiciary Committee's Watergate investigation by Chief Counsel Jerry Zeifman. See Example(s)

Collected via e-mail, 2014

As a 27 year old staff attorney for the House Judiciary Committee during the Watergate investigation, Hillary Rodham was fired by her supervisor, lifelong Democrat Jerry Zeifman. When asked why Hillary Rodham was fired, Zeifman said in an interview, “Because she was a liar. She was an unethical, dishonest lawyer, she conspired to violate the Constitution, the rules of the House, the rules of the Committee, and the rules of confidentiality.”

FALSE :itsok:

FALSE: Jerry Zeifman Fired Hillary Clinton from the Watergate Investigation

Well, definitely not the watergate one because she was only a working stiff. As for white water, lots of odd shit went on there. Same for Benghazi. That won't be a good mark on Obamas legacy, so it will be put on Hillary. Not surprised she ain't in jail. Jail is for us, not them.

She showed who she is from way back in the Watergate investigation. A crook and a liar. Without a question, NOTHING has changed. Unquestionably this is one of the reasons she is so beloved by Progressives. Whatever it takes, the end justifies the means!

"It turns when she was an attorney working on the Watergate investigation, she was fired by her supervisor for “lying, unethical behavior.”

Jerry Zeifman, who said he is a lifelong Democrat, was a supervisor for 27-year-old Hillary Rodham on the committee. When the investigation was complete, Zeifman said he fired Hillary and refused to give her a recommendation.
“Because she was a liar,” Zeifman said. “She was an unethical, dishonest lawyer. She conspired to violate the Constitution, the rules of the House, the rules of the committee and the rules of confidentiality."

Hillary Fired For “Lying, Unethical Behavior” on Watergate Committee

Fact Check
Hillary Clinton was not fired from the House Judiciary Committee's Watergate investigation by Chief Counsel Jerry Zeifman.

Hillary Clinton was fired from the House Judiciary Committee's Watergate investigation by Chief Counsel Jerry Zeifman. See Example(s)

Collected via e-mail, 2014

As a 27 year old staff attorney for the House Judiciary Committee during the Watergate investigation, Hillary Rodham was fired by her supervisor, lifelong Democrat Jerry Zeifman. When asked why Hillary Rodham was fired, Zeifman said in an interview, “Because she was a liar. She was an unethical, dishonest lawyer, she conspired to violate the Constitution, the rules of the House, the rules of the Committee, and the rules of confidentiality.”

FALSE :itsok:

FALSE: Jerry Zeifman Fired Hillary Clinton from the Watergate Investigation

And? And republicans came up with the most vilest bs about Hill ALL lies
Watch Trump ,,He's the one who will benefit by many millions You really think he wanted the presidency out of the goodness of his heart ??? LOL
It's going to come down to how people are doing 4 years from now. If the economy is good Trump wins again.

All the social wedge issues like transvestites in bathrooms and blacks getting shot by cops benefit Republicans because they rally whites to vote and they discourage the oppressed. All the oppressed have to do is realize voting matters

he's not gonna make 4 years. i'll be surprised if he makes it to mid terms.
from your mouth to gods ear'd rather Pence?

Feinstein has bad news for you, eddie.....

Feinstein surprises SF crowd by expressing hope for Trump

Sen. Dianne Feinstein may be San Francisco’s favorite politician, but she quickly learned Tuesday evening that even a wildly popular ex-mayor can get into trouble if she tries to say something nice about President Trump.

Feinstein received a standing ovation from the 850 people at the sold-out Herbst Theater when she walked onto the stage for an hour-long “conversation” with former East Bay Rep. Ellen Tauscher. But near the end of the political lovefest, the senator shocked the crowd when she declined to say that Trump should be impeached, and warned the audience that they should expect to deal with the developer-turned politician for all four years of his term.

“The question is whether he can learn and change,” Feinstein told the crowd at the Commonwealth Club event. “If so, I believe he can be a good president.”
Feinstein surprises SF crowd by expressing hope for Trump

"....she declined to say that Trump should be impeached, and warned the audience that they should expect to deal with the developer-turned politician for all four years of his term."


Time for the Democrats to grow up?

pence is a fucking freak but he's not out of his orange gourd. besides- he's in as deep as any of the other players in this sick adventure we are on.... i'm looking at orin hatch in the oval office even b4 that lemur, paul ryan.
I wish they would make rex tillerson the POTUS. What a alpha male
Obama didn't do anything about North Korea because he wouldn't have had the evidence Trump has so the un wouldn't have gone along. North Korea has now hopefully crossed the world's red line if not like Obama Trump won't do shit about it.

And he will blame his predasessors
Let's get this thread back on track.


oh ok... that you are a complete bend over for cheetolini.... you've made that crystal clear, comrade.

I'm not sure why a picture of Trump as Captain America makes you think of sex,

and I don't care.

The rest of us will continue to enjoy that picture and similar ones that I post as intended, as heroic and somewhat humorous art, not sexual at all.

In that vein,


i certainly don't. but any psychiatrist would love to get inside YOUR head as to why YOU are posting that crap. i look at them & can't decide whether to laugh or to vomit

YOu could just ask, instead of making homophobic guesses.

lol.... i don't have to guess. at the very least a grown man posting that crap is the creepy one.

Actually, you DID guess, and you are the one that came up with creepy crap.

Typical liberal, would rather guess than ask a question.

And hold to that guess, no matter how stupid or absurd.
Let's get this thread back on track.


oh ok... that you are a complete bend over for cheetolini.... you've made that crystal clear, comrade.

I'm not sure why a picture of Trump as Captain America makes you think of sex,

and I don't care.

The rest of us will continue to enjoy that picture and similar ones that I post as intended, as heroic and somewhat humorous art, not sexual at all.

In that vein,


A BETTER and more REALISTIC picture of Trump "hard at work"......LOL


Don't be fooled by appearances.
Obama didn't do anything about North Korea because he wouldn't have had the evidence Trump has so the un wouldn't have gone along. North Korea has now hopefully crossed the world's red line if not like Obama Trump won't do shit about it.

And he will blame his predasessors

Obama didn't do anything about North Korea because he didn't want to be responsible for Seoul being shelled and tens of thousands being killed.
Well, definitely not the watergate one because she was only a working stiff. As for white water, lots of odd shit went on there. Same for Benghazi. That won't be a good mark on Obamas legacy, so it will be put on Hillary. Not surprised she ain't in jail. Jail is for us, not them.

She showed who she is from way back in the Watergate investigation. A crook and a liar. Without a question, NOTHING has changed. Unquestionably this is one of the reasons she is so beloved by Progressives. Whatever it takes, the end justifies the means!

"It turns when she was an attorney working on the Watergate investigation, she was fired by her supervisor for “lying, unethical behavior.”

Jerry Zeifman, who said he is a lifelong Democrat, was a supervisor for 27-year-old Hillary Rodham on the committee. When the investigation was complete, Zeifman said he fired Hillary and refused to give her a recommendation.
“Because she was a liar,” Zeifman said. “She was an unethical, dishonest lawyer. She conspired to violate the Constitution, the rules of the House, the rules of the committee and the rules of confidentiality."

Hillary Fired For “Lying, Unethical Behavior” on Watergate Committee

Fact Check
Hillary Clinton was not fired from the House Judiciary Committee's Watergate investigation by Chief Counsel Jerry Zeifman.

Hillary Clinton was fired from the House Judiciary Committee's Watergate investigation by Chief Counsel Jerry Zeifman. See Example(s)

Collected via e-mail, 2014

As a 27 year old staff attorney for the House Judiciary Committee during the Watergate investigation, Hillary Rodham was fired by her supervisor, lifelong Democrat Jerry Zeifman. When asked why Hillary Rodham was fired, Zeifman said in an interview, “Because she was a liar. She was an unethical, dishonest lawyer, she conspired to violate the Constitution, the rules of the House, the rules of the Committee, and the rules of confidentiality.”

FALSE :itsok:

FALSE: Jerry Zeifman Fired Hillary Clinton from the Watergate Investigation


lol...oh brother... :rolleyes:

It's going to come down to how people are doing 4 years from now. If the economy is good Trump wins again.

All the social wedge issues like transvestites in bathrooms and blacks getting shot by cops benefit Republicans because they rally whites to vote and they discourage the oppressed. All the oppressed have to do is realize voting matters

he's not gonna make 4 years. i'll be surprised if he makes it to mid terms.
from your mouth to gods ear'd rather Pence?

Feinstein has bad news for you, eddie.....

Feinstein surprises SF crowd by expressing hope for Trump

Sen. Dianne Feinstein may be San Francisco’s favorite politician, but she quickly learned Tuesday evening that even a wildly popular ex-mayor can get into trouble if she tries to say something nice about President Trump.

Feinstein received a standing ovation from the 850 people at the sold-out Herbst Theater when she walked onto the stage for an hour-long “conversation” with former East Bay Rep. Ellen Tauscher. But near the end of the political lovefest, the senator shocked the crowd when she declined to say that Trump should be impeached, and warned the audience that they should expect to deal with the developer-turned politician for all four years of his term.

“The question is whether he can learn and change,” Feinstein told the crowd at the Commonwealth Club event. “If so, I believe he can be a good president.”
Feinstein surprises SF crowd by expressing hope for Trump

"....she declined to say that Trump should be impeached, and warned the audience that they should expect to deal with the developer-turned politician for all four years of his term."


Time for the Democrats to grow up?

pence is a fucking freak but he's not out of his orange gourd. besides- he's in as deep as any of the other players in this sick adventure we are on.... i'm looking at orin hatch in the oval office even b4 that lemur, paul ryan.
I wish they would make rex tillerson the POTUS. What a alpha male

i thought the SOS was next in line after the speaker of the house--- but apparently it's orin hatch.

President Pro Tempore

The Constitution provides for a president pro tempore to preside over the Senate in the absence of the vice president. Except for the years from 1886 to 1947, the president pro tempore has been included in the presidential line of succession. Following passage of the Presidential Succession Act of 1792, the president pro tempore was next in line after the vice president, and followed by the speaker of the House of Representatives. In 1886 a new law removed the president pro tempore and the speaker from the line of succession, substituting cabinet officers. A 1947 law changed the order of succession to place the Speaker of the House in line after the vice president, followed by the president pro tempore, and then the secretary of state and other cabinet officers in order of their departments' creation. This is the system in effect today.

U.S. Senate: President Pro Tempore
oh ok... that you are a complete bend over for cheetolini.... you've made that crystal clear, comrade.

I'm not sure why a picture of Trump as Captain America makes you think of sex,

and I don't care.

The rest of us will continue to enjoy that picture and similar ones that I post as intended, as heroic and somewhat humorous art, not sexual at all.

In that vein,


i certainly don't. but any psychiatrist would love to get inside YOUR head as to why YOU are posting that crap. i look at them & can't decide whether to laugh or to vomit

YOu could just ask, instead of making homophobic guesses.

lol.... i don't have to guess. at the very least a grown man posting that crap is the creepy one.

Actually, you DID guess, and you are the one that came up with creepy crap.

Typical liberal, would rather guess than ask a question.

And hold to that guess, no matter how stupid or absurd.

oh please... spare me the drama, comrade. i don't care one way or the other whether the gay has a shine on you or not. i really don't care why you post cartoons portraying trump the way you do; in both a graphic novel & romance novel likeness.... it is weird. no 2 ways about it. you should stick to normal comic con sillyness.... that at least makes some sense.

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