How can you EVER spin this, right wingers?

I'm not sure why a picture of Trump as Captain America makes you think of sex,

and I don't care.

The rest of us will continue to enjoy that picture and similar ones that I post as intended, as heroic and somewhat humorous art, not sexual at all.

In that vein,


i certainly don't. but any psychiatrist would love to get inside YOUR head as to why YOU are posting that crap. i look at them & can't decide whether to laugh or to vomit

YOu could just ask, instead of making homophobic guesses.

lol.... i don't have to guess. at the very least a grown man posting that crap is the creepy one.

Actually, you DID guess, and you are the one that came up with creepy crap.

Typical liberal, would rather guess than ask a question.

And hold to that guess, no matter how stupid or absurd.

oh please... spare me the drama, comrade. i don't care one way or the other whether the gay has a shine on you or not. i really don't care why you post cartoons portraying trump the way you do; in both a graphic novel & romance novel likeness.... it is weird. no 2 ways about it. you should stick to normal comic con sillyness.... that at least makes some sense.

Mmm, no drama.

You did guess and the first thing that came into your mind was gay sexy.

That's you being creepy. YOU.

Have some more while we are at it.

^^^.... oh my lord... ^^^

how fucking old ARE you? ever hear of arrested development? & i don't mean the tv show. that's ok comrade.... i no longer expect you to get the abstract & when you are being mocked in that way.
^^^.... oh my lord... ^^^

how fucking old ARE you? ever hear of arrested development? & i don't mean the tv show. that's ok comrade.... i no longer expect you to get the abstract & when you are being mocked in that way.

You're making homophobic slurs. Don't try to pretend that you are taking the high road here, lefty.
^^^.... oh my lord... ^^^

how fucking old ARE you? ever hear of arrested development? & i don't mean the tv show. that's ok comrade.... i no longer expect you to get the abstract & when you are being mocked in that way.

You're making homophobic slurs. Don't try to pretend that you are taking the high road here, lefty.

hardly drama queen..... hardly. it's all about the intent. get off the stage- there will be no tony for you.
^^^.... oh my lord... ^^^

how fucking old ARE you? ever hear of arrested development? & i don't mean the tv show. that's ok comrade.... i no longer expect you to get the abstract & when you are being mocked in that way.

You're making homophobic slurs. Don't try to pretend that you are taking the high road here, lefty.

hardly drama queen..... hardly. it's all about the intent. get off the stage- there will be no tony for you.


You imagine that you know my intent? Because so far, you're batting a big zero with reading my mind.
^^^.... oh my lord... ^^^

how fucking old ARE you? ever hear of arrested development? & i don't mean the tv show. that's ok comrade.... i no longer expect you to get the abstract & when you are being mocked in that way.

You're making homophobic slurs. Don't try to pretend that you are taking the high road here, lefty.

hardly drama queen..... hardly. it's all about the intent. get off the stage- there will be no tony for you.


You imagine that you know my intent? Because so far, you're batting a big zero with reading my mind.

no dummy. MY intent. poking you with a stick to get a rise outa you is all i'm doing. MY intent is not using 'gay slurs' ... in a vicious way. my my- if i said something about showtunes or owning a floral shop to any GAY FRIENDS i hang with--- they would get it & know exactly the intent i had.

stop being a PC buttercup, comrade. you are suppose to be a tough trumpanzee.

own it... love it...
^^^.... oh my lord... ^^^

how fucking old ARE you? ever hear of arrested development? & i don't mean the tv show. that's ok comrade.... i no longer expect you to get the abstract & when you are being mocked in that way.

You're making homophobic slurs. Don't try to pretend that you are taking the high road here, lefty.

hardly drama queen..... hardly. it's all about the intent. get off the stage- there will be no tony for you.


You imagine that you know my intent? Because so far, you're batting a big zero with reading my mind.

no dummy. MY intent. poking you with a stick to get a rise outa you is all i'm doing. MY intent is not using 'gay slurs' ... in a vicious way. my my- if i said something about showtunes or owning a floral shop to any GAY FRIENDS i hang with--- they would get it & know exactly the intent i had.

stop being a PC buttercup, comrade. you are suppose to be a tough trumpanzee.

own it... love it...

I'm just always amused by the massive hypocrisy of the Left.

They can imagine they see this or that type of bigotry, in the most innocent shit, but they are allowed to openly use bigoted slurs and it is cool.

And, keeping it real, since you thought sex with all the MALE posters, what about this one? sexy or gross?

he's not gonna make 4 years. i'll be surprised if he makes it to mid terms.
from your mouth to gods ear'd rather Pence?

Feinstein has bad news for you, eddie.....

Feinstein surprises SF crowd by expressing hope for Trump

Sen. Dianne Feinstein may be San Francisco’s favorite politician, but she quickly learned Tuesday evening that even a wildly popular ex-mayor can get into trouble if she tries to say something nice about President Trump.

Feinstein received a standing ovation from the 850 people at the sold-out Herbst Theater when she walked onto the stage for an hour-long “conversation” with former East Bay Rep. Ellen Tauscher. But near the end of the political lovefest, the senator shocked the crowd when she declined to say that Trump should be impeached, and warned the audience that they should expect to deal with the developer-turned politician for all four years of his term.

“The question is whether he can learn and change,” Feinstein told the crowd at the Commonwealth Club event. “If so, I believe he can be a good president.”
Feinstein surprises SF crowd by expressing hope for Trump

"....she declined to say that Trump should be impeached, and warned the audience that they should expect to deal with the developer-turned politician for all four years of his term."


Time for the Democrats to grow up?

pence is a fucking freak but he's not out of his orange gourd. besides- he's in as deep as any of the other players in this sick adventure we are on.... i'm looking at orin hatch in the oval office even b4 that lemur, paul ryan.
I wish they would make rex tillerson the POTUS. What a alpha male

i thought the SOS was next in line after the speaker of the house--- but apparently it's orin hatch.

President Pro Tempore

The Constitution provides for a president pro tempore to preside over the Senate in the absence of the vice president. Except for the years from 1886 to 1947, the president pro tempore has been included in the presidential line of succession. Following passage of the Presidential Succession Act of 1792, the president pro tempore was next in line after the vice president, and followed by the speaker of the House of Representatives. In 1886 a new law removed the president pro tempore and the speaker from the line of succession, substituting cabinet officers. A 1947 law changed the order of succession to place the Speaker of the House in line after the vice president, followed by the president pro tempore, and then the secretary of state and other cabinet officers in order of their departments' creation. This is the system in effect today.

U.S. Senate: President Pro Tempore

Well it should go Trump Pence then Hillary

Americans must be informed and made aware that the Russians put Donald Trump in the White House.

I think you mean Hillary did it. If she had been even moderately better, she would have won easily. That's what people need to be aware of.

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No, retard, 304 electoral votes put Trump in the White House and only 227 kept your bitch out of it. How's that for something that can be proven?

Let me remind you once again...LOL..

"Buddy our boy can become president of the USA and we can engineer it,”

And, as has been posted multiple times, how exactly did they do that? Are we supposed to just believe it cause we like hate Trump, and reasons?

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Perhaps the MODs will interpret this as "too controversial"....but, ignorance is NO virtue

Trump business associate, Felix Sater, wrote a series of e-mails to Trump’s lawyer, Michael Cohen, in which he boasted about his ties to Putin and predicted that building a Trump Tower in Moscow would be a political boon to Trump’s candidacy.

“Buddy our boy can become president of the USA and we can engineer it,” Sater wrote in an e-mail. “I will get all of Putins team to buy in on this, I will manage this process.”

The e-mails show that, from the earliest months of Trump’s campaign, his associates viewed close ties with Moscow as a political advantage. Those ties are now under investigation by the Justice Department and multiple congressional committees.

“I will get Putin on this program and we will get Donald elected,”Sater wrote.

‘Our boy can become president . . . and we can engineer it,’ Trump ally said of Russia deal - The Boston Globe
This needs some spinning too
Just 10 days before Hurricane Harvey descended upon Texas on Friday, wreaking havoc and submerging hundreds of miles of land under water, President Donald Trump signed an executive order revoking a set of regulations that would have made federally-funded infrastructure less vulnerable to flooding.

The Obama-era rules, which had not yet gone into effect, would have required the federal government to take into account the risk of flooding and sea-level rise as a result of climate change when constructing new infrastructure and rebuilding after disasters.

Given that 10 days has zero effect on the readiness of an area to deal with flood waters, it's a meaningless post. No spin needed.

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Americans must be informed and made aware that the Russians put Donald Trump in the White House.

Yes, but Trump ass-kissers consider this an "inconvenient truth"........So they're putting their heads even further up their sorry asses........LOL

America's worst enemy.

For more than a year now, I've been astounded at RWNJs open treason. Now they're openly fascist nazis.

In any event, this is just more evidence that pino trump is Putin's puppet and so are the trumpanzees.


I know it can't be true, but you're starting to sound like you actually believe that.

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Mmm, no, that in no way means that.

That is the Voices in Your Head lying to you.

When you call a 71 year old infantile moron, "OUR BOY".....some conclusions could be made....LOL

Thank goodness we don't have any of those in the White House. That would be bad. We came close enough with Crazy Uncle Joe.

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That would mean something if we used overall popular vote to pick the President. We don't. That you idiots keeps harping on it proves you don't understand how we do or why such a system was put in place.

True.......The electoral College(and Putin) chose Trump.....
BUT, the American voters DID NOT........LOL

Where did Putin vote?

Apparently everywhere.

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That would mean something if we used overall popular vote to pick the President. We don't. That you idiots keeps harping on it proves you don't understand how we do or why such a system was put in place.

True.......The electoral College(and Putin) chose Trump.....
BUT, the American voters DID NOT........LOL

The American voters chose how the electoral votes were divided. That's how the process works and it's clear you don't understand it fully nor why it was created that way.
Bush was outvoted too Trump and gwb 2 stabs in Americas heart,,,,,both outvoted

And totally irrelevant to becoming president.

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The American voters chose how the electoral votes were divided. That's how the process works and it's clear you don't understand it fully nor why it was created that way.
Bush was outvoted too Trump and gwb 2 stabs in Americas heart,,,,,both outvoted

Electoral college vote 2000 - Bush (271) Gore (266)

Electoral college vote 2004 - Bush (286) Kerry (251)

Electoral vote 2016 - Trump (304) Clinton (227)

Please learn how the system works before responding again.

You're such an optimist!

I can't understand why people like eddie don't get it. In every election for President since G. Washington's first victory, with the exception of 1800 and 1824 which were chosen by the House based on the Constitution, the person becoming President received a majority of electoral votes. Not once was the overall popular vote ever considered in any of them.
So lets just ignore the MAJORITY of citizens voting?

That's exactly what the electoral college does, by design. Are you starting to understand now?

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The American voters chose how the electoral votes were divided. That's how the process works and it's clear you don't understand it fully nor why it was created that way.
Bush was outvoted too Trump and gwb 2 stabs in Americas heart,,,,,both outvoted

Electoral college vote 2000 - Bush (271) Gore (266)

Electoral college vote 2004 - Bush (286) Kerry (251)

Electoral vote 2016 - Trump (304) Clinton (227)

Please learn how the system works before responding again.
We all know to our despair how the system works We think it's wrong The way it works it got us gwb and now trump the biggest crappola ever to enter our WH

You couldn't explain it in any detail if your life depended on it. If all of you knew, there would be no mention of nationwide popular vote in your answers unless you're willing to say you think irrelevant information matters.
The majority is irrelevant?? you MUST be a republican

When it comes to electing the president, the majority IS irrelevant. That's what classes on the American system of government try to teach kids. Apparently it's not working so well.

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The American voters chose how the electoral votes were divided. That's how the process works and it's clear you don't understand it fully nor why it was created that way.

You and your fellow right wingers can claim that the electoral college voted this orange clown in....BUT, refrain from saying that the American voters allowed this idiot in the WH......Its just NOT true.

Hillary couldn't beat him. That's reality.

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